Illinois has so many different types of frogs that some people can get their names and attributes mixed up.
Because Illinois is home to such a diverse collection of frog species, residents frequently come across these amphibians in and around their residences.
There are around 23 different species of frogs in the state of Illinois.
Numerous species of frogs, including the American Bullfrog, Bird-Voiced Tree Frog, Blanchard’s Cricket Frog, Crawfish Frog, Gray Tree Frog, and Green Tree Frog, can be found throughout the state.
We have observed many of these frogs and know how to tell them apart; we would be happy to assist you in doing the same!
It is a lot of joy to go out into the woods, look for them, and watch them in their environment. Now that we have that out of the way.
Let’s talk about 12 types of frogs in Illinois and some of the best ways to find them.
1. Bird-voiced Tree Frog

The sound that the bird-Voiced Tree Frog makes is reminiscent of the chirping of a bird, which is where the name of this species comes from.
Bird-voiced tree Frogs most commonly reside around the southeastern corner of Illinois, where they Hang from tree branches high above freshwater ponds and other tiny bodies of water.
There is a wide range of coloration among these types of frogs in Illinois, but most are either gray or green.
The yellow region in the creases of this tree-dwelling frog’s legs is one of the most recognizable characteristics of these frogs in Illinois.
2. Crawfish Frog
The Crawfish Frog gets its name from the crawfish that make up most of its food.
The Crawfish Frog’s diet includes beetles, other smaller amphibians and reptiles, and the occasional crawfish.
The bodies of these frogs in Illinois are large and thick, and they are covered in many spots, but their abdomens are completely white.
Lowlands, meadows, brush fields, and crawfish holes are common habitats for the Crawfish Frog. Other possible locations include.
The southern part of Illinois is where you will find the most frequently.
The cry of a Crawfish Frog can be described as both deep and loud.
3. Green Tree Frog

The Green Tree Frog’s name may give the impression that it always appears green, but this is not always true.
The Green Tree Frog’s coloration can range from light to dark green, with a white line running along each side.
This frog has the potential to reach a length of 2.5 inches, yet it stays relatively small so that it may cling to branches and leaves.
You can discover them in their natural habitats of marshes, swamps, small ponds, and streams in the southern section of the state of Illinois.
4. Illinois Chorus Frog
The Illinois Chorus Frog has a coloration between tan and gray and some irregular dots and patterns that are either dark brown or gray.
It bears a mark in the shape of a V in the space between its eyes, a dark dot directly below each of its eyes, and a black line that extends from its nose to its shoulder.
Toads and this species of tree frog share a fondness for burrowing underground in sandy soil, which is one of their shared characteristics.
Because of this, these types of frogs in Illinois spend most of their time underground, making it difficult to observe.
The central and south-central regions of Illinois are home to this frog species.
5. Pickerel Frog
The backs of pickerel frogs have two parallel lines of spots in the shape of squares that go down the length of the back.
Because of the problematic ecological needs, this frog species is one of the most in need of conservation efforts in Illinois.
These types of frogs in Illinois will alter their habitats in response to the varying temperatures.
During the winter, they prefer to live in cold, oxygen-rich streams, but in spring, they migrate to warmer water in search of a better environment for reproduction.
After adulthood, Pickerel Frogs search for woodlands, where they can forage for food throughout the summer months.
The Pickerel Frog inhabits the northern, eastern, and southwestern regions of Illinois and areas generally close to the state’s borders.
6. Plains Leopard Frog

The Plains Leopard Frog is brown and has numerous spherical dark dots and light outlines around them.
The Plains Leopard Frog also has broken and uneven skin ridges that run down its back.
These types of frogs in Illinois live in areas close to ditches, creeks, ponds, and streams.
On the other hand, when the weather is rainy or damp, they tend to move away from the water.
The Plains Leopard Frog thrives across Illinois, particularly in the middle and southern parts of the state.
7. American Bullfrog

The American Bullfrog is a species that is indigenous to Illinois, and you may find them throughout the entirety of the state.
They are often green or gray-brown, and males have yellow bellies. Additionally, they have a few brown patches.
Adult American Bullfrogs can reach a maximum length of 8 inches from their snout to their vent and often weigh around 1.5 pounds, making them one of Illinois’s largest types of frogs.
They are the largest species of frog found in North America.
The American Bullfrog prefers to live in stagnant water or water bodies with nearby vegetation.
During the time of year when they are trying to mate, they produce a deep, strong, and very loud sound.
In addition, the sound that an American Bullfrog generates is quite forceful and extremely loud.
The largest frog in North America is the American Bullfrog, which can be green or gray-brown and has a few brown patches on its back.
This frog species can grow to a maximum height of 8 inches and weigh approximately 1.5 pounds.
8. Blanchard’s Cricket Frog

The Blanchard’s Cricket Frog is a little tree frog that, depending on its surrounding habitat, can have various skin colors.
Because of its camouflage, it may take on a variety of colors, including green, gray, and a reddish-brown hue.
This shift results from certain environmental factors, including predators in the area.
Illinois is home to a species of cricket frog known as the Blanchard’s Cricket Frog.
Due to their affinity for water, they tend to build their homes close to bodies of water like lakes, streams, and ponds.
They, like the majority of aquatic frogs, choose to reproduce in still bodies of freshwater.
These types of frogs in Illinois cannot tolerate the cold and will perish if exposed to freezing temperatures.
They spend their lives at the bottom of ponds, below the ice, hibernating as most aquatic frogs do, although they only live for approximately a year.
9. Gray Tree Frog

The Gray Tree Frog’s coloration can range from green to brown to gray, depending on the conditions in which it lives.
The frog will typically sleep on the branches of trees or the leaves during the day.
They can climb trees and adhere to branches because of the sticky pads on their tips.
These frogs in Illinois can climb so easily, are most active at night, and frequently surface on the windows or sliding doors of people’s homes.
The mating season for Gray Tree Frogs typically lasts from April through June and is characterized by a fairly brief cry.
These frogs may be found all over Illinois (CTNF).
10. Wood Frog
The eye masks of wood frogs are often dark, making them easy to identify despite their rusty, brown, or tan coloring.
Most of their habitats are woodland vernal pools, freshwater wetlands, and woods; despite their diminutive size, adults only reach a height of about two to two and a half to three and a half inches.
Their distinctive mating cries, which resemble the quacking of a duck, make it easy to pick them out in the wild.
Wood Frogs have a high tolerance for colder environmental conditions and can even survive in quite cold environments.
Wood Frogs will freeze roughly 65% of their bodies to hibernate successfully through the winter.
Their respiratory processes and muscle movements come to a temporary halt; their heart stops beating, and their blood begins to freeze.
As soon as the first signs of early spring appear, wood frogs start calling out to potential mates and beginning the process of thawing out.
11. Northern Leopard Frog

Their name comes from the fact that they are native to the northern regions of North America.
They often have huge, circular, black spots on their backs, surrounded by a lighter-colored perimeter.
These spots might be brown or green in hue. The undersides of their bodies often have a white or cream coloration.
The bright green coloration of this Leopard Frog species and the spots that give it the impression of a leopard make it a very popular choice for a pet.
12. Northern Cricket Frog

These types of frogs in Illinois have a light brown or tan coloration with irregular patches of green coloring, typically located at the top of their backs.
Additionally, some individuals have either brown or white dots randomly placed on them.
They can occasionally look like toads and have a voice comparable to that of birds.
They are mostly home in parts of the United States and Northern Mexico, close to lakes.