Corn snakes, like all pythons and boas, are members of the family Boidae (pronounced boy-dee), which also includes nonvenomous and venomous snakes, such as king cobras, mambas, and coral snakes.Â
Corn snakes are rat snakes native to the southeastern United States.
They are popular pets because they are relatively easy to care for and have a docile nature.
Corn snakes come in a variety of colors and patterns, which can make them quite amazing creatures.
These snakes are typically small and easy to take care of, making them an excellent option if you start with pet ownership.
You may have trouble deciding which one to get with so many different types! If you’re looking for different types of Corn Snakes, you’ve come to the right place!
Whether you’re looking for a Corn Snake that changes colors or one that stays brown and tan, we have plenty of Corn Snake facts here to help point you in the right direction.
1. Palmetto
The Palmetto corn snake is a morph or color variation of the corn snake, and they are native to the southeastern United States. The Palmetto corn snake is black with orange or red spots.
Some have white bellies with black spots. They can grow to be 3-5 feet long. The average lifespan of a Palmetto corn snake is 10-12 years. The Catalina corn snake has been bred for its beautiful pattern.
Its body has tan, brown, black, and cream stripes. They come in many different colors, such as solid black, solid brown/tan, striped tan/brown, snow, snow jaguar spotted white with blue eyes that look like a Jaguar, and more.Â
2. Amelanistic Corn Snake
Different types of corn snakes include the Amelanistic corn snake morph. This corn snake is born without any pigment, appearing pink, peach, or salmon. They may have black eyes with white pupils.Â
Some Amelanistic corn snakes have a reddish hue. These corn snakes are popular pets because they’re docile and easy to care for.
The downside to these different types of corn snakes is that they can be harder to find in stores than other varieties.
3. Anerythristic Corn Snake
The Anerythristic corn snake morph is one of the most popular. They are typically brown or black with dark brown or black blotches.
Some Anerythristic corn snakes may have a reddish tint to their coloration. The Anerythristic corn snake is a beautiful snake that makes a great pet.
These animals should be housed in a 10-gallon aquarium with adults; females should not be housed together due to territorial aggression.
The ideal substrate for these animals is shredded aspen bedding, but you can also use newspaper or paper towels.
In addition, it’s important to provide them with hiding spots such as cork bark tubes. These snakes do well at temperatures ranging from 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and night; however, they can tolerate lower temperatures (such as 60 degrees Fahrenheit).
These animals feed on small rodents such as mice and rats and should be fed once every 7-10 days.
4. Blizzard Corn Snake
Different types of corn snakes can be found in various colors and patterns, and The Blizzard corn snake is one of the most popular varieties. These snakes are not albino but leucistic, meaning they lack pigmentation in their skin.
If you’re considering getting a Blizzard corn snake, research first. Ensure you have the time and resources to properly care for your new pet.
Not all corn snakes make good pets, so it’s important to determine which type would work best for you before purchasing one.Â
It would be best if you also considered whether or not you want a male or female corn snake because females tend to grow larger than males.
The other thing to remember is that these animals live long lives, so if your goal is only short-term ownership, this might not be the right choice.
5. Aztec Corn Snake Morph
The Aztec corn snake is a beautiful morph with intricate patterns and colors. They are typically light brown or beige with dark brown or black markings. The markings on an Aztec corn snake are usually in the form of stripes or bands.
6. Miami Phase
The Miami phase corn snake is one of the most popular morphs due to its vibrant colors. They typically have a bright orange base color with black markings. However, this phrase has a wide range of color and pattern variations.
Some common variations include the Halloween corn snake, which has a black outline around its orange patches, and the Snow corn snake, which has a white base color with black markings.
When you get your first corn snake, it’s important to remember that it can change quite a bit as they grow into adulthood.
Even though you might think your pet looks like one type now, they may not always look that way as they age.
7. Hypomelanistic
A hypomelanistic corn snake has reduced black pigmentation, which can result in a corn snake with a light brown, tan, or cream base color. They may also have barely visible patterns.
Hypomelanistic cornsnakes are some of the most popular because of their beautiful colors and patterns. Several other types of corn snakes have very distinctive features.
A light characterizes the Milk Snake to the dark yellow base color, white markings on its head, and dark-colored blotches along its body.
8. The Snow corn snake
The Snow corn snake has a white dorsal pattern usually divided into two stripes or blotches. The Bumblebee will always be solid black with reds, oranges, yellows, and blacks mixed, while the Coral Snake has an orange-red dorsal stripe against a yellow background and bands at either end of this stripe on top of its grayish-blue belly banding.
9. Ghost corn snakes
Of the 16 types of corn snakes, the ghost corn snake is among the most popular. They get their name from their white base color with black or brown spots, and some ghost corn snakes can have yellow spots instead of brown.Â
Ghost corn snakes are beautiful snakes that make great pets. In general, they’re calm in temperament but will bite if threatened.
10. Zebra corn snakes
Another different type of corn snake is the zebra corn snake. These guys got their name because they usually have a zebra-like pattern, making them stand out among other varieties of this species. These are common to have stripes and spots; some even have flaws!
11. Red albinos
The 16 different types of corn snakes, the red albino is the most popular. This is likely due to their beautiful coloration; red albinos have a bright red base color with white stripes.
They are also one of the easier corn snakes to care for, which makes them a great choice for first-time snake owners.
One thing that sets these different types of corn snakes apart from other species is their propensity to hibernate, unlike many other breeds that rarely do so.
12. Pastel corn snakes
If you’re looking for a corn snake with beautiful colors, a pastel corn snake might be the right choice for you. Pastel corn snakes are typically yellow or orange with darker patches or stripes; some may also have red eyes. These snakes are typically gentle and make great pets.Â
13. Crimson Cornsnake
Crimson Cornsnake are usually brownish-red in color and have black flaws that give them an elephant skin appearance. They’re not as common as other corn snakes, but they’re popular among collectors because they look so different from other species.
14. Blood Red Pied-Sided
The most common type of corn snake is the blood-red corn snake. This snake gets its name from its deep red coloration.
It also has black markings on its sides, which give it a pied (or spotted) appearance. Blood red corn snakes are among the most popular pet corn snakes due to their beautiful color.
15. Creamsicle
The Creamsicle corn snake is one of the most popular corn snake morphs. They are a beautiful orange color with cream-colored bands. Creamsicles are easy to care for and make great pets for first-time snake owners.
If you’re looking for a corn snake that is both beautiful and easy to care for, the Creamsicle is a perfect choice! These snakes have an orange body with cream-colored stripes, and their patterns make them easy to distinguish from other corn snakes; they have dark brown eyes, making them attractive and interesting to look at.
Creamsicles will grow about 3 feet long if given enough space and require much attention. These snakes need special lighting and environments to thrive in captivity, but once these needs are met, they should not have any problems regarding feeding or shedding skin!
16. Candy Cane
The Candy Cane corn snake is a beautiful morph with red, white, and black stripes. They are named after the popular holiday candy because of their striking resemblance, and candy Canes are among the most popular corn snake morphs and make great pets for first-time snake owners.
These different types of corn snakes are very docile, so they would be best in a home without young children or other small animals.
They are not aggressive but may try to strike if threatened. This snake could grow up to six feet long with proper care and handling.
Unfortunately, many people buy these snakes as pets before realizing how big they will get. Make sure you have enough space for your snake before buying it!
17. Cinder
If you’re looking for a corn snake with striking colors and patterns, then a cinder morph is the way to go! These reptiles have bright yellow or orange-ish coloration on their bellies.
Cinder corns also have vivid red or orange patterning on their back, often in an attractive hourglass shape.
It’s said that the most valuable breeding animals are those that display this beautiful trait. Due to their popularity among reptile enthusiasts, these snakes are typically one of the more expensive.
But don’t worry; if you’re willing to splurge a little bit more than usual, it’ll be worth it in the end!
Other popular types of corn snakes include the Carolina corn snake, the Florida corn snake, and the albino corn snake.
These three snakes share similar characteristics, such as their coloring and patterning. However, each type varies slightly in terms of where they are found geographically and how big they get.
There are so many different types of corn snakes to choose from! There are plenty of options if you’re looking for a colorful and patterned snake.
If you prefer a more subdued snake, there are also corn snakes that come in solid colors. No matter what your preference, there is sure to be a corn snake that is perfect for you.