Anglo-Nubian Goat: Goat Breed Profile and Information

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Around 1850, People made early attempts to improve several strains of British Goats, which is when the Anglo-Nubian Goat was first developed.

The Anglo-Nubian breed is a British breed. At this time, People mated the British with bucks from Africa and India.

It was not until approximately 1880 that the term Anglo-Nubian was first used when breeders crossed British and Nubian breeds.

During the middle of the 1950s, people first brought the Anglo-Nubian Goat to Australia.

Until 1959, Australia allowed the importation of bred does; however, after that year, the country’s animal quarantine legislation prohibited any additional goat imports other than those from New Zealand.

Because of the low number of Anglo-Nubians that made it to Australia, it was necessary to use does from Alpine breeds like Saanen, Toggenburg, and British Alpine to grade them up.


During the voyage back to British ports, trading ships loaded goats in ports in India, North Africa, and the Middle East to offer milk and meat.

When the bucks arrived in England, goat keepers bought and mated them with the native milch goat. By 1893, people had referred to these hybrids as Anglo-Nubian goats.

They already had the lop ears, Roman noses, tall bodies, and short coats that the imported bucks had.

As the exotic look gained popularity, Sam Woodiwiss established a breeding program to create a registered herd. In 1896, he brought a Jamnapari buck from India.

Then, in 1903/4, he brought a Zairabi buck (a tall Egyptian milk goat), a stocky buck from Pakistan’s Chitral region, and a hornless Nubian buck from the Paris Zoo.

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People bred these bucks with the indigenous British milch goat. The first three sired the original lines recorded in the official herdbook 1910.

Later, registrations from additional bucks, including the prizewinning male from Paris, were included. These bucks had a significant impact on the breed. People bred the herds to be good milkers with fast-growing meat babies.

A 1906 import failed to register for the breed in the United States. J. R. Gregg, on the other hand, imported a buck and two does in 1909, followed by another buck and doe in 1913.

He began a registered breeding program and eventually changed the breed name to Nubian. He selectively bred them without crossbreeding. By 1950, total imports from England had reached over 30.

D. C. Mowat introduced goats from England to Canada in 1917 and began a licensed breeding program. Further imports from Canada and England to the United States significantly impacted the breed’s growth.

Exports from England and America to Latin America, Africa, and Asia began in the 1940s, providing stock for crossbreeding to boost milk and meat supplies.

Characteristics of the Breed

Although the Anglo-Nubian Goat does not produce much milk, they have become a popular milking breed in Australia due to its high average fat production, typically greater than 4%.

Despite this, Anglo-Nubians do not produce a lot of milk. Compared to the Alpine breeds, they are known for having a less seasonal reproduction pattern, carrying more flesh, and being recognized as dual-purpose animals (meat and milk).

The Anglo-Nubian Goat is the dairy goat breed in Australia that does the best in hot circumstances, making it a popular choice.

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They have been useful in grading-up projects in many tropical nations to increase the milk and meat that native breeds produce.

The does of the Anglo-Nubian Goat breed weigh at least 64 kg each on average. Does this breed measure an average of 81 centimeters in height at the withers, while bucks measure an average of 94 centimeters?

The ears are long and broad, and they hang down in a pendulous manner. They have a round face, and the forehead is more prominent than the rest of the face.

They have a snout that tapers in quite finely and flat across the nostrils. After the withers, the backline may have a slight depression, and then it will gradually rise to the hips.

The teats are usually longer and more elongated than in Alpine breeds. The birth of an Anglo-Nubian child may or may not reveal the presence of horns.

Tassels were absent on the Anglo-Nubian Goat brought to Australia; nevertheless, you might see them on graded-up animals.

The Anglo-Nubian Goat can be any color or combination of colors, but they shouldn’t have the full Swiss marks seen on Toggenburgs and British Alpines.

Anglo-Nubians can be any color. Anglo-Nubians show affection quickly and frequently have a distinctive bleat.


Most Nubians have genes that allow for high production of alpha s1-casein, which is a crucial protein in cheese manufacturing and provides a significant advantage to goat milk.

In comparison to European dairy breeds, Nubian production of this particular protein is significantly higher.

Although the output is lower than that of other dairy breeds, the high amounts of milk solids lend a rich flavor and increase coagulation, making it a suitable ingredient for manufacturing goats’ cheese even though the yield is lower than that of most dairy breeds.

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Because of these characteristics, the Anglo-Nubian Goat breed has become the most popular type of goat in the United States.


Luminous, affable, and easy to work with. When they need your attention, they will shout out in a loud voice. On the other side, they do not speak much when they are satisfied.


The wide ears and flat sides that characterize Nubians make it easier for them to adapt to hotter conditions. On the other hand, they do not do well in damp environments. They can reproduce at any time of the year and have a high fertility rate.

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