5 Best Substitute For Kitten Formula

Best Substitute For Kitten FormulaPin
Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪

When you’re faced with whether to feed your new kitten formula or get him used to eating solid food right away, your main concerns are that he won’t survive without it and will become sick if he goes without it.

But, unfortunately, their fast answers since every kitten is different, and every cat owner has different opinions about what’s best for their kitten. 

After much research, I have come up with some recommendations on the best substitute for kitten formula and how to deal with kitten formula problems as humanely and effectively as possible so that you can make your own informed decision about what approach to take.

Best Substitute For Kitten Formula

1. Milk

Your kitten needs milk to grow and stay healthy. While there is no substitute for milk, there are some substitutes that you can use in place of milk.

Cow’s milk is the best substitute for kitten formula, and it is also one of the most nutritious, as it has protein, carbs, fat, and vitamins A, D, and E. 

However, cow’s milk may only be feasible if you have a cow allergy or want to keep your cow from your kitten.

You can also make your substitute by boiling water, mixing it with flour, and adding powdered milk and vanilla extract. 

You should mix this up until it is creamy before feeding it to your kitten! To make your formula, purchase a premixed powder from the pet store.

The best thing about these formulas is they contain all the ingredients that kittens need to thrive and taste great, too! 

Add them to warm water, stir them well, and feed them to your kitten immediately. They can be refrigerated for 24 hours without any problems, and there is no need to boil the water first.

With so many options available, you’re sure to find a replacement that will satisfy your little one’s needs. 

You might even discover that after trying out different formulas, your cat prefers the homemade one over anything else.

So next time you go shopping for a new cat food, give homemade options a chance and see how your cat reacts. 

The healthiest option for cats is a diet that consists of meat, fruit, vegetables, and grains; however, this can sometimes be difficult for people to provide.

Homemade alternatives offer an easy supplement to your cat’s diet without worrying about your budget or what foods work best.

2. Evaporated Milk

Feeding a kitten is more complex than feeding a dog or cat. The best substitute for kitten formula would be a powdered puppy milk replacer, which is better than whole cow’s milk. 

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There are also different types of baby formulas made specifically for kittens that you can purchase from your vet, grocery store, or pet store.

These formulas come in liquid form and are much easier to measure portions because they come in dropper bottles. 

If you cannot find any infant food, then plain canned evaporated milk can be substituted for the best substitute for kitten formula when mixed with some heavy cream.

Evaporated milk contains more protein and carbohydrates but less fat than normal cows’ milk. 

You should feed them this every two hours during their first week and slowly transition them off of it by mixing it with more regular kitten food until they are fully transitioned to just eating regular kitten food.

Please do not give them cow’s milk! It doesn’t have enough nutrients! Cow’s milk has too many carbs and insufficient protein for a growing kitten. 

When transitioning to regular kitten food, start with about 50% evaporated milk and 50% wet kitten food before making the change completely over.

Once they’ve adjusted well, only dry kibble will be offered to supplement what they eat. 

Cats always need water, so ensure they always have access to fresh water.

All kittens grow at different rates, so consult your veterinarian if you need help deciding how much food to provide for your little one.

3. Nutritious Diet

What you feed a kitten is very important. The first ingredient should be animal-based protein, such as chicken, beef, lamb, or fish. 

If you are vegetarian or vegan, you can use soy products. Next on the list of ingredients should be carbohydrates, such as wheat flour and rice.

Vegetables and fruits provide vitamins and minerals to the kitten’s diet while preventing constipation and other digestive problems common in young animals. 

Lastly, remember water! A cat needs an average of 12 ounces per day but may need more depending on the age and activity level.

So make sure to keep plenty available for your kitten at all times! 

Combined ingredients work are the best substitute for kitten formula. They will give your little one everything they need to grow healthy and strong.

Remember, you only want the best for your pet, so ensure they eat a nutritious diet.

Animal-based proteins are essential for kittens because it helps them build muscle and support brain development. 

Carbohydrates give them energy, and vegetables provide vitamin C, which helps with tissue growth.

Water is equally important because a kitten can die from dehydration after only 3 days without it! 

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Always ensure a bowl full of fresh, clean water is available for your new family member at all times.

If you ever have questions about your kitten’s diet, please consult your veterinarian for advice. 

A good substitute for kitten formula would be goat’s milk, cow’s milk, or rice milk. Don’t give up! With time and patience, you’ll find the right food for your furry friend.

4. Eggs

  • Crack an egg into a bowl and whisk with a fork until the egg is blended.
  • Add water, mix well, and then add formula powder if you’re using it. 
  • You can add powdered milk or corn syrup if your cat takes it. The mixture should be thin enough to pour. Once you’ve made the mixture, put some in a bottle and feed your kitten as needed. 

If they don’t drink this concoction, try adding gravy or mashed vegetables to make it more appealing for them.

Other options are canned evaporated milk mixed with rice flour, found at most health food stores; goat’s milk mixed with cereal (a bit of cereal mixed in helps hold the shape of liquid); or canned dog food mixed with water. 

Adding these things usually makes any formula unpalatable.

The main thing you must remember when making a substitution is that the consistency needs to be right – too thick, and it won’t come out of a nipple; too thin, and it will leak out all over the place. 

In addition, different ingredients may contain different vitamins and minerals necessary for growing kittens.

Therefore, always consult your veterinarian before making the best substitute for kitten formula so you can ensure your pet’s best nutrition. 

Make sure to check labels on substitutes closely to see what nutrients they provide.

These recipes will help your kitten grow up healthy, but there are other things you need to do, such as monitor their weight and give them plenty of exercise and attention. 

When in doubt, always talk with your vet! They know better than anyone how to keep your kitten happy and healthy.

5. Yogurt

Another substitute for kitten formula is to mix a cup of plain yogurt with one egg yolk. Mix this and add a little water until you have the desired consistency.

This will provide much-needed protein for your little one and the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from egg yolk and yogurt. It is also the best substitute for kitten formula.

When introducing this mixture to your little one, keep an eye on them so they do not aspirate any of it.

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If they start choking or coughing, pull them away from the food and clear their airway by holding their head in between your hand while using your index finger to rub on their neck just below the chin. 

Rub firmly five times before attempting to feed again. Be sure not to shake them too hard, as this can cause damage to their delicate esophagus and cause more injury than intended.

Remember that kittens need lots of love and attention! Spend time petting, playing with, and snuggling with your little furball.

Let them play around on all sorts of surfaces to help stimulate their senses, explore new areas around the house, and learn to find hidden places where they can nap. 

Plenty of options available on the market are specially designed to make it easier for your tiny ball of fluff, so look through some reviews online before making a purchase.

As always, consult your veterinarian if you’re unsure about what’s best for your kitty cat!

Feeding Tips

If you’re looking for a DIY kitten bottle, you can try feeding a very young kitten with a syringe.

It should at least work until you can get a kitten bottle or special nipple from your vet’s office.

If you have a pregnant cat, it cannot hurt to keep a few emergency kitten feeding supplies on hand, just in case.

You can get the milk replacer in a powdered formula that will last quite a long time. 

So, if you don’t need to use it, you can always donate new, unopened cans to your local vet’s office or the Humane Society.


If you are considering a kitten formula for your cat, look into the best substitute for kitten formula.

There are many benefits to this type of food, and you will be glad you took the time to learn more about it before deciding what to feed your cat. 

The most obvious benefit is that you don’t have to go through the hassle of mixing water with canned food.

It also contains all the nutrients a growing kitten needs and has enough calories to support its growth without supplementing it with canned food or other types of diets.

Another benefit is how easy this product is on your wallet since it doesn’t require as much product per meal as compared to canned foods.

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