Can Chickens Eat This or That? Find Out Right Here

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Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels

Feeding your chickens a well-balanced diet is essential for their health and productivity.

Whether you’re new to raising chickens or looking to improve your flock’s diet, understanding what chickens can and cannot eat is crucial.

This guide will help you understand a balanced diet for chickens and the basics of a chicken’s natural diet.

What a Balanced Diet Looks Like for Chickens

The cornerstone of a chicken’s diet is a balanced poultry feed, which should make up about 90% of their diet.

This feed typically contains a mix of grains, proteins, and minerals necessary for the chicken’s health.

NutrientPercentage in Diet
Protein16 – 18%
Carbohydrates60 – 70%
Fat2 – 3%
Vitamins and Minerals1 – 2%

In addition to poultry feed, chickens can benefit from a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains.

These provide additional nutrients and add variety to their diet, which can help keep your flock happy and healthy.

You might wonder, “can chickens eat apple cores” or “can chickens eat raw broccoli”? The answer to both is yes, but in moderation, as part of a balanced diet.

Understanding a Chicken’s Natural Diet

In the wild, chickens are omnivores and enjoy a varied diet.

They naturally forage for seeds, insects, worms, and even small rodents or reptiles.

Chickens also consume plants, including weeds. So, if you’re curious if “can chickens eat weeds”, the answer is generally yes!

Chickens also love to scratch and peck at the ground, which is a natural behavior for finding food.

This activity helps them find tasty treats and provides them with exercise and mental stimulation.

However, not all foods that chickens find while foraging are safe or healthy.

Some plants and bugs can be toxic to chickens, so knowing what’s in your chicken’s foraging area is important.

Additionally, certain foods humans eat can harm chickens, so always check before sharing your table scraps.

In the next sections, we’ll dive deeper into what foods are safe for chickens, foods to avoid, and how to manage feeding in different seasons and scenarios.

From baby chicks to laying hens, we’ve got you covered on the ins and outs of the question, “What can chickens eat?”

Common Foods Chickens Can Eat

Understanding what your chickens can eat is crucial for their health and productivity.

Let’s delve into some common foods that your flock can enjoy.

Fruits and Vegetables

Chickens can eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. These provide essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to their overall health.

You can feed your chickens apples, but be sure to remove the seeds as they can be harmful.

Curious about apple cores? Check out our article on can chickens eat apple cores.

Other safe fruits and vegetables include bananas, cucumbers, lettuce, and carrots.

Broccoli is also an excellent choice, but be sure to cut it into small pieces for easy consumption.

If you’re wondering whether chickens can eat raw broccoli, you can find more information in our article can chickens eat raw broccoli.

Related:  Can Chickens Eat Yogurt?

Remember to thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables to remove any pesticide residues before feeding them to your chickens.

Fruit/VegetableCan Chickens Eat It?


Grains are a staple in a chicken’s diet. They provide necessary carbohydrates that give your chickens energy.

Corn, wheat, barley, oats, and rice are all safe for chickens to eat.

If you have a garden overrun with weeds, you might wonder if your chickens can help with weed control.

Our can chickens eat weeds article covers what types of weeds are safe for your flock.

GrainCan Chickens Eat It?


Chickens also require protein to maintain good health and ensure egg production.

Insects, mealworms, and earthworms are excellent sources of protein.

You can also feed your chickens cooked meat, but avoid raw meat as it can attract predators.

Dairy products like yogurt and cheese can also be given in moderation.

Remember, balance is key when it comes to feeding your chickens. Too much of anything can be harmful, so always ensure they have a varied diet.

Protein SourceCan Chickens Eat It?
Cooked MeatYes
DairyYes (in moderation)

Remember, while this list provides a good starting point, there are many other things your chickens can and can’t eat.

Always research or consult with a vet if you’re unsure about a particular food item. Happy feeding!

Foods You Should Avoid Feeding Chickens

As much as chickens have a diverse diet, it’s essential to know that not all foods are safe for your feathered friends.

Certain foods are toxic, while others can lead to health problems if consumed in large quantities.

Toxic Foods

There are several foods that are outright toxic for chickens and should never be included in their diet.

These foods can cause serious harm and even death in some cases.

Here’s a list of some toxic foods that you should never give to your chickens:

Toxic Foods for Chickens
Avocado (particularly the pit and skin)
Raw potatoes and green potato skins
Rhubarb leaves
Coffee grounds and tea bags
Apple seeds

For example, while chickens can safely consume apple flesh, the seeds contain a compound that releases cyanide when digested.

You can learn more about it in our article on can chickens eat apple cores.

Foods That Can Cause Health Problems

While not immediately toxic, some foods can cause health problems for chickens if they consume them regularly or in large quantities.

These foods are typically high in salt, sugar, or fat, which can disrupt the balance of a chicken’s diet and lead to issues like obesity, heart disease, and digestive problems.

Here’s a list of some foods that can potentially cause health problems:

Foods That Can Cause Health Problems
Salty foods
Sugary snacks and desserts
Fried foods
Processed foods

Remember, moderation is key when feeding chickens. They need a balanced diet to stay healthy and produce high-quality eggs.

Related:  Can Chickens Eat Cantaloupe?

So, while giving your chickens leftover junk food might be tempting, it’s best to stick to healthier options like fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Read more about what chickens can safely eat in our articles on can chickens eat weeds and can chickens eat raw broccoli.

By knowing what foods to avoid, you can ensure your chickens’ diet is nutritious and safe, helping them lead a healthy and happy life.

For more tips on what you can feed your chickens, check out our article on can chickens eat thyme.

Can Chickens Eat Table Scraps?

As a chicken owner, you might be wondering, “Can chickens eat table scraps?” The answer is yes but with some important considerations.

The Good and the Bad of Table Scraps

Table scraps can be a source of variety and extra nutrients for your chickens.

They can enjoy a wide range of foods from your table, including vegetables, fruits, grains, and proteins.

For example, apple cores are a favorite treat among many chickens.

However, remember to remove the seeds before feeding, as they can be harmful.

For more information, visit our article on can chickens eat apple cores.

On the other hand, not all table scraps are safe for chickens. Certain foods can be toxic or harmful to their health.

For instance, some plants and vegetables, like raw broccoli, can cause digestive issues.

Make sure to check if a particular food is safe before adding it to their diet.

You can learn more about this in our article on can chickens eat raw broccoli.

Tips for Feeding Table Scraps

When feeding table scraps to your chickens, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Variety is key: A varied diet will provide a wide range of nutrients. Include a mix of vegetables, fruits, grains, and proteins in their diet.
  2. Size matters: Cut the scraps into small, manageable pieces to prevent choking.
  3. Avoid processed foods: Foods high in salt, sugar, or artificial additives are not suitable for chickens.
  4. Monitor their health: Keep an eye on their health. If you notice any changes after introducing a new food, it’s best to remove it from their diet.
  5. Clean up: Remove any uneaten scraps to prevent them from rotting and attracting pests.

Table scraps should be a supplement to, not a replacement for, a balanced chicken diet.

Your flock should still have access to high-quality chicken feed that fulfills their nutritional needs.

By being mindful of what you feed your chickens, you can ensure they live happy, healthy lives.

For more tips on what chickens can and can’t eat, explore our articles on can chickens eat weeds and can chickens eat thyme.

Feeding Chickens in Different Seasons

Just like us, chickens’ nutritional needs can change with the seasons. Their dietary requirements can differ in the winter versus the summer.

Here are some tips to help you adjust your chickens’ diet as the seasons change.

Winter Feeding Tips

During the winter, chickens need more energy to keep warm. This is a good time to increase their intake of carbohydrates and fats.

Related:  Can Chickens Eat Walnuts?

You can add more grains to their diet, like corn and wheat, which are high in carbohydrates and will help them generate more body heat.

Fatty foods like sunflower seeds can also be beneficial.

Sunflower SeedsFats

Chickens also need to stay hydrated during the winter. Even though they might not feel thirsty due to the cold, ensuring they have access to fresh, unfrozen water is crucial.

Remember that chickens love to forage but might not find much to peck at under the snow.

You can supplement their diet with fruits and vegetables. For instance, did you know can chickens eat apple cores? They certainly can, and apples can be a great winter treat for them!

Summer Feeding Tips

In the summer, chickens need to stay cool and hydrated. You can help them do this by providing plenty of fresh water and adding more fruits and vegetables to their diet.

These foods are high in water content and can help keep your chickens hydrated.


You might wonder, can chickens eat weeds? When weeds are plentiful in the summer, they can be a great addition to your chickens’ diet.

Similarly, can chickens eat raw broccoli? Yes, they can, and its high water content can be beneficial during the hot months.

Another summer feeding tip is to provide your chickens with herbs. Herbs like thyme can be beneficial for your chickens’ health.

So, can chickens eat thyme? Absolutely, and it can be a refreshing summer treat!

In conclusion, feeding chickens in different seasons requires some knowledge and understanding of their needs. Adjusting their diet to suit the weather can ensure your chickens stay healthy and happy all year round.

Unique Chicken Feeding Scenarios

Feeding chickens isn’t always a one-size-fits-all scenario. Different stages of a chicken’s life require different dietary considerations.

Let’s take a look at two such cases: baby chickens and laying hens.

What Can Baby Chickens Eat?

Baby chickens, or chicks, have a different dietary requirement than adult chickens. After hatching, chicks need a high-protein diet to support their rapid growth.

A commercially prepared chick starter feed is a great option for baby chickens. These feeds are specially formulated to give chicks the right balance of nutrients. They are typically high in protein, which is essential for growth.

If you’re looking to supplement their diet with some natural options, finely chopped fruits and vegetables can be given.

For example, you could consider feeding them small amounts of apple (make sure to remove the core – you can learn why in our article on can chickens eat apple cores) or broccoli.

However, always remember that these should not replace the starter feed but merely complement it.

What Can Laying Hens Eat?

When chickens start laying eggs, their dietary needs change. They now require more calcium to help with eggshell formation.

You can provide this through layer feed, which is specially formulated for laying hens and contains the necessary nutrients, including the all-important calcium.

Aside from their regular feed, laying hens can also enjoy a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Feeding them a variety of foods not only keeps them happy but also helps to provide a range of nutrients.

Just remember to double-check if a particular food is safe for chickens before offering it.

For instance, you might wonder, can chickens eat thyme? (Spoiler: Yes, they can!)

Food TypeSafe for Baby ChickensSafe for Laying Hens
Starter FeedYesNo
Layer FeedNoYes
Fruits and VegetablesYes (in moderation)Yes
GrainsYes (in moderation)Yes

Remember, every chicken is unique, and what works for one might not work for the other.

Always monitor your chickens after introducing a new food to their diet to ensure they are not having an adverse reaction.

Happy feeding!

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