Did you know there are over 4,000 species of wasps in North America alone?
These fascinating creatures come in various shapes and sizes, many of which can be found in Missouri. Yes, there are many types of wasps in Missouri.
This blog post will discuss the different types of wasps in Missouri, the Show Me State.
You’ll surely learn something new about these incredible creatures, from paper wasps and mud daubers to cicada killers and yellowjackets.
1. Braconid Wasp

Braconid wasps are some of the most common types of wasps in Missouri. They range in size from very small to larger than a dime.
The bodies of these wasps are usually black or brown with white, yellow, or red markings.
Most braconids feed on other insects and larvae, making them beneficial for controlling pest populations.
These wasps live in large colonies and build mud nests, sometimes high up in trees or under eaves.
It’s important to remember that while they are not generally aggressive, they may sting if provoked.
Braconids, as types of wasps in Missouri, can be identified by their slender bodies and long antennae.
They have four wings, which they use to fly and to protect their nest from predators.
While removing their nests from your property may be tempting, it’s best to leave them alone as they are important for controlling insect populations.
However, keeping an eye out for nests near your home is a good idea, as it will allow you to take action if pest activity increases.
2. Common Thread-Waisted Wasp

The Common Thread-waisted Wasp is a species of wasp native to Missouri.
These wasps are small, reaching only about 1/2 inch long. They have a slender thread-like waist and an elongated black body.
They are often found near flowers and other plants, feeding on nectar and pollen.
Common Thread-waisted Wasps also hunt other insects, using their long proboscis to capture prey and carry it back to their nest.
These wasps’ nests are usually constructed in soil cavities or beneath debris, and the cells contain larvae.
Though not aggressive, the Common Thread-waisted Wasp can become territorial if disturbed and will sting if provoked.
However, these wasps do not pose any serious threat to humans and can even be beneficial in controlling pest populations.
If you encounter one of these wasps in your yard or garden, it’s best to leave it be.
3. Cuckoo Wasp

Cuckoo wasps are a type of parasitic wasp found in Missouri. These small wasps can vary in color from metallic blues and greens to purples and oranges.
They use their long ovipositor to parasitize other insects, especially other species of solitary bees and wasps.
Cuckoo wasps, one of the types of wasps in Missouri, benefit the environment by helping control insect pests.
However, they can be considered a nuisance when they occur in large numbers.
Though cuckoo wasps have a wide range of hosts, they have been found to parasitize the nests of other solitary bees and wasps, most commonly.
These include mason bees, leaf-cutter bees, digger bees, carpenter bees, sweat bees, and mud daubers.
This behavior also gives them their name, as they lay their eggs in the nest cells of their hosts rather than building their own nest.
When the larvae hatch, they feed off the provisions stored for the host’s offspring.
Cuckoo wasps can be considered pests, but they benefit the environment due to their role in pest control.
Since they parasitize other insects, they help to keep pest populations in check, reducing the need for chemical treatments.
Some cuckoo wasps feed on pollen and nectar, making them important pollinators.
4. Double-Banded Scoliid Wasp

The Double-banded Scoliid Wasp is one of Missouri‘s most common wasps.
These wasps measure around 1 inch long and have yellow and black stripes on their bodies, with blackheads and red eyes.
This wasp species is known for its fierce predatory instincts, and its larvae are often used as biological control agents against pest insects.
The Double-banded Scoliid Wasp, which is on Missouri‘s list of various types of wasps, is most active during the late summer and fall.
This makes it a great addition to the backyard garden as it helps to keep pests at bay.
5. European Paper Wasp

The European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) is also one of Missouri’s most common types of wasps.
This species has a black and yellow color pattern, and its body is about one-half inch long.
They are social insects that build paper nests in exposed locations, such as on tree branches, decks, walls, and other structures.
This species of wasp can be a nuisance to people due to their aggressive behavior if they feel threatened.
If a nest is located near people or pets, it should be removed to avoid injury or an uncomfortable encounter.
6. Five-Banded Thynnid Wasp

The Five-banded Thynnid Wasp, also known as Myzinum quinquecintum, is a species of wasp found in Missouri.
Small, solitary wasps are generally black with yellow stripes or bands across their bodies.
They are very common and can often be seen buzzing around flowers in search of food.
They feed on nectar and pollen and build their nests in wood or other materials like mud or clay.
The Five-banded Thynnid Wasp is important to the ecosystem because it helps to control the populations of other insects, such as caterpillars, by eating them.
These wasps benefit gardeners and farmers because they help keep harmful insects from destroying plants.
However, these types of wasps in Missouri can be annoying when they fly around your head or sting you if provoked.
Therefore, it is important to be aware of these wasps and be cautious around them.
If you are allergic to their sting, it is best to avoid them or wear protective clothing when working in the garden.
7. Four-Toothed Mason Wasp

The four-toothed mason wasp is a type of wasp commonly found in Missouri.
It is dark brown with yellowish markings on its abdomen. Its head is triangular, and its antennae are long and slender.
This wasp lives in wooded areas such as deciduous forests but can also be found in suburban areas.
The female of the species builds a nest from clay mixed with plant fibers and uses it to lay her eggs. Males may patrol around the nest or mate with the female.
These wasps are generally beneficial because they are predators of caterpillars and other soft-bodied insects.
They can become a nuisance if their nests are built close to homes or other structures.
8. Giant Ichneumon Wasp

The Giant Ichneumon Wasp – M. atrata, is one of Missouri’s many species of wasps.
This large wasp is black and orange, with a wingspan of up to four inches.
It has a long body and a large ovipositor for laying eggs. The female of this species is very aggressive and has been known to sting when provoked.
The Giant Ichneumon Wasp is usually found near rotting logs, stumps, and decaying plant matter.
It uses its large ovipositor to inject eggs into wood-boring larvae and then lays them on them.
The Giant Ichneumon Wasp benefits the environment because it helps control insect populations.
It also serves as an important pollinator, helping to spread pollen from one flower to another.
As a result, this wasp is one of the types in Missouri that helps to ensure that plants and trees can continue flourishing.
The Giant Ichneumon Wasp is found throughout Missouri, though it is more common in the southern parts of the state.
While it is important to be aware of their presence and treat them respectfully, it is also important to understand their role in the ecosystem and appreciate their beauty.
9. Great Black Wasp

The Great Black Wasp is a common type of wasp found in Missouri. It is a large, black-colored wasp with a body length of up to 1 inch and a wingspan of up to 2 inches.
The species is part of the family Sphecidae and is a solitary digger wasp.
This species is usually found in open fields, gardens, and wooded areas. There, it hunts for its prey, which includes grasshoppers, crickets, and other insects.
They will also scavenge for food, such as nectar and pollen, and use it to make nests in protected spots in trees or burrows in the ground.
The Great Black Wasp is considered beneficial as they are a natural predator of many destructive pests.
The Great Black Wasp can be quite aggressive if disturbed or threatened. Its sting is considered painful and dangerous if not treated quickly.
Despite their aggressive nature, the Great Black Wasp is an important part of the ecological balance in Missouri and should be respected for its important role.
10. Great Golden Digger

The Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus) is a type of wasp commonly found in Missouri.
This large wasp is slender and mostly golden or yellowish with black markings.
It has a wingspan of up to 2 inches and can be found hovering around flowers and on the ground searching for food.
The Great Golden Digger Wasp feeds on nectar and insects, and its larvae feed mainly on beetle larvae.
Although it looks intimidating, the Great Golden Digger Wasp is harmless and does not threaten humans.
It is also included in our list of Missouri’s different types of wasps!
11. Horntail Wasp

Horntail wasps, or Urocerus species, are parasitoid wasps found in Missouri. These large wasps have black bodies and yellow stripes on their abdomens.
They are typically about 1 inch long, making them one of the larger wasp species in the state.
The females of the species lay their eggs in dead wood, where their larvae feed on the wood-boring beetle grubs beneath the bark.
Horntail wasps do not threaten humans but can be intimidating due to their size and buzzing sound.
This is one of the important types of wasps you should know about in Missouri.
12. Ichneumon Wasp

The Ichneumon Wasp, also known as Diradops bethunei, is a species of parasitic types of wasps in Missouri.
These wasps are typically black and red and measure around 10 to 15 millimeters in length.
The Ichneumon Wasp has a long ovipositor, which it uses to lay its eggs on the larvae of other insects.
The Ichneumon Wasp’s larvae feed on their hosts’ internal organs, eventually killing them.
While these wasps can be beneficial for controlling pest populations, they should still be cautiously handled as they can sting if provoked.
13. Large Four-Spotted Scoliid Wasp

The large four-spotted scoliid wasp is one of the most recognizable types of wasps in Missouri.
It has four bold yellow and black spots on its abdomen and a long, pointed tail.
It is commonly seen hovering around plants and flowers, as it feeds off nectar and pollen. They also hunt and capture small prey, such as spiders and caterpillars.
The larvae feed on the prey the adults have captured and then pupate in underground chambers.
They have many habitats but are most commonly found in gardens and woodlands. They are a valuable part of the food chain and help to control insect populations.
14. Metric Paper Wasp

The Metric Paper Wasp (Polistes metricus) is a type of wasp found in Missouri. These wasps are commonly found near wooded areas, on the ground, and in low vegetation.
The adults of these wasps are black with yellow stripes and have a wingspan of around 1 inch.
They feed mainly on nectar, and the larvae feed on caterpillars.
They nest in small colonies, usually with a few individuals. They often build nests hidden in crevices or under loose tree bark.
These wasps are solitary predators important to Missouri’s ecology as they help control caterpillar populations.
They can also act as pollinators of many flowers, helping them to spread their pollen.
As with many other types of wasps in Missouri, they can be a nuisance when they come into contact with humans.
However, if left alone, they pose no real threat and can benefit the local environment.
15. Giant Ichneumon Wasp

Norton’s Giant Ichneumon Wasp is a type of wasp native to Missouri.
The wasp has an impressive wingspan of up to two inches, and its body is reddish-brown with yellow accents.
The giant ichneumon wasp is a parasite of horntail wasps. It paralyzes the insect before laying an egg inside its body.
The female wasp burrows into the tree, creating a nest for the egg and providing food for the growing larva.
Norton’s giant ichneumon wasp can be found throughout Missouri, although it is less common in southern areas.
It is an important part of the local ecosystem, helping to control populations of wood-boring insects that could damage trees and other plants.
16. Northern Paper Wasp

The Northern Paper Wasp is an aggressive and common wasp found in Missouri. They are a type of social wasp, living in small colonies of up to 20 individuals.
They build paper nests from chewed wood pulp and saliva in sheltered locations like eaves, attics, and wall cavities.
These wasps are most commonly seen in the spring and summer when actively foraging for food.
Northern Paper Wasps are one of the types of wasps in Missouri. They can be identified by their bright yellow-orange coloring and long, slender bodies.
Northern Paper Wasps feed on various insects and spiders, making them beneficial predators in controlling local pest populations.
However, they will also attack people if they feel threatened or disturbed, so it is important to take precautionary measures when dealing with these pests.
For most people, removing the nest and treating the area with an insecticide should be enough to keep these wasps away.
17. Potter Wasp

The Potter Wasp is a member of the Eumenidae family and is found throughout Missouri.
This type of wasp is easily identified by its black and yellow stripes and a white stripe on its abdomen.
They are solitary, ground-nesting insects usually nest in rotting wood or under rocks and logs.
Potter Wasps construct their nests from mud and small stones, forming mud “pots” that they line with silk.
Potter Wasps, which are wasps in Missouri, feed on nectar and other sugary substances and small insects.
They are important pollinators in Missouri and beneficial for controlling the populations of various insects.
18. Red Paper Wasp

The Red Paper Wasp (Polistes spp.) is one of Missouri’s most common types of wasps.
Their black and red striped bodies and yellow abdomens distinguish these large, colorful insects.
Red Paper Wasps build large, open paper nests, often hanging from tree branches or other structures.
They feed on insects, caterpillars, and aphids and can be seen foraging in gardens and meadows.
Red Paper Wasps are not aggressive and will usually only sting if provoked. If you encounter a nest, it is best to leave it alone and observe from a safe distance.
19. Ringed Paper Wasp

The Ringed Paper Wasp (Polistes annularis) is a wasp native to Missouri and found throughout the central United States.
It is most recognizable for its yellow-orange color, black-tipped antennae, and black rings around its body.
The wasp is often found in areas with plenty of vegetation, such as meadows and parks. It has a stinger and will be used in self-defense if threatened.
Ringed Paper Wasps build nests of paper cells that they fashion from chewed-up wood fibers.
They prefer to build nests in sheltered places, such as under tree branches or roofs. In Missouri, there are types of wasps that feed on nectar, aphids, and other insects.
Meanwhile, the wasps are social, living in colonies of up to several hundred individuals. One queen heads these colonies, which can last several years.
20. Sand Wasp

The Sand Wasp, or Bembix spp., is a species of wasp found in Missouri.
They are typically between 3/8 and 5/8 inches long, black, with yellow bands on the abdomen and a pale yellow thorax.
They are also known as sand-burrowing wasps, and they make their nests by burrowing into the ground in sandy or gravel areas.
Sand wasps, one of the different types in Missouri, are predators that feed on small arthropods. They are solitary, non-aggressive, and harmless to humans.
The sand wasp is a beneficial garden insect because it helps control pest populations by preying on other insects. It also feeds on pollen, nectar, and honeydew from plants.
The Sand Wasp is an important pollinator of flowers in Missouri, and its presence can help the growth and health of native plants.
21. Short-Tailed Ichneumon Wasp

The Short-tailed Ichneumon Wasp is a type of wasp native to Missouri.
This wasp species is easily identifiable by its large black and yellow body, which often has short wings.
It is typically found in wooded areas and prefers areas with deciduous trees.
The Short-Tailed Ichneumon Wasp feeds on wood-boring insects, such as carpenter ants and beetles.
They can also be seen feeding on caterpillars, flies, and grasshoppers.
These wasps are also types of wasps in Missouri that are non-aggressive and rarely sting people or pets.
Short-tailed Ichneumon Wasps benefit humans because they help control pests in our gardens and homes.
They can effectively control certain species of insects that could otherwise damage crops or vegetation.
They can also help to keep the insect population in check.
By controlling pests, these wasps can also help to maintain a healthy balance between predators and prey.
22. Squarehead Wasp

The Squarehead Wasp is a solitary wasp found in Missouri. It is named for its distinctive square head, usually black or dark brown.
They have long bodies and short wings and grow to a length of up to 3/4 of an inch.
Missouri‘s particular types of wasps are found in open areas, including grasslands and fields.
They are also commonly found near flowers and other nectar-producing plants. They feed mainly on nectar but will also eat small insects.
Squarehead Wasps are most active during the summer months, from May to August. They can often be seen hovering around flowers in search of food.
These wasps help to pollinate plants and play an important role in Missouri’s ecosystems.
They are not aggressive and do not threaten humans so that they can be admired from a distance.