Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?

Why Do Dogs Chase Their TailsPin
Photo by Olga Lioncat on Pexels

Dogs never stop making us laugh and keep us wondering. Every dog chases their tail at some point.

It’s usually okay if they only do it once in a while, and it doesn’t seem to hurt them.

However, if the dog chases its tail too much, there could be a health issue.

This article discusses the famous question, “Why do dogs chase their tails?”. Read on!

Attention Seeking

Dogs do many things when they don’t get enough attention from you, like tail chasing. So, your dog may crave attention when it chases its tails.

It may still be happy even if you tell your attention-seeking dog to stop. It wants you to laugh at its pranks or even rebuke it.

As long as it gets your attention in a way, he feels satisfied.

Medical Condition

If you realize that your dog still chases its tails after getting some attention, you should ask, “Why do dogs chase their tails?” again.

A dog could also suffer from a medical condition if it chases its tail.

Some experts believe that dogs who chase their tails have mental health issues. Dogs with canine compulsive disorder chase their tails all the time.

It cannot be very good for them if you don’t stop your dog from acting this way. This can cause them to hurt their tails.

But, if you think your dog is always chasing its tail, see your veterinarian.

Fleas and Ticks

Some dogs chase their tail because they have fleas or ticks on them.

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As a result of an infestation, their tail can become very itchy, and they may try to bite their tail to relieve some of the pain.

However, check their skin for signs of fleas and ticks. You might see tiny dark brown to black dots in their coat and, in some cases, bald patches caused by licking or scratching.


Dogs sometimes chase their tails because they are bored. This could be because they are alone most of the day or don’t get enough mental or physical stimulation. Thus making them feel lonely and bored.

This activity keeps them busy and lets them get some of the energy that has been building up in their bodies out of their bodies as long as the chase is due to boredom.

You should increase their daily activity by going for more walks and playing physical and mental games with them more often.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects certain dogs, as it does some people. However, the disease may appear as tail chasing rather than hand washing.

A dog with separation anxiety may chase his tail like a worried person bites his nails. Alternatively, a dog may bite his tail after an injury or find it soothing.

Dogs with OCD chase and chew their tails incessantly, regardless of the cause. Then, it becomes a compulsive habit.

Some injuries do not heal because the dog continues to traumatize the tail; some injuries do not heal.

Breaking the cycle of self-trauma involves work on both the dog’s and the owner’s parts.

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To stop the tail biting, your vet may recommend behavior modification approaches.

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