If you’re a bird-watching enthusiast, then you’re in luck! Georgia is home to a variety of hawks and other raptors.
From the distinctive Red-shouldered Hawk to the rare Swainson’s Hawk, Georgia has plenty of different types of hawks to watch when you visit the Peach State.Â
This blog post will examine the types of hawks in Georgia commonly seen in the state.
From their unique characteristics to the best places to spot, you’ll be an expert on the Hawks of Georgia in no time.
Read on to learn more!
1. Short-Tailed Hawk

The female short-tailed hawk is generally larger than a male, but the sexes are comparable in the field.
The short-tailed bird’s wings are relatively long for their size, but they reach the tail tip when perched and give the appearance of having an unusually short tail, hence the crow-sized bird’s name. However, their tail length is average for the genus.
Georgia’s particular types of hawks occur in distinct light and dark morphs without intermediates.
The light morph features white, unmarked underparts and a dark blackish-brown head, while the dark morph is almost entirely blackish-brown.
Short-tailed hawks breed mainly in tall, dense forests near water, but when they’re not breeding, they reside near coastal areas, forests, and forested edge
2. Red-Shouldered Hawk

The Red-Shouldered Hawk is a medium-sized hawk with a wingspan of 36-43 inches.
It has brown upper parts, a reddish-chestnut breast and belly, and a white throat and tail.
The Red-Shouldered Hawk is found in hardwood swamps, deciduous forests, river bottoms, and other wooded areas throughout Georgia.
Moving on, it feeds mainly on small mammals such as rodents but will also take reptiles and other birds.
During the breeding season, the Red-Shouldered Hawk, the second on this list of hawk types in Georgia, performs elaborate courtship displays of aerial dives and chases.
The nest is usually constructed in a tall tree, often overhanging the water, and consists of sticks lined with leaves and strips of bark.
3. Ferruginous Hawk

The Ferruginous Hawk, a large bird of prey native to Georgia, is third on this list of the different types of hawks in Georgia.
This species of hawk has an impressive wingspan of up to four feet and a body length of up to two feet. It has a dark brown back, pale underside, and white spots on its wings and tail.Â
The Ferruginous Hawk is a powerful hunter that uses its strong talons to capture prey such as rabbits, rodents, lizards, and snakes.
The Ferruginous Hawk is typically found in open prairies and grasslands in Georgia.
It also frequents agricultural areas, river valleys, and other areas with abundant food sources.
It is most active during the day and scans for food atop trees or telephone poles.Â
Moreover, its diet consists mostly of small mammals and birds, but it will also consume reptiles and insects.
The Ferruginous Hawk is a protected species in Georgia. Its population has been steadily declining due to habitat destruction.
If you see one of these majestic creatures in your area, report it to your local wildlife agency so that it can continue to be monitored.
4. Broad-Winged Hawk

Our list of amazing hawks in Georgia includes broad-winged hawks and tiny raptors with huge heads and short, straight tails.
Adults have reddish-brown heads, barred underparts, and a tail with broad black and white streaks.
The juveniles of this species are lighter brown, with extensive striping on the sides of the breast and narrow bands on the tail.
This hawk usually hunts small animals from perches beneath the forest canopy.
A keen bird lover will identify the sound of the broad-winged bird: a piercing whistle on a single note.
Brasstown Bald is one of the best spots in Georgia to see broad-winged hawks, as they spend much of their time beneath the forest canopy.
5. Cooper’s Hawk

The Cooper’s Hawk is a medium-sized hawk found throughout Georgia.
Its long tail, relatively short wings, and dark coloring with pale-tipped feathers recognize it.
Cooper’s hawks are highly adapted for hunting. They have a powerful grip to catch prey with their feet and beaks and a sharp vision that helps them spot prey even when far away.Â
The birds build nests on tall trees, laying two to five eggs at a time.
The Cooper’s Hawk, one of the large types of hawks in Georgia, hunts smaller birds, rodents, and sometimes even lizards.
They can usually be seen in open woodlands, suburban areas, and occasionally city parks.
6. Swainson’s Hawk

Swainson’s hawks have broad wings and short tails, making them larger than Cooper’s.
On the other hand, their winders are longer and sleeker and are normally held in a shallow V-shape when flying.
Swainson’s hawks, one of the types of hawks in Georgia, differ in appearance.
However, most have light bellies, black or reddish-brown breasts, and brown or gray upper parts.
Their underwings have striking white linings that stand out against the blackish flight feathers.
Outside the breeding season, these birds of prey are always encountered in flocks.
Summers are spent in the wide-open regions of the American West, and Swainson’s hawks can be found in Georgia’s grasslands and sage flats.
7. Northern Goshawk

Still, on this list of the different types of hawks in Georgia, the Northern Goshawk is a large and powerful hawk native to the state.
It has a striking appearance, with its long tail, white breast, and gray wings.
This bird of prey prefers mature forests with open areas nearby for hunting, so it can be found in wooded areas across Georgia.Â
The Northern Goshawk primarily feeds on small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
While they are rarely seen during the day, they can be spotted perched atop trees in the evenings or when flying overhead.Â
Unfortunately, the population of these impressive birds is declining due to habitat loss and other human disturbances.
If you are lucky enough to spot a Northern Goshawk in Georgia, it’s worth taking the time to appreciate its beauty!
8. Red-Tailed Hawk

Buteo proportions are characteristic of huge red-tailed hawks, with exceptionally broad, rounded wings and a short, wide tail.
They are North America’s second-largest buteo hawk species, trailing only the ferruginous hawk.
The tops of most red-tailed hawks are deep brown, with pale underparts and a striped belly.
The tail is cinnamon-red in adults, but in immature birds, it is brown and banded.
The dark morph birds have chocolate-brown breasts and a rusty red tail, whereas the rufous birds have a reddish-brown chest and a black belly.
Red-tailed hawks, the last on this list of hawk types in Georgia, are most usually seen flying in broad circles high over a field.