Venomous vs. Non-Venomous: The Snakes You’ll Find in Tennessee

Types of Snakes in TennesseePin

Tennessee is home to a diverse array of snake species, ranging from harmless garden dwellers to venomous varieties that demand caution.

With its varied landscapes and ecosystems, the Volunteer State provides ideal habitats for numerous serpents, each playing a unique role in the local ecology.

Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply curious about the wildlife in your backyard, understanding the types of snakes in Tennessee can be both fascinating and practical.

Tennessee hosts approximately 32 snake species, with only four being venomous.

This knowledge can help residents and visitors alike appreciate the state’s biodiversity while staying safe during outdoor activities.

From the common garter snake to the more elusive timber rattlesnake, Tennessee’s serpents come in various sizes, colors, and behaviors, each adapted to thrive in specific environments across the state.

1. Copperhead

The copperhead is one of four venomous snakes found in Tennessee. This pit viper is known for its distinctive copper-colored head and hourglass-shaped dark bands on a lighter body.

Copperheads are widespread across the state, with two subspecies present. The Southern Copperhead inhabits extreme West Tennessee, while the Northern Copperhead occupies the rest of the state.

These snakes typically grow between 24 and 40 inches long. Their coloration provides excellent camouflage in forest environments, making them challenging to spot.

Copperheads prefer deciduous forests and mixed woodlands. They are often encountered near rocky areas, wood piles, and leaf litter, where they hunt for small mammals, birds, and insects.

While venomous, copperheads are generally not aggressive. Most bites occur when people accidentally step on or handle these snakes. To avoid encounters, hikers should stay alert on trails and watch where they place their hands and feet.

If spotted, it’s best to give copperheads a wide berth. Leaving any snake alone is the most effective way to prevent bites. Despite their venomous nature, copperheads play a crucial role in Tennessee’s ecosystems by controlling rodent populations.

2. Timber Rattlesnake

The Timber Rattlesnake is the largest venomous snake in Tennessee, reaching lengths of 36 to 60 inches. Its distinctive features include a large, triangular head, vertical pupils, and the iconic rattle at the tail’s end.

This species exhibits variable body coloration, typically appearing gray with a black tail. Timber Rattlesnakes prefer remote, rocky, wooded slopes as their habitat, making them less likely to encounter humans compared to other snake species.

Timber Rattlesnakes can be found across the entire state of Tennessee, often inhabiting south-facing hillsides and rocky areas. They play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling rodent populations.

These snakes typically shed their skin twice a year, adding a new segment to their rattle with each shed. Their diet consists of small mammals, birds, amphibians, and occasionally other snakes.

While Timber Rattlesnakes possess potent venom, they generally avoid human contact. However, hikers and outdoor enthusiasts should remain vigilant in areas where these snakes are known to reside, as their camouflage can make them difficult to spot.

3. Western Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin)

The Western Cottonmouth, also known as the Water Moccasin, is a venomous snake found in Tennessee. It primarily inhabits the western third of the state, including counties on the northern Highland Rim.

These snakes are large and heavy-bodied, typically measuring between 30 to 42 inches in length. They have distinct features such as keeled scales, vertical pupils, and a triangular head.

Cottonmouths prefer swamps and wetlands as their habitat. They are semi-aquatic and often found near water sources, which contributes to their “water moccasin” nickname.

The Western Cottonmouth is one of four venomous snake species in Tennessee. Its venom is potent, making it a snake to be cautious of when exploring aquatic environments in the western part of the state.

Identifying a Cottonmouth can be challenging, as they may be confused with non-venomous water snakes. It’s advisable to maintain a safe distance from any snake encountered in the wild to avoid potential conflicts.

4. Eastern Coral Snake

The Eastern Coral Snake is a venomous species found in Tennessee and other southeastern states. It’s known for its striking appearance, featuring bright red, yellow, and black bands encircling its body.

These snakes are relatively small, typically growing to lengths between 20 and 30 inches. Despite their vibrant coloration, Eastern Coral Snakes are rarely encountered by humans due to their secretive nature.

Eastern Coral Snakes spend much of their time underground or hidden in leaf litter. They primarily feed on other snakes, as well as lizards and small mammals.

While their venom is highly potent, these snakes are generally docile and bites are uncommon. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution if one is encountered in the wild.

To identify an Eastern Coral Snake, remember the rhyme: “Red touch yellow, kill a fellow; red touch black, venom lack.” This helps distinguish them from similar-looking non-venomous species like the Scarlet Kingsnake.

If spotted, it’s best to admire these beautiful creatures from a safe distance. Never attempt to handle or disturb an Eastern Coral Snake, as this increases the risk of a bite.

5. Northern Watersnake

The Northern Watersnake is the most common watersnake in Tennessee, found throughout the state. This non-venomous snake can grow to impressive lengths, ranging from 24 to 42 inches.

Northern Watersnakes have a distinctive appearance with dark bands or blotches on a brown or gray background. Their coloration helps them blend in with their aquatic habitats, providing excellent camouflage.

These snakes are primarily found near water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and wetlands. They are excellent swimmers and often bask on rocks or branches near the water’s edge.

Northern Watersnakes play a crucial role in their ecosystems by controlling populations of fish and amphibians. They are known for their aggressive defense when threatened, which can sometimes lead to misidentification as venomous species.

Two subspecies of Northern Watersnake exist in Tennessee: the Midland Watersnake in the western two-thirds of the state and the Common Watersnake in northeastern Tennessee. These subspecies interbreed where their ranges overlap.

While Northern Watersnake populations are generally stable, they face challenges from habitat loss and degradation. Conserving their aquatic habitats is essential for maintaining healthy populations of these fascinating reptiles.

6. Midland Watersnake

The Midland Watersnake is a common sight in Tennessee’s aquatic habitats. This non-venomous snake is a subspecies of the Northern Watersnake and can be found throughout the western two-thirds of the state.

Midland Watersnakes typically grow to lengths between 22 and 36 inches. They have a distinctive pattern of dark crossbands on a lighter background, which helps them blend in with their surroundings.

These snakes are excellent swimmers and spend much of their time in or near water. They can often be seen basking on rocks, logs, or branches overhanging water bodies.

Midland Watersnakes are carnivorous and primarily feed on fish and amphibians. They use their sharp teeth to catch and hold onto slippery prey.

While not venomous, Midland Watersnakes can be defensive when threatened. They may flatten their bodies, release a foul-smelling musk, or bite if handled.

It’s important to note that Midland Watersnakes are often mistaken for venomous cottonmouths due to their similar appearance. Learning to distinguish between the two can help prevent unnecessary fear and harm to these beneficial reptiles.

7. Eastern Garter Snake

The Eastern Garter Snake is one of the most common snakes in Tennessee. This medium-sized serpent typically grows to a length of 18 to 26 inches, making it a manageable size for observation.

Eastern Garter Snakes display a striking variety of colors and patterns. Their bodies usually feature three light-colored stripes running along a darker background. These stripes can be white, yellow, blue, brown, or green, while the base color is often black or brown.

These snakes are highly adaptable and thrive in diverse habitats. They can be found in city parks, farmland, cemeteries, and suburban areas. Their presence in human-populated areas makes them a frequent sight for many Tennessee residents.

Eastern Garter Snakes play a beneficial role in the ecosystem by controlling populations of small prey. They primarily feed on earthworms, amphibians, and small fish. While generally harmless to humans, they may release a musky odor when threatened as a defense mechanism.

During colder months, these snakes hibernate in dens, often gathering in large numbers for warmth. As spring arrives, they emerge and become more active, making them easier to spot in Tennessee’s diverse landscapes.

8. Eastern Ratsnake

The Eastern Ratsnake, also known as the Black Ratsnake, is a common non-venomous snake found throughout Tennessee. These impressive constrictors can grow up to 6 feet in length, making them one of the largest snake species in the state.

Adult Eastern Ratsnakes typically have a black or dark gray coloration with a white or cream-colored belly. Juveniles, however, display a pattern of gray or brown blotches on a lighter background, which fades as they mature.

These snakes are excellent climbers and can often be found in trees, barns, and even attics. They play a crucial role in controlling rodent populations, earning them the nickname “farmer’s friend.”

Eastern Ratsnakes are generally docile but may vibrate their tails or release a musky odor when threatened. They are non-venomous and pose no significant danger to humans.

Their habitat preferences are diverse, including woodlands, fields, and suburban areas. They are adaptable and can thrive in various environments across Tennessee.

9. Black Kingsnake

The Eastern Black Kingsnake is a subspecies of the common kingsnake found in Tennessee. This snake is known for its sleek, shiny black body adorned with small white or yellowish spots.

Black Kingsnakes typically grow to lengths between 36 and 48 inches. They have a robust build and smooth scales that give them a glossy appearance.

These snakes are non-venomous constrictors. They prey on a variety of small animals, including rodents, birds, and even other snakes. Remarkably, Black Kingsnakes are immune to the venom of pit vipers and often hunt these dangerous snakes.

In Tennessee, Black Kingsnakes can be found in diverse habitats. They frequent forests, fields, and areas near water sources. These adaptable reptiles are also known to inhabit human-modified environments like farmlands and suburban areas.

While generally docile, Black Kingsnakes may vibrate their tails or release a musky odor when threatened. These behaviors are defensive mechanisms to deter potential predators.

10. Scarlet Kingsnake

The Scarlet Kingsnake is a striking and colorful snake found in Tennessee. This non-venomous species is known for its vibrant red, black, and yellow bands that encircle its body.

Typically measuring between 14 to 20 inches in length, the Scarlet Kingsnake is a relatively small member of the kingsnake family. Its slender body and smooth scales contribute to its elegant appearance.

In Tennessee, the Scarlet Kingsnake inhabits various regions, including woodlands, pine forests, and rocky areas. It’s often found hiding under logs, rocks, or leaf litter, making it somewhat elusive to spot in the wild.

This snake plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling rodent populations. Its diet primarily consists of small mammals, lizards, and other snakes, including venomous species.

While harmless to humans, the Scarlet Kingsnake’s coloration closely resembles that of the venomous Coral Snake. This mimicry serves as a defense mechanism, deterring potential predators.

Conservation efforts are important for maintaining healthy populations of Scarlet Kingsnakes in Tennessee. Preserving their natural habitats and educating the public about their ecological value are key steps in protecting these beautiful reptiles.

11. Prairie Kingsnake

The Prairie Kingsnake is a subspecies of the Yellow-bellied Kingsnake found in Tennessee. These non-venomous snakes are known for their adaptability to various habitats.

Prairie Kingsnakes typically grow to lengths between 30 and 40 inches. They have a distinctive appearance, with brown or grayish-brown bodies adorned with darker blotches or saddles.

These snakes prefer open habitats such as fields, farmland, and rocky hillsides. They are also found in open woodlands throughout Tennessee.

Prairie Kingsnakes are secretive creatures, spending much of their time underground. They often seek shelter under rocks, logs, and in abandoned animal burrows.

Their diet primarily consists of small mammals, birds, and other reptiles. Like other kingsnakes, they are known to prey on venomous snakes, making them beneficial to have around.

During winter, Prairie Kingsnakes hibernate in underground dens. They emerge in spring to begin their active period, which includes mating and hunting.

While generally docile, these snakes may vibrate their tails or release a musky odor when threatened. It’s best to observe them from a distance to avoid causing stress.

12. Eastern Milksnake

The Eastern Milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum) is a striking and non-venomous serpent found throughout Tennessee. This medium-sized snake typically measures between 24 to 36 inches in length.

Eastern Milksnakes boast a distinctive appearance with a gray or tan body adorned with irregular brownish or reddish-brown blotches. These blotches are bordered by black, creating a visually appealing pattern.

These snakes inhabit a variety of environments in Tennessee, including fields, woodlands, agricultural areas, and rocky outcrops. They are known for their secretive nature, often spending considerable time underground.

Eastern Milksnakes are beneficial to their ecosystems, primarily feeding on small mammals like mice and shrews. They also consume birds, bird eggs, lizards, and other snakes, playing a crucial role in controlling pest populations.

Despite their name, milksnakes do not actually drink milk. This misconception arose from their tendency to inhabit barns, where they hunt rodents. Farmers once mistakenly believed these snakes were stealing milk from cows.

When encountered, Eastern Milksnakes may vibrate their tails as a warning. However, they are generally docile and prefer to avoid confrontation with humans.

13. Scarlet Snake

The Scarlet Snake (Cemophora coccinea) is a striking and colorful non-venomous species found in Tennessee. This slender snake typically measures between 14 to 20 inches in length, making it a small to medium-sized reptile.

Its most distinctive feature is its vibrant coloration. The Scarlet Snake displays wide red bands bordered by black, separated by cream or white bands. This pattern often leads to misidentification, as it resembles the venomous coral snake.

In Tennessee, the Scarlet Snake is widespread but not commonly encountered. It occurs across most of the state, except for the northwestern section, western Highland Rim, and upper East Tennessee.

These snakes prefer sandy or loose soil habitats, where they can burrow easily. They are primarily nocturnal, spending much of their time underground. This secretive behavior contributes to their relatively rare sightings.

The Scarlet Snake’s diet consists mainly of reptile eggs, particularly those of other snakes and lizards. They use their pointed snouts to break into nests and consume the eggs whole.

While non-venomous, Scarlet Snakes may bite if handled. It’s best to admire these beautiful creatures from a distance and leave them undisturbed in their natural habitat.

14. Worm Snake

The Worm Snake is a small, secretive reptile found in Tennessee. This diminutive creature typically grows to lengths between 7.5 and 11 inches, making it one of the state’s smaller snake species.

Worm Snakes have a distinctive appearance. Their bodies are smooth-scaled and shiny, often displaying an iridescent sheen. The snake’s back is usually brown, contrasting sharply with its pink belly.

In Tennessee, two subspecies of Worm Snakes exist. The Eastern Wormsnake inhabits the Great Valley and Unaka Mountains of east Tennessee, while the Midwestern Wormsnake is found across the rest of the state.

These snakes spend much of their time underground or hidden in rotting logs. Their elusive nature makes sightings relatively rare, and encountering one is often considered fortunate.

Worm Snakes are non-venomous and completely harmless to humans. They primarily feed on earthworms and soft-bodied insects, using their small, pointed heads to burrow through soil in search of prey.

Due to their underground lifestyle, Worm Snakes play a crucial role in aerating the soil and maintaining ecosystem balance. Their presence often indicates a healthy, undisturbed environment.

15. Rough Green Snake

The Rough Green Snake is a slender, moderately long snake native to Tennessee. It typically grows to a length of 22 to 32 inches, making it a medium-sized species in the state.

This snake’s most distinctive feature is its vibrant green coloration, which provides excellent camouflage in its natural habitat. The scales on its body are keeled, giving it a slightly rough texture.

The Rough Green Snake’s belly is usually white, yellow, or pale greenish. Interestingly, young snakes start with a grayish-green color that becomes more vivid as they mature.

These snakes are primarily arboreal, spending much of their time in trees and shrubs. Their slender bodies and agile nature make them well-adapted to climbing and navigating through vegetation.

In Tennessee, you can find the Northern Rough Greensnake subspecies (O. a. aestivus). They are non-venomous and generally harmless to humans, preferring to feed on insects and other small prey.

When encountering a Rough Green Snake, it’s best to observe from a distance. These snakes play a vital role in controlling insect populations and maintaining ecological balance in Tennessee’s diverse ecosystems.

16. Smooth Earth Snake

The Smooth Earth Snake (Virginia valeriae) is a small, non-venomous snake species found in Tennessee. These snakes typically grow to lengths between 7 and 10 inches, making them one of the smaller snake species in the state.

Smooth Earth Snakes have a distinctive appearance. Their scales are smooth and glossy, giving them their name. The color of these snakes can vary from reddish-brown to grayish-brown, with a white or cream-colored belly.

In Tennessee, two subspecies of Smooth Earth Snake can be found. The Western Smooth Earthsnake has a unique pale greenish-yellow tint on its belly, setting it apart from its eastern counterpart.

These snakes prefer habitats with moist soil and plenty of ground cover. They are often found in wooded areas, hiding under logs, rocks, or sheets of metal.

Smooth Earth Snakes are harmless to humans and play a beneficial role in their ecosystems. They primarily feed on earthworms and soft-bodied insects, helping to control pest populations in their habitats.

17. Brown Snake

The Brown Snake, scientifically known as Storeria dekayi, is a common non-venomous species found in Tennessee. These small snakes typically grow to lengths between 10 and 20 inches, making them one of the smaller snake species in the state.

Brown Snakes have a light brown to dark brown coloration on their backs, often with a lighter stripe running down the center. Their bellies are usually a pale cream or light brown color. This coloration helps them blend in with the forest floor and leaf litter.

These snakes prefer moist habitats and can often be found in woodlands, meadows, and suburban areas. They are particularly fond of areas with plenty of ground cover, such as rocks, logs, and leaf litter.

Brown Snakes are generally docile and rarely bite when encountered. They feed primarily on soft-bodied invertebrates like slugs, snails, and earthworms. This diet makes them beneficial for gardens and agricultural areas.

During colder months, Brown Snakes hibernate in underground dens or other protected areas. They are often among the first snakes to emerge in spring, sometimes even when there’s still snow on the ground.

18. Ringneck Snake

The Ringneck Snake is a small, slender serpent found throughout Tennessee. It typically grows to a length of 10 to 15 inches, making it one of the state’s smallest snake species.

This snake gets its name from the distinctive ring around its neck, which is usually yellow or orange in color. The rest of its body is dark, often black or dark brown, with a brightly colored belly that can be red, yellow, or orange.

Ringneck Snakes are non-venomous and generally harmless to humans. They prefer moist habitats and can often be found under rocks, logs, or leaf litter in forested areas.

In Tennessee, two subspecies of Ringneck Snake exist: the Northern Ring-necked Snake in East Tennessee and the Mississippi Ring-necked Snake in the western part of the state.

These snakes have a unique defense mechanism. When threatened, they curl their tails to expose their brightly colored undersides, earning them the nicknames “Corkscrew” or “Thimble” snakes.

Ringneck Snakes primarily feed on small prey such as earthworms, slugs, and small salamanders. They play an important role in controlling invertebrate populations in their ecosystems.

19. Dekay’s Brownsnake

Dekay’s Brownsnake, also known as Storeria dekayi, is a small, secretive snake found throughout Tennessee. This non-venomous reptile typically grows to a length of 9 to 13 inches.

The species has two subspecies in Tennessee: the Midland Brownsnake and the Northern Brownsnake. The Midland Brownsnake is found across most of the state, while the Northern Brownsnake inhabits the southeastern quarter.

Dekay’s Brownsnakes have variable coloration and keel-scaled bodies. They prefer wooded areas and fields, where they often remain hidden under logs, rocks, or leaf litter.

These snakes play an important role in controlling pest populations, as they primarily feed on slugs, snails, and earthworms. Despite their small size, Dekay’s Brownsnakes are resilient and adaptable to various habitats.

While not dangerous to humans, it’s advisable to exercise caution when encountering these snakes in the wild. Observing them from a respectful distance allows for appreciation of their unique characteristics without causing distress to the animal.

20. Red-bellied Snake

The Red-bellied Snake is a small, secretive species found throughout Tennessee. These diminutive reptiles typically grow between 8 to 16 inches in length, making them one of the state’s smaller snake species.

As their name suggests, Red-bellied Snakes are easily identified by their vibrant red or orange underbellies. Their dorsal coloration can vary, ranging from brown to gray, providing excellent camouflage in their woodland habitats.

Two subspecies of Red-bellied Snakes inhabit Tennessee: the Northern Red-bellied Snake and the Florida Red-bellied Snake. The Northern subspecies is more widespread, while the Florida subspecies is primarily found in southwestern counties.

These snakes are non-venomous and pose no threat to humans. They prefer to spend their time hidden under leaves, logs, or rocks, making them challenging to spot in the wild.

Red-bellied Snakes play a vital role in Tennessee’s ecosystems. They primarily feed on small invertebrates, such as slugs and earthworms, helping to control these populations naturally.

While generally docile, these snakes may release a musky odor when threatened. This defensive mechanism serves as a deterrent to potential predators.

21. Plain-bellied Watersnake

The Plain-bellied Watersnake, also known as the Yellow-bellied Watersnake, is a medium-sized, semi-aquatic snake found in Tennessee. It typically measures between 30 to 48 inches in length and has a robust body with keeled scales.

This non-venomous snake inhabits south-central and southwestern areas of Tennessee, including the watersheds of the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers. Its habitat preferences include various aquatic environments such as ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.

The Plain-bellied Watersnake displays distinctive coloration. Its dorsal side is often dark brown or black, while the ventral surface can be yellow or copper, giving rise to its alternative names. This coloration helps the snake blend into its aquatic surroundings.

As a carnivorous species, the Plain-bellied Watersnake primarily feeds on fish and amphibians. It is an adept swimmer, using its powerful body to navigate through water in search of prey.

When encountering humans, these snakes may display defensive behaviors such as flattening their bodies or releasing a musky odor. While not aggressive, they may bite if handled, so it’s best to observe them from a safe distance.

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