96 Different Types of Beetles in Connecticut

Different Types of Beetles in ConnecticutPin
Photo by Erik_Karits

In Connecticut, there are dozens of different types of beetles which can infest your home.

If you live in the state and have an unusually large amount of them, it could be because you’re not taking care of your home properly.

Or, it could be because certain types of beetles in Connecticut are more attracted to the area. 

However, if you aren’t sure what type of beetle you’re dealing with, this guide will help you figure it out and give you solutions to get rid of them.

If you are looking to begin a career as an entomologist, you may have already become familiar with Connecticut’s most common types of beetles and where they can be found. 

Either way, this article will provide you with all the information you need to become an expert beetle tracker, beginning with the most common types of beetles in Connecticut and where to find them.

1. Leaf Beetle 

The dogbane leaf beetle is a member of the Chrysomus genus, commonly known as the gold-spotted chrysomid.

It is bright green in color with four gold-colored spots on each wing cover. The size ranges from 2-2.5mm, making it one of the smallest species in the family.

Equally important, they are the second type of beetle in Connecticut. They are most commonly found on plants such as dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum), blackberry (Rubus sp.), raspberry (Rubus idaeus), passionflower (Passiflora incarnata), and evening primrose (Oenothera biennis).

Their larvae live solely on dogbane leaves, which they skeletonize while feeding by chewing off all the tissue that may contain chlorophyll.

2. Goldsmith Beetle 

The goldsmith beetle is a type of leaf beetle. It has a yellow-brown body with white markings on the elytra and is about 1/2 inch long.

This species can be found throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. But they are most commonly found in the eastern United States and around the Great Lakes region. 

The goldsmith beetle often lives under leaves on forest floors, old logs, or around rocks at streamsides.

They feed on plants like willows, aspens, poplars, hemlocks, wild cherries, oaks, and apple trees. They are on our list of the different types of beetles in Connecticut.

3. Golden Tortoise Beetle 

Golden Tortoise Beetles are small, oval-shaped beetles with a golden brown color. They have six black spots on their wing covers, where they get their name. 

These insects are also types of beetles in Connecticut that can be found across the state. They often inhabit flowers or dead leaves as larvae before maturing into adults.

Golden Tortoise Beetles feed on nectar, pollen, and fruits such as apples, cherries, and peaches.

4. Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter 

This is one of the largest and most spectacular caterpillars in North America. The larvae are found on many native plant hosts, including many species that other insects seldom utilize. Caterpillars feed mostly at night, and when handled, they will produce a burning sensation. 

This sensation is due to the presence of an irritating chemical called cantharidin, which is used as a weapon by adult Fiery Searchers.

When the caterpillar is disturbed, this chemical also produces a bright red fluid from its joints. Further, larvae have been observed feeding on wilted or otherwise unhealthy leaves.

This indicates that this larva may be beneficial for controlling some noxious plants, such as poison oak (Rhus Toxicodendron) or poison ivy (Rhus radicans).

5. Fire-colored Beetle 

Fire-colored beetles are a type of click beetle that is typically found on dead logs and trees. These beetles can sometimes be found with other types of beetles in Connecticut.

Other beetles such as the black-and-orange tiger beetle (Cicindela sp.) or the brown-and-yellow tiger beetle (Cicindela repanda).

Going on, Fire-colored beetles are light brown with a dark brown strip running vertically down the back. This strip continues onto the abdomen but gradually gets lighter until it is only slightly visible at the tip. 

Adults range from 1/8 to 3/4 inches long, although they may grow up to 1 inch in length. Females are slightly larger than males, which helps them find mates more easily by better detecting the males’ pheromones.

6. Glowworm 

As one of the numerous types of beetles in Connecticut, Glowworms are often mistaken for fireflies. But they can be distinguished from fireflies by their lack of a green head.

They are usually found near the ground or along tree trunks, feeding on the eggs and larvae of wood-boring insects. 

Glowworms have an unusual diet because they also feed on pollen which is not a typical insect food source.

Besides, scientists have been able to use these beetles as indicator organisms for studying pollution levels around forested areas.

This is because they thrive in clean environments while struggling when exposed to pollutants. Plus, Glowworm larvae pupate underground during the summer months.

They emerge as adult beetles during the fall with wing pads that allow them to fly away before winter sets in.

7. Acorn Weevil 

Acorn weevils are a type of weevil that is native to the United States. Acorn weevils are typically found in oak trees and can sometimes be seen flying from tree to tree.

They have been known to feed on acorns, chestnuts, hickory nuts, hazelnuts, beech nuts, beechnuts, pecans, walnuts, butternut, and walnuts. 

However, they don’t pose a threat because they only eat part of the nut before it falls from the tree. Acorn weevils are brown with a black head.

They have four pairs of legs that are similar in size with white spots on them. They are the first on our list of the types of beetles in Connecticut.

8. Green June Beetle 

Green June beetles are a type of scarab beetle that is found throughout the northeastern United States. Being one of the types of beetles in Connecticut, they are also known as June beetles or green May beetles. These insects spend most of their time eating leaves, flowers, tree bark, and other vegetation. 

In some cases, they can be a pest to humans by destroying gardens and crops. These beetles have been documented as far north as Wisconsin but are more common in the southern US states.

These states include; Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

9. Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle 

The most common types of beetles in Connecticut are the Gold-and-brown Rove Beetles. These beetles are brown with gold stripes on their backs and have long, thin antennae.

They are found throughout Connecticut but are more common near water sources such as streams, ditches, marshes, ponds, and wetlands. 

Furthermore, the larvae feed on aquatic insects, which they find underwater, while the adults feed on plants.

These beetles can be seen flying around at night during summertime when it is warm out. Or during the day when temperatures are above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

10. Earth-boring Scarab Beetle

Earth-boring scarab beetles are also one of the most common types of beetles in Connecticut. They are small, black beetle measuring up to one inch long. 

Also, they live in the soil and eat plants, fungi, animal dung, carrion, or even dead insects. Earth-boring scarab beetles have a long beak that they use to poke into the ground. The males have much longer antennae than females do.

11. Eastern Eyed Click Beetle 

Connecticut has several types of beetles, including the Eastern Eyed Click Beetles. They can be found on leaves, flowers, stems, etc.

They are a type of click beetle because they have a loud clicking sound when flipped over. This noise is made by their hind legs, which hit their forewings. 

The Eastern Eyed Click Beetle is also known as the one-eyed click beetle because they have only one eye located on its forehead. The other eye has been lost due to evolution.

These beetles are nocturnal, so you will typically find them during nighttime. But occasionally, during daytime hours, you can see them if there is enough light for them to see.

12. Eastern Hercules Beetle 

Found mainly east of the Rocky Mountains, the eastern Hercules beetle is one of the largest beetles in North America.

An adult may be as long as 2 inches, excluding its antennae. It has a shiny black body with white spots on its elytra (wing covers). 

Often, the larvae are found inside dead trees, where they eat decomposing wood. This species is considered endangered because it has not been seen since 1967, but there may still be populations out there somewhere.

13. Eggplant Flea Beetle 

When it comes to the types of beetles in Connecticut, a good place to start is with the eggplant flea beetle (Epitrix fuscula). This type of beetle is most commonly found in the northeastern United States.

Additionally, the adults are about 1/8 inch long, black or dark brown, with a white spot on the wing covers near the head. The larvae are yellowish-white grubs that grow up to 1/2 inch long. They can be found under plant debris or soil.

14. Elderberry Borer Beetle 

Elderberry Borer Beetles are small, brown beetles that have blackheads. They feed on the leaves and flowers of elderberry bushes and other plants in the rose family.

These beetles lay eggs on plants that hatch into larvae which eat their host plant for about four weeks. 

Then, the larvae pupate into adults that emerge from the ground after about three weeks. Elderberry Borer Beetles are also types of beetles in Connecticut that can be found throughout the state.

However, they are most common in coastal regions, New Haven County, Fairfield County, Middlesex County, and Hartford County.

15. Emerald Ash Borer 

Emerald Ash Borer is a metallic green beetle that has no natural predators. This invasive species can kill ash trees within one or two years after infestation by feeding on the tree’s inner bark.

The emerald ash borer is native to eastern Asia but was first detected in North America near Detroit, Michigan, during the summer of 2002. 

Since then, it has spread as far south as Tennessee and as far west as Minnesota. It was also discovered in Connecticut this past summer for the first time when an individual brought an infected log from Canada into a local park. As a result, it’s now one of the types of beetles in Connecticut!

16. False Potato Beetle 

False potato beetles are a type of beetle that is found throughout the United States. They are yellow or light green, with a dark green band on their wing covers. These beetles eat foliage and fruit, which can significantly damage garden plants. 

False potato beetles often come into contact with humans when they enter homes during hot summer months looking for relief from the heat.

If you think you have false potato beetles, it’s important to take action quickly before the pest population gets out of control. Of course, this pest is on our list of the types of beetles in Connecticut!

17. Festive Tiger Beetle

Festive Tiger Beetles are next among the types of beetles in Connecticut; they are most often found near water.

They can be seen walking along the edges of ponds, drainage ditches, and other bodies of still water. The larvae live under rocks in sandy or gravelly areas near water. 

Adults are active from late spring through autumn, with the peak being late summer. Females lay eggs singly on submerged objects near water. Males fly over the shoreline looking for females to mate with.

Festive Tiger Beetles are a bright orange color with black spots on their back that form stripes that curve around their sides like tiger stripes (hence their name).

This species has also been known to have greenish coloration, which is less common than the bright orange coloration they are usually spotted in.

 18. American Oil Beetle 

American Oil Beetles are some of the largest types of beetles in Connecticut. They can grow up to 3 inches long, but they’re typically around 2 inches. They have a brown head with a black body that’s shaped like an oval. 

American Oil Beetles are usually found in damp places like forests or marshes, and they prefer areas with vegetation nearby. The larvae of these beetles feed on rotting wood, which is why you’ll often see them near trees or logs.

19. Ant-like Longhorn Beetle 

The ant-like longhorn beetle is one of the most common types of beetles in Connecticut. They are often mistaken for ants because they have similar shapes and colors. They are usually between 1/2 inch to 3 inches long but can grow up to 5 inches long. 

Furthermore, these beetles spend most of their time at the ground level, feeding on earthworms or snails. If you see an ant with a brown head, it has likely been infected by this type of beetle.

The best way to combat them is by spraying pesticides directly on the larvae near the ground level.

20. Antelope Beetle 

The Antelope Beetle is not left from the list of Connecticut’s numerous types of beetles. They are also known as tree longhorns because they feed on maple trees.

The adults eat holes into the bark, while the larvae burrow into the tree’s heartwood. Consequently, this can lead to a tree’s death if not treated quickly.

To prevent this from happening, homeowners should spray their trees with a Bordeaux mixture during springtime when these beetles are active.

21. Ashy Gray Lady Beetle

The ash gray lady beetle, also known as the ashy gray ladybug, is another common insect of the types of beetles in Connecticut.

This small brownish-gray beetle with an orange or red head can be seen wandering around gardens, lawns, and fields during the summer months.

Additionally, they are considered beneficial because they feed on aphids which are pests for many plants. 

Also, they may eat other insects, such as whiteflies or scale insects which damage crops and other vegetation.

The ash-gray lady beetle lays eggs inside aphid colonies which hatch into larvae that eat their fill. After then, they pupate and emerge as adults from the cocoons created by the mother.

22. Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle 

Native to Asia, the Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyridis) is one of the most common insects found in Connecticut.

It was accidentally introduced into the United States from Japan during the late 1800s. The Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle is a type of ladybug beetle that has red markings on its shell. 

These are usually divided into eight sections, each having a different pattern. Plus, this type can be distinguished from other ladybugs because it does not have spots on its wings or a black spot near its head.

They can grow up to 12mm long and can typically be found around flowers, agricultural crops, and urban areas.

23. Banded Ash Borer 

The Banded Ash Borer is a beetle that infests ash trees. Adults are approximately 1/2 inch long, brownish-black, with a yellow band on the wing covers.

The larvae can be identified by their white head capsule and yellowish body with black spots. And also by the large prothoracic shield (part of the insect’s chest) that sticks out from beneath its body. 

It’s important to note that this species will also attack White Birch (Betula alba), Sweet Birch (Betula lenta), European Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia), Manchurian Ash (Sorbus manchurica), Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera) and cherry trees. Uniquely, this species is on our list of the types of beetles in Connecticut!

24. Banded Longhorn Beetle 

Undoubtedly, Banded longhorn beetles are one of the most common types of beetles in Connecticut. They can be found throughout the state and are often seen on flowers, shrubs, or other vegetation.

These beetles use their long antennae to smell for food sources, which is why they’re often seen feeding on pollen. 

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Also, this species is commonly known as a long-horned beetle, although they do not have particularly long antennae compared to other family members.

Unlike many other beetles that use their mouthparts for chewing, banded longhorn beetles rely on their mandibles (the large front pair) to cut up pieces of food.

25. Banded Net-winged Beetle 

If you are wondering what is next on our list of the various types of beetles in Connecticut, it’s the Banded Net-winged Beetles.

These are often seen flying around lights at night. They also spend the day under rocks, logs, or leaves. 

Generally, these beetles are found near ponds, lakes, streams, marshes, and other bodies of water with a lot of vegetation nearby. They can be found all over the state but are most commonly found in woodlands near water sources.

26. Bean Leaf Beetle 

Bean Leaf Beetles are next to be discussed on the list of Connecticut’s different types of beetles. They are a type of beetle in the family, Chrysomelidae.

They are native to North America but have also been found throughout Europe. Adults measure 2-3 mm long, with black bodies and white spots on the elytra (the hard forewings covering the back half of the insect’s body). 

Though they’re most commonly found on legume plants like beans, they can also be found on other types.

These beetles are typically considered pests because they feed on plant leaves and cause significant crop damage.

Bean Leaf Beetles are most active during June, July, August, and September when there is an abundance of food for them to eat.

27. Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetle 

Our compilation of the types of beetles in Connecticut is not complete without the Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetles.

These beetles eat various insects, some of which can harm plants. They feed on aphids, leafhoppers, mealy bugs, and other pests. 

Surging, the adult beetles are usually dark brown or black with red or orange markings on their wing cases (elytra). Adults can grow up to 8 millimeters long.

Females lay eggs on flower blossoms, where they will develop into larvae (immature stage) that feed on the pollen within the flower’s structure. They will then pupate and emerge as adults from the petals, which takes around 2 weeks.

28. Beetle Grub 

Beetle grubs are the larvae of different types of beetles in Connecticut. They tend to feed on rotting vegetation, so they’re often found near forested areas.

Connecticut has several different types, but the June beetle grub is the most common. This type tends to be a dull brown color with a long body that’s covered in small hairs. They can also grow up to three inches long!

29. Bicolored Flower Longhorn Beetle 

The Bicolored Flower Longhorn Beetle is one of the most common species found throughout Connecticut. The beetles can be seen from June through September but are most active during July and August.

They are most commonly seen on flowers such as Echinacea purpurea, Coreopsis verticillata, Aster sp., Solidago sp., Lobelia cardinalis, Verbesina virginica, Liatris spicata, Cucurbita spp., and Zinnia sp.

These beetles have one characteristic that differentiates them from other types of beetles in Connecticut; they have a black head with a distinct white stripe down their backs.

30. Big Dipper Firefly 

The most common beetle you might find is the Big Dipper Firefly. This beetle can be found throughout North America. The Big Dipper Firefly is also known as the Photinus Pyralis. 

The Big Dipper Firefly prefers moist habitats like marshes, swamps, and wetlands. They can also be found near streams and rivers.

However, they are not limited to this habitat type because they can live in both woodlands and forests too. We are just getting started with our list of Connecticut’s several types of beetles. Read on!

31. Big-headed Ground Beetle 

Connecticut has many types of beetles, but only a few are common. The Big-headed Ground Beetle is the most common beetle found on the ground. 

Moreso, it is about 3/4 inch long with a dark brown body with two lighter stripes running down its wing covers.

This beetle attracts light and other shiny surfaces, such as windows or car headlights so that you may see them outside at night.

32. Black Blister Beetle 

If you’re walking through a forest, chances are you’ll see a black blister beetle among the leaves. Known as one of Connecticut’s most common types of beetles, it can be found near rotting logs or tree bark during summer months.

Blister beetles are usually bright orange or yellow when they’re young but turn black as they mature. The name comes from the blisters that form on the beetle’s body when it’s disturbed.

33. Black Carpet Beetle 

Black Carpet beetle is also one of the types of beetle in Connecticut. As the name suggests, Black Carpet Beetles are a type of black beetle that can be found around homes. They are attracted to things like wool clothing, furs, carpets, blankets, stuffed animals, etc. 

They can also be found in other places like dark corners or under furniture. Meanwhile, one way to identify Black Carpet Beetles is by looking for small white eggs about 1/8 long.

These eggs hatch into larvae that feed on organic material such as fur or carpet before they pupate into adults.

34. Black Caterpillar Hunter 

Looking at our roll of the types of beetles in Connecticut, you’ll find the black caterpillar hunter. They can be found on roadsides, fields, forest edges, and other open spaces.

The black caterpillar hunter is dark brown with a black head and orange-red legs. Furthermore, their eggs are laid at the base of a plant stem or leaf near the ground.

When their larvae hatch, they will climb up plants hunting for prey which consists mostly of moth larvae or caterpillars.

35. Black Firefly 

The black firefly is a beetle found in Central America, Mexico, the southeastern United States, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

It gets its name from the yellow-orange bioluminescence it emits from its abdomen. The male black firefly emits light for about 10 minutes before stopping for about five minutes. The female does not emit light as it does not fly as high or as often as the male.

This beetle can be found on either trees or plants, where they spend most of their time feeding at night by chewing off tree leaves or plant shoots.

As larvae, they feed on decaying plant materials before maturing into adults. This species displays dimorphism, where the males are slightly smaller than females with clubbed antennae.

36. Black Vine Weevil 

The black vine weevil is a brown beetle that lays its eggs under the bark of weakened grape vines. When the larvae hatch, they burrow into the vines, feeding on sap.

This action by one of the types of beetles in Connecticut can weaken or kill the plant if left unchecked. 

To control these pests, remove infested plants, so they do not act as a breeding ground for future generations. Monitor your grape vines for any sign of infestation, such as yellowing leaves or frass near the base of the plant. 

37. Broad-necked Root Borer

Have you ever thought of the Broad-necked Root Borer as one of the types of beetles in Connecticut? Let me tell you about it.

It is a member of the long-horned beetle family. They are found throughout New England, across Canada, and into Alaska. 

Additionally, they are most commonly seen in late summer and early fall when they are mating or feeding on fallen tree leaves.

These beetles are often attracted to lights, so if you see one outside at night, chances are it’s a Broad-necked Root Borer!

38. Bumblebee Scarab Beetle

Bumblebee Scarab Beetles, also known as Lichnanthe vulpina, are found on the ground near bumblebee nests. Bumblebees are not beetles but have been mistakenly called beetles for centuries. 

These beetles can be identified by their black-and-yellow striped body with a redhead and long antennae.

They fly up into the air when disturbed, which is why they get caught in spider webs. The males have a greenish color, while the females are brownish-black.

39. Burying Beetle 

Burying beetles, also known as sexton beetles or carrion beetles, are usually seen on dead animals. They are one of the only insects that can break down animal carcasses by feeding on them, burying them, and laying eggs nearby.

If you see a burying beetle on an animal carcass, it means that it is likely about to bury the animal for its young. 

The adult beetle will fly away before being buried alive with the body. If you find a beetle that looks like a cross between a cricket and a ladybug (which is actually an Asian longhorned beetle), do not panic!

These beetles have not been found within Connecticut so far. Regardless, it is on the list of the types of beetles in Connecticut.

40. Calligrapha Beetle 

Did you think Calligrapha beetles wouldn’t be on our roll of the types of beetles in Connecticut? These are a type of leaf beetle that are typically found on white oak trees.

They enjoy eating oak leaves, which can cause significant damage to the tree as they strip the leaves away.

The Calligrapha beetle is also known as a grapevine beetle because they often eat grape vines in vineyards. 

Another common name for this type of beetle is the oak leaf beetle. These beetles have oval-shaped bodies with bright color patterns on their wing covers.

This makes it easy to identify them while they fly around or when they’re crawling on plants, trees, and other objects near oak trees or grapevines. 

41. Carolina Pine Sawyer 

Carolina pine sawyers are typically seen from late spring through early fall. These beetles are members of the long-horned beetle family (Cerambycidae).

Carolina pine sawyers can be distinguished by their saw-like antennae or feelers. The antennae are used for sensing the insect’s surroundings.

Additionally, the Carolina pine sawyer is known to feed on dead or dying trees. Even on living trees that have been weakened by injury or fungus, and even stumps.

42. Case-bearing Leaf Beetle 

Yes! Case-bearing leaf beetles are likewise one of the most common types of beetles in Connecticut. They can be found throughout the state but are more prevalent in woodlands. These beetles have a brown head, black body, white spots on their elytra, and yellow legs.

What’s more? When they come across a particularly tasty plant, they will curl up into a ball and roll around on the plant’s surface before making a meal of it.

The larva has been known to feed on plants like clover and alfalfa for up to four years before maturing into an adult beetle.

43. Cedar Beetle

Cedar beetles are most commonly found on cedars, junipers, and other conifers. These species, which are also one of the types of beetles in Connecticut, feed on cedar trees by laying eggs beneath the bark. 

In the spring, these eggs hatch into larvae that tunnel through the tree’s tissues before pupating. Then, the adults emerge from their pupal cases as new beetles that fly off to find another host tree. 

44. Checkered Beetle 

Checkered beetles are on the list of the different types of beetles in Connecticut. They are usually found on flowers, leaves, or trees in summer and early fall.

Checkered beetles are black with a white checkered pattern across their back that can be seen from any angle.

In addition, they have an orange head, antennae, and legs, as well as a long black body that may reach up to 1 inch long. However, this type of beetle is often confused with ladybugs.

This is because it is also orange with a black head but has spots rather than a checkered pattern on its back. If you’re wondering how to find these beautiful bugs, then look no further!

45. Clay-colored Billbug 

Similarly, like some types of beetles in Connecticut, this clay-colored billbug is a pest. This is a type of beetle that feeds on grassroots. It’s often found at the base of plant stems. 

The larvae eat the plant roots, leading to stunted growth or even death for some plants. If you spot these beetles near your garden, be sure to treat them with an organic insecticide or ask a professional for help.

46. Colorado Potato Beetle 

Colorado potato beetles are a major pest of potatoes, squash, tomatoes, and eggplant. The beetle is mostly found in the eastern United States and feeds on many different types of plants. They are called Colorado potato beetles because they were first found near Boulder, Colorado.

Furthermore, Colorado potato beetles can fly up to one mile away from their feeding site. That’s why we find them all over the place–especially around people’s gardens!

Most times, these pests are commonly seen during late June through early September when they are mating or laying eggs (about 2-3 times per year).

The adults are about 3/8 long with orange wing covers that have a row of black spots along their edges. They also have an orange head with two black stripes down their back.

47. Cottonwood Borer Beetle

Cottonwood borers are found throughout the eastern United States and as far west as Nebraska. They prefer feeding on elms but can also feed on other hardwoods.

Cottonwood borer beetles overwinter as adults under bark or leaf litter, emerging when temperatures warm up in spring. 

They fly up into trees at night to lay eggs on the underside of thinning branches or lower trunk sections.

The larvae burrow through the wood at an angle, forming characteristic V-shaped tunnels. We are still discussing the various types of beetles in Connecticut. We aren’t done here!

48. Dark Brown Click Beetle 

The dark brown click beetle is a common type of beetle found throughout the world. They are most often seen between late May and early June, but they can be seen all year round. 

Click beetles live under rocks, fallen tree bark, loose wood, logs, leaf litter, or other debris near trees.

Being one of the types of beetles in Connecticut, they feed on other insects that hide under these surfaces. These beetles are not considered a pest because they eat pests such as aphids and caterpillars.

49. Darkling Beetle 

Darkling beetles (family Tenebrionidae) are similarly one of the most common types of beetles in Connecticut.

They can be seen throughout all four seasons but are most active in late summer and early fall. They feed on decaying organic matter, plants, fungi, other invertebrates, and even other darkling beetles. 

Generally, Darkling beetles will eat anything they can get their mouthparts on as long as toxins or foul-tasting compounds do not chemically defend it.

Also, Darklings produce a distinctive odor when they are disturbed, which has been described as a musty smell.

50. Rustic Borer

This flying beetle is orange-red with black wings. It can be found at lower elevations and inhabits deciduous trees, preferring oak, maple, and elm.

The rustic borer feeds on various trees, including oak, elm, and maple; it has also been known to live on dead pine needles. 

Proceeding, there are three generations per year, with larvae usually emerging in late April. Adults of these types of beetles in Connecticut are most common from late May through July.

Attacked trees may appear as if they have been struck by lightning, with dead patches scattered along their trunks or branches. 

Eventually, these become completely hollowed out. Rustic borers prefer dying or partially-decayed trees (usually hardwoods) where females lay clusters of eggs among loose bark or wood chips.

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51. Hermit Flower Beetle

This species feeds on pollen and nectar, so they’re often spotted sucking up pollen from flowers. They are quite active, and their bright coloration is hard to miss.

Adult hermit flower beetles range in size from 2.5–3 mm long, though when they are carrying pollen, they can appear much larger. 

Moving on, they have a brown head, thorax, legs, and a shiny green abdomen with red/orange splotches. They also have these cool little raised bumps on their body that almost look like they could be eyes (which are just round dark spots).

The hermit flower beetle is distinguished from other types of beetles in Connecticut by its elongated antennae. This can be more than twice as long as its body!

52. Seedcorn Beetle 

This is a very common garden beetle that you’re likely already familiar with. These very ones of types of beetles in Connecticut are present statewide, so chances are you’ve seen one or more.

Seedcorn beetles are typically less than a half-inch long and black with yellow markings on their wing covers (elytra).

Going further, they feed on grasses and weeds, both as larvae and adult insects. Adult seedcorn beetles commonly emerge from late May through early September, feeding throughout summer. 

The larvae feed almost entirely on roots, making seedcorn beetle damage easier to recognize than other types of grubs that feed primarily on the soil above ground level. Like other root-feeding grubs, seedcorn beetle grubs can destroy entire lawns if left unchecked.

53. Rove Beetle

Rove Beetles can be white, brown, black, or gray, measuring between 1⁄4 inch and 1 inch long. Rove Beetles can be confused with fireflies because they glow under UV light.

You are more likely to see a rove beetle than a firefly during July and August. However, fireflies only glow at night, while rove beetles are most active during daylight hours. 

Rove Beetles will fly away if they feel threatened by a human hand or stick. Also, they lay eggs on meat and other food products, so if you leave meat uncovered, it could attract a rove beetle population in your area.

Unfortunately, like other types of beetles in Connecticut, Rove Beetles can destroy plants when searching for food.

54. Six-spotted Neolema 

The dark brown wing covers feature six small, light yellow spots. Females can be found from May through June, with males present from July through August.

The primary host plant is wild black cherry (Prunus serotina), although other plants, including oak and sumac species, are occasionally used. 

Like all stink bugs, Neolema species possess a special gland at the tip of their abdomen. This contains foul-smelling compounds which are sprayed when threatened or disturbed.

This species is common throughout most of southern New England and much of eastern North America.

However, they are considered pests because they will feed on crops if they find them. They also produce an unpleasant odor when disturbed or crushed.

55. Scarites Ground Beetle 

These are black and yellow insects that are attracted to light. They may be spotted at night during the porch lights, windows, and outdoor lighting.

Scarites spp. Feed on decaying vegetation, fungi, dead organic matter, and plant roots. This isn’t left out of the different types of beetles in Connecticut.

Also, it’s not uncommon for these insects to cause minor damage to your lawn by feeding on its roots. Frequently, Scarites spp. may enter houses during spring and fall months when their populations are high (especially if you have an outdoor patio).

But they typically don’t stay indoors for long because there isn’t much food available inside your home.

56. Horned Passalus Beetle

The horned passalus beetle is a common type of beetle found in woodlands and along trails. These types of beetles in Connecticut are characterized by their long antennae and round, black bodies.

The horned passalus looks similar to other insects, such as horseflies or wasps. But they can be distinguished from these pests by the large jaws on their heads.

These jaws are used for chewing tree bark and wood. When they emerge during warm weather, they can cause damage to trees and shrubs when they chew through leaves and branches.

The best way to prevent damage is to prune off any branches affected by horned passalus infestations before it becomes too late.

57. Scarlet Lily Beetle 

You may find yourself face-to-face with one or more scarlet lily beetles on a walk through your local park. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re under attack by these types of beetles in Connecticut.

The beetle is so named because it likes to dine on lilies, though it has also been known to consume other plants. 

These insects are most active from May through July and are often spotted crawling along tree trunks and logs. Equally important, Scarlet lily beetles can fly. 

So if they become startled while you’re walking around in a wooded area, they could take off and fly into your hair! That’s right: You could end up with one of these guys on your shoulder if you’re not careful.

58. Rainbow Darkling Beetle 

This small beetle ranges from black to blue to red. The rainbow darkling is typically under an inch long and has a dark body with metallic streaks and a red or orange tint.

This beetle is found across much of North America, preferring deciduous forests or gardens that have been recently cleared. 

Its larvae feed on roots and decaying material underground. This insect, on the list of the various types of beetles in Connecticut, poses little threat to humans.

However, they can be annoying if they’re attracted to lights at night during their mating season (May through September).

If you spot these beetles on your property, call a professional exterminator since it could signify larger pest issues.

59. Rainbow Scarab Beetle 

Of the types of beetles in Connecticut, this is big, loud, and will chase you. If you spot one of these scarab beetles flying toward you, watch out! It’s territorial.—And if you stand your ground, it will try to sting you by rubbing its abdomen against your body. 

A nasty bite from a Rainbow Scarab Beetle will leave an unsightly wound that may become infected. The insect gets its name from a bright pattern on its elytra (or wing covers) that looks like a rainbow when viewed head-on. In other words, when one is coming at you, look away.

60. Red Flat Bark Beetle 

This little red insect, with black dots on its wing cases and a black band at the end of its body, is like oak trees. Cucujus clavipes is about 1/4 inch long.

If you see one trying to take refuge inside your house during winter or early spring, it’s a sign that an oak tree nearby has been infested with larvae. 

You should consult a local arborist if you think your tree might be infected. Unfortunately, no chemical treatment will save infested trees from death. Beware of the Red Flat Bark beetle, one of the most destructive types of beetles in Connecticut!

61. Red-legged Buprestis 

The red-legged Buprestis beetle, a metallic wood-boring beetle family member, is common in New England. Its shiny, jet-black body with bright red legs and antennae makes it quite striking. 

Moreso, the red-legged Buprestis, like some types of beetles in Connecticut, feeds on hardwoods like oak and maple. To avoid damage from these pests, keep tree branches trimmed back and plant trees that are resistant to their attacks.

62. Reticulated Net-winged Beetle 

The Reticulated Net-winged Beetle is small, about one centimeter long. Its elytra (wing covers) have a net-like reticulation pattern and long antennae with clubbed ends.

The beetle’s larvae are aquatic, living among submerged vegetation in still waters such as ditches or puddles. Adults of these types of beetles in Connecticut can be found from June through September. 

The Reticulated Net-winged Beetle has a limited range. It was formerly found throughout New England but is now most common just south of New Hampshire and Vermont, into northern Massachusetts and southern New York state.

Currently, there is no federal protection under Endangered Species Act (ESA) or US Forest Service ESA guidelines because of the small population size and distribution.

63. Rhinoceros Beetle

This beetle is native to North America but has a very unusual migration pattern. It flies from Canada to Mexico and spends most of its time along a small stretch of border between Texas and Mexico. It was fairly common throughout southern states like Louisiana and Mississippi during its migration. 

Furthermore, the Rhinoceros Beetle can grow up to 1 1⁄4 inches long, which makes it one of the largest species of insect found in North America.

Also, it’s one of our heaviest types of beetles in Connecticut. When you consider its large size and heavy weight, that rhinoceros nickname becomes much more obvious!

64. Ivory Marked Beetle 

These 6-8mm black, brown and cream insects resemble ladybugs but have longer legs. They feast on herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees in both urban and natural settings.

Their larvae feed on decaying plant matter, and their cocoons can be found inside old leaf litter or under loose bark. 

These insects do not damage gardens but can be a nuisance by swarming around lights at night during mating season (which is spring).

These flying beetles do not bite or sting. To get rid of them naturally, consider planting dill, chives, or tansy, which they don’t like.

65. Rose Chafer

The rose chafer beetle is a type of scarab beetle that can be found in many Connecticut backyards. It is so common, however, that most people do not realize that they have them until a great number are present.

Even then, some homeowners may not see them or know what they are until after the damage has occurred. 

Moving on, these insects are aptly named because their larvae burrow under rose bushes and other flowering plants (including holly and lilac) around homes during spring and early summer months.

These types of beetles in Connecticut feed on plant roots and can potentially kill a plant if left untreated. Larvae grow from one-half to one inch long depending on species, and take on a yellowish color with black stripes as they get bigger.

66. Round-headed Apple Tree Borer 

This is one of several types of beetles in Connecticut that are known as round-headed borers. They are so named because their bodies have a circular cross-section. They’re not interested in apples but rather boring into branches, twigs, and even trunks. 

The damage they cause reduces tree vitality and structural integrity over time and can kill a tree when severe enough. These beetles are reddish brown with black heads. Adult roundheads are about an eighth inch long. 

If you want to check if it’s a roundhead borer you’ve got going after your tree, try drilling down into any crevices or tunnels they create. If you hit any powdery substance (frass), you’ve got them on your hands!

67. Round-necked Long-horned Beetle)

Round-necked Long-horned Beetle is a common native species distributed throughout most of North America.

The adults are approximately 2.0–2.6 cm (about 3/4-1 inch) long and have stout, slightly curved bodies. Also, they have distinctively long antennae that are about 1.8 times as long as their body (in both sexes). 

In addition, they can be distinguished from other ladybird beetles by their plump bodies, short legs, and large size.

They resemble a male Ladybug Beetle but have much longer antennae. Their common name refers to their round head with small spots on top and around its edge. 

They also have a very small spot on each shoulder between where the forewings meet. Uniquely, they are on our list of Connecticut’s different types of beetles. 

68. Oil Beetle 

This bright blue bug looks like a beetle but is actually a member of a different insect order. Oil beetles are named such because they secrete an oil that protects their bodies from predators and changes color when exposed to air.

Black, brown, or tan in color, adults range from 0.2 inches (5 mm) to 1 inch (25 mm) long and live for three months at most. 

The larvae resemble centipedes; both feeds on decaying organic matter found near flowers or leaf litter on moist forest floors.

In Connecticut, oil beetles are only found in two small areas—one just north of Meriden and one just east of Groton along Long Island Sound. These are where they have difficulty surviving dry summers.

69. One-spotted Tiger Beetle

This is one of two tiger beetle species native to Connecticut. The larvae are known as tiger worms or leopard worms and live under rotting logs.

Adult One-spotted Tiger Beetles eat pollen and nectar, so they’re particularly attracted to flowers with yellow, orange, and red colors.

Meanwhile, this can threaten them if you’re planting garden plants with yellow petals. They’ll happily munch through your petals, leaving your flowers looking unappealing.

Luckily, One-spotted Tiger Beetles aren’t very harmful like some types of beetles in Connecticut.—They have no stingers and won’t bite humans or pets when handled carefully.

70. Pale Green Weevil 

The Pale Green Weevil is native to Connecticut. This insect can be green or brown and typically has a rounded head. It feeds on leaves, causing wilting and discoloration. 

Further, its larvae are legless and red-brown, with yellowish heads. The larvae typically burrow into grassy areas like lawns and pastures, where they feed on plant roots.

If you think you see a Pale Green Weevil, contact your local University of Connecticut Extension office today! Learn more about how to recognize pests that are types of beetles in Connecticut below!

71. Pennsylvania Firefly 

This beetle is often mistaken for a firefly and is best known for imitating a common firefly, Photinus. This type of beetle is found most commonly in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. However, it can be spotted occasionally in other parts of the eastern United States. 

The Pennsylvania Firefly can vary greatly in size but tends to be very large compared to other types of beetles in Connecticut.

If you see one that looks unusually large or out-of-place, chances are you’re looking at a Pennsylvania Firefly. They tend to glow green or yellow and fly near lights at night rather than using light as bait themselves.

72. Pigweed Flea Beetle 

Pigweed Flea Beetles are about 1/4 long and have pale red, yellowish, or brown bodies with black spots. The beetle’s hind legs are much longer than its front legs.

When disturbed, Pigweed Fleas jump like fleas; they can move quite quickly over short distances when they jump. 

Surging, this species is a serious pest on several crops, including corn, soybeans, and potatoes, but it feeds on more than 200 plant species.

It may become abundant during wet summers when other food sources are unavailable. This beetle was first found near a parking lot at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks in 1998. Also, it is known from just south of Hartford, New Haven, and eastern Fairfield counties.

73. Plum Curculio

The plum curculio is not left out because of the role of the several types of beetles in Connecticut. This is a type of beetle that feeds on fruit trees and ornamental plants. Adult plum curculios can feed on ripening fruit from spring through early fall. 

Because they like fruits, such as apples and peaches, it’s best to check your tree for them around harvest time if you are growing these types of crops.

You would identify a plum curculio by its round body with two large bumps near its head. This gives it an overall lumpy appearance.

74. Pleasing Fungus Beetle 

One such species you might be interested in learning about is the Pleasing Fungus Beetle (Megalodacne heroes).

Related:  30 Different Types of Black Beetles

These species of the types of beetles in Connecticut can be found all across the state and live near rotting vegetation. As a result, they like damp conditions. 

This beetle spends most of its life cycle underground as larvae, where it feeds on fungus, although it also eats dead insects and carrion.

When they are ready to grow up into adults, they will move above ground (in an explosion known as an epoch or emergence), so they can mate.

75. Poplar Borer Beetle

This is a big beetle that’s easily identified by its large jaws, and it is named after poplar trees. The beetle used to feed on American elm trees, but these trees are so nearly extinct now.

This is because of Dutch elm disease, Saperda calcarata has switched over almost exclusively to feeding on poplars. 

The larvae are white and C-shaped, and they and adult beetles significantly damage their host plants. It’s unknown exactly how harmful they will be to our state’s new generations of healthy American elm seedlings. Nonetheless, we suspect it might be bad news for them.

76. Predaceous Diving Beetle 

The predaceous diving beetle is a fascinating insect that is rarely seen but often heard. It makes an unusual chirping noise, like fingernails on a chalkboard, at night during mating season. Its scientific name, fimbriolatus, means fringed and refers to its fringe-like hairs. 

Typically, this beetle is found in open streams throughout southern New England and can be distinguished by its black-and-yellow striped forewings.

The male of the species has club-shaped antennae with rough ridges or teeth on them. Female beetles are wingless and much smaller than males. 

Predaceous diving beetles eat other aquatic insects and tadpoles when they are present. However, both sexes will eat small pieces of wood if no other food is available. We are still discussing the different types of beetles in Connecticut. Read on!

77. Jewel Beetle 

These impressive and beautiful species are often brightly colored and can grow up to 2 inches long. Jewel beetles come in many colors, and many people collect them as pets.

The most common species of these types of beetles in Connecticut is green with orange wings and black spots on their wings. 

Although jewel beetles are not likely to bite you or cause any harm, they can do serious damage if they get inside your home.

They lay their eggs into a house’s wooden beams and doorframes, which cause thousands of dollars worth of damage over time.

If you see a beetle flying around your house or wandering along your wall, it’s important that you remove it immediately. Otherwise, more will follow!

78. Larder Beetle 

Larder Beetles are a common pantry pest on the list of the different types of beetles in Connecticut. They look similar to cat or dog fleas and should be treated immediately if spotted.

Larder Beetle larvae will feed on lard, dried meats, fish, and cheese products. Adult beetles are attracted to light. 

In most cases, larder beetle infestations occur when food products that have been contaminated with eggs or larvae are stored too long.

Especially without refrigeration or become wet from improper storage practices. The presence of adult Larder Beetles can often indicate an infestation. 

Adults will lay their eggs around cracks and crevices where surface films protect them. These films may not be visible until after eggs have hatched into larvae burrowing into surfaces below.

79. Lily Leaf Beetle 

The lily leaf beetle can be found on lilies and other lily family plants, including fritillarias, amaryllis, daffodils, and hardy gladioli. The adult beetle is dark brown with a reddish head and measures just over a centimeter long.

Surprisingly, it’s one of only two types of beetles in Connecticut that feed exclusively on plants. It also has red legs and antennae.

Egg-laying begins during early spring, but populations don’t build until May or June when larvae begin to develop.

80. Linden Borer Beetle 

The Linden Borer Beetle (Saperda vestita) is a bright red and black beetle found across North America.

These are similar in appearance to Japanese Beetles, but they prefer linden trees over roses. The larvae live under loose bark and tunnel through wood, which causes significant damage. 

In fact, it’s known as the railroad worm because its damage looks like handiwork from an inexperienced railroaded.

Prevention includes thoroughly checking any recently cut trees or stumps. You might even want to hire a professional tree service company if you have large linden trees near your home—they can be difficult to spot.

81. Locust Borer Beetle 

There are few sights scarier than an infestation of giant locust borer beetles. These enormous bugs leave behind tunnels three times as long as they are wide, which can extend up to 12 inches into hardwood trees. 

Their main food source is pine, but they will happily eat elm and other trees if they have a choice. These types of beetles in Connecticut can also be found throughout much of North America and Central America, as well as in southeastern Canada.

82. Long-Horned Beetle 

Long-Horned Beetles, also known as Longhorns, are beneficial insects because they prey on many destructive garden and farm pests such as grubs and beetles.

Long-Horned Beetles look scary, but they aren’t going to hurt you. Of all the types of beetles in Connecticut, they’re unique insects with a very long antenna that is all black or brown with a white band at its base. 

A portion of the favorite food for Long-Horned Beetles are Japanese Beetle grubs, which are destructive pests that feed on over 300 plant species in North America.

These plant species include fruits and vegetables from commercial farms and backyard gardens. Fortunately, a few good bugs hunt them down—and sometimes eat them!

83. Long-jointed Beetle 

The bright green and orange markings on these long-legged insects make them very distinctive. Long-jointed Beetles are quite common in CT, where they eat various plants. They are one of the several types of beetles in Connecticut.

They are often found in suburban yards and gardens, which can sometimes do significant damage. They lay their eggs on woody plants (like shade trees). 

But it is their larvae that cause most problems by feeding inside shrubs or under loose bark. Damage from these grubs may not be noticed until mid-summer.

84. Maize Weevil 

These types of beetles in Connecticut have become more prevalent in recent years, but they are not alone. These annoying pests are attracted to cereal grains and processed foods.

They come indoors looking for food and can be found near crackers, cereals, and anything else that contains sugar or starch. 

In households with pets, you may also find maize weevils inside dog/cat food bowls—this is a great way to attract them into your home!

To identify maize weevils, look for long antennae that are slightly curved towards each other. The males have longer antennae than females.

85. Margined Blister Beetle 

The Margined Blister Beetle is a striking insect with bright yellow and black coloration. However, it also secretes a caustic compound that causes intense irritation if it comes into contact with human skin. 

This beetle will use its large mandibles to bite if threatened and can sever plant tissue when grabbing prey. Be careful if you’re working around recently-mowed lawns during their season (May through September).

If you encounter one of these insects, take care not to touch it – and quickly wash your hands with soap after handling it. 

86. Margined Leatherwing Beetle

Margined leatherwing is also on the roll of Connecticut’s numerous types of beetles. It grows to a length of 1 3/8 and is quite striking in appearance.

The wings and pronotum (head) are metallic blue-green and iridescent. And their bodies are shiny black with golden margins around each wing cover. 

More about them, they have long antennae that extend beyond their backs. Adults can be found from late June through August, feeding on nectar and flowers, including various milkweed species.

The larvae eat decaying plants at or near the surface of wetland areas, such as marshes, fens, bogs, and wet meadows. They overwinter as mature larvae beneath plant debris or within root masses.

87. Marsh Beetle 

The marsh beetle is a one-inch, dark brown beetle with orange markings. The adult beetle eats leaves, and its larvae feed on decaying plant matter. There are several ways these insects can enter your home. 

Often, they fly into windows or doors during warm months when they become active. Additionally, they like to burrow under shingles or use existing holes near door frames or around windows. In mild winters, these bugs emerge from their pupae as adults and are attracted by lights at night. 

If you notice one of these types of beetles in Connecticut inside your home, it’s likely there are others nearby. And potentially burrowing under your shingles or entering through other means as well if you don’t take action soon!

88. May Beetles

May beetles are large, reddish-orange beetles that can measure between 3⁄4 and 1 long. They have a black mark behind their heads and a pair of pinchers at their tail ends. Though they look fierce, these insects are harmless.

Usually, they’re seen on plants such as rose bushes or lilac trees, feeding on plant leaves. They tend to fly away if approached too closely. May beetle larvae are white grubs that live underground.

They feed on grass roots and soil insects but can also cause damage when they burrow into wood-producing plants like apple trees. Our list of Connecticut’s different types of beetles is not complete without these May beetles.

89. Mealybug Destroyer

One of the most beautiful but equally destructive, as its name implies, Mealybug Destroyer is one of the types of beetles in Connecticut.

It’s hard not to feel a little bad about killing something so cute, but mealybug destroyers are voracious predators. They prey on soft-bodied insects like aphids and thrips, as well as scale insects. 

Additionally, they can be found lurking around tomato plants, where they feed on whiteflies, or near fruit trees, where they feed on mites and other tiny bugs.

Unfortunately, mealybug destroyer eggs are susceptible to parasitic wasps, so you must ensure that no harm comes their way while they’re small. 

Luckily, if you find wasps hatching from your destroyer eggs, it means you already have some nasty pests on your hands.— You just need to check which ones and deal with them accordingly.

90. Metallic Wood-boring Beetle Chalcophora 

With their bright, colorful wing covers and their large size, these metallic wood-boring beetles are easily identifiable.

They are most active in July when they appear at lighted windows to feed on nectar. Connecticut types of beetles are found throughout but prefer sandy soils.

Further, Metallic wood-boring beetles usually infest hardwoods such as oak trees. However, they have been known to infest softwood such as pine needles or bark mulch, where they may be found overwintering or hiding from predators.

Adult females lay eggs directly into both live and recently dead hardwood trees. The larva burrows deep into tree trunks and roots, where they survive off of decaying sapwood before pupating several years later and emerging as adult beetles.

91. Mottled Tortoise Beetle 

Mottled tortoise beetles are small, brown, and black insects with a distinctive pattern on their back that looks like splotches.

This insect, one of the types of beetles in Connecticut, is found in wooded areas where host plants (birch trees) grow, and they prefer wet environments. 

If your business is located near wooded areas or has tree specimens on your property, check around them closely every week during the spring and summer months.

Pay particular attention to cracks between bark crevices and hollow trunks as places where these pests will hide until nightfall. 

Also, you may see them flying around at night. Do not touch or swat at any mottled tortoises you find. They secrete an irritating fluid when they feel threatened, which can cause inflammation or rashes.

92. Net-winged Beetle 

These small black or brown beetles are found throughout Connecticut, including Fairfield County. The name net-winged beetle comes from their wing shape, which looks like a net, and their habit of flying erratically through the air. 

Additionally, they eat pollen and nectar, and larvae have been seen eating snails. This beetle isn’t known to bite humans or cause any significant damage. If you find them on your property, they can be picked up with your hands without worry.

93. Northeastern Pine Sawyer 

This beetle prefers white pine and can be seen up and down Connecticut, but not as much along Long Island Sound.

It’s about 5/8 inch long, with a black head, legs, thorax, and wings. Its elytra (the covering on its back) are yellowish-brown or gray.

Plus, the beetle gets its name from its tendency to excavate pine trees looking for larvae. It’s been known to kill pines more than 10 inches in diameter by girdling them at knee height. 

These are very destructive types of beetles in Connecticut and if you spot one, contact your local extension agent immediately! They can identify it and help with any potential infestations.

94. Northern Corn Rootworm Beetle 

The Northern corn rootworm beetle is a voracious predator, able to consume corn roots and stems. They can be an agricultural threat, capable of reducing yields on infested fields.

Also, these types of beetles in Connecticut can damage vegetables and ornamental plants. In addition to this, the adults are dark brown or black with creamy white tips on their wing covers.

They measure 1/3 inch long and move quickly when disturbed. The eggs are yellow-brown, about 1/4 inch long, cylindrical, smooth, and shiny with a tapered end.

95. Oak Timberworm Weevil

You may notice small, pinhead-sized holes chewed through oak boards in late summer. This is caused by a tiny beetle known as an oak timberworm weevil. It is one of several types of beetles in Connecticut that feed on hardwoods like oak and ash. 

Fortunately, they are not usually harmful unless they are present in large numbers or your house is quite old. Unfortunately, timberworm weevils can cause considerable damage to older structures.

This is because once their mouthparts penetrate wood fibers, they simply become lodged there and go on eating until they eventually die and fall out, leaving lots of tiny holes.

96. Ground Beetle Grub 

Ground beetles are third on our list of the several types of beetles in Connecticut. This is a type of beetle that is found all over the world.

Ground beetles attract light, so they often come out at night. Also, they can be found under logs or boards, on the ground, and even on plants.

Typically, they are black or brown in color with a yellow stripe running down their back. Ground beetles eat other insects, such as spiders, ants, termites, moths, and more.


Many people are unaware that there are so many different types of beetles. The types of beetles in Connecticut vary greatly, and some are hard to find.

However, they all have one thing in common: they’re all important members of the environment who deserve our respect.

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