The bond between humans and horses has been particularly intimate throughout recorded history.
Consequently, the presence of different types of mythical horses in myths and stories from different cultures should not be surprising.
In this article, we will look at 21 different types of mythical horses and the stories behind them.
This excursion will take us all over the planet, spanning countless civilizations and countries and into the distant past.
Since the beginning of time, people and horses have had a special relationship.
Horses have been important to the development of human society ever since the earliest times.
They have served as modes of transportation for us and as components of our military.
Nowadays, it’s common for young girls to fantasize about owning a pony.
However, many years ago, horses were very significant for all of us.
There are many tales about horses, and you can certainly consider them to be creatures from mythology.
1. Sleipnir

The Sleipnir is a mythical horse from Norse mythology. He was Odin’s horse and stood out because of his eight legs.
Legend has it that Loki, the son of Odin, had mated with Svailifari, a stallion, and this individual was their progeny.
History stated that the gray horse Sleipnir was the greatest horse the gods or humans had ever had.
Hermór, one of Odin’s offspring and the messenger of the gods is said to have ridden on him in one of the stories.
Hermór rides Sleipnir to Hel, and the two make a huge leap over the gates of Hel on their journey to retrieve Baldr, the god of the underworld.
On the Swedish island of Gotland, carved pictures of an eight-legged horse have been discovered.
People engraved these pictures in stone. Sculptors made these masterpieces in the seventh century.
2. Gringolet

Gringolet is possibly the most well-known horse associated with the Arthurian legends.
Records show that this white horse with striking red ears belonged to Sir Gawain.
He was famous for being a formidable war horse, but Sir Gawain was riding him when the enemies killed him in the heat of battle.
However, his adversaries had every reason to be ashamed of their actions.
After learning that his much-loved steed had died, Sir Gawain was seething with rage.
The intensity of his rage amplified his already formidable physical capabilities, and he rampaged through the opposition until darkness fell.
3. Liath Macha

The Liath Macha is a mythical horse in Irish folklore. His name means “Gray of Macha.
History states that the hero Chulainn discovered him in a mountain pool alongside another horse named Dun Sainglend. The pool was in the mountains.
Liath Macha refused to be hitched into the hero’s chariot on the day the hero died in battle.
He did so only after Cuchulainn had taken the harness, but he did it while crying bloody tears.
During the conflict, Liath Macha was pierced by a spear and forced to retreat to a body of water in the mountains.
Dun Sainglend continued to chase after them, but another spear killed Cuchulainn.
Liath Macha eventually made his way back to the fight and began defending Dun Sainglend by mowing down enemy warriors with his fangs and hooves.
In later years, he directed the hero Conall Cernach to the body of his dead master.
Conall went on to seek revenge for the death of Cuchulainn.
4. Bayard

Bayard is one of the types of mythical horses that appears in French songs from the eleventh century.
He had a bay coat and the remarkable power to alter his size to fit the rider.
Renaud de Montauban was his owner at the time. Because of his capacity to change size, he could carry Renaud and his three brothers at the same time.
Additionally, he could comprehend human speech. Ultimately, Renaud had no choice but to give Bayard to Charlemagne, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and his biggest rival.
Charlemagne told Bayard to be strung up with a stone around his neck and thrown into the river to drown.
But Bayard was too powerful to be treated in such a manner. He used his hooves to break the stone, then ran away to live in peace in the forest for the rest of his days.
5. Morvarc’h

There are references to Morvarc’h in Breton folklore. Even though these stretch back several centuries, most of the information concerning him is found in a document written by Charles Guyot in 1926.
Morvarc’h is said to possess unique abilities due to his ancestry in the supernatural in this description.
He is the product of a union between a siren and an undine, both fundamental sea creatures.
Some stories tell of him swimming over large waves to rescue a king and princess from a storm at sea.
He has a deep connection to the ocean. Art depicting Morvarc’h dates back hundreds of years.
The earliest depiction known to exist is a lead statue dating back to the fifteenth century, displayed on the top of a cathedral in Quimper.
It was tragically destroyed during the French Revolution; nevertheless, Sculptors created a replica based on a piece that had survived.
6. Uchchaihshravas
Uchchaihshravas is one of the mythical horses connected to the Hindu pantheon.
He is also known as the king of horses. He is a majestic white steed with seven heads and the ability to fly.
Uchchaihshravas came into existence as a result of the churning that took place in the Milk Ocean.
He rose from the waves and was claimed by Indra as his mount.
According to certain versions of the myth, Brahma, the god of creation, created him as a consequence of a sacrifice, and Bali, the king of the demons, claimed him.
Legend has it that the two sisters Vinata and Kadru placed a wager on the color of Uchchaihshravas’ tail to win some money.
While Vinata was confident that it was white, Kadru was confident that it was black.
Kadru deceived everyone by directing the serpents to hide the horse’s tail so it would seem black.
In this instance, the cheater was successful, and Kadru won the bet. As compensation, Vinata had to work for her sister.
7. The Kelpie

The Kelpie is a legendary Scottish animal and one of the mythical horses that live in various bodies of water.
When submerged, it takes on the appearance of a formidable black horse.
On the other hand, it can assume a human form on land.
However, even while it is on land, a clue to its magical origin is thought to remain: its feet are said to retain their hoof-like appearance.
Kelpies adopt distinct forms in different bodies of water. The Kelpie in Aberdeenshire is said to have a mane made of serpents.
The Kelpie in the River Spey is white instead of black. In addition, it possesses a lovely singing voice, which it employs to coax its prey onto its back.
8. Pegasus

The Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology, is widely considered the most well-known mythical horse.
According to Greek mythology, Pegasus was Medusa’s son. At one point, she, like many other figures in Greek mythology, assumed the form of a horse.
In some alternate retellings of the story, Pegasus was born from Medusa’s blood when Perseus severed her head from her body.
And further down the line, it is documented that Poseidon is Pegasus’s father.
In addition to its ability to fly, Pegasus possessed various other abilities.
Legend said a spring would immediately emerge wherever he struck the ground with his hoof.
He allied with the hero Bellerophon in his fight against the Chimera. After that, Zeus had him carry lightning bolts for him.
In recognition of the many years of service that he had provided, Zeus bestowed upon him the honor of transforming him into a constellation.
This explains the existence of mythological creatures such as Pegasus, unicorns, centaurs, and many other types of mythical horses.
9. Arion
The Greek epic poetry known as The Iliad refers to Arion as the horse that Adrastus rides.
He has incredibly lightning-fast reflexes and a thick, glossy mane of jet-black hair.
However, Arion was different from your average speedy horse. He was a supernatural being, the product of a union between two gods.
There are a few variations on who his parents were, but the one that seems to be the most widely accepted is that his mother was the goddess Demeter.
According to the tale, Demeter transformed herself into a horse to flee from the god Poseidon.
She hid among the horses that belonged to Oncius, who was the king.
Poseidon, however, was cunning enough to turn himself into a horse so that he might mate with Hera and produce Arion.
The hero, Heracles, initially received the horse and rode it into combat before handing it over to Adrastus.
At Thebes, once Adrastus lost the fight, Arion rescued Adrastus from certain death by carrying him away from his pursuers.
10. The White Horse of Kent

The White Horse of Kent is an unusual mention on our list of types of mythical horses because it is not an actual horse but rather a historical representation of one.
A white horse running rampant against a crimson background represents the white Kent horse, a symbol connected with the English county of Kent.
Horsa, a Kentish king who ruled during the fifth century, used this as his insignia.
Both the flag of Kent and the coat of arms for the county feature this device in some form.
Since Horsa’s time, Kent’s boundaries have undergone several shifts.
As a direct consequence of this, the White Horse of Kent features on the coats of arms of a number of the boroughs that make up modern-day London.
Bexley and Bromley are two neighborhoods that fall into this category.
11. Hippocampus

The hippocampus is a peculiar creature with the upper body of a horse and the tail of a fish. Its name comes from the Greek word for “horse head.
There have been several mentions in the mythology of ancient Mediterranean societies, including that of the Phoenicians, Etruscans, Greeks, and Romans.
Paintings sometimes depict the hippocampus as having wings, such as tomb reliefs and wall paintings in Etruscan tombs.
In addition, if you go to Rome in modern times, you can look for flying hippocampi amid the engravings on the Trevi fountain.
12. Mares of Diomedes
In Greek mythology, four ferocious horses were known as the Mares of Diomedes.
The King of Thrace, Diomedes, was the one who possessed them, and because of this, they earned the name ‘Mares of Thrace.’
These mythical horses subsisted on a diet of human flesh while confined to a bronze manger for their whole lives.
Heracles took them from Diomedes and fed their master to the horses after he had captured them from Diomedes.
Their food had a calming effect on them because Diomedes could clamp their lips shut.
Following that, he delivered the horses to King Eurystheus.
The narrative has multiple interpretations; some see the mares living peacefully in and around Argos.
In some stories, Zeus is the one who puts an end to them.
Historians thought that Alexander the Great’s magnificent horse, Bucephalus, sprung from the mares owned by Diomedes.
13. Trojan Horse

The story of the horse that led the Trojans astray is among the most well-known from Greek mythology.
The Greeks had been besieging Troy for ten years before the events of this story, which takes place during the Trojan War.
Odysseus, a crafty Greek, ordered a wooden replica of a horse to be created and placed outside the city gates.
After that, the Greeks acted like they were sailing away. The Trojans, who thought the horse was present, took it into the city and celebrated with it.
They were unaware that the horse was hollow and contained several Greek soldiers, one of whom was Odysseus.
The city was asleep as the soldiers emerged from their hiding places and opened the city gates, allowing the remainder of the Greek army to enter. The invaders were able to take control of Troy immediately.
The story is so well-known that the phrase “Trojan horse” has become common because of its notoriety.
Any tactic that encourages a target to invite its enemy into a place of sanctuary is known as a “sanctuary invite,” This term characterizes such a tactic.
Additionally, it is common in computing, where the term “Trojan” refers to a specific strain of virus.
14. Nuckelavee

In the folklore and mythology of the Orkney Islands in Scotland, these mythical horses play an important role in their culture. It’s a terrible demon that lurks in the depths of the ocean.
When it comes into contact with the ground, it assumes the form of a horse with some human characteristics.
According to other stories, it appeared to have the torso of a human being hooked to the back of a horse as if it were riding the animal. In addition, it has no skin, and its blood is dark.
The nuckelavee posed a significant threat because its breath could destroy crops, make livestock sick, and spread illness.
However, it would not come ashore while it was pouring because it was too slippery.
Additionally, it was unable to pass through clean, moving water.
Anyone pursued by the nuckelavee would, therefore, have to cross a stream quickly and hope to find a haven on the other side.
15. Árvakr and Alsviðr
In Norse mythology, two horses known as rvakr and alsvir are quite popular.
People believed that each day, they were responsible for pulling the sun god’s chariot across the sky.
Being in such proximity to the sun was strenuous labor, but the gods were kind enough to acknowledge the discomfort that this caused.
They placed bellows beneath the shoulders of the horses so that the animals would stay cool while they ran.
A man named Sól, who the gods had kidnapped for him to complete the mission, was the chariot’s driver.
He was unable to pause for even a second at any point. A wolf named Skoll, who, if given even a remote opportunity, would seize and consume the sun, was hard on the trail of the chariot.
16. Tulpar
Tulpars are mythical horses that can fly. They are of Turkish origin and are typically black or white.
The swiftness of their speed, not their ability to fly, was the trait most usually associated with their wings.
Other references to Tulpars exist in Asain folklore, namely in the context of the fiddle’s creation from the remnants of Tulpars.
17. Bucephalus

Bucephalus was one of the best-known horses in history. He was particularly beloved by Alexander the Great, who used him as his mount.
A white star crowned his head, and he was wearing a black cloak.
Before the young Alexander tamed him and made him his reliable ride for combat, he had a reputation for being uncontrollable and wild, which caused people to be afraid of him.
Alexander claimed that Bucephalus was afraid of his shadow, so when he mounted him, Bucephalus would tilt his head to face the sun.
After his passing, tales began to circulate that this enormous horse, once untamable, also had a reputation for devouring humans.
18. Chollima
Chollima is a mythological winged horse with great strength that originates in Korean culture.
The Chollima could cross hundreds of kilometers daily and travel great distances at high speeds.
History stated that Chollima was too rapid for any mortal to ride him and that no man could tame him.
This horse is found in several East Asian cultures. When translated into English, its name means “thousand-li horse.”
For your information, a “li” was the conventional unit of distance used in Chinese measurement.
In days gone by, that would be the equivalent of about 250 miles.
The myth further states that this horse could cover a distance of 400 kilometers in a single day.
Over the last few decades, the government of North Korea has come to see the horse as a symbol of progress and economic development in the country.
Making it one of the most culturally acknowledged types of mythical horses.
19. Unicorn

The unicorn is undoubtedly the most beautiful of all types of mythical horses.
Whenever a unicorn appears in an artwork, it almost always takes the form of a magnificent white horse with a spiraling horn.
However, over history, legends of unicorns have been passed down from one culture to another, and they haven’t always looked like the stunning creatures they are today.
The first accounts of unicorns come from the fourth century B.C. when the Greek physician Ctesias documents stories from travelers about a large white wild ass roaming India.
These travelers described the asses as having white bodies, redheads, piercing blue eyes, and horns that were a foot and a half long. In these accounts, the asses were free-roaming.
The first people in Europe told stories about magical creatures called unicorns. These creatures resembled goats but had colorful horns and were said to have mystical abilities.
In Asian folklore, unicorns have bodies similar to deer but scales similar to reptiles. They possess horns covered in signs and magical symbols.
20. Hippogriff

In ancient Greece, the hippogriff represented the god Apollo. Since then, the creature has undergone significant change.
The Orlando Furioso, an Italian epic poem by Ludovico Ariosto, is the first mention of the beast in written history.
The author explains that the hippogriff is a creature that has an eagle’s head on its front and a horse’s body on its back.
You can learn more about it by reading “Legends of Charlemagne” by Thomas Bulfinch.
In one piece of literature, the monster has the body of a horse but the head of an eagle, with talons and feathered wings.
The author J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books feature the creature in its most recent iteration. Buckbeak was a memorable character for all of us.
21. Centaur

The Centaur rounds off our list of types of mythical horses. This is one of the most prevalent and distinctive mythological horses.
The lower half of the centaur’s body is that of a horse, while its upper half is that of a human.
The Greek authors of the stories describe and portray them as barbarous and disorderly people.
On the other hand, some accounts portray them as friendly creatures.
They can communicate with humans while also possessing the strength and speed of a horse.