9 Different Types of Geckos in Australia

Different Types of Geckos in AustraliaPin
Photo by Craig Manners

Whether living in Australia or visiting briefly, you will certainly have come across different geckos.

These reptiles are in the deserts, mountains, woods, and even our homes.

This article will discuss the different types of geckos in Australia.

Geckos are easy to tame and are fast becoming popular as pets. They come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and habitats.

Moreover, they do not eat daily, making them easy to care for.

Let’s get started on the different types you can find in Australia.

1. Knob-tailed gecko

Knob-tailed geckoPin
by NH53 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

This gecko has one of the strangest tails in the animal kingdom. The tail is round with something that resembles a knob sticking out of it.

These geckos are quite new to the pet industry, so they can be expensive. They require only basic care, so even a novice can care for them with some extra research.

2. Common House Geckos

Common House GeckosPin
by Don Henise is licensed under CC BY 2.0

These geckos can be any shade from a light grey-white to a yellowish tan with dark patches. This species is so common and easy to get.

Although common house geckos can live in the wild, they are more frequently seen near human habitation.

Many enjoy their presence in their houses since they are helping visitors who are effective at controlling bug infestations.

They usually consume insects attracted to light sources in and near homes.

These geckos adapt well to captivity with an attentive caretaker because homes are their natural habitat.

However, if you wish to have one of these geckos, they need a warm and humid environment.

In addition, they are too fast to handle as pets, although it’s fascinating to watch them climb.

3. Barking Gecko

Barking GeckoPin
by jeans_Photos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

This is among the different types of geckos in Australia. They got their name due to their vocalizations, especially when disturbed.  

The top of the body and the head are covered in colors ranging from dark maroon to reddish-brown to tan and even orange.

Related:  Can Geckos See in the Dark?

Although this species is aggressive, it can also become a gentle and docile pet.

They are terrestrial animals and live in dry woodlands, wet coastal areas, and leaf-covered forests. You can also find them in arid scrublands with sandy soil.

They also stay in rock crevices and bases of trees. Due to their nocturnal nature, barking geckos are less active during the day and only forage for food at night.

Furthermore, barking geckos can handle moderate handling. If you must handle your gecko, it is best to offer your hand slowly, palm up, and keep low.

They can feel alarmed and assume you’re a predator coming down to attack them if you reach down over their head to grasp them.

4. Wood Gecko

This is among the species of geckos in Australia. They occur in shrublands, forests, and arid regions. You can find them in the zoo and also in homes as pets.

The wood gecko is a terrestrial and nocturnal reptile. They heavily depend on vegetation, rocks, and debris for survival.

These environments are their primary food source, so you’ll always find them there.

In addition, they communicate by making noises such as barking, chirping, and body language. Males may use this communication to entice females or to protect their territories.

5. Marbled Gecko

Marbled GeckoPin
by Heath Hunter is licensed under CC BY 3.0

This reptile is widespread in Australia and parts of Africa. They have a light brown color with dark spots on the body.

This gecko is a relatively small reptile compared to some other pet species, reaching a maximum length of about 4 inches.

Marbled geckos mostly feed on small insects. These consist of anything that can fit in their mouth, such as silkworms and crickets.

This kind of gecko can also consume fruit if no insects are around.

If you want to own one of these geckos, always provide them with a continuous supply of crickets and other small insects.

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Their food should also be small enough for them to eat without problems.

Marbled geckos are naturally shy creatures, so they dislike being handled. They can become agitated and shed their tails when handled carelessly.

Some geckos become docile when touched, but this is unusual. If the gecko does not bite if held, it will often jump into the air to avoid being handled.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to locate and recapture such a small lizard once it has escaped captivity. This is harder if it happens inside the house.

6. Bynoe’s Geckos

Bynoe's GeckosPin
by Will_89 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

These geckos are among the different types of geckos in Australia. They come in beige, cream, white, black, and yellow colors. They can be spotted, blotchy, or banded.

Bynoe’s geckos have different colors and patterns, blending well with the environment. They look scaly but are soft to the touch.

You can look for these geckos at night because they’re nocturnal and hunt at night. Moreover, you’ll quickly identify them by their clawed feet.

This gecko’s diet is as diverse as its appearance, as it consumes various insects and their larvae. It also consumes grass, arthropods, and certain other lizards.

Brynoe’s geckos move fast, so it might be hard to look closely at them. If you find one, approach it slowly and with extreme gentleness so they won’t run away.

You can attract them by leaving a bowl of water for them to drink. Also, don’t forget to put some stones in the bowl so they can easily get out again.

Finally, these geckos are parthenogenetic – they don’t need males to reproduce. Females can create a genetic copy of themselves. As a result, most of their population are females.

7. Mourning Gecko

Mourning GeckoPin
by J. N. Stuart is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

This is among the species of geckos in Australia. They’re found in coastal regions of the Pacific and Indian oceans, including Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Myanmar.

Mounting geckos are social animals. They are cathemeral and constantly chirping and chasing one another, whether day or night.

Related:  5 Different Types of Geckos in Arizona

Also, they have specialized toe pads that allow them to easily climb smooth and vertical surfaces and interior ceilings, making them agile climbers. 

Furthermore, they retreat and hide under nearby surface objects or cracks whenever they feel threatened. If caught, they will lose their tails in defense – this process is known as autotomy.

Mourning geckos can change their colors, so they can appear light or dark at different times of the day. They feed on fruit, pollen, and insects.

8. Beaded Gecko

Beaded GeckoPin
by Will_89 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

These reptiles are also among the different geckos in Australia. This gecko has a reddish-brown color. Their snout is round and has white or cream upper eyelid.

They’re terrestrial animals; you can find them in arid and semi-arid parts of Australia.

Also, they feed on insects like other small lizards. They hide in insect holes during the day before coming out to hunt at night.

9. Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko

Northern Spiny-tailed GeckoPin
by Wild for Wildlife is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

This gecko comes in different colors, such as gray, brown, and white. Females are usually bigger than males.

They’re nocturnal and stay in arid, semi-arid, and subtropical regions. These geckos are on the IUCN list as species of the least concern.


There you have it – the different types of geckos in Australia. Most geckos are rare, and some have gone into extinction.

Nevertheless, the available ones make good pets for gecko lovers. Thanks for reading!

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