Welcome to this blog post on the different types of eagles in Virginia! Eagles are a group of large, powerful birds of prey that belong to the family Accipitridae.
They are known for their sharp talons, powerful beaks, and keen eyesight, making them excellent hunters.
Eagles are found worldwide and play important roles in their ecosystems, both as predators and as indicators of the health of their habitats.
These two types of eagles in Virginia are unique in their own ways and are important components of the state’s natural heritage.
This article will explore the types of eagles in Virginia, including their physical characteristics, habitats, behaviors, and diets.
Let’s start already!
1. Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is a large bird of prey. It starts this list of the types of eagles in Virginia.
With its distinctive white head and tail feathers and dark brown body, the Bald Eagle is easily recognizable and is a beloved species for many people.
With wingspans ranging from 6 to 7 feet, they can weigh anywhere from 6 to 14 pounds, with females being larger than males.
Bald Eagles have a broad, powerful wingspan, allowing them to soar for long periods without flapping their wings.
They have a relatively short, stocky build, a large head and beak, and powerful legs and talons.
Bald Eagles have a large, powerful beak that is hooked and sharp, allowing them to tear apart their prey.
The Bald Eagle is a large, powerful bird of prey easily recognizable by its distinctive white head and tail feathers, dark brown body, and yellow beak and feet.
Its size, shape, coloration, and distinctive features make it an important species to study and conserve in Virginia and North America.
In Virginia, they can be found near the Chesapeake Bay, along the Atlantic coast, and on major rivers such as the James River.
They are highly adapted to hunting and fishing, with excellent eyesight and powerful talons and beaks.
These birds usually dive down to capture prey with their talons. They also steal prey from other birds, such as ospreys and herons.
2. Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle (Aquila Chrysaetos) is a large bird of prey native to North America and other parts of the world.
Golden Eagles in Virginia are relatively rare and typically found in remote, mountainous areas.
Golden Eagles are large birds of prey, with a wingspan of up to 7 feet and a weight of 6 to 14 pounds.
They have a stocky build, with a broad wingspan and a large, powerful beak.
Their large size and broad wingspan enable them to cover great distances quickly and easily, making them formidable hunters among the types of eagles in Virginia.
Golden Eagles are named for their distinctive golden feathers on the head and neck, which contrast with their dark brown body.
Their plumage is uniform, with no distinctive markings or patterns, and their eyes are dark brown.
While some Golden Eagles will migrate to warmer regions during the winter, many will remain in Virginia throughout the year, taking advantage of the state’s diverse habitats and abundant food sources.
Golden Eagles are predatory birds that feed primarily on small mammals, such as rabbits and squirrels, as well as birds and reptiles.
They are types of eagles in Virginia that hunt from high perches, using their sharp talons and powerful beaks to grasp and kill their prey.
They also scavenge carrion, feeding on dead animals when other food sources are scarce.