Have you heard about the different types of pelicans birds? Pelicans are majestic and fascinating birds belonging to the family Pelecanidae.
They have a unique appearance and come in many different sizes and colors.
From the American white pelican to the Dalmatian pelican, there is a vast array of pelican species to discover.
Let’s travel together to explore the most incredible types of pelicans. Read on to learn more about these amazing birds and their unique characteristics!
1. Spot-Billed Pelican

The Spot-Bellied Pelican is a fascinating species found in various parts of Southeast Asia.
This species is characterized by its distinctive yellow patch on the base of its bill, which sets it apart from other types of pelicans.
Spot-billed pelicans typically inhabit wetlands and shallow lakes, feeding on fish and other aquatic creatures.
Despite being one of the smaller types of pelicans, they are still an impressive sight with their large bills and long wingspan.
2. Pink-Backed Pelican

The Pink-Backed Pelican, also known as the Rosy Pelican, is a type of pelican found in sub-Saharan Africa.
Can you believe It gets its name from the pink feathers on its back and the characteristic pink patch on its face?
Unlike other pelicans, it feeds on small fish, crabs, and other aquatic creatures by dipping its bill into the water while swimming.
The Pink-Backed Pelican is known for its distinctive, waddling walk and large, communal nesting sites.
3. Great White Pelican

Great White Pelicans, known as Eastern White Pelicans, are majestic pelicans found primarily in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
They have striking white plumage with black primary and secondary flight feathers.
Their long beaks and large throat pouches make them great at catching and storing fish.
To be real with you, they also have a unique social behavior of cooperatively fishing in groups, where they encircle fish and then scoop them up with their beaks.
It’s no wonder they are a beloved symbol of conservation efforts worldwide.
4. Australian Pelican

The Australian Pelican, also known as the Brown Pelican, is found in Australia and New Zealand.
It is one of the largest types of pelicans in the world and can have a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters.
The Australian Pelican is known for its distinctive large throat pouch that it uses to catch fish while swimming.
They are beautiful when they glide effortlessly above the water, looking for their next meal.
5. American White Pelican

The American White Pelican is one of the largest pelicans, with a wingspan reaching 9 feet.
They have striking white plumage, contrasting their black flight feathers and yellow beaks.
These pelicans are primarily found in freshwater lakes and rivers, using their large pouches to scoop up fish.
They are known for their graceful flight and ability to catch prey in groups.
Unlike other pelicans, the American White Pelican does not dive for fish but floats on the water’s surface and scoops them up with its bill.
These majestic types of pelicans are a sight to behold and are worth learning more about.
6. Brown Pelican

The Brown Pelican is perhaps the most well-known of all the different types of pelicans.
They can be found on the coasts of North and South America, diving into the water from high above to catch fish in their large, expandable pouches.
These impressive birds can grow up to 4 feet long and have 6-7 feet wingspan.
Brown Pelicans are surprisingly agile in the air despite their size and can even hover over the water while searching for prey.
They are distinctively white and brown in coloring and have a unique, angular beak that sets them apart from other pelicans.
7. Dalmatian Pelican

The Dalmatian Pelican, also known as the Great White Pelican, is one of the largest types of pelicans in the world.
Dalmatian pelicans can be found in parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Unlike other pelicans, They have a white body with a pinkish-yellow beak and a small curly crest on their heads.
The best part is that they are social birds that usually live in large colonies, often near wetlands and shallow lakes, where they feed on fish and other small aquatic animals.
Despite their size, they are graceful swimmers and flyers, making them a sight in the wild.