15 Different Types of Geckos in Kenya

Different Types of Geckos in KenyaPin
Photo by Yeh Xintong

To understand the ecology of geckos in Kenya, it’s essential to get acquainted with the different species of this lizard that call the country home.

While they might look similar to other types of geckos in Kenya, they are known to be even more different in their behaviors and habitat choices.

Whether you’re interested in learning about their habitats and characteristics or how to care for them as pets properly, this guide will give you all the information you need to make informed decisions about these amazing creatures.

1. Tailed Gecko

Kenya is home to many gecko species, many of which are endangered. One example is the Kenya Tailed Gecko, which can be found on Mount Kenya and other higher altitude areas.

These small geckos are usually brown or grey and have a long tail for balance. They typically live among rocks and trees and feed on insects, spiders, and smaller reptiles.

They are nocturnal creatures that like to sleep during the day, curled up with their tail wrapped around themselves for warmth. 

Although these little geckos may look cute and harmless, they are venomous! They do not pose any threat to humans, but if bitten, it will feel like a bee sting at first, and then the pain will increase.

In Kenya, people who come into contact with these types of geckos should seek medical attention immediately.

2. Brown House Gecko

There are many different types of geckos in Kenya. One type is the Brown House Gecko, which lives close to humans and can often be found hiding behind curtains or under furniture.

They are brown with light brown spots on their backs and have a light stripe down their back. Brown house geckos eat insects but will also eat fruit and vegetables if it is offered to them.

Sometimes, they can grow to as big as two inches long and two inches wide. These types of geckos in Kenya have some features that make them unique. 

They shed their skin up to four times a year and don’t lay eggs; instead, they give birth to live young! They also have little suckers on their toes called suction disks, which help them stick to surfaces. 

3. Velvet Gecko

These geckos in Kenya are usually found on tree trunks and foliage. They are nocturnal, which means they can be seen at night. The females have a bluish patch on their necks, and the males have a green patch around their heads. 

 Velvet Gecko can be found in Nairobi and the eastern parts of Kenya. Their call is unique to them, just like other lizards and geckos. They also love eating insects like crickets and are agile when climbing trees.

They can easily be spotted because they are usually brightly colored or have scars on their skin. Males have a green patch around their heads, making it easy to identify them from a distance.

Related:  7 Different Types of Geckos in Indonesia

Females don’t have bright colors, but you can tell they are females by looking for a bluish patch around their necks.

4. Leopard Gecko

Leopard geckos are one of the types of geckos in Kenya. They have a small body, large head and tail, thick skin with visible scales, and toes that are not webbed.

They live in tropical climates such as Australia and Central America, where they feed on insects and other small invertebrates

They can grow up to 10 inches long! They do this by storing fat in their tail to survive periods when food is scarce. They also use their seats for balance when climbing vertical surfaces or hanging from ceilings.

They’re great climbers and will often run away quickly if startled. The scales on their back feet act like velcro hooks, so they can easily stick to surfaces like tree trunks and branches.

5. Crested Gecko

Crested geckos are the most common type of geckos in Kenya. They are relatively small, measuring only 10 cm long on average. Crested geckos typically have brown and cream-colored stripes running down their backs and tails. 

The crest at the top of their head can be raised or lowered, depending on the mood that they’re in. These small lizards are nocturnal and will eat all insects, including spiders and scorpions! They also feed on plant matter and fruit when they can find it. 

Crested geckos are the best type of lizard to keep as pets because they don’t need a heat lamp like some other lizards. In addition, these geckos don’t require special supplements or food sources since they live off bugs and plant matter. 

However, you’ll want to ensure your pet crested gecko has a place to hide away during the day. You’ll also want to make sure your pet is out at night when it’s time for feeding so that he gets his fill of bugs and fruits before hiding away again for the day

6. Wall Gecko

The wall gecko is the most abundant type of gecko in Kenya. These geckos in Kenya can be found on walls, ceilings, and fences, where they sit and wait for prey to come near. They are very agile and fast, with long toes that allow them to run up vertical surfaces efficiently.

Wall geckos feed on insects like flies, mosquitoes, and beetles, which they catch with their sticky tongue or by jumping down onto the insect from a high location.

Female geckos lay eggs twice a year, around March and October. Eggs are laid as many as four times per season to increase chances of survival during periods when food might not be plentiful.

8. Day Gecko

The day gecko is a lizard easily identified by its yellow and brown spotted pattern. It can grow up to six inches long, making it one of Kenya’s most significant types of geckos.

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They spend most of their time on the ground and are often found near water sources. Day geckos are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. 

They eat insects, birds, eggs, fruits, flowers, and anything else they can find on the ground. There is no breeding season for these geckos, so the population remains stable all year.

Day geckos are not endangered or threatened in any way, but conservation efforts should still be taken for them due to their similarity to other species that are declining.

9. Cape Dwarf Gecko

The Cape Dwarf gecko, also known as the Parson’s chameleon, is a tiny gecko found in southwestern Africa. It is typically green or brown, with a dark stripe running down the side. The head and body length can range from 3 to 6 inches.

Like types of geckos in Kenya, they have sticky toes that allow them to climb almost any surface. They are nocturnal creatures that feed on insects and other small invertebrates.

While they have sharp teeth for catching prey, they only use them when eating prey; otherwise, their mouth is closed so that it does not see their toes.

 Many people keep these geckos as pets because they are easy to care for, do not need ample space to live in, and don’t require very high humidity levels.

Unfortunately, this species has been listed as endangered by the IUCN due to habitat loss caused by deforestation.

10. Agama Finch

Kenya has a wide variety of geckos, with the Agama finch being one of the most popular. These types of geckos in Kenya are native to East Africa and can be found from Sudan up to Mozambique.

They are typically brown or light green, with a dark stripe running down their back and tail. 

The Agama finch will eat anything it can get its hands on, including insects, spiders, and even other geckos! However, Agama fitchi geckos have a couple of unique adaptations to help them survive and thrive. 

For one thing, they can eat just about anything! They also have very sharp claws that can climb up virtually any surface. Finally, they are known for their incredible jumping ability.

11. Barking Gecko

Kenya is home to many different types of geckos, including the barking gecko. The barking gecko lives on tree trunks and branches in wooded areas and makes a barking sound when it feels threatened. The bark resembles a dog’s bark, which is where the name comes from. 

These types of geckos in Kenya range from brown to green with yellow stripes across their backs. This type of lizard can grow up to 18 inches long and has an average lifespan of four to six years.

They can be found near water sources such as lakes and rivers but also live close to human settlements because they eat insects like mosquitos.

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Their bodies are usually camouflaged against their background, so they are hard to spot unless they move or if you get close!

12. Fence Lizards

Fence lizards can be found across Africa and vary in color depending on the subspecies, but they typically sport stripes or blotches of black, yellow, or green on their back and sides. 

Their toe pads contain a poison that makes them unpalatable to predators and other fence lizards looking for a meal! They also have glands that emit an odor which helps them to communicate with other members of the same species. 

13. Ind Pacific Gecko

There are 110 species, and the brownhouse gecko is the most common type. These types of geckos in Kenya are mainly found in areas with a temperate climate. However, as its name suggests, it can be found inside homes and buildings. 

It feeds on insects such as crickets, flies, and beetles. The Pacific gecko prefers to live near or on trees but will settle for living in rock outcrops or walls in their native habitat, mainly in New Zealand and Australia. 

They are usually nocturnal creatures, so they feed at night. The Pacific gecko also gets its name from the Pacific Ocean because it can also be found there.

14. Tropical House Gecko

The first gecko to be discussed is the tropical house gecko, also known as the Kenyan house. This species is found all over East Africa and has been introduced to other parts such as South Asia and Australia.

The most distinguishing characteristic of these lizards is their ability to live near humans and feed on human food resources. 

These geckos in Kenya are usually smaller than two inches long and can vary in color from light green to dark brown or black.

One thing distinguishing this species from others is the three white stripes across its head, which helps you quickly identify it when looking at different types of geckos in Kenya.

15. Gehyra Variegata

These geckos are nocturnal animals, meaning they are more active during the night than during the day and spend much time sleeping during daylight hours.

They can grow up to 8 inches in length but generally only reach around 4 inches as adults. They have empathetic hearing and excellent eyesight but a poor sense of smell.

Gehyra variegata has toes that are webbed with adhesive toe pads on their digits, allowing them to stick to walls without exerting much effort. They also use this foot to swim when necessary (Gehyra variegata).

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