Many owl species thrive in Louisiana’s marshes and forests; some have even adapted to dwell in suburban or urban parks and recreation areas.
These magnificent owls in Louisiana benefit our communities greatly, especially in terms of rodent control.
There are several types of owls in Louisiana, and we’ll examine photographs of each and learn a little about it.
1. Great Horned Owl

The Great Horned Owl(Bubo Virginia us) is first on our list of types of owls in Louisiana and the largest owl species in Louisiana.
While they can adapt to almost any environment (as indicated by their widespread distribution), the state’s deciduous and evergreen woods and marshes provide excellent bird habitats.
Great Horned Owls begin nesting significantly earlier than most other owls, in late winter.
They eat various foods, including skunks and other birds of prey, and will occasionally hunt in broad daylight.
2. Barn Owl

According to their name, Barn Owls(Tyto alba) prefer to nest in old barns and other sheltered sites but hunt in open expanses like fields.
Louisiana is their year-round home, and Barn Owls frequently migrate south during the winter.
Despite having excellent low-light vision, many scientific studies show that Barn Owls can hunt exclusively by sound.
Female Barn types of owls in Louisiana with more belly spots are thought to be more resistant to parasites and sickness than those with fewer spots.
3. Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) build their nests in the burrows of prairie dogs or ground squirrels.
They prefer wide grassland habitats to the west but occasionally wander into southwestern Louisiana, particularly in the winter.
Their habitat is generally shrinking and is quite rare in this state. Insects (as well as small mammals) are an important element of the Burrowing Owl’s diet, and they can catch them in midair.
These types of owls in Louisiana occasionally hunt throughout the day, especially during the breeding season.
4. Eastern Screech-Owl

The Eastern Screech-owl(Megascops asio), about the size of a robin, prefers wooded regions and lives in Louisiana all year.
They’ve even adapted to suburban parks with many trees for nests and wide space for hunting.
Eastern Screech-owls have two color morphs, gray and red, which blend nicely with trees. In addition to tiny rodents, they consume lizards, bats, frogs, and crayfish.
5. Northern Saw-Whet Owl

Saw-whet of the North Owls can be seen as far south as Louisiana in the winter.
However, they are not the most frequent owl in the state. They prefer woodlands and hunt nearly exclusively at night.
The sawdust Owl (Aegolius acadicus) gets its name from its call, which sounds like a saw blade on a whetstone.
Unlike most owls, who consume their prey whole, these birds consume adult mice in chunks during two meals.
6. Barred Owl

Barred owls (Strix Varia) prefer marshes and old forests to build their nests, and Louisiana is ideal for them.
They are rather widespread in the state and do not migrate or move around much, preferring to stay in the same spot for extended periods.
Along with their “Who cooks for you? When asked, “Who cooks for you all?” The Barred Owl makes various noises, including one that sounds roughly like a monkey.
Despite being slightly smaller than the Great Horned Owl, they are frequently attacked by these larger birds.
7. Long-Eared Owl

Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) spend most of their time north of Louisiana.
Their breeding season range extends to Canada, but these birds migrate south for the winter and are seen here.
During the winter, these owls in Louisiana congregate in groups to roost.
Their remarkable camouflage and preference for roosting in deep forests make them difficult to locate. They do not build their nests; instead, they reuse those of other birds.
8. Short-Eared Owl

Lastly, The Short-eared Owl(Asio flammeus) enjoys open hunting grounds and can be seen near airports, fields, and marshes.
Although it prefers to breed further north than Louisiana, it can be spotted here in the winter.
These types of owls are frequently spotted in daylight in Louisiana, hunting primarily in the early morning and late at night.
They will sometimes sit on the ground waiting for prey before swooping down to snag whatever morsel they can.