Should a Warm and Dry Nose in Your Cat or Dog Bother You?

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There is a popular belief that when a dog or cat has a dry and warm nose it is the sign of an illness. While this belief has an iota of truth in it, it is not totally correct.

It is vital that you know what is normal for your dog or cat and look out for other symptoms before you run to the vet.

Most of the time there is nothing more to a warm dry nose which means that a warm dry nose could just be what it is.

Is there such a thing as a normal warm dry nose?

Many care takers of felines and canines mostly think that when their dog or cat has a warm and dry nose the animal is having a fever. However this is not always the case.

A dog who has a cold wet nose this very minute could show up with a warm and not exactly moist nose the next minute. There are times when such changes can occur several times in one day and your animal will not be sick.

The reason why cats and dogs have wet noses is simply because they like them and also their noses have glands that produce mucus and this mucus is also what keeps them moist most of the time.

Damp noses are great at picking up scents, and in warm season your pet can stay cooler with a moist nose.

Your pet can have a dry nose as a result of the following factors:

  • When your cat or dog takes a nap and hasn’t licked its nose in a while.
  • When your pet becomes slightly dehydrated after engaging in some exercise.
  • When your pet gets older and doesn’t produce as much mucus as it used to.
  • When your cat or dog has been out playing in the wind and sun.
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It is also essential that pet owners are aware that a cat or dog can have moist nose even when they fall sick. Take a dog dealing with nasal discharge for example the discharge will cause the dog to have a moist nose.

When should I be concerned?

When you should be bothered about a warm and dry nose is if you notice any change in colour pigmentation, or change in texture that leads to a flaky or crusty skin. if you notice any of the above symptoms visit a vet immediately.

If the cracked and dry nose has been prolonged especially when you notice loss of pigmentation, sores or scabs, make sure to take the animal to the vet immediately because it delay might be dangerous.

while as earlier stated a warm dryness might mean nothing if a sick animal has a warm dry nose is to be accompanied by other symptoms such as a reduced or complete loss of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, and vomiting. If all of these signs and symptoms are absent it may be a case of one of several dermatological problems such as Pemphigus Foliaceus.

It is also a wise idea to consult your vet if your dog’s warm and dry nose is accompanied by symptoms like a pale and dry gum, lack of appetite, vomiting or diarrhoea, lethargy or unusual fatigue. All of these symptoms combined with a warm nose or ears could mean that your animal is terribly sick.

Also, if you notice any change in behaviour such as sensitivity to touch that last longer than a few hours, you may have to take your animal to the vet.

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Other noise related conditions you should know

While it is a fact that is simple warm and rhinos might not be dangerous to your dog there are several other nose conditions that you ought to know about.

Some of the nose conditions you’re about to explore might just be signs of allergies or old age, and minor sensitivity to some items.

  • Contact sensitivity: sensitivities and allergies to things like plastic and dye can show up as an irritation in the nose area in animals that are fed from plastic dishes. To prevent a potential allergic reaction, you can opt for stainless steel bowls to feed your pet. Also if you can get ceramic or glass bowls that are heavy and balanced on a smooth surface, it is fine as long as you prevent breakage.
  • Nasal discharge: Anytime your pet exhibits signs of a runny nose and you notice nasal discharge flowing out from its nose, make sure that the animal is examined by a vet. Difficulty breathing, sneezing, and coughing are signs of any condition form a tumor on your animals nasal passage, respiratory infection, or a foreign body in your animals nostrils.
  • Black spots: owners of calico or orange tabby cats usually notice some black spots on their pet’s lips and nose as the cat grows older. This occurrence of known as lentigo simplex and is nothing abnormal when it comes to changes that occur in old orange tabby and calico cats.
  • Sunburn: The same way human worry about sunburns, animals like dogs, cats, and horses can also get them. These animals are also prone to cancer on the ear tips, noses, and even around their eyes. Animals that have pink noses and are lightly coated are infact the most vulnerable to such attacks when exposed to the sun excessively.
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You can have a meeting with your vet to discuss possible ways on how you can provide protection from the sun for your your pet if they fall into the category of vulnerable animals.

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