List of All White Cat Breeds You Need to Know

All White Cat Breeds
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A cat’s fur color can have different meanings in different cultures.

But the white cat has long been linked to good luck and fortune in the Western world, especially in countries like the United States and Great Britain. 

Moreso, with all this cultural significance behind them, it’s no wonder some breeds are also common household pets

In addition to their cuddly looks, white cats have personality traits. That makes them great companions for kids and adults alike.

Here’s a look at some of the most popular types of all white cat breeds.

American Curl 

One of the more unique-looking all white cat breeds is the American Curl, as you might have guessed from its name. This breed has curl-shaped ears that give it a curious and adorable appearance. 

While the American Curl can come in various colors, they all have one thing in common – beautiful, white fur.

Suppose you’re looking for a small to a medium-sized cat with a sweet disposition. Then the American Curl might be the perfect breed!

American Shorthair 

One of the most popular cat breeds in America is the American Shorthair. Though they come in various colors, including white, silver, and brown, many people choose them for their striking white coats.

American Shorthairs are muscular and stocky cats with thick fur that helps protect them from cold weather.

Nevertheless, they are also very friendly and affectionate towards their owners. The American Shorthair is an excellent choice if you’re looking for white cat breeds that are both beautiful and loving.


Do you love cats but are looking for a little more than the standard black or tabby variety? Why not try a white cat? 

However, there are quite a few different types of all white cat breeds, each with its unique personality and look. 

British Shorthair 

If you’re looking for a big, puffy white cat, the British Shorthair is probably the breed you’re thinking of.

They’re one of the most popular cat breeds around. And it’s easy to see why: they’re friendly, cuddly, and low-maintenance. 

And while they may not be the most talkative breed, they’re still very affectionate. Other popular white cat breeds include the Ragdoll, Persian, and Siamese. Each has its unique personality and appearance.

So, it’s essential to research before deciding which one is right for you. However, all these breeds have in common: they make great companions.

British Longhair 

One of the most popular all white cat breeds is the British Longhair. As the name suggests, this breed has long, luxurious fur that needs to be brushed regularly.

They are also one of the giant breeds of domestic cats, with males weighing up to 20 pounds. 

However, British Longhairs are known for being laid back and affectionate, making them great companions.

The British Longhair is an excellent choice. If you’re looking for a beautiful white cat breed that will be a loving addition to your family.

Cornish Rex 

Cornish Rex cats are sure to turn heads with their curious personalities and unusual appearances.

These energetic and affectionate kitties love to play and can be pretty vocal. Making them a perfect choice for families with children. 

While they come in a variety of colors, the most striking is the white Cornish Rex cats. With their slender bodies and long legs, they resemble miniature lions. If you’re looking for a unique feline friend, consider adding a Cornish Rex to your family.

Devon Rex 

The Devon Rex is a breed of domestic cat that was developed in Devon, England, in the 1960s. The most distinguishing feature of the Devon Rex is its large ears that are set low on the head.

Nevertheless, they are also known for their short, curly coats and big eyes. Devon Rexes come in various colors but are commonly found as white cats.

European Shorthair 

The European Shorthair is a white cat breed known as the Celtic Shorthair, British Shorthair, and English Shorthair.

This cat breed is originally from Europe and is one of the oldest domesticated cat breeds in the world

However, the European Shorthair is a medium to large-sized cat. And with a thick coat that can be either short or long.

This breed is known for being very affectionate and loving towards its human companions.

Therefore, if you are looking for all-white cat breeds that will be a great addition to your family. Then the European Shorthair is perfect!

Himalayan Cat 

One of the most popular and well-known all-white cat breeds is the Himalayan. This breed is a mix between a Persian and a Siamese. And is known for its long, fluffy fur and gentle personality. 

However, the Himalayas are one of the best breeds for allergy families, as they don’t shed much. Another plus is that they love to cuddle!

The Himalayan is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a beautiful and affectionate feline friend.

Japanese Bobtail 

One of the most popular all white cat breeds is the Japanese Bobtail. As the name suggests, this breed originates from Japan and is known for its distinctive short tail.

Japanese Bobtails are also intelligent and active cats, making them great companions. Therefore, the Japanese Bobtail is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a beautiful and unique white cat!

Khao Manee 

Khao Manee is a beautiful white cat breed that originates from Thailand. They are a rare breed and are known for their diamond-like eyes. 

While they may look delicate, they are a very sturdy breed. Khao Manee cats are intelligent and loving, making them great pets for families.

If you’re looking for a unique and beautiful cat, then the Khao Manee is a perfect choice!

La Perm 

La Perm cats are a white cat breed known for their distinctively curly fur. At the same time, they may look like they just got out of the shower. Their coat is permanent and does not require much grooming.

However, La Perms are gentle and loving cats that make great companions. The La Perm is one to consider if you’re looking for a unique cat breed!

Maine Coon 

Maine Coons are one of the most popular all white cat breeds. They are known for their large size, thick fur coats, and friendly personalities. 

While they may look like they require a lot of maintenance, Maine Coons are relatively low-maintenance cats.

They are also adaptable and can live happily in small and large homes. If you’re looking for a big, fluffy white cat, then the Maine Coon is a great option!


One of the most popular all white cat breeds is the Munchkin. Munchkins are known for their short legs, resulting from a genetic mutation. 

Although they may look different, they are like any other cat regarding personality and care.

Munchkins are playful, and affectionate, and make great companions. The Munchkin is great if you’re looking for a unique cat breed!

Norwegian Forest 

You can’t go wrong with the Norwegian Forest Cat if you’re looking for a beautiful white cat breed.

With its long, thick fur and striking blue eyes, the Norwegian Forest Cat is truly a sight to behold. 

Although it is not the largest of cat breeds, the Norwegian Forest Cat is a powerful and muscular cat that is more than capable of taking care of itself.

If you’re looking for a loving and loyal companion, the Norwegian Forest Cat is the breed for you!

Oriental Foreign 

One of the most popular all-white cat breeds is the Oriental Foreign White. They are known for their large ears, long legs, and slender bodies.

However, Oriental Foreign Whites are also very affectionate and intelligent cats. They typically get along well with other pets and children.

Oriental Shorthair 

One of the most popular all white cat breeds is the Oriental Shorthair. This breed is known for its intelligence and outgoing personality. 

Also, they are one of the most active cat breeds. And requires a lot of stimulation and activity to stay happy and healthy.

If you’re looking for a white cat that is both beautiful and loving, the Oriental Shorthair is a great choice.


The Persian is one of the most popular cat breeds, and it’s no wonder why. They are gentle, and loving, and make great companions.

But did you know that there are different types of Persian cats? While all Persians have long, flowing fur, there are several types of white Persian cats. 


Ragdolls are one of the most popular all-white cat breeds. They are known for their blue eyes and their easy-going personalities.

However, Ragdolls are also one of giant cat breeds, with males typically weighing between 20 and 30 pounds. Females are usually a bit smaller, weighing between 15 and 20 pounds.

Scottish Fold 

The Scottish Fold is a great option if you’re looking for beautiful all white cat breeds. Scottish Folds are known for their lovely blue eyes and fluffy fur, which come in both short- and long-haired varieties. 

While they’re not the most outgoing breed, Scottish Folds make loyal and loving companions. If you’re interested in adopting a Scottish Fold, find a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy kitten.


While most people think of Siamese cats as brown and white, did you know there are also blue and seal point Siamese? 

However, these colors arise due to a genetic mutation that causes the cats to produce less melanin or pigment. As a result, their fur appears lighter in color.


Siberian is one of the most popular all white cat breeds. They are known for their hypoallergenic fur and are one of the giant domesticated cat breeds.

They were first imported into the United States in 1990 and have become a favorite among cat lovers. 

Also, Siberians are known for their intelligence and playful personalities. If you’re looking for a beautiful, intelligent, and loving cat, the Siberian might be the perfect breed for you!


Sphynx cats are a unique breed best known for their lack of fur, despite their hairless appearance. They are very soft to the touch because they have a fine layer of downy fuzz. 

Sphynx cats come in various colors and patterns, but they all have one thing: they’re gorgeous! The Sphynx is perfect if you’re looking for an outgoing, affectionate, hairless cat breed!

Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora
by Ramachrh is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Turkish Angoras are one of the most popular all white cat breeds. They are known for their playful and curious personalities. Turkish Angoras are also very affectionate and make great companions. 

However, they require a lot of attention and can be destructive if left alone for too long. Turkish Angoras are also prone to health problems, so it is essential to take them to the vet regularly.

Turkish Van

Turkish Van

The Turkish Van is a beautiful, fluffy white cat breed that is originally from Turkey.

They are known for their affectionate and loving nature and are often said to be dog-like in their personality. Turkish Vans are also excellent swimmers.

However, they love the water and often jump in and paddle around! The Turkish Van may be the perfect breed if you want a unique and loving feline friend.


In conclusion, there are many different types of all white cat breeds. The Himalayan and the Turkish Van are two examples, but these are not the only two. There is a whole world of white cats out there to be discovered.

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