You should probably consider adopting a sheep if you want a pet that’ll love you and bother you less.
Oftentimes, people think of gentleness and meekness when they think of sheep.
And if you are an animal lover, you might keep more than one once you start your sheep care journey.
Thinking of sheep names is another fun thing you may also have to do, but it sure isn’t as hard as it was for Mary to name her little lamb (I don’t think she found a name yet).
Before you get your first sheep and start thinking about sheep names, you need to answer a few questions.
What sheep can I keep as a pet, and how much space do I need?
Any sheep breed can make an outstanding pet. Remember that they are called cattle, so your neighborhood/town must verify that livestock can be kept as pets.
You should be mindful that it is the most efficient way to house-break them while they are still young. If you want to keep your pet sheep indoors, a bottle-fed lamb is much easier to train, while an adult sheep is probably best to avoid.
Sheep do not need a lot of land to keep them comfortable, much like goats. Up to a half dozen sheep can be kept on one acre, while flocks of 100 or more can be on 30 acres.
Should you keep a single sheep?
You could, but you ought not. Sheep are animals of a social nature and prosper in groups. If you’re unprepared to take up a sheep flock, that’s all right. Other fun animals, such as donkeys, goats, or dogs, can also be kept in the company of your wooly one.

Now that we have answered two of the most common questions, we can check out some of the coolest sheep names you can pick from.
Lamb and Sheep names
- Abber
- Ace (like Ace of Spades)
- Amber
- Amber
- Amos
- Angel
- Annabel
- Apricot
- April
- Ariel
- Aster
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Baby
- Badger
- BahBah
- Barley
- Barry
- Bashful
- Bean
- Bean
- Bear
- Bear
- Bear
- Beau
- Bella
- Black Beauty
- Black Jack
- Black Sheep
- Blackberry
- Blackie
- Blackjack
- Blacksmith
- Blanca (white in Spanish)
- Blizzard
- Blossom
- Bo Peep
- Brandy
- Brownie
- Bug
- Bunny
- Buttercream
- Buttercup
- Casper
- Charcoal
- Charity
- Charmin
- Chex
- Chloe
- Chocolate Chip
- Christmas Dinner
- Cinderella
- Cinnamon
- Cloudy
- Coco
- Coco
- Cocoa
- Coffee Bean
- Cola
- Cool Whip
- Cool Whip
- Cooper
- Cosmo
- Cotton
- Cotton Ball
- Cotton Ball
- Cotton Candy
- Cottonball
- Cream Puff
- Cruella
- Cupcake
- Curly
- Cute Sheep Names
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dark Chocolate
- Darth
- David
- Dawn
- Destiny
- Deville
- Dewdrop
- Dolly
- Dolt
- Domino
- Domino
- Dotty
- Downy
- Drewe Baahrymore
- Dutch
- Ebony
- Ebony
- Edelweiss
- Elvira
- Emma
- Espresso
- Espresso
- Ewe Grant
- Ewe Hefner
- Ewe Jackman
- Ewelia Childs
- Ewelia Roberts
- Ewelie Andrews
- Eweliette
- Ewenique
- Ewenity
- Fannie
- Felt
- Flannel
- Fleece
- Fleece Machine
- Frans
- Frappuccino
- Freddie
- Freesia
- Frosty
- Funny Sheep Names
- Ganache
- Ghost
- Ginger
- Gloria
- Goober
- Grace
- Guinness
- Gyro
- Happy
- Hershey
- Hershey
- Holland
- Holy Sheep
- Honey
- Igloo
- InfLAMBable
- Jack
- Jade
- Jasper
- Java
- Jet
- Jewedy
- Jewedy Garland
- Jewel
- Julia
- Junior Mint
- Kahlua
- King
- Lady
- Lambchops
- Lambert
- Lamby
- Lanolin
- Lawrence
- Levi
- Lewecy
- Lewena
- Licorice
- Licorice
- Liliana
- Little One
- Lloyd
- Luna
- Luna (means moon)
- Macintosh
- Mack
- Madeline
- Magic
- Magnolia
- Maple
- Margaret
- Marshmallow
- Mary
- Max
- Meadow
- Merino
- Mickey
- Midnight
- Midnight
- Mike Donnelly
- Minky
- Mittens
- Mocha
- Moe
- Moses
- Mr. Fuzzyface
- Mutton
- Nimbus (like the cloud)
- Noah
- Norman
- Nutmeg
- Olive
- Onyx
- Onyx
- Opal
- Opal
- Oreo
- Panda
- Panther
- Patience
- Peabody
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Pearl
- Peony
- Pepper
- Pepper
- Pepper
- Petal
- Petewenia
- Phantom
- Pirate Sheep
- Pixie
- Polar
- Polar Bear
- Pookie
- Precious
- Prince
- Puff Ball
- Q-Tip
- Q-Tip
- Rammstein
- Raven
- Raymond
- Rebecca
- Reese
- Rolph
- Roquefort
- Rose (like a white rose)
- Rosemary
- Rosette
- Sandy
- Serta
- Sewezie
- Shadow
- Shadow
- Shanna
- Shaun
- Shearly
- Sheepdog
- Sheepfaced
- Shep
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Sherbert
- Sherpa
- Sienna
- Simpleton
- Skittles
- Skunk
- Smokey
- Smoky
- Snickers
- Snoopy
- Snow Belle
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Snowflake
- Snowy
- Socks
- Softy
- Soot
- Sophie
- Spirit
- Storm
- Sugar
- Sugar Pie
- Sunshine
- Sweater
- Sweet Pea
- Taffy
- The Baa Baa Bandit
- Tinker Bell
- Toffee
- Tootsie
- Trewedy
- Tulip
- Tuxedo
- Twinkle
- Vader
- Vanilla Bean
- Velvet
- Velvet
- Washington
- Wednesday
- Whip Cream
- Whisper
- White Out
- Whitebeard
- Wickham
- Willis
- Willy
- Wilma
- Winnie
- Winter
- Winter
- Wookie
- Wooly
- Wooly Bully
- Yeti
- Yukon
- Zebrasheep
Sheep in Cartoons and Movies
So, if you are getting a lamb for your kids or yourself, it wouldn’t hurt to get a sheep’s name from any of your favorite cartoons or movies.
We have selected some of the most fun movie and cartoon sheep names that you can choose from.
- Shaun from Shaun the Sheep
- Sheep from Word World
- Samuel the Sheep from Charlotte’s Web
- Bellweather from Zootopia
- Doug from Zootopia
- Woolter & Jesse from Zootopia
- Lambie from Doc McStuffins
- Billy, Goat, & Gruff from Toy Story
- Mr. Woolensworth from Chicken Little
- Mrs. Sheep from Lambert the Sheepish Lion
Sheep fun facts
- Girl sheep are known as ewes
- Boy sheep are known as rams.
- The process of birthing a lamb is called lambing.
- When there is a group of sheep, it is called a flock.
- Within a few minutes, newly born lambs can immediately get up, stand, and start walking with the older flock.