Pomeranian Husky: Dog Breed Profile and Information

Pomeranian Husky
by Paulconwall is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Pomeranian Husky is a cross-bred dog species that is also referred to as Pomsky.

It is the cross-breeding offspring between a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian, which is a relatively new dog breed.

Gradually, these breeds have gained some popularity due to their good looks.

Both breeds responsible for the procreation of pomskies have similar personalities.

The Pomsky tends to inherit traits such as playfulness, intelligence, and liveliness.

A unique thing about this designer dog breed is the various amount of colors and patterns they appear in.

This dog breed is fantastic with children and other animals. This means they can easily blend into family life.

Their diminutive size also pegs them as ideal animals for apartment spaces.

They have rapidly amassed popularity among novel dog owners because of their portable size, cute Husky appearance, and fascinating blue eyes.

Their lively and fun personality has made them sublime companions for families and aged people in various residences.


Pomsky is a hybrid dog breed whose existence started very recently, and it’s regularly situated throughout Europe and America.

Their ancestors are renowned canines who have a long history between them.

Huskies have always been known to be working dogs for the Chukchi people, who were hunters and vagrants who lived in Siberia’s cold environment.

They were used to drag sleds over great distances in the cold. Pomskies are very tough, keen, and have great stamina.

The Pomeranian is a Spitz-type species, and its name was derived from the Pomeranian territory in central Europe.

They descended from the vast, working Spitz species that finally reached Europe. However, the lesser-sized breed has mostly been reared as a lap dog and friend.


The Pomeranian Husky has a body length within a range of 10-15 inches and weighs between 15-30 pounds.

They are of various colors: tan, cream, orange, merle, red, brown, blue, black, and even white.

This dog breed’s weight and size almost entirely depend on their parents. A Pomsky given birth to by a Pomeranian will differ in size from that birthed by a female Husky.

Larger pomskies breeds result from the Husky being the mother, while smaller breeds from the Pomeranian.

Only the Teacup pomskies differ from the standard size measurements. They usually fall within the range of 7-10 inches in length and 5-10 pounds in weight.

Their variety in color and size is the primary reason any major Kennel club hasn’t recognized the Pomeranian Husky as a standard dog breed.

They claim the wide range of appearance factors makes it less easy to designate a breed standard. No two pomskies resemble each other, but they often share similar features.

A common ground all pomskies share is that their facial looks are Husky-like while their physique is more Pomeranian.

They all look like miniature versions of a wolf. They also have a curved tail and a thick double coat in common.

They differ in eye and coat color. Their eyes can be blue (Husky’s heritage) or brown (Pomeranian’s).

There are times they have one of each color. Like its ancestors, this dog breed undergoes slight shedding from their dense and soft, bi-layered coat.

This coat can be as smooth as silk (Husky) or soft and light (Pomeranian).

Lifespan and temperament

The Pomeranian Husky can live up to 15 years and have a friendly temperament. They possess traits such as loyalty, confidence, liveliness, and playfulness.

They are mainly bred to be human companions and suit people willing to own a dog for the first time.

The loyalty trait was obtained from their Pomeranian ancestor. They are also attention-seeking animals and will likely get much attention when they begin barking.

They got their sound from their Husky ancestor. Their bark isn’t just loud; it also has a high pitch.

It’s so audible that if you reside in an environment where barking is considered a disturbance, getting a Pomsky isn’t advisable.

A Pomsky who has been trained well and is used to human company is unlikely to show any indication of aggressive behavior.

Despite their small size, they can be fierce when standing up for their family and territory because of their loyalty.

Due to their size, they are more prone to feeling threatened in some situations than larger breeds.

Pomeranian Husky puppies

The offspring of these diminutive animals can be considered one of the most expensive pups in the world.

Due to the need to induce reproduction by artificially inseminating the Pomeranian, the pups can fetch a price tag as high as $3,000.

Generally, the price tag falls between $1,000-$3,000.

As a result of the complexity of the process involved in creating this dog breed, these dogs are rare animals.

Although the female Pomeranian can give birth to the designer dog breed if inseminated, it is more common to find the female Husky as the mother.

This is because the Husky is the larger breed of the two and can carry a litter. The size of their litter ranges typically between 5-7 pups.

These pups naturally attain maturity at the tender age of one. They also usually reach their full size at the age of one.


This dog breed is a companion animal before anything else. It has an amiable disposition and is very attached to its owners.

It is willing to follow you around wherever you go. They also like to have fun and can make incredible partners for a game in the yard.

These dogs are, however, tougher than they look. Due to their confidence and independence, any negligence in training will be taken advantage of and rewarded with stubbornness.

Compatibility with families

Although these dogs are the perfect companions and very attached to their families, they can become protective and aggressive with strangers if not well-socialized.

Lack of socialization could cause them to develop “small dog syndrome,” which explains their aggression toward strange faces.

They must be socialized from a tender age to ensure they tag with kids, other dogs, and other animals. Children who grow up around people and other dogs must learn how to communicate.

A Pomsky who has been well-socialized will have no difficulty playing with dogs and kids.

Dietary needs

To ensure your little pet gets all the nutrition they need to live a life of good health, a high-quality meal, particularly for small breeds, should be considered.

A high-quality meal must contain a lot of animal protein, fat, and a small amount of carbs.

It is advisable to feed these dogs what they need to eat and not feed them excessively, as this may cause them to be overweight.

The meal quantity should depend on age, weight, and activity level.

For instance, dogs that fall within 20-30 pounds of body weight need about 30 calories for each pound.

Dogs smaller in size will need more food because their metabolism is faster. In comparison, larger dogs will require less due to slower metabolism.

Fitness requirements

Their Husky ancestors were known as work animals, so this dog breed, carrying some of its traits, requires daily exercise.

However, due to their small size, they don’t need intensive training like the larger dogs.

Playing an outdoor game in the yard with them is enough, plus the side benefit of strengthening the bond between the dog and its human companion.

You must take your dog for a walk and let them explore new sights and smells. Thirty minutes of daily walking can fulfill their exercise requirements.

Health issues

Several people believe cross-bred dogs (i.e., designer dogs) are healthier than purebreds due to the larger gene pool.

Suppose the ancestors of such crossbreds were especially vulnerable to specific health problems. Their pups stand a high chance of being vulnerable to such as well.

Fortunately, both the Siberian Husky and the Pomeranian are considerably healthy breeds. Although there are certain health issues, this breed can develop:

  • Dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common heart disease for a lot of dogs. It develops quickly and triggers breathing constraints, coughing, appetite loss, and fatigue.
  • Eye problems are another complication to watch out for. Entropion is a typical occurrence in Huskies; it’s an ailment that triggers their eyelids’ inward rolling. This is a genetic health condition that will further worsen if not treated.
  • Pomeranians are vulnerable to dental problems and ear ailments. These issues can be managed with adequate care and attention.
  • Lastly, failing trachea specifically affects diminutive breeds. Indications of this condition include respiratory issues, coughing, and grey or blue gums.

In summary, the Pomsky is a wonderful companion for novel dog owners. They could be either families or singletons residing in houses and apartments.

This tiny but strong-willed breed thrived in any caring and devoted home.

Their portable size means they can live in apartments, while their light-hearted characters make them compatible with families, too.

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