Have you ever seen a small black bird with piercing eyes and wondered what it was? You might have spotted a jackdaw, a clever member of the crow family.
Jackdaws are social birds that live in flocks and are known for their intelligence and adaptability.
These birds come in different types, each with its own unique traits.
The western jackdaw is found across Europe, while its eastern cousin, the Daurian jackdaw, calls Asia home.
They might look alike at first glance, but a closer look reveals some fun differences.
Jackdaws are not picky about where they live. You can find them in cities, farms, and woodlands.
They’re great at making the most of their surroundings, whether it’s nesting in chimneys or hanging out with other birds like rooks and magpies.
Let’s explore the world of these fascinating corvids and learn what makes each type special.
Eurasian Jackdaw

The Eurasian Jackdaw is a small, charming member of the crow family. It’s easy to spot with its black plumage and striking pale eyes.
These birds love to hang out in towns and cities. They’re not picky about where they live, making homes in chimneys, buildings, and even sea cliffs.
Jackdaws are pretty social creatures. They like to gather in big groups to eat and fly together. Their acrobatic flights are a fun sight to see!
When it comes to size, these little crows are about 13 inches long. They’re smaller than their crow cousins but still pack a lot of personality.
Jackdaws have some cool features:
- Gray nape (back of the neck)
- Short, slender bill
- Piercing calls that sound like “jack” or “chyak”
These birds are clever nest-builders. They use all sorts of materials to make cozy homes in cavities. Chimneys are a favorite spot!
In Europe, Jackdaws are a common sight. They’re found across the continent, as well as in parts of Asia and North Africa.
Baby Jackdaws (called juveniles) look a bit different from adults. They start out with darker eyes that lighten as they grow up.
Jackdaws are adaptable birds. They do well in cities and towns, often becoming beloved local characters.
Daurian Jackdaw

The Daurian jackdaw is a small crow found in parts of Asia. It looks a lot like its cousin, the western jackdaw, but with some cool differences.
This bird has a unique look. Adult Daurian jackdaws have large areas of creamy white on their neck and belly. This makes them stand out from other crows.
Daurian jackdaws like to hang out in open areas. You might spot them in fields, near trees, or even around towns and farms. They often fly in big groups with other crows.
These birds are great travelers. They live in eastern Siberia, Mongolia, and much of China. When it gets cold, many fly south for the winter.
Japan gets some Daurian jackdaw visitors in winter too. They don’t usually go there, but a few show up each year.
If you want to see one, look for a bird about 13 inches long. It’s black overall, but adults have that special white patch. Young birds look a bit different, with pale gray cheeks.
Daurian jackdaws are social birds. They like to eat insects, seeds, and sometimes even small animals.
Keep an eye out for these fun and friendly birds if you’re ever in northern Asia!
Pied/Black/Western Jackdaw

The Pied Jackdaw is a unique and eye-catching bird. It’s a special type of jackdaw with black and white feathers, making it stand out from its all-black relatives.
These birds are not a separate species. They’re actually regular jackdaws with a genetic difference that causes some of their feathers to be white.
Pied Jackdaws can be found in many parts of Europe and Asia. They often live alongside regular jackdaws in towns, cities, and farmland areas.
Like other jackdaws, Pied Jackdaws are omnivores. They eat a wide variety of foods, including:
- Seeds
- Fruits
- Insects
- Small invertebrates
- Carrion (dead animals)
These clever birds forage for food in fields, gardens, and urban areas. They’re great at finding food in different places.
Pied Jackdaws are social birds. They often hang out in large groups, especially in winter.
This helps them stay safe from predators and find food more easily.
While not common in Africa, some jackdaws (including pied ones) may visit parts of northern Africa during winter months.
They’re adaptable and can thrive in various environments.