9 Different Types of Aquarium Fish

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Photo by Nastya Dulhiier

Setting up an aquarium in your home, office, or space contributes to the advantages of one’s well-being, such as reducing stress and bringing down blood pressure.

If you are a new aquarist, you can house different types of aquarium fish.

Freshwater tanks are often more straightforward to concentrate on than saltwater tanks and their inhabitants are more lenient about keeping them in an enclosure.

Freshwater Fish has its own lovely, unique, brilliant, and novel species that make your aquarium flourish with life.

Both new and experienced aquarium enthusiasts find freshwater Fish and their characteristics fascinating.

This article explores ten unique types of aquarium fish we feel you should consider adding to your tanks.

1. Guppies

Guppies are fish species that make great pets for beginners interested in different types of aquarium fish. They are very simple to concentrate on.

However, they will quickly reproduce rapidly because the sexes aren’t separated. They come in various tones, with males being more colorful and vibrant than females.

Guppies can adjust to different water conditions and have vivacious temperaments, making them well known. It is advisable to keep the water temperature Stable(around 50°F – 84°F (10-29°C)) so they can live cheerfully in their enclosure.

2. Betta Fish

Betta fish also called the Siamese battling fish, is a popular freshwater pick for Types of aquarium fish. They mostly arrive in a different exhibit of lovely colors.

Betta Fish are known for their exceedingly Territorial and coercive nature with other Fish, especially Male Betta fish.

Aquarists can keep betta fish in an enormous tank with other fish species if they are sufficiently gentle enough.

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Endeavor not to put them in tanks with comparable-looking Fish, similar to Guppies. Putting them in their tanks, complete with substrate and plants, is preferable.

4. Angel Fish

A  distinctive member of the Cichlid family, the Angelfish is a common type of aquarium freshwater fish that can grow up to six inches long and eight inches tall. They’re stunning and aesthetically pleasing; they come in numerous colors and Designs.

Angelfish eat plants and other minute animals, like small bugs and minuscule shrimps. Small fish should be kept away from them as angelfish can be territorial and aggressive (though not close to the level of a Betta fish), so it’s best to house them without many fish.

5. Zebra Danios

The perfect fish for novices, the Zebra Danios is a little low-maintenance fish that often grows up to 5 to 7 cm. Since they’re fish that move in schools,  Danios should be in large gatherings. If not, they will end up being immensely uneasy.

Zebra Danios love eating worms, bugs, and shellfish; aquarists can tend to them by feeding them with ordinary fish chip food; however, keeping a good and healthy eating regimen is advisable.

These fish species are known for springing out of tanks, and it is, therefore, essential to keep the tank covered.

6. Mollies

Mollies are a vivid, simple-to-keep type of aquarium fish known for their large number and diversity. Having a lot of Similarities to Guppies, Mollies prosper in many conditions and procreate very rapidly. This Fish is more significant and requires somewhat more room.

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Mollies are an omnivorous species, so they will eat almost anything thrown at them. Chips, pellets, and frozen food sources serve as good food sources.

Every new aquarist should consider the space needed to house these fishes. They are also effortless to take care of as they require low maintenance.

7. Swordtails

Often lumped in with Guppies and Mollies, Swordtails has a remarkable twist. Male Swordtails possess a fascinating “blade” extending from their tails, from which they earn their name.

This exceptional feat makes them special considerations when picking types of aquarium fish for both beginners and expert aquarists.

Like most freshwater Fish, Swordtails are not challenging to maintain and thrive well in great environments.

If kept in large gatherings, Swordtails will likewise recreate rapidly. As little and tranquil animals, they can be together with other local serene Fish.

8. Kuhli Loach

If, by any chance, you’re searching for something more outstanding, a Kuhli Loach may be the perfect freshwater aquarium fish for you.

Even though this species looks like an eel, it is not related to the eel. Kuhli Loaches are primarily active at night as they are nocturnal animals.

One might rarely see them a lot during the day. Kuhli Loaches tend to be active during the day if kept in gatherings of 3-4.

A further explanation that Kuhli Loaches make great fledgling as aquarium fish is that they stay small (particularly when compared to other loach species). At 3-5″ max length, aquarists can keep the gathering in a 25-gallon enclosure without any discomfort.

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9. Neon Tetras

Tiny, high-energy, brilliant varieties and fascinating schooling propensities are characteristics of the neon tetras.

An aquarist hoping to set up an active, vibrant type of aquarium fish setting should consider Neon Tetras the best pick for pet or breeding.

Since Neon sizes are around 1-1.5 inches, big-size schools can easily be kept even in small aquarium tanks. Ten-gallon tanks should house 5-7 Tetras since water boundaries will mostly sway around more.

Neon Tetras are believed to be relatively easy to keep and can adjust to lots of water conditions. However, if your tank is appropriately cycled and in good condition, you shouldn’t have any issues keeping this species.

10. Gold Fish

Goldfish are the most well-known freshwater aquarium fish. Generally arousing a lot of treatment for most Amateur aquarists, Goldfish come in various mixtures and varieties (large numbers of which are exceptionally simple to keep).

Closely related to Betta Fish, the possibility that Goldfish can thrive in bowls is false. Goldfish tanks should be somewhere around 20-30 gallons.

Apart from the vast tank size, goldfish are very simple to keep and do well in many situations, making them the absolute fish to keep as aquarists.

All things considered, Goldfish prefer a cooler climate than most tropical aquarium fish (68-75°F). Goldfish survive on an essential diet, so no extraordinary maintenance is required.

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