17 Animals With Big Ears and Their Pictures

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Photo by Hans Veth on Unsplash

We welcome you to read an article about animals with big ears.

Our post will list the animals with big ears, such as elephants, koalas, fennec foxes, kangaroos, servals, aardvarks, and more, and describe how these animals use their large ears for different purposes. 

Elephants, for example, use their massive ears to stay cool, while animals like koalas and kangaroos rely on their ears for enhanced hearing.

We will also mention other animals with big ears besides those mentioned earlier.

Do you want to know anything about these animals or their big ears? Let’s get started!

1. Galagos

by Joachim S. MĂĽller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Galagos, also known as bush babies or “nagapies,” are fascinating animals with big ears that dwell in the verdant forests of Sub-Saharan Africa.

One of their most striking features is their large, radar-like ears.

These ears play a vital role in their survival by enabling them to zero in on the faintest rustle of an insect in the dark.

Furthermore, With their heightened auditory perception, these animals with big ears can detect even the tiniest sounds, allowing them to locate potential prey and avoid predators.

These remarkable ears act as a finely tuned instrument, helping them navigate their nocturnal world with exceptional precision.

Galagos’ ears serve as a means of communication in addition to their hearing abilities. They can convey messages to other galagos through different ear positions and movements.

This unique feature enhances their social interactions and contributes to their survival in the wild.

The large ears of the Galagos are a testament to nature’s incredible adaptability and ingenuity.

They are a crucial part of these enchanting creatures’ anatomy, enabling them to thrive in their forest habitat.

2. Mule Deer

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by woodleywonderworks is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Mule Deer, scientifically known as Odocoileus hemionus, are remarkable mammals with large, mule-like ears.

These ears are aesthetically unique and serve important functions in their survival. 

The mule deer’s ears are constantly moving, flickering and moving independently, allowing them to detect sounds from all directions.

This exceptional hearing ability helps them locate threats and communicate with other deer.

Additionally, animals with big ears use their ears to convey messages to their counterparts. They can signal alerts to potential dangers or display dominance through ear movements. 

This communication plays a crucial role in their social interactions and maintaining their safety within their habitats.

The impressive ears of the mule deer showcase the remarkable adaptations that animals have developed to thrive in their environments.

3. Caracals

by angela n. is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Caracals are medium-sized wild cats found in forests, savannas, and deserts of Asia and Africa and possess an astounding 20 muscles in each ear.

It gives these animals with big ears exceptional control over their ear movements, allowing them to scan their environment in all directions without moving their heads.

The caracal’s large ears are a natural radar system, helping them detect prey and evade predators precisely.

4. Basset Hound

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by holidaypointau is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Basset Hounds are known for their big ears, one of their most distinctive features.

These charming, short-legged dogs have long, droopy ears that hang low, almost sweeping the ground as they walk or trot. 

While their ears may not serve any specific purpose in enhanced hearing or communication, they certainly add to the breed’s adorable and unique appearance.

However, it’s important to note that Basset Hounds are prone to ear infections, so proper ear hygiene is essential for their health and comfort.

5. English Lops

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by Vincent Parsons is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Yes, English Lops are also animals with big ears. They are a distinct breed of domestic rabbits known for their extraordinarily long ears, reaching a stunning 21 to 31 inches.

These large ears add to their charm and serve important functions, such as aiding in heat regulation and providing clues about the rabbit’s mood through expressive behavior.

6. Greater Kudus

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by justin is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Greater Kudus, scientifically known as Tragelaphus strepsiceros, are remarkable animals with big ears found in Eastern and Southern Africa.

One of their most striking features is their giant ears. These large ears are powerful sensory tools, providing the Greater Kudu with extraordinary environmental awareness.

The heightened auditory perception of Greater Kudus acts as an early warning system, alerting them to potential threats from predators such as hyenas, wild dogs, and lions.

Their ability to detect faint sounds helps ensure their survival in the wild.

The impressive size of their ears contributes to their ability to detect even the slightest rustle or movement, allowing them to react swiftly and evade danger.

The large ears of Greater Kudus aid in communication among herd members and help detect predators.

These animals with big ears use various ear positions and movements to convey different messages to each other, helping to coordinate their behavior and maintain social cohesion within the group.

Greater Kudus’ prominent ears serve as a vital adaptation, allowing them to thrive in their natural habitat by enhancing their sensory perception, facilitating communication, and ensuring their safety in the wild.

7. European Hares

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by cazalegg is licensed under CC BY 2.0

European Hares, scientifically known as Lepus europaeus, are animals with big ears.

These magnificent hares possess generously sized ears, the tips of which are dipped in an intriguing black hue. Their ears can be up to 4.3 inches long, typically longer than their heads. 

The main purposes of these large ears include thermoregulation, enhanced hearing, communication, and predator detection.

They play a crucial role in helping European Hares adapt to their environment and ensure their survival in the wild.

8. Long-Earned Jerboa

The Long-Eared Jerboa is a fascinating animal with big ears.

This tiny rodent, found in the arid expanses of Mongolia and northwest China, boasts remarkably long ears nearly half the length of its body.

These large ears serve multiple critical functions for the jerboa.

Firstly, the jerboa’s keen auditory abilities, facilitated by its large ears, are crucial for hunting. The jerboa primarily feeds on insects, and its ears help it detect the subtle sounds of its prey.

The auditory prowess provided by these ears gives the jerboa a distinct advantage in locating and capturing its food.

Additionally, the long-eared jerboa’s ears play a role in regulating its body temperature.

In the intense desert heat, the large surface area of the ears helps dissipate heat and maintain the rodent’s body temperature within a tolerable range.

Apart from their functional benefits, the long-eared jerboa’s ears are also visually striking, adding to the animal’s unique appearance.

Combined with its remarkable leaping abilities, capable of springing up to six feet to evade predators, the long-eared jerboa is a captivating creature with extraordinary ears.

9. Long-Eared Hedgehog

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by Tarique Sani is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Long-eared hedgehogs, scientifically known as Hemiechinus auritus, are fascinating animals with big ears that belong to the mammal class.

As their name suggests, their most distinctive feature is their elongated ears.

Found commonly in Central Asia and the Middle East, these hedgehogs use their large ears to dissipate heat in their scorching desert climates.

However, their ears serve a dual purpose. As predator and prey, the long-eared hedgehog’s prominent ears enhance its hearing abilities.

This enables them to detect the slightest sounds while hunting for prey or evading potential predators.

With their unique combination of elongated ears and remarkable hearing, Long-Eared Hedgehogs are well-adapted to their environment and demonstrate how animals utilize their large ears.

10. Red Kangaroo

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by No Dust is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Red Kangaroos are indeed animals with big ears. Their large ears are proportionally significant compared to the size of their head.

The ears of red kangaroos are visually striking and serve an important purpose. 

Thanks to their ability to rotate their ears independently, they have excellent directional hearing.

This exceptional hearing allows them to monitor their surroundings for potential threats while feeding or resting.

Additionally, red kangaroos can pick up higher-frequency sounds, giving them an advantage in their native environments.

11. Black-Tailed Jackrabbit

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by samiamx is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Black-Tailed Jackrabbits are fascinating animals known for their impressive ears.

These American desert hares have prominently long ears, reaching lengths between 4 and 5 inches (10 and 13 cm). Their large ears serve multiple purposes crucial for their survival.

First and foremost, the black-tailed jackrabbit’s ears are exceptional sensory organs.

They enable the jackrabbits to detect even the faintest sounds within their environment.

This acute hearing helps them stay alert to potential threats and predators, allowing them to react swiftly and ensure safety.

In addition to detecting sounds, the jackrabbits’ oversized ears also play a crucial role in regulating their body temperature.

The large surface area of their ears allows for efficient heat dissipation.

By adjusting the blood flow to their ears, black-tailed jackrabbits can cool down and maintain a comfortable body temperature, especially in hot desert environments.

The distinct silhouette created by their impressive ears also aids in camouflage and predator avoidance.

Their ears blend with the surrounding vegetation, helping them remain inconspicuous and avoid detection.

The black-tailed jackrabbits’ big ears are a remarkable adaptation that contributes to their survival in arid desert habitats. They enhance their hearing, thermoregulation, and predator avoidance capabilities.

12. Aardvark

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by Just chaos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Despite not being mentioned in the text, Aardvarks are interesting animals with big ears and unique adaptations.

While they do not have large ears, aardvarks have excellent hearing, essential for their nocturnal lifestyle.

Their ears are designed to detect subtle sounds, helping them locate insects, their primary food source. 

Additionally, aardvarks have a long snout that enhances their sense of smell, allowing them to locate underground prey.

Their specialized sensory abilities make aardvarks highly efficient hunters in the darkness of the African night.

13. Aye-aye

by belgianchocolate is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Aye-ayes are fascinating animals with big ears that serve multiple purposes.

These unique primates are known for their large, bat-like ears, contributing to their exceptional hearing abilities.

Their ears enable them to detect even the faintest sounds in their environment, helping them locate prey, such as insects, hiding in trees. 

Additionally, the aye-aye’s ears play a role in communication among individuals of their species.

These remarkable animals convey information to one another through a combination of vocalizations and nonverbal signals, including ear movements.

The big ears of aye-ayes are not just cute but also vital for their survival in their natural habitat.

14. Anglo-Nubian Goat

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by arseni.mourzenko is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Anglo-Nubian Goats are indeed animals with big ears. This domesticated breed of goats is known for its tall stature and strikingly long, pendulous ears. 

These elongated ears serve as a natural cooling mechanism, helping the goats dissipate body heat effectively during warm weather.

Additionally, the Anglo-Nubian goats’ large ears contribute to their wide-range peripheral vision, allowing them to spot potential threats from predators and ensure their safety.

15. American Brahmans

American Brahmans are a distinct breed of cattle known for their impressive ears.

These cattle possess large, drooping ears that are a defining physical feature and serve important functions.

The size and shape of their ears aid in heat dissipation, allowing American Brahmans to withstand high temperatures and humidity more effectively. 

Additionally, their ears contribute to their sensory perception, helping them detect sounds and potential threats in their surroundings.

These remarkable ears, along with their humped bodies, make American Brahmans a resilient and adaptable breed of cattle.

16. Fennec Foxes

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by jdnx is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Next on our list of animals with big ears are Fennec foxes. Apart from being visually striking, their remarkably large ears play a crucial role in their survival.

These adorable foxes inhabit desert regions where the temperatures can soar. 

The function of their oversized ears goes beyond just aesthetics. They act as natural radiators, helping dissipate heat and keeping the foxes cool under the scorching sun.

Additionally, the Fennec fox’s ears are equipped with exceptional hearing capabilities.

Their acute sense of hearing allows them to detect even the faintest sounds, enabling them to locate prey, such as small rodents, even when scurrying beneath the sand.

Thus, fennec foxes’ big ears serve as both temperature regulators and powerful sensory organs, making them a truly remarkable species in the animal kingdom.

17. Serval

by Sonja & Roland is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Servals are ending our list of fascinating animals with big ears. These wild cats possess the record for the longest ears relative to body size among all wild cats.

Their distinctive large ears serve a vital purpose in their hunting behavior. 

Servals rely on their finely tuned ears to detect prey with incredible precision, often hunting guided by sound alone.

Their ears are considered equally important as their eyes when locating and capturing small mammals, including rodents.

Additionally, servals have the remarkable ability to detect ultrasonic signals, further enhancing their hunting prowess.

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