Cockatoo: Profile and Information


Cockatoo might be unfamiliar to you, but you will be thrilled that this beautiful bird falls under 21 parrot species with the scientific name Cacatuidae.

They form the order Psittaciformes, in addition to the main order Psittacoidea, which are known as the true parrots.

Cockatoos can be recognized by their distinctive bills, which are crested and concaved. Their feathers are generally less colorful than other parrots, primarily white, gray, or black, and mostly with colored crest, cheeks, or tail features.

On the other hand, parrots are smaller than Cockatoos on average; nevertheless, the smallest species of cockatoo is a small bird known as a cockatiel.

The phylogenetic position of the cockatiel remains unsolved, apart from the fact that it is one of the earliest outgrowths of the cockatoo origin. The rest of the species are divided into two main clades.

The large black five cockatoos belonging to the genus Calyptorhynchus form a subdivision. In contrast, the second and larger subdivision is formed by the genus Cacatua, which includes eleven species of cockatoos with white plumage and four monotypic genera that previously branched, known as Major Mitchell’s pink and white cockatoo, the mainly gray gang-gang cockatoo, the large, black-feathered palm cockatoo, and the pink and gray galah.

Scientific Classification

  • Scientific Name: Cacatuidae
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Psittaciformes
  • Superfamily: Cacatuoidea
  • Family: Cacatuidae, G. R. Gray 1840

Distribution and Habitat

Cockatoos have a much closer range than the real parrots and are naturally only found in Australia, Indonesia, some Pacific regions, and the Philippines.

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Of the 21 species of parrots, only eleven occur in Australia in the wild. In contrast, seven species only exist on the islands of the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands.

Borneo has no cockatoo species, although they are found in nearby Sulawesi, Palawan, or many Pacific islands. Foss remains from New Caledonia have been proven.

There are three species of cockatoos, which exist in both Australia and New Guinea. Most of these species are common, with the Gala found in most parts of Australia, for example. In contrast, other species have small distributions restricted to a small part of the continent, for example, the Baudin’s black cockatoo in Western Australia or a small group of islands such as the Tanimbar Corella, which is confined to the Tanimbar Islands of Indonesia.

Most cockatoos have been fortuitously introduced into areas outside their native range, like Singapore, Palau, and New Zealand. In contrast, two Australian Corella species have been introduced to parts of the continent where they don’t exist naturally.

Cockatoos live in a wide variety of habitats, starting from forests in sub-alpine regions to mangroves. Nevertheless, there are no species in all kinds of habitats. The most common species, such as the Gala and the cockatiel, are field specialists that feed on grass seeds. They are often very mobile, high-speed flyers, and nomadic.

Flocks of birds migrate over broad areas inland, locating and feeding on seeds and other food sources. Drought can force herds from waterless areas to migrate to agricultural areas.

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Cockatoos are day workers. As such, they hunt for food during the day. They always depend on the sun to warm their perching sites before they feed. All cockatoo species migrate, socialize, and perch in a noisy and colorful group.

The sizes and number of cockatoos vary, depending on the abundance of food; this is why the number reduces when food is abundant while the number increases speedily during drought, reaching thousands and tens of thousands.


Cockatoos are known for monogamous breeding, as the males bond with the females to form Mating partners; this bond sometimes lasts for several years.

The sexual maturity in cockatoos is usually prolonged for the adults to master the skill of breeding and rearing their progeny, which, compared to other birds, is usually delayed. The progeny stays with their parents for at least a year.

The black cockatoos are usually involved in courtship feeding, but as soon as incubation commences, the courtship ends, probably due to the strength of the bond.

Feeding and Dieting

Cockatoos are all-round feeders and can also eat various mainly vegetable food. Their main food is seeds or grains; they use their strong bills to break and open these seeds before eating.

Species like Corellas, most black cockatoos, and galahs feed on the ground while others perch on trees to feed.

Cockatoos store and digest their food while resting, resulting from their large crops.

Predators and threats

Like the galahs, various cockatoo species have fallen prey to eagle and peregrine falcon. Like other parrots, Cockatoos can be beset by PBFD, known as Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease.

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This is a disease of the feather and beak; it causes the feathers to start falling off and the beak to break down, resulting in weak immunity in the bird.

 Statistics have shown that 14 cockatoo species have been plagued by this terrible disease, and it is also very rampant in corellas and galahs, which are created with Sulphur.

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