6 Popular Animals on Catalina Island

Animals on Catalina Island
Image from lovecatalina.com
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Due to its size and proximity to the Californian mainland, Catalina Island is one of the Southern California Channel Islands with the most diversity.

Some of these are natural, but most non-native species because people brought them there.

Let’s take a closer look at the most exciting animals on Catalina Island.

1. Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird
by Dis da fi we is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The scientific name of the northern mockingbird, a local endemic bird to the island, is Mimus, which translates to many-tongued thrush.

It is first on our list of animals on Catalina Island, renowned for its unusual mimicry skills. A male mockingbird’s life may include learning 200 or more songs!

Large white patches under the wings of these slender gray birds can be visible as they fly or display a “wing flash.

The bird suddenly and jerkily spreads its wings as it moves between steps. Nobody is sure why they do this; it might be to frighten insects, or it might just be a wave of hello. 

2. Northern Elephant Seal

Northern Elephant Seal
by Franco Folini is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The Channel Islands off of southern California are home to the greatest colony of northern elephant seals.

Despite traveling 13,000 miles round trip, one of the longest migrations ever recorded for a mammal, they always return to the offshore islands of California from March to December to breed and give birth. 

These strange-looking seals have a big inflated nose called a “proboscis” that extends approximately eight inches past their lower lip.

During mating season, the males threaten one another by making sounds with their nostrils. 

Male animals on Catalina Island can weigh up to 4,400 pounds and grow about 13 feet long. That weighs more than four horses put together. 

3. Blackbuck Antelope

Blackbuck Antelope
by Res2216firestar is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Blackbuck antelope, one male and two females, were imported to Catalina Island in 1967 by the Santa Catalina Island Company from India.

The intention was to develop an unusual population that would entice hunters worldwide, including the United States.

Sadly, the species never took off, and today, there is just a tiny, elusive colony near the airport. 

If you manage to locate one, you can immediately identify it with its spiraled horns.

The white fur on the chin and the area around the eyes, which dramatically contrasts the black stripes on the face, is another indication that the animal is black

4. Southern Pacific Rattlesnake

Southern Pacific Rattlesnake - Most Venomous Snakes in California
by Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area is licensed under CC PDM 1.0

Southern Pacific rattlesnake is also one of the animals on Catalina Island.

The only native venomous snake in California is the rattlesnake.

The Southern Pacific rattlesnake can be found from Southern Santa Barbara County to Northwestern Baja, California, Mexico, and the Santa Catalina Islands.

This rattlesnake can be recognized by its huge triangular head, slender neck, thick body, and peculiar rattling sound.

Large, dark-rimmed blotches of brown, olive, tan, gray, or black that cover the back and thin into strips towards the tail help southern Pacific rattlesnakes blend into their surroundings.

Rattlesnakes rarely bite people unless they are clearly provoked. Thus, you can still enjoy yourselves outside!

Be cautious, don’t prod the snake, and move your game somewhere if you hear rattling. 

5. Baja California Treefrog

Baja California Treefrog
by tombenson76 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Channel Island is thought to be home to only these tree frogs.

They are typically two inches long and green or dark gray in color.

However, their color may change depending on the air’s temperature and humidity and if they’re trying to hide from predators. 

The Baja California tree frog is the only frog that makes the recognizable “ribbit” sound from movies, giving it a distinctive voice.

A chorus of these animals on Catalina Island is formed, with a male serving as the choral master and organizing vocalizations. Unless it gets below freezing, they typically sing all year long. 

Because of their sensitivity to environmental change and water quality, they are significant to scientists as “indicator” species.

Therefore, if tree frog populations suddenly decline, scientists will immediately be alerted that the environment has changed considerably.

6. Fox 

Fox - Most Solitary Animals
Photo by monicore on Pixabay

Fox is ending our list of animals on Catalina Island. This fox is one of the six subspecies of the Island Grey fox, which inhabits the California Channel Islands.

On the other hand, the Santa Catalina Island fox is unique to Catalina Island. a genuine local! 

An adult fox weighs only about five pounds, making it considerably smaller than its relatives on the mainland.

Unfortunately, this fox’s journey hasn’t always been straightforward. 

A severe illness that endangered them caused a population drop in 1999, when only approximately 100 animals were left, down from an estimated 1,300.

The population increased to 300 in 2004 due to swift conservation measures like captive breeding and immunization. 

Scientists calculated that around 1,800 of these foxes lived on Catalina Island at the beginning of 2021.

Despite still being categorized as “threatened,” these animals on Catalina Island have made great strides due to continuous conservation efforts.

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