Hairless cats have a distinct appearance, but they have a dedicated following.
What is the reason for this? Ok, they’re super smart—some people also say they’re more intelligent than other breeds.
We will not take sides, but we have compiled some of our favorite hairless cat breeds below.
These are the hairless cat breeds you must have heard about, which range from Peterbalds to the very rare Elfs:
1. Peterbald

Are you looking for a cat with the personality of a Siamese but none of the fluff? Then the Peterbald might be perfect for you. This kitty is adorable and polite, and she enjoys cuddling It is one of the most popular hairless cat breeds in the world.
They also have a pooch-like desire to greet you at the door after work (doesn’t that feel nice? ), chirp at you, and possibly follow you around.
Remember to have extra cat food on hand because this breed has a high metabolism and will need more food than their furry counterparts.
2. Bambino

Since it’s a hybrid between the Munchkin and the Sphynx and has short (but cute) legs, this hairless breed is known to be a dwarf. They’re typically small (weighing between 4.9 and 8.8 pounds), so you can fit one in your pocket.
They enjoy spending time with their families as long as plenty of cuddles and playtime are involved. They’re even safe around children and pets because they’re generally friendly and laid-back.
3. Sphynx

The Sphynx is undoubtedly the most well-known of the hairless cat breeds, which is no surprise when you see that mesmerizing mug.
A naturally occurring genetic mutation in the 1960s in Canada resulted in the birth of a tiny, hairless kitty. From there arose the beloved Sphynx—mystical, magical, and sweet as pie.
According to the Cat Fancier’s Association, these cats come in various colors and designs, are strong and safe, and sometimes have a touch of fine down fur that makes them super pettable.
They’re still very affectionate, enjoy showing off, and are happy to hang out with other furry animals, including dogs!
4. Ukrainian Levkoy

Although this is a hairless cat breed that is not recognized by international cat fanciers and breeder organizations, Russian and Ukrainian clubs adore them.
They have a fascinating look with inward-folding ears, wrinkled and soft skin, and slender, graceful limbs. They’re a mix of Donskoy cats and Scottish Folds, which explains their unusual appearance.
They also exhibit significant sexual dimorphism, with males becoming much larger than females. They’re also known for being sweet and playful, which makes them ideal family members.
However, they are still hard to come by in the United States, so you may have to wait a while to welcome one into your home.
5. Donskoy

Don Sphynx, Russian Donskoy, Don hairless, and Russian hairless are some of the names given to this hairless cat breed. Having so many monikers takes a unique feline, and this kitty lives up to that.
They have large ears, almond-shaped eyes, and medium-sized, muscular bodies; they’re Russian (if you haven’t guessed).
These kitties may wear one of four different coat styles:
- Rubber bald: When they’re birthed bald and remain that way
- Flocked: Appears hairless but feels extremely soft—and may become bald over time
- Velour: Has a bald spot on their head, but the hair on their face, legs, and tail may remain
- Brush: They have some hair, but bald spots do occur from time to time
Furthermore, these cats are incredibly affectionate and sweet, which likely contributes to their ever-increasing popularity.
6. Elf

These hairless cuties are a very unusual cross between the Sphynx and the American Curl, and their elf-like ears add to their appeal.
They’ve also kept the best qualities of any breed and are considered highly polite and affectionate (as well as intelligent!).
Having another kitty in the house for them to play with (and plenty of toys) is nice, but they’ll always get into trouble and climb over everything you own because they’re so social.
Ensure they remain indoors because their skin isn’t designed for the amount of sun they’ll be exposed to in the Great Outdoors.
7. Dwelf

The Dwelf, whose name combines “dwarf” and “elf,” is another tiny member of our list of hairless cat breeds. The Munchkin gave Dwelf cats their short legs, the Sphynx gave them their hairlessness, and the American Curl gave them their distinctive curved ears.
This breed is found to be playful, energetic, and almost dog-like in aspects of their personality.
Extra tips
There are more things to know about hairless cats: Just because you won’t be brushing your long tresses doesn’t mean they won’t need to be groomed. You’ll need to rub down their skin to help absorb the excess oil, and you’ll also want to bathe them every couple of weeks.
Hairless cat breeds need assistance against the weather if they are ever outside. When it’s cold outside, get them a cute jumper, and apply sunscreen on sunny days.
These hairless cat breeds are not fully hypoallergenic despite their lack of fur. They do have kitty saliva, which causes allergies in most people. Lastly, they make fantastic friends.
Facts to Know About Hairless Cat Breeds
- Hairless cat breeds are usually curious and highly intelligent, having dog-like affection and loyalty. Due to that, they require plenty of love and mental stimulation from their owners.
- Some hairless cat breeds, such as the Peterbald and Donskoy, have various coat types that provide the slightest hint of fur, from brush to velour and flocked to rubber bald. However, the Bambino, Sphynx, and Ukrainian Levkoy are typically covered in a thin, silky fuzz, which makes them feel like suede.
- Hairless cat breeds are shown a little TLC through their grooming routines since they need much more help from humans than the furred felines, which mostly groom themselves with slight human assistance. Thus, these cats need to be wiped down daily throughout their bodies to absorb the excess oils that usually get soaked up by the fur. Monthly baths can also be done more often to avert skin problems. Additionally, you must clean the ears weekly to eliminate the wax debris and build-up and prevent diseases. Lastly, these cat breeds necessitate sun protection; therefore, utilize an SPF formulated for cats to avoid sunburns and a sweater for the colder months.