There are many unusual types of fish out there. If someone has a saltwater tank and knows how to care for these fish, they should check out a Boxfish.
This fish has bright and vibrant colors, but it needs weekly care.
There are several names that the boxfish goes by, including trunkfish and cowfish. This fish is in the bony classification. They have a body that is square and is covered in scales that look like armor.
Due to the heavy scales, this fish is a slow swimmer. Younger fish have a rounder shape but tend to box out when they become adults. The fish ranges in size from 3 inches to 18 inches.
This fish is native to the Pacific Ocean.
The boxfish is very colorful. It comes in yellow, blue, brown, and black.
Caring for the Boxfish
It is very important to make sure the boxfish has everything it needs. Boxfish should not be put into tanks with aggressive fish.
When the fish is threatened, it emits a toxin through its skin, which can kill other fish. This fish can be aggressive towards its species. If a person wants to own several boxfish, their best bet is to get two females.
When looking for a boxfish, keeping the size in mind is important. They like tanks with an open room and need some accessories to hide in. They will try to eat any coral and should not be placed in reef aquariums.
These fish will make a lot of waste, and a quality filtration system is very important. The minimum tank size for the boxfish should be 250 gallons. This will allow it plenty of room to win around.
Feeding the Boxfish
The boxfish likes a diet with some variety. It likes meaty foods as well as vegetables. They love to eat shrimp and crab. They also like to eat frozen peas, dried seaweed, and cooked lettuce.
Boxfish do not breed successfully in the home aquarium. If a person wants to breed fish, this may not be the best brand for them. Males and females may become aggressive in the tank, so it is not recommended.
Care Level

This type of fish is meant for those with experience caring for saltwater fish. It may take some time to get the tank to their liking. They need the water temperature between 72 and 78 degrees and a specific pH level.
They also need a certain salinity level, and keeping the tank within this healthy range is important. A boxfish is a colorful fish that will make a great addition to any saltwater aquarium.
They are easy to feed but can be aggressive with other types of fish. This fish needs a low-stress environment and will be a pretty fish to look at and enjoy in the aquarium.