10 Animals That Sleep a Lot

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Every human being needs some rest after the day’s activities.

Sometimes, we need more sleep than usual due to some strenuous work we must have done.

However, the same applies to animals. Sleep allows creatures to recoup from the day and replenish the energy they’ve expended during the waking hours.

Also, it provides a technique to save energy. But some animals sleep a lot; these animals are probably lazy, or how they developed.

This article discusses ten animals that sleep a lot you should know.

1. Squirrel

Types of Squirrels in AfricaPin

In the daytime, they are active but tend to sleep up to 15 hours a day at night.

Squirrels decorate their nests during their hibernating period, which lasts 12 to 20 hours a week.

Squirrels spend most of their time resting despite their active and playful appearance.

Sixty percent of a squirrel’s day is spent sleeping.

2. Tree Shrew

Tree ShrewPin
by anthonycramp is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Tree shrews are animals that sleep a lot. Because the anatomy of their eyes doesn’t allow for sight during the day, tree shrews never seem to leave their nests at night.

The most surprising discovery made while researching these sleeping creatures is that their sleep patterns are more human-like than other rats.

The lengthier sleep cycles also appear to allow more precise memory development.

3. Cats

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Photo by doanme on Pixabay

As a cat owner, you should know their sleeping habits. Curling up on the couch and dozing for most of the day isn’t uncommon for these felines, which people sometimes mistake as slackers.

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This isn’t true because cats are natural predators that save their energy for hunting or, in the case of the domesticated cat, chasing birds or playing with stray threads from your couch.

4. Owl Monkey

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by brian.gratwicke is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The owl monkey is one of the animals that sleep a lot.

The owl monkey looks like an owl, with a rounded head and exceptionally substantial brown eyes.

It is a true nocturnal primate. They have an odd manner of attracting a mate: Owl monkeys cannot make a mating call since it will draw attention to where they hid.

Instead, they urinate on their hands, rub them together, and then rub their hands against trees. This practice is ‘urine washing.’

5. Python

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It might seem unbelievable, but the python is one of the animals with a unique sleeping habit.

The python is one of the most passive snakes, sleeping up to 18 hours.

They hunt at night as nocturnal species and then return to a haven where they may rest without being attacked by predators.

Scientists are still learning a lot about snakes‘ sleep cycle, including whether or not they dream.

Snakes use a different technique of resting termed brumation, which is comparable to the hibernation cycle of some mammals, and it isn’t easy to examine their behavior because they don’t close their eyes to sleep.

6. Koala

Koala - Most Solitary AnimalsPin
Photo by simonprodl on Pixabay

The sleep pattern of this animal is incredible. Koalas live in Eucalyptus trees and consume Eucalyptus leaves while awake, which isn’t often.

Koalas are so lethargic because the leaves have almost no nutritional value, leaving them with no energy.

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Did you know that koalas may swallow 1 kilogram of leaves daily when they are awake?

They even save leaf nibbles in pouches in their cheeks if they are hungry in the middle of the day!

7. Opossum

Photo by csbonawitz on Pixabay

The opossum has to feature among the animals that sleep a lot.

However, the odd defense strategy of this mammal has made the word “playing possum” synonymous with appearing to be dead – although the prone opossum you see in your neighborhood is most likely deep asleep.

The misconception that opossums sleep while dangling from their tails, on the other hand, needs to be disproved.

Instead, opossums are nocturnal animals that retire to hollowed-out trunks or abandoned rodent nests after a successful hunt.

8. Armadillo

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These placental animals come in over 15 species, each with its name based on morphological traits.

The armadillo is active at night and can sleep up to 19 hours daily.

They’re antisocial and spend most of their time resting and excavating underground.

Due to their shallow natural body temperatures, they only meet with other armadillos to mate or to keep warm.

9. Brown Bat

Big Brown Bat - Types of Bats in MarylandPin
by Furryscaly is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

After a few hours of vigorous hunting after dusk, the little brown bat usually returns to its roost to resume its nap.

They’re lucky to have so much energy. To keep adequately nourished, an average tiny brown bat has to eat half of its body weight each night, while moms can eat more than their whole body weight in a single night’s hunt.

As a result, these bats do not spend most of their time sleeping. They also hibernate throughout the whole winter season.

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10. Sloth

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Photo by WikiImages on Pixabay

Sloths are the last on our list of animals that sleep a lot. Sloths in captivity can sleep up to 20 hours each day, compared to 10 hours in the wild.

This animal is noted for being a lazy, plodding animal who is unconcerned about the outside environment.

Sloths spend most of their lives dangling from tree branches, rarely falling to the ground.

Sloths can do almost everything from tree branches, including eating, sleeping, mating, and even giving birth!

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