21 Famous Cat Breeds for Feline Lovers

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Photo by Dietmar Ludmann

Are you interested in getting a cat but don’t know what to get? If yes, you’re at the right place.

Many famous cat breeds around the world have become household names.

Some are famous for their beauty, some for their intelligence, and some for their unusual features or abilities.

Furthermore, over 50 million pet cats are in the United States alone.

The popularity of cats has grown steadily since the 1950s. Today, cats are considered the most popular pets in the U.S.

Read on to find out the 21 most famous cat breeds worldwide.

Famous Cat Breeds


by Ivan Radic is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Siamese cat breed originated in Thailand. It is the foundational breed for the Oriental shorthair, Himalayan, and Sphynx.

Some have an apple-shaped head and chubby body, while others have a larger head and slender body.

Also, these cats have distinct markings that are the areas of coloration on their face, feet, ears, and tails.

In addition, the Siamese cat usually weighs 5 to 8 pounds and has a height of about 14 inches. They also come in various colors, such as lilac, blue, chocolate, and seal. 

These cats are perfect for households with children and other pets. They are very vocal and do not like being left alone for a long time. Therefore, you need to give them lots of attention and stimulation.


Persian Cat BreedsPin
Photo by RebaSpike

The Persian cat breed is one of the most famous cat breeds worldwide. They have beautiful, long fur coats in colors like white, silver, and gold, black, cream, calico, shaded, and smoke.

Also, they measure up to 14 – 18 inches and weigh about 7 – 12 pounds. Persians are most people’s favorite because of their mellow and laid-back personalities.

They are loyal to their owners but can be cold and unfriendly towards newcomers. In addition, they’re prone to various diseases, including renal and cardiac problems.

Maine Coon

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by broadsurf is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Maine Coon is a gentle giant cat widely known for its large stature and thick fur coat, which helps them survive in harsh winters. This long, double fur coat has more than 75 color combinations.

Their height is about 16 inches, and they weigh 8 to 20 pounds. The Maine coon is an intelligent cat which makes it easy to train them.

Also, they’re vocal and love playing games with their owner. However, they’re prone to diseases like hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


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Photo by monicore on Pixabay

Ragdoll is a large cat breed that is easily noticeable by its bright blue eyes. They weigh 15 – 20 pounds and come in various color patterns, such as tortie, cream, and chocolate. 

People think ragdolls can’t feel pain, but that’s not true. However, they tend to go limp whenever they’re picked up; this might be attributed to their docile temperament.

They’re laid-back and enjoy following people around.

British Shorthair

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by steviewonderous is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The British shorthair is a large-sized cat that weighs up to 7.5kg. They have large heads with big, round eyes and smiling faces. Also, they have a dense, thick coat that comes in various colors and patterns.

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The British shorthair is easygoing and will get along with other pets. They’re also adaptable and learn quickly – making them a perfect companion. However, they’re not vocal but can be left alone.

Exotic Shorthair

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by Soul_petal is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The exotic shorthair is of medium stocky build and a short, thick, luxurious, dense coat. They have short legs and solid round paws.

Also, they require daily brushing and wiping of face tears to avoid skin irritation.

The exotic shorthair is well suited to a quiet life. They’re gentle, affectionate, and suited to a single-pet household. Also, they’re heat-sensitive and produce excessive tears.


Balinese CatPin
by M McBey is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Balinese is a lean and slender cat yet muscular. They come in various colors: frost, blue, red, seal, lilac, fawn, cream, and chocolate.

In addition, they measure up to 18 inches and weigh about 11 pounds. They require moderate grooming – owners can brush them daily or weekly.

Furthermore, they’re very talkative and rarely stop being vocal. Also, they communicate about everything and can be very sensitive to communication tones.

They’re friendly and chatty, making them great companions for kids and adults.

Japanese Bobtail

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by Patricia Bianco is licensed under CC BY 3.0

This breed’s most distinctive characteristic is its short tail, often called a ‘Pom.’ The tail can be bent, straight, or kinked.

They’re petite and weigh about 7 to 10 pounds. Their coats come in various colors and patterns, such as white, black, cream, lilac, red, and blue.

The Japanese bobtails are generally healthy breeds with no known genetic predispositions. They’re intelligent, affectionate, confident, loyal, and athletic.

Also, this breed loves playing and enjoys carrying toys/objects in their mouth. They’re best suited to a family or multi-pet home.

Oriental Shorthair

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by Just chaos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Oriental shorthair looks like the Siamese but is a separate breed. They have a wedge-shaped head, almond-shaped eyes, and long ears.

Their coat is short and smooth with many colors such as tabby, smoke, and solids. However, they commonly have heterochromia – a condition where the colored part of their eye is multi-colored.

Oriental shorthairs usually weigh 7 to 12 pounds and are 9 to 11 inches tall. They are energetic and social and love being around people.

Also, they’re very intelligent and curious and want to be everywhere you are. However, they’re prone to skin cancer and cold due to their lack of fur.

American Curl

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by tanakawho is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The American Curl got its name from its backward-curled ears. It is among the famous cat breeds worldwide and is easily identifiable by its prominent ears.

They have a height of about 5 to 8 inches and weigh up to 6 pounds. Their coats can be long or short in many colors, such as black, blue, white, and more.

American Curls are affectionate, friendly, playful, inquisitive, and easy-going. They love to poke and prod their owner with their paws gently and will often follow their favorite human from room to room around the house.

Also, they’re exceptionally intelligent and can learn many tricks.


Munchkin cat - Small Cat Breeds in the WorldPin
by ben.gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

As you may have guessed from her name, the Munchkin is a short cat and is very popular among dwarf cat breeds. They weigh 6 – 9 pounds and can have short or long coats.

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Their coats come in various colors: white, black, ebony, red, orange, blue, brown, lilac, chocolate, and cream.

Munchkins are friendly cats who typically get along with children and other pets. They’re friendly, intelligent, self-assured cats who love spending time with their owners.

Also, they love playing with shiny objects, so you know who to blame if your jewelry is missing.


Manx cats are similar to other felines but with no tail. Their lack of tail results from a naturally occurring genetic mutation.

However, some are born with a short tail, usually around an inch or an average length. The Manx is a social, intelligent, and playful cat that can be slightly dog-like.

Also, they’re renowned hunters and can hunt larger prey like rats and voles. Manx cats are well suited to families and multi-pet homes and can get along with everyone.



The Ragamuffin is a big cat with a squarish, muscular body. Also, female ragamuffins weigh about 12 pounds, while males weigh 20 pounds.

They have small, pointed ears and very large, round eyes in shades of blue and green.

In addition, their coats come in various colors, such as white, black, brown, chocolate, lilac, grey, blue, and cinnamon.

Ragamuffins are perfect for a family house cat because they enjoy the company of people and other pets. You’ll find them sleeping nearby on the couch if they’re not sitting on your lap.


Ocicat - Loudest Cat BreedsPin
Photo by koczka1903 on Pixabay

Ocicats are certainly not hard to spot – thanks to their eye-catching coats. They come in a dozen color variations, including blue, chocolate, tawny, lavender, cinnamon, and fawn.

This breed is a little larger than typical house cats, with males weighing up to 15 pounds.

Ocicats are extremely active, intelligent, and social. In addition, they can be easily trained to perform several tasks and tricks. Also, they love getting lots of attention from people.

Turkish Van

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The Turkish Van is one of the most famous cat breeds in the world. They have a wedge-shaped head and a medium-sized head. Also, they measure 3 feet and weigh up to 20 pounds.

It’s easy to think the Turkish Van is a white cat, but genetically speaking, the opposite is true.

Their coloration is that of a red, blue, black, or cream cat, with large spots of white covering their body.

This is a result of the piebald gene. Turkish vans are incredibly intelligent and easily trainable.

Scottish Fold

Scottish FoldPin
by be creator is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Scottish folds are among rare cat breeds. They’re a medium-sized cat breed weighing 6 – 12 pounds.

This cat breed has a sporting round head, forward-facing folded ears, and large eyes. Their coats come in different colors: brown, black, silver, and cameo.

Because their short coats require weekly brushing to remove loose hair and dead skin cells.

Scottish folds are easy-going and have an affectionate personality. They love human companionship, and they constantly climb over you for snuggles.

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British Longhair

These fluffy cats are a cross between the British shorthair and the Persian cat. They’re medium-sized cats with pleasant, round faces and long hair.

Also, they have muscular, sturdy bodies and weigh up to 16 pounds. Their coats can be soft or thick and come in various colors, including black, lilac, and chocolate.

British longhair cats are intelligent, social, and affectionate. They enjoy people’s company and are tolerant of most environments.

In addition, they’re quite curious, so don’t be surprised when you find them going through your items.


Tonkinese Asian Cat BreedsPin
by wonderferret is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Tonkinese is a mix of Burmese and Siamese cat breeds. They have a charming appearance with their pointed coat and bright, jewel-tone eyes that can be a shade of blue or green.

Their coats come in four colors: platinum, natural, blue, and champagne.

The Tonkinese cat breeds are easy to train and groom and are friendly towards humans and other pets.

They enjoy spending time with their owner and dislike being left alone. Also, they’re talkative and always expect you to listen and respond.


Bombay Cat - Animals With Yellow EyesPin
by lwolfartist is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Bombay are among the most famous cat breeds in the world. They’re a mix of the Burmese and the black American shorthair.

They look like the Indian black panther and even share a similar gait with them. This cat breed is short and sleek, and its coat is solid black and very shiny.

The Bombay is a highly social and intelligent cat. They’re brave, affectionate, playful, and perfect for a family pet. You’ll find them following you everywhere and observing everything you do.


Chartreux - European Cat BreedsPin
Photo by congerdesign on Pixabay

The Chartreux is a French breed on the list of famous cat breeds. They have sweet, round faces and glimmering copper-colored eyes. This breed has a large, muscular body and weighs 6 to 12 pounds. 

Chartreux are independent cats and are smart enough to entertain themselves. They show love by following you or sleeping in bed but won’t get too intimate.

Also, Chartreux aren’t vocal and prefer to use their body language to communicate. So, if you have them as pets, you must be observant and pay close attention to these quiet kitties.

Turkish Angora 

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The Turkish Angora is a medium-sized cat with a slender appearance. They have a small, round head with large almond-shaped eyes that come in blue, green, and amber.

This breed has a long, soft coat in various colors, such as red, brown, and gray, although white is the most popular.

The Turkish Angora is an incredibly social cat who loves to play with humans or themselves. They bond well with small kids, although they don’t tolerate being mishandled by them.

In addition, they’re deaf and can be louder than normal when vocalizing.

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