23 Different Types of Guppies

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Photo by Zucky123

Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater fish species in the hobby, but some people aren’t aware that there are many different types of guppies in the world!

While they all look relatively similar and belong to the same family, Poecilia reticulata, there are subtle differences between them. 

The coloring of each guppy varies slightly, along with their finnage, face patterning, body shape, and markings on their tail.

Here is an overview of some common different types of guppies that you may encounter while shopping at your local pet store or online retailer.

1. Roundtail

The roundtail guppy is a species of freshwater fish that is native to Trinidad and Tobago. Roundtail guppies are characterized by rounded tails, which can be solid or marbled. Roundtail guppies are also known for their large fins and long bodies. 

Male roundtail guppies are usually brightly colored, while females are typically drabber. Roundtail guppies can grow to be up to three inches in length.

2. Lyretail

The Lyretail guppy is one of the most popular different types of guppies. They have a beautiful tail that resembles a lyre, hence their name. Plus, they come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. While not the easiest type of guppy, they’re worth the effort.

3. Triangle Tail

The triangle tail is one of the most popular types of guppy tails. This tail shape gets its name from how the fins taper down to a point at the end.

Triangle tails can come in various colors and patterns and are known for being hardy and easy to care for. If you’re looking for a beautiful fish that is easy to keep, a triangle-tail guppy might be the perfect choice!

4. Fancy Guppy

The Fancy Guppy is one of the most popular guppies, and it’s easy to see why. These fish are brightly colored and have long flowing fins, and they’re also relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner aquarium enthusiasts. A Fancy Guppy is a great option if you’re looking for a beautiful fish to add to your tank.

5. Endler’s Guppy

The Endler’s Guppy is a type of guppy native to South America. They are named after John Endler, the first person to study them in the wild.

Endler’s Guppies are small fish, usually only growing about an inch long. They have brightly colored bodies and fins; males often have longer fins than females

These fish are livebearers, which means they give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. Endler’s Guppies are popular in the aquarium trade and make good pets for beginner fishkeepers.

6. Swamp Guppy

The swamp guppy is a variety of guppy characterized by its brown and green coloration. These different guppies are native to the swamps and marshes of South America. 

Swamp guppies are known for their hardiness and ability to thrive in less-than-ideal conditions. The swamp guppy is a good choice if you’re looking for a guppy that can withstand neglect.

7. Fantail 

The Fantail is one of the most popular guppies and is easily recognizable by its tail. The Fantail has a beautiful, flowing tail that is often compared to a butterfly.

They come in various colors: blue, green, yellow, and red. Fantails are known to be peaceful fish and a great addition to any community tank. 

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Guppies do not typically grow very large, making them a good starter pet for young children. The Fantail is an egg layer, meaning it will lay eggs instead of giving birth to live fry like other guppies.

8. Veiltail

The Veiltail is a guppy with a long, flowing tail. The fins are usually transparent or have a very light coloration. The body is torpedo-shaped and can be either short or long. 

Veiltails are among the most popular guppies because of their beauty and graceful swimming movements. Male details can also come in four colors: red, blue, green, and yellow.

9. Snakeskin Guppies

The first type of guppy on our list is the snakeskin guppy! As you can probably guess from their name, these fish have a unique pattern on their bodies that looks a lot like snakeskin.

These different guppies are also known for being one of the longest-lived guppy species, with some individuals living for up to five years. Snakeskin guppies are a great choice if you’re looking for a beautiful and hardy fish to add to your aquarium!

10. Cobra Guppies

The Cobra Guppy is a beautiful type of guppy that has unique markings. They are named after cobra snakes because their markings resemble a cobra’s head. They are popular among fish enthusiasts because of their unique appearance and cobra guppies make great additions to aquariums.

11. Pintail

The Pintail guppy is a beautiful fish that is popular among aquarium enthusiasts. They are easy to care for and make a great addition to any freshwater tank. Pintail guppies come in various colors, including blue, green, yellow, and red. 

They are named for their long, slender tails resembling a pintail duck’s tail. Pintail guppies are peaceful fish that get along well with other tank mates, and they are not aggressive and will not bother other fish in the tank.

12. Half-Moon Tail

The Half-Moon Tail guppy is one of the most popular guppies. They are easily recognizable by their large, round tails that resemble a half-moon. These beautiful fish come in various colors: blue, green, yellow, and red. 

Half-Moon Tail guppies are relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium.

Like all other guppies, they require plenty of oxygen and a constant temperature. Live plants in your tank will help clean water and shelter your little fish friends.

13. Top Swordtail

The Top Swordtail is a guppy characterized by its long, flowing tail. This fish is a popular choice for aquariums because it is relatively easy to care for and has a striking appearance.

The Top Swordtail is a peaceful fish that gets along well with other tank mates. It is an omnivore, so it will eat both plants and meaty foods.

It would be best to feed your Top Swordtail a varied diet of small live or frozen worms, algae wafers, tubifex worms, and shrimp pellets.

Like all different types of guppies, the Top Swordtail reproduces quickly. If you plan on breeding these fish in your tank, ensure you have at least three females for every male.

14. Double Swordtail

The Double Swordtail is a beautiful guppy easily recognizable by its long, flowing tail. The Double male Swordtail has two nearly equal lengths, while the female has a shorter tail. This guppy is a peaceful fish that does well in community tanks. 

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It is an easy fish to care for and can live properly for up to three years. One thing to remember when keeping these different types of guppies is that they will not tolerate other males living in their territory. They should be kept with at least one female or alone if possible.

15. Bottom Swordtail

The Bottom Swordtail is a guppy named for its long, sword-like tail. This variety is one of the most popular guppies known for being easy to care for.

Bottom Swordtails are peaceful fish that can be kept with other peaceful fish, and they are hardy and can live in a wide range of water conditions. 

Their personality makes them excellent community fish as they will not attack other fish or their tank mates. Bottom Swordtails come in various colors, such as red, black, white, orange, and blue.

16. Scarf Tail

One of the most common types of guppies, the scarf tail, is named for its long, flowing tail resembling a scarf.

These guppies are available in many colors, from bright orange to deep blue. While they are not the most colorful guppy, they are certainly the most popular. 

These fish are often used as starter pets because they have short lifespans and don’t require much care or maintenance. They grow to an average size of 3 inches and live up to 2 years.

17. Cofer Tail

The Cofer Tail is a type of guppy that is characterized by its long, flowing tail. This tail can reach up to twice the length of the body and is often decorated with beautiful patterns. Cofer Tails are named after their creator, Carl Cofer. 

These fish are known for being very peaceful and easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists.

Some hobbyists use these fish as tank mates for livebearers, such as platys, because they enjoy cleaning the algae off the livebearers’ scales. 

One thing to be aware of when keeping this type of guppy is that they can be aggressive when it comes to food; if you are using a flake or pellet food in your tank, make sure not to leave any uneaten bits in the water, or your Cofer Tail may start chasing other fish around looking for more!

18. Neon Blue Guppy

The Neon Blue Guppy is a beautiful fish that will add color to your aquarium. This type of guppy is known for its vibrant blue coloration and long fins. Neon Blue Guppies are popular with many aquarists because of their stunning appearance. 

These fish are relatively easy to care for and add to any freshwater aquarium. They can live up to four years and grow to be about three inches in length, and they can grow as big as six inches if not kept in an aquarium with other types of fish

These guppies should be added last when setting up the tank, so it has plenty of space to swim around without being cramped by other, larger species. If you decide on a tank of a different size, this will not pose many problems for these little guys!

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19. Black Guppy

The Black Guppy is a beautiful fish that can grow to be about two inches long. They are peaceful fish that do well in community tanks. Black Guppies are easy to care for and add to any aquarium. 

These little guys need at least 20 gallons of water and should not be kept with other guppies. Their diet consists mostly of algae, but they will also eat small insects such as daphnia or brine shrimp. 

The female black guppy lays eggs on plants where the male fertilizes them. After laying their eggs, the female leaves them alone to protect them from predators while the male guards the fry. Black Guppies can live up to 3 years if properly cared for.

20. Glass Guppies

The glass guppy is one of the most popular different types of guppies. They are easy to care for, and their striking colors make them a beautiful addition to any aquarium.

Glass guppies come in various colors, including blue, green, orange, and red. Blue and green guppies have an iridescent sheen that can appear as a shimmering rainbow. 

Orange guppies have been bred to resemble neon tetras with bright yellow, orange, and red shades. Red guppies are usually less expensive than other color varieties but live shorter lives than other varieties.

21. Japanese Blue Guppy

The Japanese Blue Guppy is a beautiful fish that is popular among aquarists. They are easy to care for and make a great addition to the aquarium.

Japanese Blue Guppies are peaceful fish that get along well with other fish, and they are not aggressive and will not bother other fish in the tank. 

Japanese Blue Guppies are born with blue stripes but will fade and become mostly blue as they age. These fish grow to be about 2-3 inches long.

22. Albino Guppy

The Albino Guppy is a beautiful, pure white fish with red eyes. They are very popular in the aquarium trade and greatly add to any community tank. These little fish are peaceful and can be kept with other fish species.

Albino Guppies are easy to care for and make great beginner fish. However, it’s important to note that they do not do well in brightly lit tanks as they are blind and have difficulty finding food. Their delicate fins also require gentle handling from one tank to another.

23. White Guppy

The White Guppy is one of the most popular guppies, easily recognizable by their striking white coloration.

White Guppies are known for being hardy and easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner fishkeepers. 

They are also relatively peaceful and can be kept with other fish species. White Guppies will do well in most aquariums if there are plenty of hiding places to feel secure.

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