10 Different Types of Caterpillars

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Photo by jggrz

It is difficult not to be attracted to butterflies and moths‘ fluttery, fragile beauty.

However, the types of caterpillars from which these butterflies emerge can be just as attractive due to the wide diversity of colors, forms, markings, and armor they sport.

The remarkable transformation that caterpillars go through on their way from egg to butterfly or moth is something that all caterpillars share in common.

The caterpillar stage of this transforming journey is known as the larval stage, and during this time, the caterpillar’s primary goals are to consume food and expand in size.

Due to the fast rate at which they develop throughout their short lifetimes, they generally undergo multiple molts of their skin, completely altering their appearance as they progress from one instar phase to the next.

The developmental stage of an arthropod that occurs between its numerous sheds is referred to as its “instar.

Following this, the caterpillars of butterflies undergo a final metamorphosis into a rigid chrysalis so that the transformation into their adult forms can commence.

In contrast, the caterpillars of moths encase themselves in a silken cocoon.

Whether you enjoy seeing caterpillars in the wild or sorting friends from foes in your garden, here is a look at 10 types of caterpillar species in their larval and adult stages.

1. Hickory Horned Devil (Regal Moth) Caterpillar

Even though it appears dangerous, the hickory-horned devil is just a harmless giant caterpillar. Hickory-horned devils have the potential to reach a length of nearly five inches, making them one of the longest caterpillars found in North America.

To the uninformed, everything about them, from their brilliant turquoise-green bodies covered in black spikes to their spiky orange horns, can be terrifying. It turns out that the whole thing was a deception.

These caterpillars are gentle giants native to the woodlands of the eastern United States and can be seen in large numbers there.

In the late summer, once they have satiated themselves on the leaves of hickory, ash, persimmon, sycamore, and walnut trees, they dig a tunnel a few inches deep into the ground. (One of the few types of moth caterpillars, they do not spin cocoons.)

The following summer, they emerge as stunning regal moths with an astonishing wing span of six inches and colors of orange, gray, and cream on their wings.

2. Puss (Southern Flannel Moth) Caterpillar

You could feel the need to pet one of these fluff balls, yet doing so would be a serious error. The puss caterpillar is among the most poisonous caterpillars in the United States.

Hidden beneath the fur are poisonous spines that attach themselves to the skin. A single touch is all it takes to unleash terrible anguish greater than a bee sting. Some people experience edema, headaches, fever, nausea and vomiting, and even shock or difficulty breathing as a symptom of this condition. The intensity of the sting increases with the caterpillar’s level of maturity.

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Puss caterpillars will eventually metamorphose into Southern flannel moths with furry wings, legs, and yellow, orange, and creamy bodies.

They emerge from incredibly resilient cocoons and can remain on trees for a significant amount of time after the adult moth has emerged, to the point where they become covered with lichens.

3. Saddleback Caterpillar Moth

It shouldn’t be too cumbersome to figure out where this caterpillar gets its name: It’s all in the neon green “saddle” on its back, which is outlined in white and has an oval area in the center with a purplish-brown color. A warning from Mother Nature can also be conveyed through vivid colors.

Although only an inch long, these bizarre-looking creatures thrive in the eastern United States, Mexico, and Central America.

Although only an inch long, they pack a powerful sting like puss caterpillars. Be wary of their four lobes of venomous spines and the several tiny stinging protrusions that line their sides.

However, giving this guy a friendly pat on the back is not tempting compared to the puss caterpillar.

In contrast, when it reaches maturity, the fluffy, chocolate-brown saddleback caterpillar moth is just as harmless as it appears.

4. Caterpillar of the Cecropia Moth

These caterpillars may be found throughout the United States and Canada and can grow more than four inches.

As they gain more mass, they transition from a dark color to bright sea green and eventually an iridescent bluish green.

However, what is most striking about them are the numerous protuberances or tubercles colored blue, orange, and yellow, armed with black spines. They may give the impression of being frightening, but it’s all an act.

Caterpillars of the Cecropia moth do not sting or otherwise injure people. They pass the summer months consuming leaves and spin cocoons for themselves in preparation for hibernation in the fall and winter.

The newly hatched caterpillars are dark but appear yellow and green after a series of molts. In the spring, they undergo a metamorphosis that transforms them into one of North America’s most stunning species of moths.

Adult moths have bodies that are reddish-orange and brown wings with bands of orange, tan, and white. They also have white crescent-shaped patterns and eye spots on their wings. Adult moths do not consume at all.

5. Hag Moth (Monkey Slug) Caterpillar

If you didn’t know better, you might think the hag moth caterpillar was a hairy spider at first glance. This organism, more frequently referred to as a monkey slug caterpillar, exists in a category all by itself.

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It has a brown hairy body and flattened, six curly and tentacle-like legs, three pairs of tiny legs and three pairs of long legs, and hairy protrusions that emerge from the top of its head.

It is truly unlike any other caterpillar. These hairs have a sharp sting that can irritate the skin and provoke an allergic reaction, especially in highly sensitive ones.

Curiously, as this caterpillar spins its cocoon, its appendages move to the outside of the cocoon, where they provide protection and help it blend with its surroundings.

This odd-looking caterpillar eventually metamorphoses into the harmless hag moth with a little hairy body and pale tufts on its legs. It is far less odd-looking than the caterpillar it once was.

6. Cairns Birdwing Butterfly Caterpillar

The life cycle of these spiny natives of northeastern Australia begins on the leaves of the Aristolochia vine. Cairns birdwing caterpillars flourish on the vine, although it is dangerous to other caterpillars and people.

In fact, as a lethal defense mechanism against potential predators, they store the toxins they have consumed in the fleshy spines that cover their backs.

The redness of the spines is sufficient to discourage birds with ravenous appetites from picking them up and eating them.

The butterflies these moths develop into, Australia’s largest, are also quite beautiful, particularly the males, with vivid and varied coloring.

7. Owl Butterfly Caterpillar

These brown caterpillars, which resemble slugs and are native to the rainforests of Central and South America, can grow up to six inches before metamorphosing into butterflies with wingspans over five inches, making them the largest butterfly species native to the Americas.

These voracious caterpillars spend most of their time devouring banana leaves and sugar cane. They have horns on their heads, forked tails, and a series of black spikes along their spines. Due to the amount of food they consume, they can be a pest in surrounding plantations.

One can distinguish the owl butterflies from their fondness for fermented fruit and artificial owl eyes on their wings (complete with a pupil and an iris), designed in such a way as to terrify birds and reptiles that might otherwise prey on them.

8. Zebra Longwing Butterfly Caterpillar

These terrifying-appearing caterpillars get nourishment from the leaves of various passion flowers (Passiflora). However, this food preference isn’t only about nutrition; it’s also about protecting oneself from potential threats.

The psychotropic alkaloids found in passion flowers have a bitter taste and can be harmful. Because they feed on these plants.

These types of caterpillars acquire a rancid flavor and become toxic. This results in black patches and long black spines that cover their bodies.

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These intimidating insects reside in Central America, Mexico, Florida, and Texas. They eventually metamorphose into beautiful butterflies characterized by their elongated, slender wings with thin yellow and black stripes.

9. Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar

As soon as spring arrives, female monarch butterflies will begin to lay their eggs mostly on milkweed plants.

The nutrient-rich eggshell is the first thing these brilliantly striped orange, black, and white caterpillars eat after they hatch, and then they go to milkweed leaves to gorge themselves.

During this process, they also consume poisons known as cardenolides, which do not affect them but are harmful to birds of prey. They grew 3,000 times their initial size in just two weeks after rapidly gaining mass.

After this scrumptious meal, the mature caterpillars will fasten themselves to a leaf or stem, enter a chrysalis, and emerge a few days later as the well-known and much-loved butterflies with orange, black, and white wings.

There are monarch butterflies across the Americas, including North, Central, and South America, Australia, Western Europe, and India.

In the fall, monarch butterflies begin their annual journey across North America to their wintering sites in Mexico and along the coast of California.

10. Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar

These gorgeous green caterpillars come last on our list of types of caterpillars. They have evolved to look like tree frogs or small snakes, a cunning strategy to protect them from being eaten by their natural predators.

The black rings around the eyespots of a fake tan are perhaps the most remarkable feature. They are not actual eyeballs, but the amount of detail in this mimicry is extraordinary, with black pupils in the middle, complete with white highlights that imitate light reflections. This mimicry is exceptional since it includes these details.

Spicebush swallowtail caterpillars have bright yellow retractable hornlike organs called osmeteria behind their head. These organs contain a chemical repellant and can extend if the “evil eye” fails to deter potential predators.

These captivating animals thrive all across the eastern United States. They spend the day hiding in the folds of their leaves and come out at night to feast on the leaves of the plants of their choosing, which include red bay, sassafras, and spicebush.

They transform into large, stunning black butterflies with blue dots and rows of white spots along the margins of their wings. The bodies of the butterflies are black.

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