The best part about raising chickens in your backyard is choosing what chicken breeds you want.
Many factors play into your final decision when deciding which chicken breeds to expand, including egg color, meat quality, and whether or not you plan on raising chicks or adult birds.
While there are hundreds of chicken breeds, some are better suited for beginners than others!
Here’s our list of the best small chicken breeds for your backyard flock!
1. Buff Orpington

The Buff Orpington is a dual-purpose chicken that can be used for both egg and meat production.
They are incredibly friendly, docile birds that make great pets. Buff Orpingtons are also excellent layers, producing up to 200 brown eggs per year.
Therefore, if you’re looking for small chicken breeds that are low maintenance and produce a lot of eggs, the Buff Orpington is a great choice!
2. Australorp

The Australorp is an Australian breed of domestic chicken. It was developed from crosses between the Black Orpington, the New Hampshire, and the Rhode Island Red.
However, the Australorp is a large bird, with hens weighing 4–5 kg and roosters 5–6 kg. The plumage is black with flecks of white.
The Australorp is a dual-purpose breed, kept both for its eggs and meat.
3. Serama Bantam

Serama Bantams are the smallest breed of chicken in the world and make great pets! They are very friendly and can be easily trained to do tricks.
Serama Bantams also have good layers of eggs, making them a great addition to any backyard flock.
4. Cubalaya Bantam

The cubalaya is a relatively new breed that was developed in Cuba in the 1970s.
However, it has quickly become popular for those looking for small chicken breeds.
They are known for being very friendly and making great pets. They are also good layers of brown eggs.
5. Pekin Bantam

Pekins are one of the most popular bantam chickens, and it’s not hard to see why.
They are incredibly friendly and make great pets. They are also excellent layers of large white eggs.
6. Nankin Bantam

The Nankin Bantam is an excellent choice for a small backyard flock.
They are calm and docile, making them great around children. They are also good layers, producing around 200 eggs per year.
They are one of the hardiest chicken breeds, able to withstand cold weather and pests.
7. Buff Orpington Bantam

The Buff Orpington Bantam is an excellent addition to any backyard flock. They are friendly, docile birds that lay plenty of eggs.
Buff Orpingtons are also cold and hardy to handle more frigid climates.
However, one downside to this breed is that they can be prone to obesity. So make sure to provide plenty of space for them to roam and forage.
8. Dutch Bantam

The Dutch Bantam is a beautiful bird that comes in many colors. They are friendly and make great pets. They are also good layers of small eggs.
Therefore, the Dutch Bantam is an excellent choice for those who want a pet chicken that is also a good layer.
9. Buff Brahma Bantam

The Buff Brahma Bantam is a beautiful bird that makes a great addition to any backyard flock.
This breed is known for being calm and docile, which makes them great around children. They are also good layers, producing around 200 eggs per year.
Therefore, if you’re looking for small chicken breeds that are low maintenance and good-natured, the Buff Brahma Bantam is a great choice!
10. Booted Bantam

Booted Bantams are true Bantam, meaning they don’t have a large counterpart. They come in many colors, but the most popular is the partridge coloration.
Booted Bantams make great pets and backyard chickens because of their docile and friendly nature.
They’re also one of the quietest small chicken breeds. So, if you live in close quarters with your neighbors, this might be the breed for you!
11. Sebright Bantam

The Sebright is a unique chicken breed that will stand out in your flock.
They are excellent layers of small, delicate eggs and make great pets. Sebrights are active and playful but can also be shy around new people.
Therefore, if you’re looking for small chicken breeds that are both beautiful and productive, the Sebright is a great choice!
12. Light Sussex

The Light Sussex is a British breed of chicken. That was developed in the county of Sussex in the southeast of England.
The Light Sussex is a dual-purpose breed, kept both for its brown eggs and meat.
Nevertheless, it is a large bird, with the cock weighing about 4 kg (9 lb) and the hen about 3.5 kg (7.7 lb). The plumage is white with black markings on the tips of the feathers.
There are three varieties: light, dark, and silver-laced. The Light Sussex is a friendly bird that gets on well with other chickens and makes a good pet.
13. Silkie

Silkies are a unique breed of chicken characterized by their soft, fluffy feathers.
They are also known for being one of the friendliest and most docile chicken breeds, which makes them an excellent choice for first-time chicken owners.
However, Silkies are relatively small birds, so they won’t take up too much space in your backyard.
And, because they’re not particularly good egg layers, you won’t have to worry about them taking over your garden!
14. Japanese Bantam

Japanese Bantams are a popular choice for backyard flocks. They are good layers of small, delicate eggs and are calm.
Nevertheless, Japanese Bantams come in various colors, including white, black, buff, and partridge.
These pretty little chickens are great pets and can live happily in small spaces.
15. Belgian Bearded d’Uccle

The Belgian Bearded d’Uccle is a bantam breed of chicken known for its ornamental value.
The d’Uccle is an ancient breed originating in Belgium and was brought to the United States in the early 1900s.
However, this breed is known for being very friendly and docile, making them great pets. They are also good layers of eggs, averaging about four eggs per week.
16. Cochin Bantam

The Cochin Bantam is a relatively new breed developed in China in the 1800s.
It’s popular for backyard flocks because of its docile personality and lovely appearance.
The breed is also good at foraging and does well in cold weather. Cochin Bantams come in various colors: black, white, blue, and splash.
17. Rosecomb Bantam

The Rosecomb Bantam is a popular choice for small chicken breeds. They are known for being friendly and docile, making them great around children.
They are also known to be good layers of eggs, with some hens laying up to 200 eggs per year!
Therefore, if you’re looking for small chicken breeds that are low-maintenance and good with kids, the Rosecomb Bantam is a great choice.
18. Belgian d’Anvers

This unique little chicken is sure to stand out in your flock! The Belgian d’Anvers is a small breed that originates from, you guessed it, Belgium.
These birds are known for their unusual egg production; they can lay up to 200 eggs per year!
Therefore, if you’re looking for a reliable layer, the Belgian d’Anvers is an excellent choice. They’re also good foragers and do well in cold weather, making them a versatile breed.
19. Maran Bantam
The Maran Bantam is an excellent choice for small chicken breeds.
This bird is known for its dark eggs, making it a popular choice for many backyard flock owners.
Nevertheless, They are also good layers and can produce up to 200 eggs per year.
Maran Bantams are friendly birds that do well in close quarters, making them excellent choices for those with limited space.
20. Rhode Island Red Bantam

The Rhode Island Red Bantam is a popular choice for backyard chicken coops. They’re calm and friendly and lay a good amount of eggs.
They’re also among the hardiest chicken breeds, so they can withstand cold weather well.
Therefore, if you’re looking for small chicken breeds, that’s a good all-arounder. The Rhode Island Red Bantam is a great choice.
21. Old English Game Bantam

The Old English Game Bantam is a chicken breed developed in England in the 1800s.
These birds are known for their docile and friendly nature, making them great additions to any backyard flock.
They are also excellent layers, producing up to 200 eggs per year.
Therefore, if you’re looking for small chicken breeds that are both beautiful and productive, the Old English Game Bantam is a great choice!