Texas waters teem with fascinating dragonflies, from small darners to impressive giants that dart and hover through the air.
These ancient insects have captivated observers for millennia with their acrobatic flight patterns and jewel-like colors.
The Eastern Pondhawk stands as the most common dragonfly species in Texas, recognized by the males’ vibrant green coloration as they patrol ponds, marshes, and slow-moving rivers across the state.
The Lone Star State’s unique geographic position creates an ideal environment for both eastern and western species, along with temperate and subtropical varieties.
Texas hosts at least 49 distinct species of dragonflies and damselflies, including impressive specimens like the Black Saddlebags, which can grow up to 2.5 inches in length.
These remarkable insects add color and movement to Texas waterways while playing vital roles in local ecosystems.
Common Green Darner

The Common Green Darner dragonfly reaches an impressive size of up to 2 inches in length. Its name comes from its resemblance to a darning needle.
These dragonflies display striking coloration, with males featuring bright blue-green bodies and females showing more subdued tones.
The thorax exhibits a vibrant green hue, complemented by transparent wings lined with distinctive veins.
Common Green Darners are powerful flyers that excel at catching other flying insects.
Their exceptional flying abilities make them skilled predators in flight.
Migration Pattern:
- Travel from northern United States
- Move south through Texas
- Continue into Mexico
- One of the longest migration routes among dragonflies
These remarkable insects belong to the family Aeshnidae and can be found throughout North America.
Their range extends from Canada down to Panama, making them one of the most widespread dragonfly species in the region.
Look for Common Green Darners near ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.
They are particularly active during warm, sunny days when they patrol their territories and hunt for prey.
Eastern Pondhawk

The Eastern Pondhawk dragonfly (Erythemis simplicicollis) ranks as one of Texas’s most prevalent dragonfly species.
These agile insects frequent ponds, marshes, and slow-moving rivers across the state.
Male Eastern Pondhawks display striking vibrant green coloration with metallic green eyes.
The females exhibit different colors, featuring brown and yellow striped abdomens with distinctive red eyes.
These medium-sized dragonflies measure between 1 to 1.5 inches in length.
They demonstrate remarkable hunting abilities, capturing mosquitoes and other small flying insects with precision.
Eastern Pondhawks can be found throughout the eastern two-thirds of the United States.
In Texas, they remain active from early spring through late fall, with peak activity during warm summer months.
Their habitat preferences include:
- Freshwater ponds
- Marshlands
- Slow-moving streams
- Lake edges
- Wetland areas
These dragonflies serve as excellent natural pest controllers, helping maintain ecological balance in their environments.
They often perch horizontally on leaves or stems near water bodies, making them relatively easy to spot and identify.
Blue Dasher

The Blue Dasher dragonfly is one of Texas’s most abundant dragonfly species, measuring between 1 to 1.5 inches in length.
These agile insects display striking sexual dimorphism in their appearance.
Male Blue Dashers showcase a vibrant blue coloration along their bodies, complemented by yellow-striped thoraces and metallic green eyes.
Their distinctive appearance makes them easily recognizable near water bodies.
Female Blue Dashers feature more subdued colors, with brown and yellow striped abdomens and red eyes.
Both sexes maintain the characteristic striped thorax pattern.
These active hunters frequent slow-moving waters, including ponds, marshes, and calm streams.
They can often be seen perching on emergent vegetation while scanning for prey or potential mates.
Key Features:
- Length: 1-1.5 inches
- Wing Pattern: Four wings with two dark streaks
- Habitat: Marshes, ponds, slow-moving water
- Activity: Most active during warm, sunny days
- Range: Common throughout Texas
The male’s abdomen displays a chalky blue color that ends in a black tip.
Their wings remain transparent with noticeable dark streaks, helping them maintain agility during flight.
Widow Skimmer

The Widow Skimmer dragonfly is easily identified by its distinctive dark wing markings, which resemble a black shawl – the inspiration for its common name.
These medium-sized dragonflies measure between 1.5 to 2 inches in length.
Males and females display notable differences in appearance. Males have a bright red abdomen, while females maintain a brown coloration.
Both sexes feature dark brown eyes and black bodies marked with yellow patterns.
These dragonflies frequently perch on bare branches, logs, and tall grasses near marshy areas.
They exhibit territorial behavior and can often be spotted around ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.
Widow Skimmers (Libellula luctuosa) are active during warm months in Texas.
Their transparent wings feature bold black patches near the base, with white bands extending toward the tips, creating a striking visual pattern during flight.
Look for these dragonflies in open areas near water bodies. They prefer habitats with plenty of sunlight and available perches, making them relatively easy to spot and photograph.
Twelve-Spotted Skimmer
The Twelve-spotted Skimmer is a medium-sized dragonfly reaching 1.5 to 2 inches in length.
Its distinctive appearance makes it one of Texas’s most recognizable dragonfly species.
Males display a striking pattern with blue-colored abdomens marked by 12 prominent dark spots on their wings.
Female Twelve-spotted Skimmers have dark brown bodies and lack the blue coloration of males.
These agile insects have yellowish-brown eyes that help them spot prey and potential mates.
Their bodies feature dark brown coloring with yellow stripes along the sides.
These dragonflies prefer habitats near water sources, including ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.
Female dragonflies lay their eggs in these water bodies, where the young develop.
The offspring begin life as aquatic naiads, looking more like small crustaceans than dragonflies.
They spend their early life stage underwater before emerging as adults.
Adults often perch on bare branches or tall grasses near water bodies.
From these vantage points, they hunt flying insects and defend their territory from other dragonflies.
Roseate Skimmer

The Roseate Skimmer dragonfly is commonly found across Texas, displaying a striking pink-purple coloration that makes it easily identifiable.
The scientific name for this species is Orthemis ferruginea. These elegant dragonflies exhibit sexual dimorphism.
Males showcase a vibrant reddish-pink body, while females have a more brownish coloration with amber-tinted wings.
Roseate Skimmers prefer small water bodies in Texas, particularly those with minimal competition from other dragonfly species.
They thrive in areas with nearby vegetation that provides sturdy perching spots.
These agile insects are territorial and will actively defend their chosen water sources.
They demonstrate particular skill at avoiding competition with more aggressive species like Neon Skimmers.
Breeding occurs near water sources as small as bathtub-sized pools.
The female deposits eggs in water bodies with surrounding or overhanging vegetation that serves as perching sites during the reproductive process.
The Roseate Skimmer can be spotted patrolling their territory throughout warm months in Texas.
They are skilled hunters, capturing smaller insects in mid-flight with remarkable precision.
Halloween Pennant

The Halloween Pennant dragonfly gets its name from its distinctive orange wings marked with dark brown bands, creating a pattern reminiscent of Halloween colors.
These vibrant dragonflies are frequent visitors to waterways across Texas, where they can often be spotted perched on tall vegetation near the water’s edge.
Their wings spread like pennants in the breeze, making them easily recognizable.
The scientific name for this striking species is Celithemis eponina.
They belong to the skimmer family of dragonflies and are medium-sized compared to other dragonfly species.
These dragonflies play a beneficial role in the Texas ecosystem by controlling mosquito populations and other small flying insects.
They are active hunters during daylight hours, particularly in warm weather.
Halloween Pennants can be found throughout the eastern United States, including Texas, where they frequent ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.
They are most commonly seen during summer months.
Look for these distinctive insects near:
- Pond edges
- Lake shores
- Marshy areas
- Stream banks
- Wetland vegetation
Calico Pennant
The Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa) is a striking dragonfly species found throughout Texas wetlands and ponds.
These small but colorful dragonflies display distinctive black and yellow patterns on their wings.
Male Calico Pennants are easily identified by their bright red abdomens and dark wing patches, while females exhibit yellow markings instead of red.
Both sexes feature intricate patterns of black spots along their wings, creating a unique “calico” appearance.
These agile flyers prefer to perch on tall grass stems or emergent vegetation near the water’s edge.
They can often be spotted in Brazos Bend State Park and other wetland areas across Texas from late spring through early fall.
Calico Pennants are territorial insects, with males actively defending their chosen perches from other dragonflies.
They hunt small flying insects and are most active during warm, sunny days when they patrol their territory looking for prey and potential mates.
Adult Features:
- Length: 1.2-1.4 inches
- Wingspan: 1.8-2.2 inches
- Colors: Red/yellow abdomen with black markings
- Wing pattern: Dark spots creating calico effect
- Flight season: May through October
Four-Spotted Pennant

The Four-spotted Pennant dragonfly is abundant in central Texas, where thousands can gather around ponds.
This medium-sized dragonfly is a common sight throughout the southeastern United States.
Its scientific name is Brachymesia gravida. Young males display distinctive markings that make identification straightforward.
The dragonfly earned its name from the prominent spots on its wings.
Both males and females can be found near calm water bodies, including ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.
These dragonflies play an important role in their ecosystem by controlling insect populations.
They are skilled aerial predators, catching smaller insects in flight.
Adult Four-spotted Pennants are active during warm months.
They can often be seen perching on vegetation near water’s edge, darting out to catch prey or defend their territory.
These dragonflies are most active during daylight hours. Their presence often indicates a healthy aquatic environment.
Black Saddlebags

Black Saddlebags dragonflies rank among the largest dragonfly species in Texas, reaching lengths of up to 2.5 inches.
Their distinctive appearance features dark brown or black eyes paired with a sleek black body.
The most notable characteristic of these impressive insects is the dark band at the base of their hind wings, which resembles saddlebags on each side.
Their wings display a smoky brown coloration with pronounced dark veins.
These agile flyers belong to the group known as Saddlebag Gliders.
They demonstrate remarkable aerial abilities while patrolling their territory and hunting for smaller insects.
Preferred Habitats:
- Marshes
- Ponds
- Lakes
- Other wetland areas
Black Saddlebags maintain a widespread presence across Texas and can be spotted throughout the United States from coast to coast.
Their active flight patterns and striking appearance make them easily recognizable when observed near water bodies.
Adult Black Saddlebags serve as skilled predators, contributing to natural pest control by feeding on mosquitoes and other small flying insects.
They are most commonly seen during warm months when they patrol open areas near water.
Red Saddlebags

Red Saddlebags dragonflies (Tramea onusta) are striking aerial predators commonly seen throughout Texas.
These agile flyers display distinctive red patches near the base of their hindwings, resembling small saddles – a feature that gives them their common name.
Red Saddlebags frequently patrol open areas like meadows, fields, and roadways while hunting flying insects. They are particularly active during warm, sunny days.
The males exhibit bright red coloration on their bodies and wings, while females show a more subdued brown coloration.
Both sexes maintain the characteristic “saddlebag” wing markings.
These dragonflies prefer to breed in permanent ponds, lakes, and slow-moving sections of rivers.
Females lay eggs by tapping the water’s surface while in flight, often accompanied by protective males.
Adult Red Saddlebags measure approximately 2 inches in length and can be spotted from spring through fall in Texas, with peak activity during summer months.
Carolina Saddlebags

The Carolina Saddlebags dragonfly is a striking species found throughout Texas, particularly abundant in the eastern regions.
These dragonflies display distinctive red markings on their wings that extend into the anal loop, setting them apart from other similar species.
Males feature a bright red body and wings with dark reddish-brown patches near the base.
Females exhibit similar markings but tend to have a more brownish coloration.
Their preferred habitats include ponds, lakes, swamps, and clear streams.
They actively avoid muddy water bodies and can be spotted patrolling their territory with swift, graceful flights.
Eastern Texas populations are especially robust, where these dragonflies can be observed engaging in territorial behavior and hunting smaller insects.
They demonstrate remarkable aerial agility while catching prey in mid-flight.
Physical Characteristics:
- Size: Large dragonfly species
- Wings: Red markings with dark patches
- Body: Bright red (males), brownish (females)
- Eyes: Large, compound eyes
These dragonflies serve as excellent indicators of healthy aquatic ecosystems and play a vital role in controlling insect populations around water bodies.
They are most active during warm, sunny days when they can be seen gliding and hovering above their chosen territory.
Common Whitetail

The Common Whitetail is among the most recognizable dragonflies in Texas, displaying distinct characteristics between males and females.
Male Common Whitetails feature a striking white abdomen with dark wing patches, making them easily identifiable during flight.
The white coloration develops as they mature, starting from a darker shade in their youth.
Female specimens exhibit a different appearance with brown bodies marked by lateral yellow stripes.
Their wings remain clear without the dark patches seen in males.
These dragonflies measure approximately 1.5 inches in length.
They possess reddish eyes and a yellow thorax marked with black.
Habitat preferences include:
- Ponds
- Lakes
- Slow-moving streams
- Marshy areas
- Drainage ditches
Common Whitetails remain active from spring through fall, frequently perching on flat surfaces near water bodies.
They demonstrate territorial behavior, with males actively defending their chosen areas from other dragonflies.
Slaty Skimmer

The Slaty Skimmer (Libellula incesta) is a widespread dragonfly species found throughout Texas.
Males display a distinctive slate-blue coloration across their entire body, while females exhibit brown tones.
These adaptable dragonflies thrive in various aquatic environments, including springs, creeks, swamps, marshes, and lagoons.
They are particularly active around flooded areas during temporary water accumulation.
With their robust wings and agile flight patterns, Slaty Skimmers patrol their territories near water bodies.
Males often perch on exposed branches or vegetation, watching for potential mates or prey.
Key Features:
- Length: 1.8-2.0 inches
- Wingspan: 2.5-3.0 inches
- Male color: Slate blue body
- Female color: Brown body
- Wings: Clear and unmarked
These dragonflies play a vital role in controlling mosquito populations and other small flying insects.
They are most active during warm summer months when they can be seen skimming over water surfaces in pursuit of prey.
Great Blue Skimmer

The Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans) stands out among Texas dragonflies with its striking appearance and large size.
Males display a distinctive powder-blue body, while females exhibit a brown coloration.
Large king skimmers feature prominent black bands and spots on their wings.
Their thick abdomen and robust build make them easily recognizable near water bodies.
These impressive dragonflies belong to the Libellulidae family, known for their vibrant colors and agile flight patterns.
Adults typically reach lengths of 2-2.5 inches with a wingspan of up to 3 inches.
Great Blue Skimmers prefer calm waters like ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.
They can often be spotted perched on emergent vegetation or patrolling their territory with swift, precise movements.
Key Features:
- Powder-blue coloration in males
- Black wing markings
- Thick abdomen
- Large size compared to other skimmers
- Strong territorial behavior
These dragonflies play a vital role in controlling mosquito populations and other small flying insects.
They are most active during warm summer months when they can be seen hunting and defending their territories.
Neon Skimmer

The Neon Skimmer dragonfly (Libellula croceipennis) displays striking red coloration that makes it instantly recognizable in Texas waterways.
Native to the southwestern United States, these vibrant insects frequent ponds, marshes, and slow-moving streams.
Males exhibit an intense crimson-red body and wings, while females show more subdued brown or orange tones.
Their wingspan typically reaches 3-4 inches, making them medium-sized among dragonfly species.
These agile flyers are commonly spotted throughout Texas, particularly in Austin and surrounding areas.
They prefer to perch on exposed twigs or vegetation near water bodies, making them easy to observe.
Habitat Preferences:
- Ponds and lakes
- Slow-moving streams
- Marshy areas
- Wetland edges
Neon Skimmers demonstrate unique mating behaviors and can often be seen patrolling their territory near water sources.
Their presence indicates healthy aquatic ecosystems, as they require clean water for breeding and larval development.
During warm months, these dragonflies become particularly active, darting through the air to catch smaller insects.
Their exceptional flying abilities and distinctive appearance make them a fascinating subject for nature enthusiasts and photographers.
Flame Skimmer

The Flame Skimmer is a large dragonfly species ranging from 2 1/16 to 2 7/16 inches in length.
Its striking appearance features a bright reddish-orange body that gives it its memorable name.
Males display more vibrant coloring than females, with their entire bodies covered in the distinctive flame-red hue. Females exhibit a lighter brownish-orange coloration.
These eye-catching insects prefer habitats near marshy lakes, acid bogs, slow streams, and ponds.
They spend much of their time patrolling these water bodies in search of prey and potential mates.
Adult Flame Skimmers are skilled aerial predators. They catch smaller flying insects mid-air, using their excellent vision and agile flight capabilities to track and capture prey.
Male Flame Skimmers display strong territorial behavior around water sources.
They actively defend their chosen areas against other males while seeking to attract females for mating.
The best time to spot these vibrant dragonflies in Texas is during warm, sunny days when they are most active.
Look for them perched on exposed twigs or vegetation near water bodies, where they rest between hunting flights.
Checkered Setwing

The Checkered Setwing (Dythemis fugax) features distinctive black and white checkered patterns on its wings, making it easily identifiable among Texas dragonflies.
These agile insects prefer to perch on vegetation near water bodies.
Their unique wing patterns serve as both camouflage and visual signals to other dragonflies.
The Checkered Setwing demonstrates territorial behavior, with males often returning to the same perch after patrolling their chosen area.
They are skilled hunters, capturing smaller insects in mid-flight.
In Texas, these dragonflies are particularly active during warm months.
They can frequently be spotted near ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams where they hunt and breed.
Key Features:
- Black and white checkered wing pattern
- Medium-sized dragonfly
- Territorial behavior
- Prefers aquatic habitats
- Active during warm seasons
The species name fugax refers to their swift flying abilities and quick movements when hunting or evading predators.
Eastern Amberwing
The Eastern Amberwing dragonfly is one of Texas’s smallest dragonfly species.
These distinctive insects display noticeable sexual dimorphism in their appearance.
Males feature amber-colored wings and bright orange-yellow bodies, making them easily recognizable near water bodies.
Females have a different appearance, with clear wings marked by dark bands and brown bodies.
These agile flyers measure approximately 0.8 to 1.2 inches in length.
They prefer to perch on low vegetation near ponds, marshes, and slow-moving streams.
The Eastern Amberwing can be distinguished from the Slough Amberwing by its unique dorsal abdominal pattern featuring triangles, while the Slough Amberwing displays parallel lines.
They are active during warm months and can often be seen patrolling their territory near water.
Males are particularly territorial and will chase away other males that enter their space.
These dragonflies play a beneficial role in their ecosystem by controlling mosquito populations and serving as food for birds and other predators.
They are most commonly spotted between late spring and early fall in Texas.
Giant Darner

The Giant Darner dragonfly is the largest dragonfly species in North America, with an impressive wingspan reaching up to 5 inches.
These remarkable insects display distinctive features, including a bright green head and arched abdomen that makes up two-thirds of their body length.
The abdomen is predominantly brown, with females showing green spots while males exhibit blue markings.
The Giant Darner can be found in Texas due to the state’s unique geographical position, which creates an ideal habitat mixing eastern and western species distributions.
These agile flyers are active from April through October and are frequently spotted in canyon areas.
They can be distinguished from the similar-looking Common Green Darner by their longer abdomen, which extends beyond their wing length.
Their large size and striking blue and black coloring make them easy to spot as they zoom through the air, though they move quickly and rarely stay still for long.