10 Largest Octopus in the world

Largest Octopus in the world
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Octopuses come in different forms and sizes, but which type is the largest octopus in the world? Length and weight are two measurements you can use to identify the largest octopus.

Similarly intriguing and gorgeous, octopuses are compelling creatures.

There are about 300 species of octopus, and they flourish in every ocean and ecosystem.

Their fragile bodies can rapidly alter their shape, moving from small to gigantic within seconds.

Moreover, their nervous and brain systems are among the most complex systems in any invertebrate.

Largest Octopus in the World

1. Giant Pacific Octopus

The Enteroctopus dofleini, more often known as the gigantic Pacific octopus, These species are commonly known as the largest octopus in the world.

They typically weigh close to 150 pounds and extend to lengths of more than 15 feet. On the other hand, the longest and heaviest specimen ever found measured 30 feet in length and weighed approximately 600 pounds.

Clams, shrimp, crabs, abalone, snails, scallops, fish, lobsters, and even other octopuses are all staples in their diet.

There have been observations of giant Pacific octopuses killing and eating tiny sharks, such as spiny dogfish.

The waters bordering the western United States, British Columbia, Alaska, Japan, Russia, and the Korean Peninsula are typically where sightings occur.

The population size of huge Pacific octopuses is unknown. However, they officially classify them as a species of “Least Concern.

2. Seven-arm Octopus

The seven-armed octopus, also known as Haliphron atlanticus, actually has eight limbs, just like every other species of octopus.

However, the name of this species is somewhat deceptive. Their unusual arm, which is coiled in a sac beneath the right eye, is what gives them their name.

Males of their species fertilize eggs with this arm, which they store in their sacs. They are the second-largest octopus in the world, coming in behind only the huge Pacific octopus in size.

At their heaviest, they can weigh as much as 165 pounds and reach a length of 11 feet. However, there have been isolated reports of specimens coming from the South Pacific Ocean.

The majority of the specimens came from the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, the IUCN considers the seven-armed octopus to be of “Least Concern” status as a species.

3. Frilled Giant Pacific Octopus

The huge frilled Pacific octopus, also known as Enteroctopus dofleini, was discovered in 2017 and is similar to the enormous Pacific octopus, the largest octopus in the world.

Frilled Pacific octopuses can be distinguished from their sister species by the frill of merged papillae covering their body and two white spots on their heads.

Very little information is available regarding their typical size; however, biologists have speculated that they can weigh 110 pounds and grow to 16 feet.

You can find them on the southeastern coast of Alaska, in the vicinity of Prince William Sound. Unfortunately, the IUCN has not yet determined the status of the frilled gigantic Pacific octopus because it was recently discovered.

4. Maori Octopus

The Maori octopus, or Macroctopus maorum, is somewhat bigger than its southern counterpart, the southern largest octopus in the world.

The New Zealand octopus is another name for it. They can range in length from 3.3 to 6.5 feet and weigh anything from 22 to 26.5 pounds on average.

Even when you compare them to other octopuses, Maori octopuses are common for their exceptionally hostile nature.

The females can lay up to 7000 eggs at once and fiercely defend their young from potential threats.

The majority of them could be swimming in the seas between New Zealand and South Australia. In the absence of an assessment by the IUCNon, the Maori octopus, despite catch records, indicates that the population is not in danger of extinction.

5. Southern Giant Octopus

The southern largest octopus in the world, also known as Enteroctopus magnificus, is distinguished by its enormous size, just like all other species belonging to the genus Enteroctopus.

The specimens normally weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 pounds and can be as long as 6 feet in length.

They are indigenous to the seas found off the shores of Namibia and South Africa and prefer to spend their time in shallow subtidal regions.

Although they seek a wide variety of prey, deep-sea portunid crab is the primary component of the diet of southern giant octopuses.

Even though fisheries only take a very modest amount of the southern giant octopus on average, the IUCN has not yet determined the species’ conservation status.

6. Common Octopus

Animals, besides humans, construct things, such as the octopus. An octopus is capable of remarkable displays of thoughtfulness, such as planning.

In addition to being one of the species known to be the largest octopus in the world, the common octopus (Octopus Vulgaris) is also one of the species people study most.

They can range anywhere from 6.6 to 22 pounds in weight and 1 to 3 feet in length, but on average, they weigh somewhere in that range.

You can find them in any part of the world. Even though crabs, crayfish, and mollusks are some of their favorites, these creatures are not picky eaters.

Like all other octopuses, they have three hearts, massive, highly developed nerve systems, and brains. Even though you can find them in waters of various temperatures, common octopuses like to gather in places near the coast that are rather shallow and rocky.

Therefore, the IUCN considers the common octopus to be a species of “Least concern” status.

7. Mimic Octopus

One of the fascinating octopus species in the ocean is the mimic octopus, scientifically known as Thaumoctopus mimicus. They exhibit sexual dimorphism, with the females significantly larger than the males in terms of body size.

Compared to males, females can easily weigh up to 20 pounds, while males normally weigh between 5 and 6 pounds.

A mimic octopus can grow to be more than 2 feet long; this is not typical. Although many different kinds of animals can hide, mimic octopuses are particularly good at imitating the appearance of other creatures and blending in with their surroundings.

They can be found as far south as New Caledonia, up to the Gulf of Thailand, and as far north as the Great Barrier Reef. Unfortunately, the IUCN has not yet assessed the status of the mimic octopus.

8. Yellow Octopus

Another species of Enteroctopus is the yellow octopus, scientifically known as Enteroctopus zealandicus.

Their peculiar arm, which rests in a sac below their right eye, is the source of their peculiar moniker.

Unfortunately, due to no data on these fascinating organisms, scientists have to make educated guesses about how big they can get.

To this day, the yellow octopus that held the record for the largest octopus in the world weighed 11 pounds and was 4.6 feet in length.

Unfortunately, even though they are common in the waters around New Zealand, you can only find a few specimens of the yellow octopus.

This is even though they are abundant. Regional fisheries don’t pursue them because they prefer to live deep underwater.

However, the interest in the local whales and sea lions shows nothing wrong with adding them to their diets.

To a much greater extent than other marine mammals, sea lions favor whale flesh as a primary source of protein.

What observations have been made so far concerning yellow octopuses? Their propensity for spraying the area around them with discarded portions of the items they favored the most.

Marine experts are studying these mollusks to find out why sea lion populations are declining so they may be able to reveal their habits. The IUCN has not yet assessed the status of the yellow octopus.

9. Southern Red Octopus

The southern red octopus (Enteroctopus megalocyathus) is a member of the gigantic octopus genus, also known as the Enteroctopus.

The Patagonian red octopus is another name for this species. Even though they are not as large as some other species of Enteroctopus, southern red octopuses are nevertheless capable of reaching enormous proportions.

The typical length of one of these animals is approximately 3.3 feet, and their average weight is 8.8 pounds. The vivid red color and paddle-shaped papillae of the southern red octopus are two distinguishing characteristics of this species.

They are one of the species of octopus that people may find in the greatest numbers around the coastlines of Chile and Argentina, where they are endemic.

Unfortunately, the IUCN has not yet conducted an assessment of the status of the southern red octopus.

10. Dumbo Octopus

Here is the last one on our list of the largest octopus in the world. The dumbo octopus, also known as Grimpoteuthis,  took the name after the Disney animal because of its elephant-like fins.

The length of a dumbo octopus can range anywhere from 7.9 to 12 inches on average; however, some can become much longer.

The specimen recorded as the longest and heaviest was approximately 13 pounds and measured 5 feet and 10 inches in length.

The planet is home to more than 15 distinct species of dumbo octopus. The planet is currently ho than 15 distinct species of dumbo octopus.

They are the octopus species that live the deepest, at depths of at least 4,100 meters (13,100 feet), making sightings uncommon.

In addition, they are one of the few species of octopus that do not possess an ink sac. This is because they have very few natural predators. Therefore, the IUCN classifies the dumbo octopus as a species of “Least Concern.”

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