Many animal lovers, especially children, are inquisitive when they find a baby animal. What is your favorite pet or wild baby animal called?
That’s a fun question you may not always have the right answers to.
Be it a cub, calf, kitten, pup, or chick, here at Animal of Things.
We have decided to deliver the ultimate list of accurate baby animal names.
We will continue to update this list, just in case we find new animals and their little ones.
Find out what almost every juvenile animal is called as you enjoy this read!
A – Z Baby Animal Names
- Aardvark: calf, cub
- Addax: calf
- Agouti: pup
- Alligator: hatchling
- Alpaca: cria
- Anteater: pup
- Antelope: calf
- Ant: antling
- Ape: baby
- Armadillo: pup
- Aye aye: baby, infant
- Baboon: infant
- Bat: pup
- Bear: cub
- Bee: larva
- Beluga: calf
- Binturong, Bearcat: pup, kitten
- Bird: hatchling, chick
- Boar: piglet, shoat, farrow
- Bobcat: kitten or cub
- Bongo: calf
- Bonobo: baby
- Butterfly: caterpillar, larva, pupa, chrysalis
C – Animal Baby Names
- Camel: calf
- Caribou: calf or fawn
- Cat: kitten
- Cattle: calf
- Cheetah: cub
- Chicken: chick, pullet (young hen), Cockrell (young rooster)
- Cicada: nymph
- Clam: larva
- Cockroach: nymph
- Codfish: codling, hake, sprag, sprat
- Coyote: pup, whelp
- Crane: chick
- Crocodile: hatchling
- Crow: chick
- Deer: fawn
- Dinosaur: hatchling, juvenile
- Dog: pup
- Dolphin: pup, calf
- Donkey: colt, foal
- Dove: squab, chick
- Duck: duckling
- Eagle: fledgling, eaglet
- Echidna: puggle
- Eel: leptocephalus (larva), elver (juvenile)
- Elephant: calf
- Elk: calf
- Emu: chick, hatchling
F – animals and their baby names
- Falcon: chick
- Ferret: kit
- Finch: chick
- Fish: fry, fingerling
- Fly: maggot
- Fox: kit, cub, pup
- Frog: tadpole, polliwog, froglet
G – animals and their baby names
- Gerbil: pup
- Giraffe: calf
- Gnat: larva
- Gnu: calf
- Goat: kid, billy
- Goose: gosling
- Gorilla: infant
- Grasshopper: nymph
- Grouse: chick, poult, squealer or cheeper
- Guinea pig: pig, pup
- Gull: chick
H – Baby Animal Names
- Hamster: pup
- Hare: leveret
- Hawk: eyas
- Hedgehog: piglet, pup
- Heron: chick
- Hippopotamus: calf
- Hogshoat: farrow
- Honey Badger: kit, cub
- Hornet: larva
- Horse: foal, colt (m), filly (f), stat, stag, hog-colt, youngster, yearling, or hogget
- Hound: pup
- Human: baby, infant, toddler
- Hummingbird: chick
- Hyena: cub
J – K
- Jay: chick
- Jellyfish: ephyna
- Kangaroo: joey
- Koala: joey
- Lark: chick
- Lion: Cub
- Lemur: baby, infant
- Leopard: cub
- Llama: cria
- Louse: nit, nymph
M – Baby Animal Names
- Magpie: chick
- Mallard: duckling
- Manatee: calf
- Mole: pup
- Monkey: infant
- Moose: calf
- Mosquito: nymph, wriggler, tumbler
- Mouse: pup, pinkie, kitten
- Mule: foal
- Muskrat: kit
N – O
- Nightingale: chick
- Opossum: joey
- Ostrich: chick
- Otter: whelp, pup
- Owl: owlet, fledglin
- Ox: stot, calf
- Oyster: spat
P – animals and their baby names
- Panda: cub
- Parrot: chick
- Partridge: cheeper
- Peacock: peachick
- Penguin: chick
- Pheasant: chick
- Pig: piglet, shoat, farrow
- Pigeon: squab, squeaker
- Platypus: puggle
- Porcupine: porcupette
- Porpoise: calf
- Possum: joey
- Prairie dog: pup
- Pronghorn: fawn
Q – R
- Quail: chick
- Rabbit: kitten, bunny, kit
- Raccoon: cub
- Rat: pup, pinkie, kitten
- Reindeer: calf
- Rhinoceros: calf
S – Animal Baby Names
- Sand Dollar: larva, pluteus, juvenile
- Sea Urchin: larva, pluteus, juvenile
- Seal: pup
- Serval: kitten
- Shark: pup
- Sheep: lamb, lambkin, cosset
- Skunk: kit
- Snake: snakelet, neonate, hatchling snake
- Spider: spiderling
- Squirrel: pup, kit, kitten
- Swan: cygnet, flapper
- Termite: larva
- Tiger: cub, whelp
- Toad: tadpole
- Trout: fry, fingerling
- Turkey: poult
- Turtle: hatchling
- Wallaby: joey
- Walrus: cub, pup
- Wasp: larva
- Weasel: kit
- Whale: calf
- Wolf: pup, whelp
- Wombat: joey
- Woodchuck: kit, cub
- Woodpecker: chick
- Wren: chick
Y – Z
- Yak: calf
- Yellow Jacket: larva
- Zebra: colt, foal
We hope our list of baby animal names has been fun and helpful.
Let us read more animal and their baby names from you as you share them in the comments section.