33 Different Types of Spiders in Oklahoma

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Spiders aren’t exactly the most pleasant creatures to have around the house, but unfortunately, it’s impossible to avoid them completely.

Even if you keep your home clean and free from dust, spiders will still find their way in from time to time. Some species even seek out homes to live in!

If you do find yourself with a spider problem, don’t panic. Most spiders are harmless and can easily be avoided.

Here are the most common types of spiders in Oklahoma, along with some helpful tips on how to eliminate them from your home or business.

1. Hogna Baltimoriana  (Brown Recluse)

Hogna baltimoriana, also known as the brown recluse, is one of Oklahoma’s most common types of spiders. They are typically smaller than a penny, meaning they can easily miss.

However, these spiders are not aggressive, and their bites are not typically fatal to humans. However, it can still cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

There is no effective treatment for bites from this spider, so if you suspect that you have been bitten by one of them, you should seek medical attention. The venom may be toxic to people with certain allergies or who have pre-existing health conditions.

2. Hogna Carolinensis (Carolina Wolf Spider)

The Carolina Wolf Spider, also known as the Carolina wolf Spider, is a very common spider found in North America.

They are typically brown with white or light-tan markings on their abdomen and legs. Females can reach up to 20mm, while males are smaller and can reach 12mm. 

One unusual trait of this spider is that they do not build webs to catch prey. But instead, they jump on their unsuspecting victims and bite them with venomous fangs.

The females will also use their fangs when mating and attack each other if they get close enough. They eat a wide variety of prey, including insects, small birds, frogs, lizards, and even small snakes like young corn snakes or rat snakes.

3. Trochosa Terricola (Zebra jumping spider)

The trochosa terricola is found primarily in forested areas and can also be found near grassy fields. They are typically found on plants but may also be inside human dwellings looking for food.

The trochosa terricola is a small brown spider that has an orange-colored abdomen with a black stripe across it and yellowish-brown legs. 

This spider is commonly mistaken for the zebra jumping spider, which has a white stripe across its abdomen instead of black.

The trochosa terricola is harmless to humans and prefers to hide during the day rather than hunt at night like most spiders do.

4. Trochosa Sepulchralis (Wolf Spider)

The Trochosa Sepulchralis is among the types of spiders in Oklahoma. It has been observed to live on the ground, under stones and logs, and even inside houses. This spider is about one inch long, with females being slightly larger than males.

The Trochosa Sepulchralis can have brown or black coloring with white markings on its abdomen and legs.

Also, these spiders are not poisonous but will bite humans if provoked. They have strong jaws and do not release venom like other spiders; instead, they chew up their prey from the inside out (creeping death).

The Trochosa Sepulchralis is a non-aggressive species that will only bite humans when threatened or provoked.

5. Tigrosa Helluo (Giant Wolf Spider)

The tigrosa helluo is a very common spider found throughout the southeast and midwest. They are typically found around human settlements, usually making their homes inside abandoned buildings or sheds.

The tigrosa helluo is large, with females having bodies that can reach up to 2 inches across and a body length that can reach up to 3/4 of an inch. 

Males are much smaller, reaching only 1/2 inch in length. Male tigrosa helluo also have noticeably slimmer abdomens than females.

The name tigrosa helluo derives from Latin words meaning fearful hairy wolf. This spider should not be confused with the wolf spider, which has similar coloring but different characteristics.

6. Tigrosa Georgicola (Ground Spider)

The Tigrosa georgicola is also known as a ground spider. They are usually found burrowed into the ground with their head and back legs sticking out.

These spiders are dark brown to black, and their body can grow to be up to two inches long. This type of spider is not considered dangerous for people, but it can pose a threat to other small animals that may accidentally get too close.

Spider bites from this type of spider will cause pain, swelling, and itchiness at the site. If left untreated, it could lead to fever or other serious problems.

7. Steatoda Triangular (Triangulate Cobweb Spider)

Steatoda triangulosa is among the common types of spiders in Oklahoma. It’s also known as a Cobweb Spider because it has an oval abdomen that hangs down and resembles a cobweb.

The Triangulate Cobweb Spider is so named among the types of spiders in Oklahoma. This is because males are more slender than females and have pointed abdomens, while females have round abdomens. 

Other names for this species include False Widow, Steatoda borealis (Northern Steatoda), Steatoda Grossa (Brown Steatoda), and False Black Widow. These spiders are not aggressive but can bite if provoked or if someone is allergic to their venom.

8. Scytodes Longipes (Broad Footed Spider)

The most common spider found in Oklahoma is the Scytodes longipes. These spiders are small, brown and shiny. They have an oval-shaped abdomen, with a visible fang on the bottom jaw.

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The Scytodes longipes live in caves and dark places outside during summer months, but come inside during winter when it gets cold. The female can lay as many as 2,000 eggs at one time, which can take up to three months to hatch. 

It is also known as the broad-footed sac spider because of its uniquely shaped abdomen. It has six eyes in two rows facing forward, allowing this species to see nearly 360 degrees around them.

Despite their size and sometimes intimidating appearance, these spiders do not bite humans unless provoked; however, they can deliver a painful bite if handled improperly.

9. Rabidosa Rabida (Rabid Wolf Spider)

Rabidosa Rabida (Rabid Wolf Spider) are brown and hairy, with distinctive black and white markings on their cephalothorax.

This spider is about an inch long, making it one of the largest wolf spiders in North America. Rabidosa Rabida live near water sources such as streams and lakes. 

They are considered nocturnal, burrowing into soil or sand to hide during daylight hours to avoid predators like birds and lizards.

This spider’s bite has been known to cause a host of side effects, including chest pain, muscle cramps, fever, nausea, headache, and vomiting.

The venom can also cause breathing difficulties by narrowing air passages and restricting lung function.

10. Platycryptus Undatus (Tan Jumping Spider)

The Tan Jumping Spider has a reddish head with a black and white band pattern. They have two rows of four small eyes that are on either side of their head.

They are typically found to live in moist environments and jump as high as 100 times their body length when threatened. 

The Platycryptus undatus is also one of the common types of spiders in Oklahoma, which can often be mistaken for other species.

Some other spiders it may be mistaken for are the Zebra Jumper, Red-headed Jumper, Sac Spider, or the False Widow Spider.

The Platycryptus undatus prefers to live in moist environments like leaf litter or moss, and they cannot survive in dry places like deserts or tundra regions.

11. Pisaurina Mira (Nursery Web Spider)

The Nursery Web Spider, Pisaurina Mira, is one of the most common spiders found in Oklahoma. It is a small, black spider with a distinctive yellow band across its abdomen.

The Nursery Web Spider prefers to nest near water and can often be found around lakes and streams. Because they are so small, these spiders are not dangerous to humans.

Males have an enlarged tarsal claw on their first pair of legs which they use to hang onto females during mating season. Females lay their eggs near water, where they hatch before dispersing away from the water source.

12. Pisaurina Dubia (Nursery Web Spider)

The Pisaurina Dubai spider is a medium-sized, brown, and tan spider with an orange hourglass on its abdomen. The females are significantly larger than the males.

Males have more defined abdomens and do not have large fangs like females. Females can live for up to two years, while males will only live for six months to one year. 

The Pisaurina Dubai is often found outside and near human dwellings, such as under rocks or logs, in grassy areas, or even inside homes if they find their way indoors from the outdoors via doors or windows. They are also called the nursery web spider.

This species is characterized by having three dark spots down the middle of its back and four light spots that form a square on each side of the body.

13. Phidippus Audax (Bold Jumper)

Phidippus audax (Bold Jumper) is a large jumping spider found throughout North America. They are typically black with varying shades of brown, yellow, and red markings.

These spiders have a brown carapace, long spinnerets, and huge fangs. Females are usually around four millimeters, while males are generally smaller at three millimeters. 

They like to hang out near tall grasses and bushes as well as trees with thick foliage. The Bold Jumper feeds on other spiders, particularly young orb weavers and other immature jumping spiders.

14. Neoscona Crucifera (Hentz Orb-weaver)

Neoscona crucifera, also known as Hentz Orb-weaver, is one of the types of spiders in Oklahoma and is typically found on trees.

They can be identified by their tan-colored body, with a dark stripe across the front and two stripes on either side of their abdomen. 

Females are more slender than males. Males have black abdomen with white patches that females do not have. Females lay eggs during the late summer months, which hatch in early spring when spiderlings disperse to find new habitats.

15. Naphrys Pulex(Flea Jumping Spider )

These spiders are usually found on ceilings but can be seen crawling around on walls or furniture. They have a very crab-like appearance and may also have red and black markings on their upper body.

Naphrys Pulex spiders do not produce a web and instead wait for prey to come within range before attacking. 

Their bite is not harmful to humans; they will only bite if threatened with harm. These spiders are most common in central Oklahoma but can also be found near rivers, lakes, or streams, where they hunt for water bugs or tadpoles.

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16. Myrmekiaphila Comstocki (Comstock’s Wafer Trapdoor Spider)

The Myrmekiaphila comstocki is a reddish-brown spider that can be found throughout Oklahoma. These spiders have brown, oval abdomens and dark patches on their cephalothoraxes. 

Also, they are quite small, with adults averaging only 4 millimeters long. The Myrmekiaphila comstocki are typically found on plants and under rocks or logs, but they may also take shelter in cracks and crevices, animal burrows, or human-made structures.

17. Misumenoides Formosipes (White-banded Crab Spider)

The Misumenoides formosipes is a crab spider, meaning it hunts on land rather than in water. It is typically found near flowers and can also be seen along sidewalks and other grassy areas. The Misumenoides formosipes have a white band across its face and abdomen. 

This can be used to distinguish it from other spiders. M. formosipes do not build webs but instead look for prey on leaves or flower petals before pouncing. Unlike some species of crab spiders, this one cannot change colors to match its environment.

18. Maevia Inclemens (Dimorphic Jumper)

The Maevia inclemens, also known as the dimorphic jumper, are also among the common types of spiders in Oklahoma homes and other buildings.

Often identified by their small size and brownish-red coloration, this species can grow to be around four millimeters long with a body that is one millimeter wide.

They’re typically found indoors on walls or ceilings, where they build silky webs to catch prey. 

Although these spiders are harmless to humans, they are often mistaken for brown recluse spiders (Loxosceles reclusa) due to their similar appearance and habits. To avoid being bitten, it’s best not to handle them or disturb them from their webs when possible.

19. Loxosceles Reclusa (Brown Recluse)

Loxosceles reclusa is one of the most common spiders found in Oklahoma, primarily in southern and central regions.

These spiders can be recognized by their brown color and distinctive violin shape on the cephalothorax. 

Recluse spiders can survive for extended periods without food or water so they may be found indoors and outdoors. Recluses feed mostly on insects but will also prey on other small animals, such as mice.

The bite from a recluse spider is usually not felt initially, but it may eventually cause pain and discoloration (as with many insect bites).

20. Leucauge Venusta (Orchard Orb-weaver)

Leucauge venusta, also known as an Orchard Orb-weaver, is a common spider found throughout Oklahoma. This spider is usually brown and has a yellow to white zigzag stripe on its abdomen.

They can be found around homes and buildings, hunting prey like flies and mosquitoes. The Leucauge venusta is considered harmless to humans.

21. Latrodectus Mactans (Southern Black Widow)

The Southern Black Widow Spider is one of the most venomous spiders in North America. The female has a black, shiny body with an hourglass-shaped red mark on her abdomen.

The male is brown and nondescript. They are found all over North America but prefer hot, dry areas.

22. Larinioides Cornutus (Furrow Orb-weaver)

Larinioides cornutus is a type of arachnid known as orb-weavers. They can be found worldwide, but they seem to favor temperate regions.

So, they are among the common types of spiders in Oklahoma. The average size for Larinioides cornutus is about one inch.

Females are typically larger than males. Females have a body length up to 1/4′′ long and males are about 3/8′′ long. 

The coloration for Larinioides cornutus is generally gray or brown with a lighter colored stripe pattern on their back that forms a triangle shape which may have wavy lines at the top, bottom, and sides.

23. Hogna Coloradensis (Cobweb Wolf Spider)

The Hogna coloradensis is a type of spider known as a cobweb wolf spider because they spin webs that look like cobwebs.

They are often found on plants, fences, and wood piles. These spiders are typically brown or black with yellow and white stripes on the abdomen.

Male Hogna coloradensis have an extremely large cephalothorax (head and thorax), while females have a smaller head and thorax area than males.

24. Hogna Antelucana (Wolf spider)

This spider is commonly known as a wolf spider. It is usually brown or gray with dark stripes on its body. It can grow to be up to three inches long and has eight eyes. This spider typically lives outside and prefers warm, dry habitats like sheds, barns, and basements. 

They are not often found inside homes because they prefer drier environments than those found indoors. These spiders have a high tolerance for cold weather but will die if exposed to extreme heat for too long.

If you see this kind of spider inside your home, it may be because it was looking for a cooler place to live or food sources that were scarce outside during the wintertime.

25. Gea Heptagon (Heptagonal Orb-weaver)

The Heptagon Orb Weaver is a spider that can be found throughout North America. They are not aggressive and will only bite if they feel threatened. 

The bites are usually painless, but some people may experience an itching sensation or redness at the site. Their venom is not deadly to humans, but it can cause swelling and itchiness at the site of a bite. 

26. Eustala Anastera (Hump-backed Orb-weaver)

Eustala anastera is a hump-backed orb-weaver spider. It has a distinctive hump at the front of its abdomen and a light stripe down each side. Its coloration is brown with beige markings and can grow to be around two inches long. 

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Also, Eustala anastera spiders are among the types of spiders in Oklahoma. They can be found all across North America, from Canada to the southwestern United States.

They are typically found in forests, brushy areas, abandoned buildings, and other dark places where insects might dwell. They build large webs near or on top of the water to trap their prey as they come to drink.

27. Dysdera Crocata (Woodlouse Hunter)

This is one of the most common spiders found in homes. They are usually found under furniture or in other dark places. These spiders feed on woodlice, hence their name. 

This spider has a stout body with a length between 2mm and 8mm. It is reddish brown and hairy, with two large chelicerae (jaws). These jaws open sideways and move up and down to help it catch its prey. 

The female lays her eggs on whatever she sits on, which can be anywhere from tree bark to furniture. The eggs hatch after about 7 weeks, and then they hunt for food.

28. Dolomedes Tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider)

The Dolomedes tenebrosus spider is among the types of spiders in Oklahoma. But it can also be found in Europe. They’re called fishing spiders because they like to eat fish and other aquatic animals. They have a thick bodies with long legs and unusual light-brown color. 

These spiders are not venomous and usually prey on insects, small fish, tadpoles, and sometimes even small birds. This spider can grow up to 4 inches long with a leg span of 6 inches when mature.

29. Cheiracanthium Mildei (Long-legged Sac Spider)

Cheiracanthium mildei is a spider that can be identified by its long, thin legs and dark brown color. As a member of the family Clubionidae, Cheiracanthium mildei are typically found in grasses or leaf litter. They also often hide under stones or logs during the day and become active at night. 

In addition to having very long legs, this species has a small body size with a characteristic dark brown coloration. Males are usually 5-6mm, while females are about 8-10 mm.

Cheiracanthium mildei can be identified by their long, thin legs and dark brown coloration. Also, with their small body size with a characteristic dark brown coloration and males being 5-6mm while females are about 8-10 mm.

30. Ariadna Bicolor (Australian redback spider)

The Ariadna bicolor, also known as the Australian redback spider, is one of the types of spiders in Oklahoma. These spiders are usually no more than an inch and a half long, with a dark brown or black body.

They have bright red or orange stripes on their abdomen. Also, they warn predators to stay away. This spider has been known to emit venom by biting its victim’s skin when threatened.

This venom is not lethal to humans but can cause intense pain and discomfort until it wears off.

31. Argiope Aurantia (Black and Yellow Garden Spider)

The Black and Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia) is one of the types of spiders in Oklahoma. This species has a yellow, black, and white banded abdomen with a black and yellow pattern on its back.

They are large spiders that can grow up to 3 inches long. These spiders do not have venom, but they will bite if provoked.

These spiders are usually seen on flowers or leaves where they wait for prey to come by so they can ambush them. The Black and Yellow Garden Spider produces a type of silk called gossamer. 

This is used for their webbing as well as catching food from their prey. Gossamer is extremely thin and delicate. Yet it is also one of the strongest types of silk produced by any spider.

32. Araneus Guttulatus (Garden Spider)

The araneus guttulatus spider is a type of arachnid that dwells in gardens and fields. They are most commonly found from May through October.

Their bite is harmless to humans, but they are often mistaken for the brown recluse. This spider’s coloration varies, but it usually has cream or white markings on its abdomen. It is also called the garden spider because they tend to build webs at ground level. 

33. Argiope Trifasciata (Garden Orb-Weaver)

Known as the banded garden orb-weaver, this spider is a common sight during summer. It resides near ponds, lakes, or any place with vegetation where insects can be found. 

Many people are allergic to their venom, but these bites rarely cause more than localized pain. They are common among the types of spiders in Oklahoma.


Hundreds of spider species inhabit the state of Oklahoma, and most of them are completely harmless to humans.

This article has discussed some of Oklahoma’s most common types of spiders that are both harmless and beneficial to humans. 

It will also provide simple tips on getting rid of spiders if you don’t want them living in your home or yard. What’s also nice about this article is that it covers both poisonous and non-poisonous spiders.

So if you have an irrational fear of spiders, you won’t have to worry about getting nightmares after reading it.

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