45 Most Common Types of Spiders in Florida

Types of Spiders in FloridaPin
Photo by Ray Shrewsberry

Spiders have gotten a bad reputation, but they’re not all bad. Some are even helpful, such as the ones that eat other insects that might bother you. 

However, spiders can still be dangerous and cause harm to you, your family, and your pets.

To reduce the risk of spider bites and keep your home pest-free.

It helps to know what kinds of spiders are in your area and which ones are more aggressive than others.

With so many different types of spiders in Florida, it can be hard to track which ones and where they live!

This list of common spiders found in Florida will help you identify them and understand how to deal with them if you find one in your home or business.  

1. Tuft-Legged Orbweaver

A Tuft-legged Orbweaver spider is a long, thin, skinny spider often seen with a stripe down its back. This stripe helps distinguish the spider from other similar-looking ones.

Tuft-legged Orbweavers also like to hang out near open windows and porch lights. If you’re trying to kill one of these guys, be careful. This is because they like jumping up on your hand’s side and biting you!

2. Bifurcate Trashline Orbweaver

There are different types of spiders in Florida. The first and most notable is the Bifurcate Trashline Orbweaver.

This spider, identified by a yellow or red stripe on its abdomen and two closely spaced lines running down its back, can be found on trash lines during summer. 

This spider spins an orb web containing sticky radial strands from a center mass suspended over bare ground, allowing it to capture anything that steps on them for dinner.

3. Rabid Wolf Spider

The Rabid Wolf Spider is one of Florida’s most potentially dangerous spiders. There are many different stories that explain why it has this name, but the reason is unknown. 

These spiders can grow as large as two inches and live for more than a year. Rabid Wolf spiders are known to be aggressive and bite readily when disturbed or threatened.

They are also known for attacking animals and humans who wander near their habitat at night looking for prey. 

If a spider has sunk its fangs into an animal’s or human’s skin, you must get medical attention immediately. They could have been exposed to the Rabid Wolf Spider’s venom.

It causes muscle contractions, leading to breathing difficulties, paralysis, incontinence, convulsions, and death if untreated.

4. Walckenaer’s Trashline Orbweaver

This type is one of the most common species that you can find in the state. As its name suggests, it lives among trash and litter.

Some people have trouble distinguishing between this spider and the well-known brown recluse spider.

This is because they are so similar in appearance, but unlike brown recluses, they do not have hair on their body. These spiders prefer to live near manmade structures like logs or homes. They feed on other insects and arachnids.

5. Metazygia Zilloides

M. Zilloides, or the Zilla as it is known among many people who study spiders, is a species that lives only in south and central Florida. They live on plants and tree bark and hide their eggs there. 

This spider’s silk is one of the strongest natural materials ever studied. The material is stronger than the silk produced by a spider known for its large size, the Thanatus (more commonly called the Tarantula).

The females are often mistaken for tarantulas due to their size and coloring. However, they are harmless to humans. These spiders are so shy that some people may never see one during their lifetime.

This is because they do not want anything from humans other than what nature provides them. M.

6. Leaf-curling Sac Spider

Different varieties of leaf-curling sac spiders are found across the country. Among the most common types of spiders in Florida is the Pisaurina Mira.

These tiny, delicate-looking arachnids usually range from brown to yellow to a reddish hue, but they’re often green. 

Sometimes, their bodies will have dark spots that look like coffee stains. They can be anywhere from 3mm to 4mm long and build silken sacs under stones or near water sources for larvae incubation.

7. Tropical Tent-web Spider

One of Florida’s most dangerous spiders is the Tropical Tent-web Spider, sometimes called a bird-eating spider.

This spider can grow up to five inches in length and lay flat against a surface when threatened, with its legs pointing upward.

When not threatened, this species is more likely than other spiders to walk away or move when someone tries to capture it. 

In addition, this spider has very long legs. This makes it hard for the spiders to crawl over flat surfaces because they would be constantly caught on the ground.

8. Tan Jumping Spider

Although small, tan jumping spiders are one of the most common types in Florida. They often hang out on shrubs or tree trunks and jump to any nearby insect when it approaches. As a result, they end up looking like they’re jumping across the air. 

This spider is typically only about an eighth-inch long (1.5 millimeters). It’s difficult to spot because it’s light brown and blends into its surroundings well.

If you do spot a tan jumping spider, avoid touching it. Its venom isn’t toxic to humans but will make your skin itchy for several hours!

9. Arrowhead Orbweaver

These spiders are usually about the size of an adult’s palm and have patterns that look like yellow and black orbs. The webs of this spider are usually found under rocks or on wooden fences. 

In addition, arrowhead orb weavers can be found statewide, but you’ll see them more in warmer climates with lots of vegetation. This is one of the most common types of spiders in Florida, so if you see one, please let us know!

10. Spotted Orbweaver

The Orbweaver spider can be identified by a pattern like a baseball diamond on its body and will generally create an orb-shaped web.

These spiders typically eat insects that land on the webs. They live around human population centers and are often found on house plants or backyard trees. 

These spiders do not harm people. Web Weavers are usually seen with small round weaves covering large areas.

These webs will trap any insect unfortunate enough to get stuck in the middle of the webbing, like flies or crickets. If you see two or three strands coming from one web space, this is likely a Jumping Spider’s work.

11. Selenops Submaculosus

Selenops is a genus that falls under the family Selenopidae. Many species are within the Selenopidae family, but only the most common spiders are mentioned here. These include Selenops submaculosus and Ummidia sp. 

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They may look big but small when they take to the ground. They likely hang around on high vegetation, branches, or fences with high-density foliage below them.

This spider likes to prey on insects like flies and cockroaches. It’s able to capture on their webbing or jump out and kill with a few bites from their venomous fangs

12. Arrow-shaped Orbweaver

As a creature living within the environment, spiders are an important food source for many birds and other small animals.

Their size also makes them an attractive target for certain insect predators. Arrow-shaped orb weavers are one of the types of spiders in Florida.

They have uniquely shaped, ball-shaped webs with a radius typically between 6 inches and 2 feet from the ground. They most often inhabit wooded areas with plenty of leaf litter for cover.

This type of orb weaver primarily prefers very little daylight exposure. So, it stays on the periphery rather than going into the sunlit spaces beneath trees or shrubs.

13. Garden Ghost Spider

Categorized as one of the most common types of spiders in Florida, the Garden Ghost Spider has a white abdomen with black-spotted legs. As you might have guessed from its name, this spider is known for its ghost-like webs. 

It builds this web during daylight hours that can stretch to up to three feet in diameter. The sticky fibers help them catch their prey (insects and flies) and provide an extra line of defense against predators. 

Originally native to Western Europe, these gray spiders were introduced into North America and other white-bodied garden spiders during the 1800s. They eventually went south to warmer climates like those found in Florida.

14. Black-tailed Red Sheetweaver

These small spiders make up for it with their ability to create strong, sticky webs. While black-tailed red sheet weavers are not harmful and relatively timid, they bite if provoked. 

Also, the bites will be painful but should subside on their own. If the person is still experiencing discomfort after thirty minutes, it is advised that they visit the ER.

15. Bold Jumping Spider

Known by its arachnid nickname, jumping spider, the bold jumping spider typically resides in the middle to the top level of trees.

The jump from a distance is intended to break their fall, as these spiders are relatively light-bodied. It is native to North America and can be found throughout Europe and Australia. 

The males are much smaller than the females. Males measure around 3mm, whereas females measure around 8mm.

While the markings differ from species to species, they generally have darker colors on their abdomens, legs, and chelicerae. Also, they should use lighter colors for their upper body and cehalothoraxes. 

16. White-jawed Jumping Spider

Florida is home to the white-jawed jumping spider, which can be found anywhere from Texas to Maine. These spiders love wet habitats, such as thick vegetation and marshlands. They spend most of their time on the ground and are active during the day (not nocturnal).

17. Sylvan Jumping Spider

Oftentimes, you will see a bright red dot on a jumping spider’s abdomen. This spot is called the aposematic coloration, which means they are poisonous!

If that wasn’t enough to make you clear of these spiders, they also have large fangs with their mouths wide open. 

Along with all these horrifying features, the leg span for a Sylvan Jumping Spider can be between 1-4 inches long. This only makes them more menacing to look at!

18. Florida Garden Spider

This spider is also among the most common types of spiders in Florida. The species looks a lot like an orb weaver. Their eggs are rounder than orb weavers and are laid on top of a leaf or branch instead of woven into a web. 

If you find one, don’t panic. They eat insects and aren’t considered dangerous to humans. You should, however, have a professional come out to remove it if it remains in your home for longer than 10 days.

19. Pantropical Jumping Spider

It is an orb-weaver spider that ranges from bright green to bright blue. They often have black and white markings on their abdomens. They are also one of the smallest types of spiders in Florida. 

They have dark orange legs and a translucent abdomen. You can see the abdomen and head through if it is a female.

Male spiders look similar but smaller, less colorful, and have more oval-shaped bodies with long legs. Females will lay eggs at the top and sides of their webs.

20. Southern Black Widow

You will unlikely ever meet one, as they mostly hide during the day and only come out at night. Southern black widows are very venomous but are not very aggressive. Female southern black widows typically prey on insects such as flies, crickets, and moths

Their egg sacs hang from their webs or are found on plants or under rocks. Their nests are rarely found above ground. This is so unless they are well-concealed inside a human-made structure. Structures such as an old barn or under-house siding.

21. Common Hentz Jumping Spider

Though relatively docile and shy, the Hentz jumping spider is not one to provoke. The most common species in Florida are characterized by their shiny dark green backs and paler undersides. 

Sometimes, they can be observed munching on other spiders or insects as large as themselves. Though some people might mistake them for a tarantula. This can be due to their appearance. 

However, the Hentz jumping spider is not venomous, which makes it a good choice for an indoor pet that can’t get out.

They’re about an inch long when fully grown and have eight eyes (four on each side) with long black hair-like things coming from their body called setae. As well as four red markings on their head.

22. Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders can range from light brown to black. They typically hunt on the ground at night time and pounce on the prey they’ve sighted.

Some wolf spiders also have fur on their abdomen, so they get called wolf spiders. 

When identifying a wolf spider, you should note that they are active hunters with a much larger body than other types of spiders in Florida, such as an American house spider or the Brown recluse. They also have excellent eyesight – seeing 6 times greater than people can!

23. White-banded Fishing Spider

White-banded Fishing spiders are widespread and fairly common throughout the United States but are more abundant in the Midwest. They typically rest during daylight hours on blades of grass or low vegetation. 

In this position, they resemble their chief prey–beetles, which rest with their abdomens sticking up. To catch beetles for food, fishing spiders hold on to nearby vegetation with one set of legs. Then, they wait for an unsuspecting beetle to pass by.

Related:  23 Most Common Types of Spiders in Mississippi

24. Southern House Spider

Although a harmless and common spider, the Southern House Spider can still inflict a painful bite if threatened.

If you have children or pets, you should exercise caution. This is because they are more likely to contact these spiders.

 For example, they will often crawl into toys on the floor, furniture, or other spaces where kids play or explore.

Aside from causing pain and localized swelling, most bites will cause only minor health concerns. This is so unless the person has an extreme allergic reaction to spider venom. 

However, ensure your house is free from any openings or cracks to avoid attracting them indoors. Any openings that may offer entry points to bugs like mice, cockroaches, and other pests that attract spiders. This is because they provide food sources for these dangerous pests.

25. Arabesque Orbweaver

Spiders are arachnids, an order of arthropods. They typically have two body segments: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. Arachnids can have up to eight different body segments. 

While some people may be more frightened by spiders than others. It’s not unusual for them to go out at night for a tasty meal. This is when they may come into contact with humans.

26. Six-spotted Fishing Spider

Fishing spiders are a type of hunting spider that looks for food at the water’s edge. As they have long legs and live close to water, they prey on insects and other small animals that also come near the water. 

Also, a fishing spider’s body is usually one-half to one inch long, but its legs can make them appear much larger. They have six visible spots on their abdomen, hence their name.

Fishing spiders live around slow-moving streams and lakes with plants or logs along the shoreline. They can easily sneak up on unsuspecting prey or grab hold of it using webbing or its mandibles.

This tends to make them more active at night when it is dark out, though there are some variations among different species.

27. Brown Widow Spider 

These types of spiders in Florida are often found outdoors among trees, logs, rocks, and around people’s homes. They are brown with a bulbous abdomen. 

Brown Widows are not usually aggressive but may bite when threatened or pressed against human skin. The spider’s venom is toxic and has been known to cause pain and numbness at the bite site.

28. Pantropical Huntsman Spider

These spiders are not dangerous and do not bite humans. They live near citrus plants and palm trees. These spiders look more like crumpled leaves than spiders, so they’re often called leaf cutters or false widow spiders.

Their markings best distinguish pantropical huntsman spiders. One dark stripe down the middle of the body with two light stripes, four thick legs, and long hairs to feel around in plants to find prey. 

Males range from 10-13mm, while females can reach up to 15-20mm. These insects are harmless to humans and will only attack other smaller bugs, such as grasshoppers or flies.

29. Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver

These black and red spiders have an hourglass pattern on their abdomens. They can be found near homes or businesses, on ceilings and foliage outdoors, hunting for prey. 

Although many people know this species as the brown recluse spider because it looks similar to the dangerous recluse family, S. Grossa is harmless to humans.

30. Twin-flagged Jumping Spider

This large, jet-black spider is found throughout the United States. The female may exceed 5 centimeters, and the male may reach 3 centimeters.

These spiders make nests in grasses, bushes, and plants near the ground, sometimes placing them on fences or walls of buildings. 

They are usually found around lights at night when they leave their nest to hunt insects. Their prey consists mainly of small invertebrates, such as other spiders and flying insects that come too close to the nest.

They frequently attack prey by leaping onto it from a distance. Often, they deliver a paralyzing bite first so the victim cannot fight back when carried off to be eaten alive.

31. Regal Jumping Spider

This spider is small and brown, typically only reaching about 2 cm in size. Males have long, curvy fangs that protrude from the front of their jaws, while females have short fangs hidden by their head surface. 

These spiders are active at night, using their jumping skills to hunt on leaves or under rocks for prey. This spider will not harm humans unless they are severely provoked and will only bite when they feel threatened. 

Also, when they feel unsafe, they can emit a foul-smelling scent to ward off predators. Females produce silk as an egg case, which may be used as nesting material. Both males and females live for about 1 year but often do not survive after mating.

32. Tropical Orbweaver

Tropical orb weavers are a type of spiders in Florida. They can be found in Brazil, Honduras, and Trinidad and Tobago. They typically reside in plants; they do not make webs. 

It feels like someone pinched you with their fingers over your skin when they bite. The bites don’t seem to hurt at first, but a few hours later, the pain intensifies until it resembles a burn.

33. Magnolia Green Jumping Spider

Eriophora transmarina, also known as the magnolia green jumping spider, is one of Florida’s most common types of spiders.

This jumper typically lives on tree trunks, leaves, and woodpiles near water or along small water courses. 

Also, it has long legs with rows and clusters of black hair to capture prey without getting too close. Males may grow to 4mm while females reach 5mm or more; both sexes are brightly colored with an electric emerald sheen.

Its body is stocky with a low-set abdomen that creates a heart shape when viewed from the side. This is where it gets its name from.

34. Green Lynx Spider

Green lynx spiders are large and widespread throughout the US but rarely seen. Males range from around 12mm to 17 mm in size, while females range from 16mm to 20 mm. 

The green lynx spider has a cylindrical body shape with green or brown lines, giving it the appearance of a traffic cone or cactus. This coloration may also come as stripes or dots. 

These spiders build multiple tube-shaped webs that are off-white or brown. They can be found in corners, doorways, windowsills, fences, under eaves, and soffits.

Usually, they hunt alone but quickly flee when they sense danger nearby. This is done by running away quickly on all six legs at speeds over 10 mph (roughly 16km/h).

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35. Mabel Orchard Orbweaver

Mabel Orchard Orbweaver is a species of orb weaver spider found in Florida. They are commonly found from Kansas to Florida and southward and through northern Africa, Asia, and most other countries. 

Generally, the females have a length ranging from about 13-22 mm (0.5-0.9 inches). The males are usually smaller at about 10 mm (0.4 inches). Females have a reddish brown color on their backs, with lighter coloring on their underbelly.

36. Yellow Garden Spider

Spider research is an interesting field, and many types of spiders exist in Florida. The yellow garden spider is a common type that may be found as far south as North Carolina.

These spiders like to build their webs in shady areas near vegetation or water and prefer lower grasses, shrubs, and trees for their habitat. 

They typically eat insects that come near their web, but some yellow garden spiders will hunt down prey themselves when the meal supply is scarce.

The reddish blotch can identify yellow garden spiders on the abdomen, which form two irregularly shaped rings.

37. Orchard Orb Weaver

Orchard Orb Weaver spiders are fairly common, with an adult body of about 3mm. They don’t seem to bother humans and can often be found in homes or under objects like wheelbarrows. 

The web is a round cobweb similar to a wheel of cheese with many radial strands, except for the center, which looks like a clearing where the spider retreats. I would describe them as not poisonous and more curious than anything else.

38. Golden Silk Spider

This spider usually spins a small circular web that is not sticky. This spider doesn’t have the powerful venom found with other spiders in Florida. They can’t harm humans. 

Males usually hang out on tree trunks, while females make webs around porch lights or windows. These spiders are fairly common throughout Florida.

39. Spinybacked Orbweaver

The spinybacked orb weaver is one of the most common types of spiders in Florida. It’s also sometimes called a black-and-yellow garden spider, but this name can be misleading.

Not every spiny-backed orb weavers family member is black and yellow, and other types are brightly colored.

Regardless, this creature can usually be seen near porch lights at night, where it preys on flying insects attracted by the light. They spin large webs with six or eight radiating spokes connecting the centers to shrubs or trees nearby 

40. Canopy Jumping Spider

One common misconception about the Canopy Jumping Spider is that it carries a dangerous venom. However, this spider is often confused with other more venomous varieties, such as the Woodlouse Hunter or Hobo Spider. 

This little guy packs a potent punch from its fangs, but only when it bites to inject digestive fluids into an insect’s prey.

Luckily for us humans, the canopy jumping spider doesn’t feed on anything bigger than its size. It prefers to stay out of sight in tangled vegetation, where they build loose webs among the leaves.

41. Bowl-and-doily Spider

This bowl and doily spider are not dangerous but can still make people afraid. You might find them hanging out on your porch like this! To be safe, try not to disturb them and call a professional to remove them if necessary.

Some people might consider spiders their good luck charm. But for most humans, the thought of running into one gives us the heebie-jeebies and sends us running for safety!

And in many parts of the world, it’s important to respect these creatures as they play an important role in our ecosystem.

42. Giant Lichen Orbweaver

An Orbweaver is among the spiders in Florida that weaves a web at night. They weave the spider’s nest with both left and right-hand spirals to be used as camouflage during the day. 

This type of spider is fairly large, and its size varies depending on the species, but typically grows to about an inch and a half in length.

Another common name for Orbweavers is Giant Lichen Orbweavers because they like to inhabit places such as bark, mossy rocks, or lichens.

This makes them very difficult to catch. They tend to escape through small holes when humans or other animals disturb them.

43. White Banded Crab Spider

A spider is so small and slender that you’ll need to get close and personal with the web to see it. The white-banded crab spider typically builds its web around fallen branches or tall grasses near water.

This species is commonly found in but not restricted to mangrove forests. They are generally smaller than 2 mm and grow a leg span usually around 3 cm.

Their webs can most easily spot these in the mornings or evenings. The females produce one egg sac per season, lasting anywhere from 5 days to two weeks (depending on humidity levels).

Regarding food sources, the white-banded crab spider will prey mostly on small insects like crickets and roaches.

44. American Green Crab Spider

The American green crab spider is one of the most common spiders in Florida. These spiders live on the ground and eat almost anything they pass.

They are also known for their strong webbing and ability to weave a net over themselves to keep predators at bay. 

Also, they often hide under logs or rocks, on flowers, near water sources, and along beaches. They can also be seen crawling around during daylight hours. The Green Crab Spider’s bite is only mildly toxic to humans. 

Generally, the bite will lead to localized pain and redness at the site. It typically fades within a few hours without treatment or symptoms.

However, it is advised not to pick up or harass these animals if bitten, as there may be a medical risk if extreme reactions occur.

45. Gray Wall Jumping Spider

All types of spiders in Florida are venomous to some degree. That doesn’t mean they’re harmful or dangerous to people. Let’s take a closer look at the Gray Wall Jumping Spider. 

Unlike many other jumping spiders, this guy is timid and small. They like to live and hide out in dark places like large cracks and crevices. Their body length averages about one inch long. 

These types of spiders may not be too terrifying to come across. Their fear-inducing behavior can make them seem scarier than they are.

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