Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

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Photo by Graham Smith on Unsplash

So many people wonder and ask if dogs can eat eggs. Can dogs eat eggs? Well, the answer is yes. Eggs are safe for dogs.

However, cooked or raw eggs are controversial, and you should know a few things before serving eggs to your dog.

In general, eggs are good for dogs and are even part of their diet in the wild.

Every aspect of the egg is rich in nutrients beneficial to dogs’ health, from the shell to the yolk.

However, your dog should consume them in moderation.

Furthermore, a vet can examine your issues and check for a deficiency when it comes to calcium.

Then, offer alternative options like calcium supplements to help you get your dog the supplements she needs without worrying about her sharp eggshells.

Nutritional Facts of Egg

  • An egg’s calorie content is 77.
  • It has 0.6 grams of carbs.
  • The egg has 5.3 grams of fat in total.
  • It contains 1.6 grams of saturated fat.
  • Also, it has 2.0 grams of monounsaturated fat.
  • Its cholesterol level is 212 milligrams.
  • An egg has 6.3 grams of protein.
  • Vitamin A in eggs is about 6 percent of the RDA.

Benefits of Your Dogs Eating Eggs

Eggs are a good source of protein, fatty acids, and amino acids for dogs. A healthy snack, they can even help soothe a rumbling tummy!

Eggs also contain vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, folate, iron, and selenium, among other nutrients.

Furthermore, calcium can be found in the shells of many sea creatures, the eggshell inclusive. Eggs are a great addition to a dog’s diet, even if they aren’t intended to replace its primary protein source.

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Side Effects of Your Dogs Eating Eggs

Though we say dogs can eat eggs, we must do everything in moderation. The cholesterol content of eggs can cause stomach upset in the short term and obesity.

However, uncooked eggs can cause salmonella. While healthy dogs are less susceptible to salmonella infection, dogs with compromised immune systems may be at greater risk.

On the other hand, Egg whites contain avidin, which inhibits biotin, a vitamin essential for cell growth, metabolism, healthy skin, and more in dogs.

Over time, avidin exposure can cause a deficiency in biotin. However, the egg yolks’ biotin can compensate for any defect caused by egg whites.

Methods of Feeding Eggs To Your Dogs

Many ingredients that go well with eggs in a human-food skillet may be toxic to dogs or add unnecessary calories.

Dogs can eat eggs, but you should first check with your vet. If your dog has a medical condition that could be worsened by consuming eggs, you will know by visiting the vet.

Ask your vet if you should feed your dog raw or cooked eggs. Use organic eggs free of chemicals and additives, no matter what you decide.

Your veterinarian can also give you advice on serving sizes. Even one whole egg per day is too much for many puppies, including smaller ones.

When it comes to feeding your dog safe human food, moderation is key. An occasional well-cooked egg is okay, according to research.

But for dogs with kidney problems or other medical issues, you should take caution when feeding eggs frequently.

Related:  Can Dogs Eat Applesauce?

Furthermore, some pet parents choose not to crack the egg. Especially for smaller dogs, this can be messy and difficult for them to bite.

As a result, some dogs may not thoroughly chew the shells before swallowing them. Don’t forget to take your dog’s needs into account.

Safe Types of Eggs

  • Boiled Egg
  • Scrambled Egg
  • Hard-boiled egg or cooked Egg white
  • Egg yolk
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