27 Different Types of Frogs in the World

Different Types of Frogs in the WorldPin
Photo by Jelle de Gier

An astounding diversity of frogs reside in the world’s tropical jungles.

Tropical locations, such as the Amazon rainforest and the woods of Equatorial Africa, are home to different frog species.

However, frogs can be found practically everywhere on the planet.

There is a wide range of diversity in frogs’ sizes, colors, and shapes.

Each different type of frog possesses characteristics that are one-of-a-kind and cool in their own right.

You will likely come across a frog’s house if you are exploring an area close to a body of water. Frogs are practically everywhere.

Have you ever seen a frog in your backyard and been curious about its species? Have you ever ventured into the woods and encountered a frog hiding in a tree? We have compiled a comprehensive list of the many different types of frogs in various parts of the world.

This comprehensive guide on frogs will cover various frog species, their behaviors, habitats, diets, and other interesting qualities unique to each species.

Before we go into all the details, let’s first acquire a rough knowledge of what frogs are and where they are placed in the Animalia kingdom. Frogs are amphibians that belong to the order Anura.

Different Types of Frogs

The animals known as amphibia include frogs. “amphibian” comes from Greek and means “double life.” This refers to amphibians spending their lives on land and water.

There are already about 5,000 different species of frogs, which is still rising. Since some species of frogs spend most of their lives hiding because they are extremely little or reside in the tree tops, locating some amphibians can be challenging.

The order Anura comprises both frogs and toads as members. The term “Anura” refers to the absence of tails. They have a tail when they are tadpoles, but it falls off when they become adults. Frog and toad eggs have tails when they hatch but lose them when they develop.

1. Spotted Tree Frog

The Spotted Tree Frog (Nyctixalus pictus) comes first on our list of different types of frogs. It is a member of the Rhacophoridae family and is also known as the “Cinnamon Frog.

Spotted tree frogs can be found in many parts of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, and Singapore, to name just a few of the countries in the region. They call the lowlands of subtropical and tropical rainforests home.

Logging and other forms of deforestation threaten the Cinnamon Frog’s natural habitats. According to the IUCN’s most recent assessment (2004), their conservation status is currently “Near Threatened.”

Cinnamon frog females are often larger than cinnamon frog males, with an average length of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) compared to males, with an average of 1.3 inches (3.3 cm) (3.3 cm). They are creatures that are active primarily at night because they are nocturnal.

Cinnamon is a nickname given to spotted tree frogs due to the coloration of their spots. They typically have white specks throughout a light brown, tan, or light red-orange background tone.

Because they spend most of their time in trees, female spotted tree frogs deposit their eggs in cavities pre-filled with water.

After hatching, the tadpoles fall into the bodies of water below where they live. Their life expectancy is between 10 and 14 years. The spotted tree frog is an insectivore that consumes various flying insects for food.

2. Red-Eyed Tree Frog

You’ve undoubtedly seen photographs of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas) before, as it’s sort of like the “poster frog” of the rainforest, and you’ve probably seen it before.

There is a chance that people may refer to them as the most well-known frogs in the entire globe when exploring different types of frogs. The Phyllomedusidae family includes members such as the red-eyed tree frog.

The red-eyed tree frog is native to the moist lowland rainforests of Central America, although you can also find it in the southernmost regions of Mexico.

They spend most of their adult lives dwelling high in the rainforest canopy; however, they may move closer to the forest floor during the breeding season.

The striking red coloration of the eyes, the emerald green coloration of their skin, and the blue coloration on their sides make red-eyed tree frogs very easy to recognize.

The red-eyed tree frog is one of the few nocturnal species on this list of different types of frogs. They frequently hibernate during the day on the undersides of leaves.

They can hide their other hues when seated so only their green is seen. This aids in their defense approach known as “startle coloration.”

The mating ritual is the first step in the reproductive process, which occurs during the wetter months of the year. To entice potential mates, males will croak and shake themselves.

The female red-eyed tree frog will lay her eggs on the underside of a leaf above a body of water. The eggs will hatch within minutes of the female placing them.

The diet of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog consists of a wide variety of insects, including Crickets, moths, flies, grasshoppers, and Smaller frogs

3. Vietnamese Mossy Frog

The northern region of Vietnam is home to the species of frog known as the Mossy Frog (Theloderma corticale). You can find these unique, different types of frogs in the evergreen forests prevalent throughout the rocky mountains or on the banks of the streams that meander through those mountains.

They have a terrestrial lifestyle and make their home on the forest’s ground level, where they can blend in with the mossy rocks.

Since these mossy creatures are semi-aquatic, they spend most of their time hopping around bodies of water and other damp regions.

They are very skilled in camouflage, making it incredibly difficult to find one of them. Their green and brown textured skin and green eyes help them blend in very well with the environment in which they live.

When they sense danger, mossy frogs will fake their death and use camouflage to conceal themselves from potential enemies.

The length of a male is approximately 7-8 centimeters (3.5 inches), whereas a female is significantly longer. They are likewise active only at night.

The female will lay between eight to ten eggs in rock crevices above the water in each clutch. This helps to ensure that any aquatic predators will not consume the eggs. The eggs take about one to two weeks to hatch and then another three months to develop into froglets.

The diets of mossy frogs are unpredictable since they consume anything that can fit into their mouths and is readily available.

This would consist of a wide variety of insects and aquatic bugs that inhabit areas close to bodies of water.

4. Malayan Horned Frog

The Malayan horned frog (Megophrys nasuta) is a candidate for inclusion in our compilation of different types of frogs.

You can easily find the Malayan horned frogs in southern Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Borneo, among other Southeast Asian locations.

They are entirely terrestrial after they have reached adulthood and make their homes in lowland and submontane woods.

The Megophryidae family includes the Malayan Horned Frog and the Long-nosed Horned Toad, both referred to as the Long-nosed Horned Toad.

They stand out due to their unusual appearance, which includes a short, pointed nose and extended spikes that run over their eyes.

Because of their look, similar to a leaf, they can mix well with the leaf litter on the forest floor.

Their coloring ranges from dark to light brown on their backs, and their underbelly is a dark brown tint with lighter patterns.

Their conservation status was determined to be “Least Concern” by the IUCN in their most recent assessment in the year 2020.

In streams, it is common for females to bury their eggs beneath rocks, logs, or other structures. It takes about a week for them to hatch, and depending on the temperature, it might take two and a half months to seven months for them to transform into froglets.

These creatures that resemble leaves are opportunistic hunters who consume a wide range of gastropods and insects.

5. Painted Reed Frog

The Painted Reed Frog (Hyperolius marmoratus) is another stunning species on our list of different types of frogs. They inhabit most parts of southern Africa.

Painted reed frogs are endemic to sub-Saharan Africa and inhabit grasslands or savannas near water sources. During the wet season, You can easily spot them in lowland areas.

The Painted Reed Frog is undeniably a magnificent piece of artwork. They can be any color, but the stripes that run down their bodies typically combine black to dark brown and pale orange.

Their colors can range from light to dark. They usually have a faint orange or white coloration on their bellies.

When the female is ready to lay eggs during the breeding season, she will go up to the male and approach him.

The male will select a pond as his calling territory, and the female will create a clutch of up to 600 eggs, which she will then lay in that pond’s water. The mating season starts in the spring after the first rains of the year and lasts into the late summer months.

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The eggs will hatch within a week, and the tadpoles will transform into froglets within two months at the very latest.

Froglets will eventually mature into adults, at which point they will establish their unique coloring pattern. Their lifespan is relatively limited when captivity, as they only live for 4.5 to 5 years. Painted reed frogs consume a wide variety of different insects and other arthropods for food.

6. Glass Frog

Glass frogs (Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni) belong to the Centrolenidae family and are distinctive by their see-through appearance.

Within the Centrolenidae family, there are several different subspecies, but the Northern Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni ) species is one that we will focus on here.

The Northern Glass Frog is a frog native to Mexico, Central America, and South America. They call the damp montane woods that run along stony streams in neotropical climates their home.

Glass frogs are intriguing because their underbellies are completely see-through, giving them a unique appearance different from most other types of frogs.

Because of their transparency, you can see all their organs, including their beating hearts! They have green bones and a pale green tint overall, and their skin may be spotted with flecks of a lighter yellow or even white.

The fact that their bones are green gives them an adaptive advantage, according to scientists, because it helps them blend in better with their surroundings. Northern glass frogs are relatively little amphibians that can grow to lengths of up to 2.5 centimeters (1 in.).

The females lay the eggs on the underside of the leaves above the water, and each clutch can contain up to thirty eggs.

It takes around two weeks for the eggs of a glass frog to hatch, but because the transition from tadpole to froglet is so sluggish, it can take up to two years for a tadpole to mature into a froglet.

The diets of glass frogs are comparable to those of other different types of frogs and are primarily composed of various small invertebrates, spiders, and other small insects.

7. Shovel-Headed Tree Frog

The western coast of Mexico is the natural habitat of the shovel-headed tree frog (Triprion spatulatus), which you can find both in trees and on the ground. They call woodlands, shrublands, and wetland habitats their home.

These amphibians have triangular-shaped heads that taper towards the mouth, giving them the common name of shovel-headed tree frogs.

This name is appropriate since its appearance is quite distinct from other different types of frogs. The length of males can range from 6.1 to 8.7 centimeters (2.4-3.4 inches), while the length of females can range from 7.5 to 10.1 centimeters (3-4 in.).

Their hues range from light tan to olive-gray, bluish-green, and anything in between. Their bellies are white, tan, or brown, depending on the light. As of 2019, the conservation status of shovel-headed tree frogs is under the Least Concern category.

The breeding season occurs throughout the wetter months, June through November. When it rains heavily, temporary pools of water will form, and the females of the species will lay their eggs close to these puddles. Males can entice potential mates by emitting a mating call into the environment.

Shovel-headed tree frogs adopt a hunting strategy known as “sit and wait,” They wait for insects to pass by and then trap them with their tongues covered in a sticky substance.

8. Gray Tree Frogs

The gray tree frog (Hyla Versicolor) is an adorable species on our list of different types of frogs. They have a gray coloration to blend in with the bark of trees, but their color can rapidly transform into a greenish-gray or brown tint to mix in with their surroundings.

They inhabit the eastern half of the United States, specifically the deciduous forests close to bodies of water.

These adorable creatures come out only at night and can hibernate through the colder months to be active again in the spring.

9. Desert Rain Frog

These animals (Breviceps macrops) are experts at burrowing and can be found in the dunes along the coast of South Africa. They come out at night and spend the daytime buried beneath since they are nocturnal.

Most of their diet consists of different kinds of insects, including beetles and moths. As of 2016, these adorable frogs are classified as Near Threatened, primarily due to tourism’s impact.

10. Cranwell’s Horned Frog

The Cranwell’s Horned Frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli) is a member of the genus Ceratophrys and is also commonly called the Pacman Frog. There are a total of eight distinct subspecies.

Because of their disproportionately huge heads and small bodies, Cranwell’s horned frogs are one of the cutest species of frogs.

They make their home in the more northern parts of South America. The eyes of Pacman frogs are unusually large and protrude from the sides of their heads.

They also have big jaws and spherical bodies. Because of their appealing appearance, many people who adore different types of frogs want to keep them as pets.

11. Paedophryne Amanuensis

The Paedophryne amanuensis is the tiniest species of frog that may be found anywhere in the world. Researchers found it in Papua New Guinea; its length was 7.7 millimeters (0.3 inches).

The Microhylidae family is home to this newly discovered species of microfrog that scientists identified in 2012. Its eyes are an amber tint, and its body is reddish-brown with dark brown splotches, allowing it to blend in well with the leaf litter.

Unlike most other types of frogs, They do not go through a tadpole phase because they are terrestrial. They eat a wide variety of tiny invertebrates, such as acarians and collembolans.

12. Goliath Frog

This frog certainly lives up to its name, which is appropriate given its enormous size, as the Goliath Frog (Conraua Goliath).

They can grow over 3 pounds in weight and up to 13 inches (32 centimeters) in length, making them the largest frog on our list of different types of frogs. The equatorial regions of Guinea and Cameroon in West Africa are home to populations of Goliath frogs.

These enormous frogs call the moist environments of rainforests their home, where they can be seen living next to rivers and waterfalls.

Males produce a sound similar to a whistle to entice females but do not have vocal sacs. Instead, they make a noise by opening and closing their jaws.

After mating with the male, the females swim to the bottom of a river or stream to lay their eggs, which can number in the hundreds.

Because of their enormous size, you might assume that goliath tadpoles are likewise significantly bigger than the typical size of a frog, but this is not the case.

The tadpole stage of the Goliath frog’s life cycle lasts for around three months, resulting in a fairly typical-sized froglet.

The diet of Goliath frogs is comparable to that of other species of frogs. They consume various animals, including insects and other frog species.

13. American Cinchona Plantation Treefrog

The American Cinchona Plantation Treefrog (Isthmohyla rivularis) is the rarest species of frog in the world since, before its rediscovery in 2007, scientists believed that the species had been extinct.

According to the IUCN’s assessment in 2019, this frog species is Endangered. Records have shown that less than 3,000 mature frogs are still alive today, and the number of these amphibians continues to dwindle due to agricultural operations and logging. Invasive organisms not native to the area also pose a hazard to them.

One can find the American cinchona plantation tree frog in Costa Rica and Panama’s marshes and premontane rainforests.

14. Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frog

The neotropical region of northern South America and Brazil is home to the yellow-banded poison dart frog.

Yellow-banded poison frogs (Dendrobates leucomelas) are terrestrial and can hang on tree trunks on the forest floor. This is in contrast to the majority of other different types of frogs, which prefer to cling to trees at higher elevations.

Tadpoles mature in pools of water found within bromeliads (Bromeliads are flowering plants endemic to tropical regions).

Yellow-banded poison frogs have yellow bands that span over their black bodies. As the frogs age, the yellow bands on their backs tend to become spots instead of remaining connected.

These particular frogs are diurnal, which means that during the daytime, they are more active than at other times. Male frogs are extremely territorial, and if another male frog approaches the zone they have selected for breeding, they may resort to aggressive behavior.

When a female frog has finished laying her eggs and the eggs, have developed into tadpoles, the adult frogs will place the tadpoles in the water pockets of bromeliads, where they will remain until they have transformed into froglets.

The collective noun for a clutch of frog eggs is “clutch.” A female yellow-banded frog can lay between two to twelve eggs in a single clutch and as many as one thousand eggs over a breeding season.

In the wild, the average lifespan of these frogs is between five and seven years. The transformation from tadpole to froglet takes around two to three months.

The yellow-banded poison-dart frogs are insectivorous. Most of their diet consists of Insects such as ants, termites, and small beetles.

15. Red-Backed Poison Frog

The red-backed poison frog (Ranitomeya reticulata) is a terrestrial species that spends its entire life on the ground in forests, where it lives in leaf litter and tree roots. They call the tropical lowlands of the Amazon region in Peru and Ecuador home as their permanent abode.

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The color patterns of red-backed poison frogs are easily distinguishable from other different types of frogs. They have a vivid red coloration that begins at the top of the head and continues down to the lower back.

These frogs’ lower part and sides are black, with either light blue, white, yellow, or orange circular patterns.

They have dark circles beneath their eyes and a black underbelly. They can reach a length of roughly 0.5 to 0.75 inches (1.2 to 2 centimeters) in adults.

As of 2017, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categorizes red-backed poison frogs as being of “Least Concern” regarding their preservation.

Their environment in the Amazon rainforest is in danger due to deforestation and climate change on a global scale. International commerce in pets is yet another significant danger to these frogs.

During the mating season, males are responsible for luring in females, and once a female has selected a male, she will stamp her feet to signal to the male that she is prepared to mate and begin laying eggs.
Females lay eggs in moist leaf litter, and males are responsible for fertilizing them.

When the eggs hatch, the male will bring one to three tadpoles at a time to pools of water where they will continue to develop. Most red-backed poison frogs’ diets are comprised of tiny insects.

16. Strawberry Poison Dart Frog

Strawberry poison frogs (Oophaga pumilio) are endemic to the rainforests of Central and South America, both neotropical environments.

They dwell on land and require a lot of water in their environments, a prerequisite for successful reproduction.

The strawberry poison dart frogs’ length can range from 0.5-0.75 inches (17-24 mm). Their name accurately describes their look, as most of their bodies are bright red with black spots, much like strawberries.

Strawberry poison frogs are most commonly seen in a brilliant shade of red but come in various colors, including blue, yellow, white, green, and even black.

It is very unusual for poison frogs to have this many color variants, which is one of the reasons why the strawberry poison frog is a topic of interest on this list of different types of frogs.

As of 2014, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies these animals as having a conservation status of “Least Concern.”

The most significant factors contributing to the loss of their natural habitat are urbanization, logging, and the worldwide commerce of pets.

Strawberry poison frogs can reproduce at any time of the year; however, they often only do so when the weather is rainy.

Males are notoriously possessive of their territories, and if another male comes too close to theirs, they may respond with hostility.

The females will deposit their eggs on the earth or the leaves of the forest, and once the eggs have hatched, the females will transport the tadpoles to the bromeliads.

Formicine ants and mites comprise a significant component of the food of the strawberry poison frog. Because of the formicine ants, these poisonous frogs can manufacture their toxins.

17. Blessed Poison Frog

The rainforests of the northeastern region of Peru are the natural habitat of blessed poison frogs (Ranitomeya Benedicta).

They are both terrestrial and arboreal, and their primary habitat is the lowlands of the Amazon rainforest, where they thrive among bromeliads and branches of downed trees.

The blessed poison frog is a species that is active throughout the day and has stunning color patterns. Their heads are often a bright red to orange, and typically, black spots surround their eyes.

Their bodies are black and sometimes covered with mesh designs that range in light hues like blue, light gray, or white. Sometimes, their heads are also covered with mesh patterns.

The Blessed Poison Frog is under the Vulnerable category according to the IUCN in their most recent assessment in 2017. The population of adults is declining due to the destruction of forests and unlawful hunting and trading.

The eggs of female blessed poison frogs are typically laid in damp leaf litter. Once the tadpoles have hatched, the parent frogs will take them to pools of water found in bromeliads. On the forest floor, blessed poison frogs feed on various small insects, such as ants and fruit flies.

18. American Bullfrog

The American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) is the largest frog species in North America and may be found practically everywhere in the United States. They favor living in wetland areas close to wetlands and smaller bodies of water.

The undersides of American bullfrogs can be yellow, gray, or white, and their backsides can range from yellow to green to brown to white.

American bullfrogs can also have a variety of these colors. They can grow more than eight inches (20 cm) in length, making them the largest frogs in North America. The size of these animals could change according to the region in which they inhabit.

Hibernation is a process that bullfrogs go through throughout the winter months, where they may bury themselves in mud or dirt pockets. Torpor is the term used to describe their condition of hibernation.

The reproduction process of the American bullfrog takes place in water, in contrast to the majority of the other different types of frogs we have covered.

In the spring and early summer, females will lay their eggs in submerged water bodies. The males choose a breeding territory, but it is up to the females to determine who they will mate with by venturing into the selected region.

Most of the time, females select a male roughly the same age as them. The female lays the eggs on the water’s surface, and the hatchlings take three to five days to emerge. There could be as many as 20,000 eggs in a single clutch produced by a female.

The American bullfrog’s diet consists of various arthropods and aquatic organisms. Tadpoles mostly consume algae and many types of tiny invertebrates for food.

19. Common Frog

The common frog (Rana temporaria) is the most frequently seen frog species on our compilation of different types of frogs.

The common frog is a species that originated in the United Kingdom but can now reside throughout Europe. They make their habitats in bodies of water that are not subject to drying up, such as lakes and ponds.

Common frogs can range in color from light brown to tan and green, and they frequently have dark brown markings on their bodies.

Their bellies range in hue from a pale tan to almost white, and they have a variety of tan spots and markings.

Female common frogs can reach a maximum length of 5 inches (13 cm), while males can grow to a maximum length of 3.5 inches (9 cm).

When winter arrives, common frogs will hibernate until spring by burying themselves in mud, behind rocks, or among vegetation until the weather warms up again.

Common frogs begin their reproductive lives when they are two to three years old. The breeding season starts in the spring when males use a vocalization call to entice females.

When a female lays her eggs, she will do so in a body of water that is not moving, and the eggs will hatch between two and four weeks later.

A single clutch of eggs a common female frog produces can contain up to 2,000 eggs. Approximately four months are required for tadpoles to start growing legs. The froglets will have developed into fully grown frogs by summer.

The common frogs are Insectivores and carnivores. Tadpoles will continue to consume algae even after they have developed into froglets.

20. Wood Frog

There are isolated populations of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) across the United States and Canada, with the highest concentrations being in Alaska and the northeastern states.

They inhabit many environments, including woodlands, temperate forests, and wetlands. The coloration of a wood frog can range from a light reddish-brown to a light gray or even a greenish-gray.

They have dark brown markings near their eyes on the side of their head, leading out towards the tip of the snout. These animals can conceal themselves from the decaying leaves covering the forest floors.

Wood frogs can reach lengths of up to 3.25 inches in adulthood (3.8 to 8.2 cm). Wood frogs have an incredible adaption that allows them to freeze throughout the winter and thaw out once spring arrives again. This is necessary for them to survive in the colder climates they inhabit.

Once temperatures rise, typically in the late winter or early spring, the breeding season for wood frogs begins. When the females have finished laying their eggs in ponds or streams, they migrate to wetland areas.

The females lay hundreds of eggs in a single clutch, and the time it takes to hatch can range from one week to one month. Froglets develop into fully grown frogs in around one to two years.

While tadpoles consume algae and other plant debris, adult frogs have a diet comparable to other different types of frogs.

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21. Green Frog

The eastern region of the United States is home to a species of frog that lives in the dense foliage of wetland areas.

After a rainstorm, it’s common for younger frogs to move into locations like meadows and woodland areas where the vegetation isn’t as dense.

The hue of their bodies can range from brilliant green to olive green and brown, with softer shades of green encircling the sides of the head. They typically have a yellow, tan, or white coloration on their bellies.

Their tympanums, located on the side of their heads just below the eyes and are dark brown with a green core, frequently protrude because they are on the side of the head. The eyes of green frogs have a gorgeous golden-orange hue to them.

Because they already make their homes in or near permanent bodies of water like lakes or other wetlands, these toads do not need to travel great distances to reach their breeding grounds, unlike most different types of frogs. April marks the beginning of the breeding season, which continues until the late summer.

The females of this species deposit their eggs along the margins of shallow bodies of water, and the number of eggs they lay in each clutch can range from 1,000 to as many as 7,000. The transformation from tadpoles to froglets typically takes about three months to complete.

Green frogs will consume virtually everything that they can get their mouths around. This contains a variety of organisms such as Spiders, Small frogs, Tadpoles, minnows, and various types of juvenile fish

22. Madagascar Tomato Frog

The Tomato Frog (Dyscophus antongilii) is an animal unique to Madagascar and is most predominant in forested regions along the coast and tropical rainforests.

It is also possible to find them in urban areas with sandy or soft soils where they can burrow. They enjoy hanging out in dense underbrush, regardless of whether it is wet or dry.

The appearance of these different types of frogs is strikingly similar to that of a ripe, bright red tomato. In addition, they have a hue that ranges from golden yellow to orange across their sides and on parts of their head, and their bellies are white.

They have a somewhat spherical shape, and the females’ length ranges from 8.5-10.5 centimeters (3.3-4.1 inches), while the length of the males is from 6-6.5 centimeters (2.4-2.6 in.).

The population of this species is diminishing due to water pollution and collecting for the worldwide pet trade, even though the IUCN has classified this species as having a conservation status of Least Concern since 2017.

They do not pose a significant health risk to human beings; nevertheless, they can secrete mucus from their skin that may result in an allergic reaction or skin irritation in certain people.

Tomato frogs can reproduce at any time of the year; however, they are most active in their reproduction after significant rains, when there is an abundance of water in which to lay their eggs.

Females typically lay eggs in water that is either stagnant or moving very slowly. The lifespan of female frogs can reach up to 11 years, while male frogs only make it to 7 years. They can live for more than 12 years when kept in captivity.

23. Golden Mantella

The central and eastern Madagascar region is where you can find the golden Mantella frogs (Mantella aurantiaca) in their natural habitat.

The majority of their habitat consists of vegetation near swampy areas. Additionally, you can find them in the forests of pandanus.

Golden mantellas can appear yellow, orange, or even reddish-orange, and because of their skin’s vibrancy, they are sometimes confused for poison frogs.

The fact that they are members of the Mentellidae family does not change the fact that their diet causes them to store poisons.

They are not very large frogs; their maximum length is only approximately one inch (2.5 centimeters). In general, females are going to be larger than males.

On the IUCN Red List, the Golden Mantella was classified as an Endangered species in 2018. They are experiencing a decline in population due to various human activities, including urbanization, mining and quarrying, and forestry. They are also vulnerable to being eaten by a variety of exotic species.

After the first significant rainfall of the year, golden mantellas begin to reproduce. During a single clutch, females will lay anything from 20 to 60 eggs, which are then immediately fertilized by the male.

It takes about 70 days to transform into froglets after beginning their life as tadpoles. However, it takes the froglets a year to fully mature into adults.

They develop their distinctive golden-orange coloring just a few weeks after emerging from the tadpole stage. About eight years is the length of their life. Golden mantellas consume a wide variety of different kinds of insects for food.

24. Blue Poison Dart Frog

The blue poison dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius “Azureus”) is stunning, much like a sapphire. This frog species is one of nature’s rare treasures, and just like a beautiful gemstone, One can only find it in the tropical forests that reach from southern Suriname into northern Brazil.

These woodlands are located on the edge of the Sipaliwini Savanna in south Suriname. The blue poison dart frog is a dangerous species that exudes a harmful chemical via its skin. Its brilliant, warning hue and common name both give this fact away.

In addition, it is easily identifiable by its body, which consists of long arms and a slumped back. A kind of fingerprint that one may use to distinguish one member of the species from other different types of frogs is the unique pattern of black spots on the back and sides of each species member.

25. Golden Poison Frog

The golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis) is a small frog species with large, round eyes. It appears to be pretty innocuous.

Batrachotoxin, however, is a poisonous chemical that covers its vibrantly colored skin. A normal wild golden poison frog can have anywhere from 700 to 1,900 micrograms of toxin in its system; nevertheless, only 200 micrograms or less is sufficient to kill a human being.

Adults can be any color from bright orange to light green, although yellow is the most prevalent color. Its body is brightly painted to warn predators of its toxicity, just as the bodies of many other animals are highly colored.

It is remarkable because the snake Liophis Epinephelus is not affected by the poison; as a result, it is the only known predator of the frog.

Along Colombia’s Pacific coast, the golden poison frog’s natural habitat consists of five isolated patches of lowland rainforest located in the upper R. Saija drainage of the Amazonian rainforest.

It has a low population and a restricted range, and its habitat faces continuous destruction, all of which contribute to the fact that it is classified as an endangered species under our compilation of different types of frogs.

26. Amazon Milk Frog

The Amazon milk frog is a species that stands out for its very distinctive and gorgeous coloring. Its skin has alternating bands and patches of dark brown and light gray to blue.

When the frogs are young, the contrast in their coloration is at its most striking. As they age, the colors in their skin become a little less vibrant, and the texture of their skin gets more granular.

Because of its coloring, the Amazon milk frog (Trachycephalus resinifictrix) can blend in better with the trees in its natural environment, the Amazon rainforest in the north of South America. It also has specialized adaptations to its toe pads to live an arboreal lifestyle.

The common name “milk frog” relates to the milky white and poisonous secretions that ooze from the animal’s skin when stressed, while the species’ scientific name alludes to its notably long snout.

Because of the spectacular gold-and-black cross pattern feature in the iris of this frog’s eye, scientists also refer to the Amazon milk frog as the mission golden-eyed tree frog.

27. Mimic Poison Frog

Ranitomeya imitator (previously Dendrobates imitator) is a poison dart frog found in the north-central region of eastern Peru.

The mimic poison frog is a widespread species because of the wide variety of color patterns it can display. Four distinct morphs are associated with this species, each exhibiting a unique combination of brilliant colors.

These morphs developed as a result of a process known as mimetic radiation. This is a phenomenon in which a species closely resembles a distinct model species.

In the case of the mimic poison frog, those models are other species of frogs, such as the splash-back poison frog (R. variabilis) and the red-headed poison frog (R. Fantastica).

When distinct morphs of the mimic poison frog come into touch with one another at the margins of these zones, the outcome is the development of unique hybrids with color patterns.

There is a possibility that some of these patterns offer a reproductive benefit, leading one to speculate that the mimic poison frog is evolving right in front of our very eyes.

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