18 Different Types of Spiders in Utah

Types of Spiders in UtahPin
Photo by Hans Maeckelberghe

Utah has its own spiders that inhabit it throughout the year, like any other state in the US. While most people try to avoid spiders.

There’s nothing wrong with getting to know them better and knowing how to identify which ones you might come across. 

However, the 18 spiders listed below are some of the most common types of spiders in Utah.

And you may even find yourself with one in your home or office.

It’s helpful to know what they look like, just in case you see them around! 

1. Tegenaria Domestica (Barn Funnel Weaver)

The Tegenaria Domestica, also known as the barn funnel weaver, is a common spider species in North America.

The Tegenaria Domestica is closely related to spiders such as T. agrestis (agrestic barn funnel weaver). Also, T. albomaculata (smooth-legged barn funnel weaver), T. meridionalis (southern barn funnel weaver), and T. socialis (social barn funnel weaver). 

However, this species can be identified by its distinctive web structure. And which has one main opening that is often obscured by debris. 

Also, they are most commonly found in dark corners or crevices near livestock feed storage or hay meadows. That is, where they prey on small insects like flies or beetles.

2. Eratigena Agrestis (Hobo Spider)

Eratigena agrestis, also known as the hobo spider, is a species native to North America. Native to Oregon and Washington, this spider has been reported in other areas, including parts of Canada, France, and Italy. 

Moreso, this spider is typically identified by its brown body with darker markings on its back. It’s about 3-4mm long with a leg span of 12-14mm. Eratigena agrestis does not construct webs but prefers to hunt prey on foot.

3. Bassaniana utahensis (Utah Crab Spider)

Bassaniana utahensis is one of many types of spiders in Utah. It is a crab spider, meaning it likes to lay on plants and ambush its prey. Bassaniana utahensis can be found on bushes, flowers, logs, stumps, and trees. 

However, this spider feeds on all types of insects. One can identify this spider by looking for a brown or gray abdomen with light-colored hair covering it. This spider’s size ranges from 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch long.

4. Lynx Spiders 

Lynx spiders are a type of jumping spider that can be found throughout North America. They are identified by their cat-like appearance, with six eyes on the top row and three eyes on the bottom row.

These spiders are generally nocturnal hunters, so they will spend most of their time at night hunting for prey. 

Moreso, females, can grow up to one inch while males only grow up to 3/8th inch. These spiders usually make their homes in burrows dug into the ground or tree bark. 

But they will also occupy abandoned rodent burrows or other natural cavities. When it comes time for mating, male lynx spiders will spin a small web mat. That is, on a tree or plant stem, where they will then wait for females to come along.

5. Crevice Weaving Spiders

Crevice weavers are types of spiders in Utah that like to weave their webs on vertical surfaces. Crevice weavers have a very small body size, usually 2-5 mm. They are brown or black in color with an orange or yellow stripe on their abdomen. 

Related:  33 Types of Spiders in Michigan

Also, they have three pairs of striped legs. The web can be identified by its small diameter and fine texture. This type of spider lives worldwide but is especially common in humid climates.

6. Crab Spiders

They are not poisonous; crab spiders are a close relative of the black widow. Their brownish body can identify them with an orange or red stripe down their back. These stripes sometimes have a scalloped or wavy edge. 

Moreso, they can grow up to three inches long, but most are only about two inches. Crab spiders are often found on flowers and plants near water sources. And can be seen clinging to stems of plants with their front pair of legs while waiting for prey. 

And unlike other kinds, they don’t actively hunt prey; instead, they wait patiently for insects to blunder into them.

Then, before they strike out quickly, their powerful fangs inject venom into the victim, which paralyzes it so it can’t escape when the crab spider consumes it whole.

7. Huntsman Spiders (Golden Huntsman)

Huntsman spiders are large, brown spiders that can be found on tree bark, walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. They are also referred to as the Golden Huntsman spider and are one of the types of spiders in Utah.

These spiders are usually harmless but can deliver a painful bite if provoked or handled without care. Generally, they live outdoors in leaf litter or under rocks.

However, these spiders occasionally venture indoors due to extreme weather conditions. Or when there is an infestation of another insect species near their nesting area.

8. Cellar Spiders 

Cellar spiders are a species of spider that can be found worldwide. But are more common in temperate climates, such as the types of spiders in Utah.

Cellar spiders typically build their webs near ground level, especially if they live near humans or other structures. 

However, these spiders prefer dark spaces with little airflow. This is why their webs may sometimes be found inside houses or barns. 

Moreso, Cellar spiders do not often bite humans unless they feel threatened or provoked. But you should know they can carry harmful diseases like Lyme disease or hantavirus. 

Therefore, if you spot this type of spider, try your best to keep it outside. That’s by sealing it into a jar with a piece of paper to block airflow until it dies.

9. Jumping Spiders (Bold Jumper)

Jumping spiders are a common sight for many people. They’re often found on window sills, clambering up walls, or scurrying across the ground. If you see one, you might think it’s just a garden spider that has lost its way. 

But jumping spiders are actually quite different from other spiders. This spider is about 1/2 an inch long, with spindly legs and large round eyes.

They can jump quickly (hence their name), allowing them to catch prey much more efficiently than other arachnids. 

Related:  45 Most Common Types of Spiders in Florida

However, these little guys may look harmless. But they have been known to bite humans who try to handle them without gloves.

10. Woodlouse Spider 

The woodlouse spider is one of the types of spiders in Utah that can be found in Europe. They are often mistaken for tarantulas because they have similar markings. 

Moreso, unlike tarantulas, they don’t grow more than 2 inches long, and their colors vary from light brown to dark brown. The most distinguishing characteristic is the pair of large fangs at the front of its mouth.

11. Camel Spiders 

Camel spiders are among the most feared, even though they’re not actually spiders. They’re actually a type of arachnid called solifuges, which means flee from the sun. 

Nevertheless, they are found throughout Africa but have migrated to other areas due to human trade. Camel spiders get their name from their ability to run very quickly on  6 legs like a camel running across the sand.

12. Sac Spiders (Yellow Sac Spider)

The sac spider is one of two types of spiders that produce a type of venom that is medically significant. The other type is the black widow, which has a distinctive red hourglass on its abdomen. The yellow sac spider’s color can vary. 

But it usually has brown stripes on its back with a lighter stripe down the middle. These spiders typically live in webs found under rocks, logs, or bark. They are usually not aggressive and tend to flee when disturbed. 

Although they produce venom, their bite does not typically result in serious medical issues. Unless you have an allergic reaction or if you are sensitive to spider bites.

13. Orb-Weaving Spiders (Banded Garden Spider)

Orb-weaving spiders are the most common type of spider in Utah and are found throughout North America. These spiders create an elegant web that is often seen hanging from fences, trees, or bushes. The webs may be either vertical (with a zigzag) or horizontal (flat). 

Also they can also have a classic circular design. Orb-weaving spiders usually stick with one type of web design throughout their lifetime. 

However, some have been known to switch styles periodically. Some orb-weaving spiders can even create extra sticky silk threads called stabilimentum on the outside of their webs. 

Therefore, this can help them sense when the prey has become entangled. And give them time to move over and trap it with their web before it escapes!

14. Web Spinning Spider Mites (Tetranychidae)

The web-spinning spider mites are quite small and have a yellowish-orange body. They spin webs on plants or other surfaces that they can use as shelter. These mites feed by sucking on plant juices but do not cause any damage. 

Moreso, the web-spinning spider mites will build their webs where another animal has created a web. So this is how you might notice them if you are looking for them.

15. Misumena Vatia (Golden-rod Crab Spider)

Goldenrod crab spiders are one of the most common types of spiders in Utah. They are generally 2-3mm long but can be larger. Goldenrod crab spiders are mostly found on flowers waiting for prey to come close. 

Related:  18 Different Types of Spiders in Chicago

Therefore, the spider will then jump onto its victim, injecting venom and digestive enzymes into them. Then before sucking out the liquefied insides. 

Moreso, male golden-rod crab spiders have bright red abdomen while females have black or brown abdomen. The female will deposit eggs onto flowers or leaves before dying herself.

16. Wolf Spiders (Lycosidae)

Wolf spiders are often mistaken for tarantulas or brown recluse spiders. They’re generally not aggressive but may bite if they feel threatened. If you see a wolf spider, don’t panic. 

Therefore, just get a jar and some tweezers (or use your fingers) to catch it. Once captured, let it go outside where it can find food, water, and shelter without harming people or animals. If you have questions on whether or not a spider is dangerous, just ask any pest control company!

17. Cobweb Spiders (Black Widow)

The most recognizable spider is the black widow. They are types of cobweb spiders, and they have shiny black bodies with orange-red hourglass shapes on their stomach.

These types of spiders in Utah are all over the place but typically live close to homes and outbuildings. 

However, Black widows are known for their neurotoxic venom. And which can cause pain at the site of injection, muscle cramping, spasms, paralysis, convulsions, and death. 

Moreso, to avoid getting bitten by a black widow, you should wear gloves. That is when working around areas where spiders may be present. You should also try your best not to disturb webs as this could put you at risk of being bitten.

18. Funnel Web Spiders (Agelenidae)

Funnel-web spiders are known for their distinctive webs, which have a funnel-like shape. These webs are often found in protected areas like sheds or garages.

They can also be found on surfaces such as fences and window screens. Moreover, Funnel-web spiders are not harmful but can give you a painful bite if provoked.

Or if you accidentally put your hand inside their webbing. They can be identified by their long, thin legs and yellowish body with dark brown heads.


Many people fear spiders in Utah, and with good reason; only one percent of spider bites result in death. But there are some nasty types of spiders in Utah that you don’t want to encounter without knowing how to identify them. 

However, that’s where this list comes in handy! There are eighteen of the most common types of spiders in Utah. And each one is listed alongside pictures to help you identify which species you might find living in your home. 

Therefore, if you know what type of spider you’re dealing with, you can take the appropriate action. That is, to get rid of it before it hurts you or your family members!

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