30 Different Types of Spiders in Oregon

Different Types of Spiders in OregonPin
Photo by Lernestorod

Orkin, an extermination company in the U.S., recently found that spiders are the number one thing that people fear.

While they may not scare everyone, there are plenty of different types of spiders in Oregon. 

Some can be quite scary-looking! Oregon has all sorts of different creatures and critters that live there.

However, one of the more interesting and well-known is spiders.

Some may have arachnophobia or an extreme fear of spiders, but there are actually many species of spiders in Oregon that you should be excited to know about! 

Knowing these types of spiders in Oregon will make your time hiking or camping in the wilderness. It is even better as you search out these spiders to learn more about them.

Let’s look at some of the most well-known spider species in this state and how to keep yourself safe.

 1. Zygiella Annotate (Missing Sector Orb-weaver)

It is important to be able to identify the different types of spiders in Oregon If you live in Oregon, there are a lot of different types of spiders that you could find around your home.

Zygiella x-notata, also known as the missing sector orb-weaver spider, is a common type of spider found in the Pacific Northwest region. 

This species usually lives near rivers and streams, but they can also be found on trees and fences near water sources. They have a leg span that ranges from 3/8 inch to 1 inch, with the females being larger than the males. 

Also, their colors vary greatly depending on what type they are or if they have recently molted or not. But their abdomens usually range from white to light brown with some darker markings around it.

2. Tegenaria Domestica (Barn Funnel Weaver)

The Tegenaria Domestica is commonly found throughout the British Isles. It is also known as the Barn Funnel Weaver due to its tendency to build webs in barns, sheds, and other outbuildings. 

It is a brown spider with a white or yellow-green stripe running down the back and a light streak on each side. The Tegenaria Domestica has a leg span of about one inch.

3. Steatoda Triangular (Triangulate Cobweb Spider)

Steatoda triangulosa is a species of cobweb spider found in the U.S., Europe, and Australia. The female Steatoda triangulosa has an average body size between 20mm-25mm, and males are smaller, averaging around 15mm.

These spiders have a brownish-yellow to orange abdomen with a darker stripe down the center. Also, this stripe is seen on their cephalothorax. The back legs are often spiky and dark-colored for hunting purposes.

Steatoda triangulosa builds a large tangled web that hangs from corners or ceilings near ground level. This is where they wait for prey to come close enough to attack them.

4. Steatoda Grossa (False Black Widow)

The Steatoda Grossa, also known as the False Black Widow spider, is one of the most common types of spiders in Oregon, found around homes and yards. This spider is often confused with the Black Widow due to its coloration and their similar webs. 

However, when you look closely, you will see that they differ significantly: The black widow has a red hourglass marking on its underside, while the Steatoda Grossa has no markings at all.

The False Black Widow spider is characterized by a bulbous abdomen smaller than its cephalothorax (the part where it has eyes, mouthparts, and legs). The color can range from light brown to dark brown or blackish gray to reddish brown.

5. Sergiolus Montanus (Pacific Walnut Orbweaver)

The Sergiolus montanus is a small spider that can be found throughout the state. It is typically between 2mm and 4mm long but can grow to around 5mm.

The S. Montanus looks very similar to the other two species of this genus, including the Sergiolus seriatus and the Sergiolus modestus. 

However, S. Montanus has a much more elongated abdomen than those spiders with rounded abdomens. The carapace (the hard upper shell) is usually brownish-black in color with three dark stripes running down it from top to bottom.

This species is also called the Pacific Walnut Orbweaver due to its proximity to walnut trees and its preference for making its webs near them.

The orb weavers make their webs near branches or trunks, often near where they emerge from the ground or low vegetation. 

As such, they are fairly easy to spot at night when they are illuminated by artificial lights such as streetlights. They are less likely to venture far from their web unless provoked.

6. Scotophaeus Blackwell (Mouse Spider)

The Scotophaeus blackwalli (Mouse Spider) is also known as a Mouse spider. The dark coloring on its back is one distinguishing feature that sets this type of spider apart from others. They are typically found in dark, damp places with their webs spread out to catch prey. 

Mouse spiders prefer to live alone but occasionally share a large space with other mouse spiders, like a basement or cellar.

The mouse spider can reach up to three inches long, and its body is typically gray or brownish with white stripes running down the sides and abdomen.

7. Salticus Scenicus (Zebra Jumper)

Salticus scenicus, also known as the zebra jumper, is a jumping spider species. They are among the types of spiders in Oregon.

Also, they are native to the United States and Canada. Salticus scenicus are typically less than 3 cm in length and have a black-brown body with yellow stripes on their abdomen.

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They can be found on foliage or tree trunks. The females are between 4 and 5 mm long, while the males are about 2 mm long. 

These spiders do not build webs but instead ambush their prey by jumping out from the ground or from a leaf onto it to capture it with their front pair of legs, injecting venom into it through two poison fangs.

The prey is then either eaten immediately or carried back to their burrow for later consumption.

8. Rhomphaea Fictilium (Fringe-legged Spider)

The rhophaea fictilium is also known as the fringe-legged spider. Like many arachnids, they live near water sources and are active at night. They have six eyes that are arranged in a semicircle, with the two median ones being the largest. 

This type of spider has been spotted on both sides of the U.S., but they are usually found around marshes, lakes, and other wet areas.

This species is also known as the long-jawed orb weaver. It’s hard to tell them apart from some other species of orb weavers because there are about 2,000 species in North America

However, it’s easy to identify them because their egg sacs are white and resemble little cotton balls hanging off branches.

Females build their webs close to the ground (1/2 inch to one foot), so people often mistake them for wolf spiders or grass spiders.

9. Platycryptus Californicus (California Huntsman spider)

The Platycryptus californicus, more commonly known as the California Huntsman spider, is one of the common types of spiders in Oregon.

These spiders are brown or dark brown with long legs and flattened body. They can be found throughout the year, but their population peaks during autumn. 

It is worth noting that these spiders only live up to two years. This species is also known as living fossils because it has changed very little from the fossilized specimens from millions of years ago. Although they are not poisonous and rarely bite humans, they are very aggressive.

10. Platnickina Tincta (Vernal Pool Spider)

Oregon is home to many different types of spiders. One such spider is the Platnickina tincta, which comes from the Orsolobidae family.

This species can be found throughout much of North America and Europe. It prefers to live on the ground or under rocks and bark, typically preferring dry locations with high vegetation, but this may not always be the case. 

Moreover, this type of spider will often be found near water sources like creeks and rivers.

This species is also known as the vernal pool spider because it is frequently found living in these habitats. However, it will also sometimes reside within human-made structures like buildings.

Another interesting fact about this creature is that females are a light brownish color while males are black with white spots on their abdomens.

Females often have an orange spot at the end of their abdomen, while males don’t seem to have anything there.

11. Pholcus phalangioides (Long-bodied Cellar Spider)

Oregon is home to many different types of spiders. One type, the Pholcus phalangioides (Long-bodied Cellar Spider), is found both indoors and outdoors.

Males have a yellow abdomen with black spots on it, while females are all white. They can crawl along structures such as walls and ceilings or sit in their webs. This spider is considered to be harmless to humans.

12. Philodromus Dispar (House-Spider)

Oregon has many types of spiders, with Philodromus dispar being one of the most common. These spiders are very small, and their legs are mostly black.

They are typically found on plants and sometimes on other surfaces like rocks or tree bark.

Their rounder abdomens and the dark banding on their feet can be distinguished from other kinds. They are also called house spiders and were first reported to occur in Oregon around 1957. 

In contrast, Anelosimus studiosus is a much larger species that lives weaving webs between shrubs or trees close to the ground.

Their webbing is easy to spot as it glistens against leaves. The webs usually have a thicker mesh below them which may help trap prey or keep out flying predators. 

People often see them as pests because these spiders will build webs over windows. Thereby leading people to think that there’s something wrong with the glass itself when it’s actually just an annoyance for window cleaners who have to remove them all the time.

13. Phidippus Audax (Bold Jumper)

Phidippus audax, also known as the bold jumper or daring jumping spider, is a large jumping spider that can be found all over North America.

They are often seen along the types of spiders in Oregon. They are quite large and have a hard exoskeleton in various colors, such as black and red.

Also, they are most often seen when they’re hunting prey or on their web, waiting for insects to get caught. These spiders can make a quick jump up to 50 times their body length to capture prey.

If it misses its target, it will use silk as a safety net by making a web below them, so they don’t fall off the branch it’s sitting on.

14. Parasteatoda Tepidariorum (Common House Spider)

Oregon has various spiders with different habitats, habits, and appearances. One of the most common types of spiders in Oregon is the Parasteatoda tepidariorum (common house spider).

These spiders are non-venomous and can be recognized by their oval-shaped abdomen. They also spin webs that are more cobweb-like than the typical diamond shape seen by other spiders.

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It’s common to find these spiders inside homes or sheds, where they build webs around windows or doorways. These webs will often be close to the ground so as not to be too visible to predators.

15. Olios Giganteus (Giant Crab Spider)

Olios giganteus is a large spider found in the Pacific Northwest. It is one of the largest species of spiders, with females reaching six to eight inches long and males usually not exceeding five inches. 

More so, the large front legs are used for hunting or catching prey. These spiders are often mistaken for tarantulas because of their size and hairy legs, but they do not have any hair on their abdomens.

16. Misumena Vatia (Golden-rod Crab Spider)

Misumena vatia, or the Golden-rod Crab Spider, is a type of spider found throughout the United States.

They are most common in dry areas and around fields. The Golden-rod Crab Spider has been found to have an interesting mating ritual.

Most times, the female will often wait on her web for males to come by and mate with her. When they do, she will wrap them up in silk and eat them.

This can go on for hours. Females can also cannibalize males that she doesn’t want to mate with. This is because she is more interested in eating them than mating with them.

17. Latrodectus Hesperus (Western Black Widow)

The Western Black Widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus, is a venomous spider that can be found throughout the state of Oregon.

The female Western Black Widow is usually black with a red hourglass marking on the underside of its abdomen. The male is brown and has much less potent venom than the female. 

Although they are not generally aggressive. Their bite can be painful and should be handled carefully and promptly attended to by a medical professional.

The female Western Black Widow lives alone, while males tend to roam around looking for females to mate with. 

Additionally, when she bites her prey, she injects both neurotoxins and hemotoxins into it. This kills it by paralyzing it and causing breathing difficulties as well as internal bleeding, which leads to death.

18. Larinioides Patagiatus (Grey house spider)

The Larinioides patagiatus is also among the types of spiders in Oregon and is known as the Grey house spider.

It is a member of the family of Linyphiidae. These spiders are usually less than one inch long and can be found throughout North America. 

The Grey house spider has eight eyes that are arranged in two rows on its head, with four eyes on each row. They also have eight legs.

These spiders are not harmful to humans but often get into homes because they need moist environments to survive and cannot move very quickly.

19. Eratigena Duellica (Giant House Spider)

Oregon’s native spiders are abundant, but a few species aren’t native to the state. The most common invasive spider is Eratigena duellica, also known as the Giant House Spider.

This spider was introduced to the Pacific Northwest during the early 1900s and is now found throughout much of the region. 

It is typically light brown with darker stripes and has a leg span of up to two inches wide. They can weave large webs and live near humans, where they feed on insects that land on windowsills or fly into buildings.

Eratigena duellica will bite if provoked, but their venom isn’t dangerous for humans. This is so unless you’re allergic to it (allergic reactions range from mild to life-threatening).

20. Eratigena Agrestis (Hobo Spider)

Eratigena agrestis, the hobo spider, is an invasive species native to Europe and Asia. They can be found as far west as Vancouver Island and as far east as Minnesota. 

The hobo spider is typically found living in human habitats. This means they are most commonly seen inside homes and other buildings where people live.

This type of spider has a leg span that is usually between 10-15mm. These spiders are mostly active at night.

This is because they do not like light; they will only venture out during the day if they are hungry or looking for shelter.

21. Dysdera Crocata (Woodlouse Hunter)

The Dysdera crocata, also known as the woodlouse hunter. It is among the types of spiders in Oregon that likes to live on the ground. They are rarely seen because they typically hide under stones or leaf litter. 

The spiders prey on other invertebrates like centipedes and millipedes, but they can sometimes eat more unusual prey such as slugs.

When a spider catches its prey, it will typically bite them with its fangs and then wrap them in silk to immobilize them for eating.

The female D. crocata can lay up to one hundred eggs at a time, staying under her abdomen until they hatch into tiny spiderlings.

22. Cheiracanthium Mildei (Long-legged Sac Spider)

Cheiracanthium mildei is a species of long-legged sac spider found in North America, Europe, and Asia. They are about 2 cm (0.8 inch) long, with females being larger than males.

Cheiracanthium mildew lives among flowers and feeds on small insects that get trapped within its web. 

They are most commonly found around gardens and greenhouses but can also be found in woods, fields, and coastal areas. They range throughout the state of Oregon, including the Portland metropolitan area.

23. Castianeira Thalia (Black Widow Spider)

There are many different types of spiders in Oregon, and there are about 1,000 species found in North America. The most common type is the black widow spider.

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This spider has a shiny abdomen with a red hourglass shape on it. This spider’s venom is not lethal to humans and is only dangerous to smaller animals like lizards or mice.

24. Castianeira Longipalpa

The castianeira longipalpa is one of Oregon‘s most common types of spiders. It’s a hunting spider that can be found worldwide but thrives best near water sources. 

Also, they have reddish-brown abdomens with varying dark stripes on top and lighter stripes on the bottom. The females are about an inch long and can live for up to three years, while males only live for six months.

25. Callobius Severus (Banana Spiders)

This spider is the most common type you’ll find in Oregon. They usually come out at night to eat bugs and may not bite unless they feel threatened.

Canebrakes are nocturnal and good climbers, so you may also see them crawling on the walls inside your home. To tell them apart from other types of spiders, look for an orange spot near their mouthparts.

They are also known as banana spiders. These spiders can be identified by their reddish-brown color and markings on their underside that look like a spade. It is very common to find them hiding under rocks or logs during the day. 

Also, they have been seen eating other small bugs such as crickets, beetles, millipedes, ants, and caterpillars.

They’re opportunistic hunters. This spider is not dangerous to humans but may scare someone unfamiliar with the animal.

This is because they are usually rather large-looking because the abdomen’s length is longer than that of most arachnids.

26. Badumna Longinqua (Grey House Spider)

Oregon is home to many different types of spiders. With temperatures dipping below freezing this winter, these arachnids will be braving the cold for our enjoyment. Grey house spider is one of the types of spiders in Oregon that call our state home!

The Grey House spider lives all throughout the United States and is also found in most European countries.

This particular spider gets its name from human dwellings it builds webs outside as a signal for insects to fly into it.

These spiders are around 3/4 inch long, and their bodies are brown with light streaks that run across them diagonally.

27. Araneus Gemmoides (Cat-faced Spider)

Araneus gemmoides, also known as the cat-faced spider, can be found all throughout western North America.

This spider is a member of the Araneidae family, which includes approximately 2,500 different species.

Meanwhile, these spiders are closely related to those found in South America and Africa. The name gemmoides comes from two Greek words that roughly translate to twins.

This refers to this particular spider’s notable habit of hunting both during the day and night.

28. Araneus Gemma

It is not uncommon for homeowners to find spider webs on the ceiling or large groups of spiders that have made their way into the home.

Araneus gemma often will build a thick, mat-like web around this window frame and can be seen waiting there with its front legs outstretched. 

These large types of spiders in Oregon do not generally attack humans unless they are provoked. They also only live inside houses in times of late autumn through winter when it gets cold.

Some people say that these spiders help keep pest populations under control as they feed on insects, including flies and mosquitoes.

29. Araneus Andrewsi

This giant ground spider is typically found living on the ceilings of caves. The abdomen may be as much as 10 cm long, and their legs can reach almost half that length.

Araneus andrewsi is very aggressive and will quickly attack anything they perceive as threatening them or their web, which can lead to bites.

These spiders are usually found hanging upside down with webs below them, so don’t be alarmed if you see these webs near your home because it’s likely not caused by one of these creatures.

30. Araneus diadematus (Cross Orb-weaver)

This spider, which is known as the cross orb-weaver or Araneus diadematus, is native to North America and the British Isles.

They spin a 3D web that resembles a cross symbol. The spider usually lives in small groups near water sources or under leaves.

They are typically from six to eight millimeters wide with black and yellow markings on their abdomen that resemble a diadem.

The adults also have two small horns just behind the head on either side, distinguishing them from other types of spiders found in Oregon.


Spiders have long been the subject of fear and misinformation, but they’re actually quite important to Oregon’s ecosystem.

We don’t have any species that are considered dangerous to humans, but plenty of them are running around in our homes and fields. 

If you come into contact with these types of spiders in Oregon, it’s important to know what types of spiders in Oregon you’re dealing with, so you can take the right precautions to keep everyone safe! Here are the types of spiders in Oregon that deserve your respect!

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