Snake Names: 666 Name Ideas for Your Pet Snake

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Photo by Lad Fury on

Snakes are one of the world’s most beautiful reptiles. Snakes are known to be dangerous and scary, but when kept as pets, they can be total sweethearts.

However, many snake owners and lovers always search for the best names for their crawly coils.

Naming a pet isn’t as easy as we love to think. Before selecting a perfect name for your animal buddy, here are some things to consider.

You may want to consider their skin color, habits, how you got them, or even their size.

As you can tell, it’s a lot of hard work.  And you need to pay attention to avoid changing your snake’s name now and then (you don’t want the crawly guy thinking it’s got multiple personalities).

If you have a snake or plan to get one, this list of the best pet snake names should help you select the perfect one.

We’ve got you covered here if you want a fruity, colorful, mythical, human, or even fictional name.

Kindly read on to make your pick, and let us know if the name of your choice matches your snake’s personality.

Snake Names

  1. Adelle
  2. Arabelle
  3. Basil
  4. Brazil
  5. Amarillo
  6. Aurora
  7. Beauty
  8. Bubble
  9. Amythest
  10. Avocado
  11. Bella
  12. Buttercup
  13. Anemone
  14. Baby
  15. Betty
  16. Cassie
  17. Anita
  18. Bam Bam
  19. Bindi
  20. Catalina
  21. Aqua
  22. Banana
  23. Brandy
  24. Cherry
  25. Tyler Butler
  26. China
  27. Dolly
  28. Flower
  29. Goldie
  30. Cinderella
  31. Donut
  32. Fuchsia
  33. Guava
  34. Cupcake
  35. Eden
  36. Gaia
  37. Gypsy
  38. Cutie
  39. Elle
  40. Georgia
  41. Hawthorn
  42. Dakota
  43. Eve
  44. Gin
  45. Heaven
  46. Dharia
  47. Fancy
  48. Ginger
  49. Helen
  50. Dolores
  51. Florida
  52. Giselle
  53. Holly
  54. Guava
  55. Hope
  56. Izzy
  57. Kona
  58. Lotus
  59. Hula
  60. Juniper
  61. Layla
  62. Lourdes
  63. Hydra
  64. Kara
  65. Leia
  66. Luna
  67. Ichi
  68. Kaya
  69. Lulu
  70. Mango
  71. India
  72. Kiki
  73. Lola
  74. Margo
  75. Iris
  76. Kira
  77. Lolly
  78. Medusa
  79. Ivy
  80. Kitty
  81. London
  82. Milan
  83. Bam Bam
  84. Frank Flores
  85. Mitten
  86. Paris
  87. Poppy
  88. Reese
  89. Mochi
  90. Pearl
  91. Precious
  92. Rose
  93. Moira
  94. Pegasus
  95. Queenie
  96. Rosie
  97. Moon
  98. Pink
  99. Quince
  100. Saphire
  101. Myrtle
  102. Pinky
  103. Ramsey
  104. Silky
  105. Nessie
  106. Pippy
  107. Raven
  108. Sophia
  109. Opal
  110. Poke
  111. Rebel
  112. Star
  113. Rage
  114. Thyme
  115. Torrent
  116. Verna
  117. Yucca
  118. Tootsie
  119. Vegas
  120. Vienna
  121. Zebra
  122. Topaz
  123. Venus
  124. Wren
  125. Zinnia
  126. Tori
  127. Verde
  128. Wynona
  129. Zoe
  130. Ace
  131. Baco
  132. Bristol
  133. Clone
  134. Alpha
  135. Bane
  136. Bruce
  137. Clyde
  138. Ander
  139. Barney
  140. Burrito
  141. Cosmo
  142. Apocalypse
  143. Bengal
  144. Bush
  145. Cruz
  146. Apollo
  147. Borealis
  148. Cactus
  149. Cypress
  150. Azul
  151. Bowie
  152. Captain
  153. Danger
  154. Duff
  155. Clone
  156. Delta
  157. Echo
  158. Ghost
  159. Clyde
  160. Devon
  161. Filbert
  162. Gollum
  163. Cosmo
  164. Diablo
  165. Fleet
  166. Gordon
  167. Cruz
  168. Dragon
  169. Flip
  170. Gremlin
  171. Cypress
  172. Dude
  173. Frio
  174. Growler
  175. Danger
  176. Duff
  177. Gas
  178. Hamburger
  179. Is he a Jupiter
  180. Dev
  181. Harley
  182. Ice
  183. Jax
  184. Leo
  185. Haven
  186. Indianna
  187. Juno
  188. Locust
  189. Helium
  190. Inky
  191. Jupiter
  192. Logan
  193. Hendrix
  194. Jackson
  195. Kaa
  196. Loner
  197. Hermit
  198. Jargon
  199. Lennon
  200. Luca
  201. Hess
  202. Jasper
  203. Lenny
  204. Mali
  205. Hendrix
  206. Marin
  207. Monty
  208. Onyx
  209. Pickle
  210. Marley
  211. Moss
  212. Outlaw
  213. Pier
  214. Mars
  215. Nemo
  216. Pascal
  217. Piggy
  218. Mickey
  219. Nirvana
  220. Pascal
  221. Piglet
  222. Mojo
  223. North
  224. Pesto
  225. Pizza
  226. Monet
  227. Oliver
  228. Peter
  229. Potato
  230. Devon
  231. Asmodeus
  232. Attila
  233. Basil or Basilisk
  234. Diablo
  235. Eden
  236. Eve
  237. Genghis
  238. Heaven
  239. Hydra
  240. Indiana
  241. Jafaar
  242. Kaa
  243. Medusa
  244. Naga or Nagini
  245. Rainbow
  246. Severus
  247. Shiva
  248. Sir Hiss
  249. Snape
  250. Amethyst
  251. Brazil
  252. Cherry
  253. Coral
  254. Cornelius
  255. Curls
  256. Ebony
  257. Goldie
  258. Jade
  259. Opal
  260. Pearl
  261. Poke
  262. Rainbow
  263. Rex
  264. Rio
  265. Rosy
  266. Slider
  267. Slinky
  268. Stripes
  269. Worm
  270. Buttercup
  271. Cuddles
  272. Cupcake
  273. Fluffy
  274. Kitty
  275. Monty the Python
  276. Mr. Huggy
  277. Muffy
  278. Nofeet
  279. Noodles
  280. Pretzel
  281. Rumplesnakeskin
  282. Serpico
  283. Smiles
  284. Snuggles
  285. Sparkles
  286. SSSSSam
  287. Tootsie
  288. William Snakespeare
  289. Yoshi
  290. Naga or Nagini
  291. Noodles
  292. Severus
  293. Francesco
  294. Tommaso
  295. Pringle
  296. Rio
  297. Slasher
  298. Sydney
  299. Pyro
  300. Salt
  301. Sly
  302. Asmodeus
  303. Basil or Basilisk
  304. Buttercup
  305. Diablo
  306. Ebony
  307. Fluffy
  308. Jafaar
  309. Slider
  310. Slinky
  311. Slithers
  312. Slytherin
  313. Anemone
  314. Aurora
  315. Baby
  316. Bella
  317. Bindi
  318. Catalina
  319. Cherry
  320. China
  321. Dakota
  322. Dolores
  323. Ginger
  324. India
  325. Ivy
  326. Izzy
  327. Raven
  328. Zoe
  329. Apollo
  330. Bowie
  331. Buddy
  332. Danger
  333. Duff
  334. Ghost
  335. Harley
  336. Henny
  337. Jackson
  338. Lennon
  339. Mali
  340. Mars
  341. Mojo
  342. Moss
  343. Nigel
  344. Nirvana
  345. Pickle
  346. Piglet
  347. Sammy
  348. Ziggy
  349. Amazon
  350. Athena
  351. Banshee
  352. Beast
  353. Brutus
  354. Bullet
  355. Butch
  356. Chief
  357. Cleopatra
  358. Colt
  359. Daredevil
  360. Devil
  361. Diesel
  362. Electra
  363. Evel Knievel
  364. Fang
  365. Gunner
  366. Hera
  367. Hercules
  368. Hulk
  369. Hunter
  370. Jagger
  371. Alex
  372. Andrea
  373. Ashley
  374. Beatrice
  375. Bernie
  376. Bertha
  377. Billy
  378. Buddy
  379. Candace
  380. Daisy
  381. Duke
  382. Fred
  383. Harry
  384. Homer
  385. Jack
  386. Jennifer
  387. Jessica
  388. John
  389. Katherine
  390. Lamar
  391. Larry
  392. Linda
  393. Mac
  394. Maude
  395. Mavis
  396. Michael
  397. Mitch
  398. Omar
  399. Penelope
  400. Aquamarine
  401. Blackie
  402. Cyan
  403. Golden
  404. Goldie
  405. Gray
  406. Indigo
  407. Mulberry
  408. Ochre
  409. Olive
  410. Peach
  411. Rose
  412. Rusty
  413. Scarlet
  414. Sienna
  415. Steel
  416. Verde
  417. Violet
  418. Baron
  419. Benjen
  420. Caesar
  421. Camelot
  422. Cersei
  423. Daario
  424. Earl
  425. Excalibur
  426. Gentry
  427. Khaleesi
  428. Kaiser
  429. Khan
  430. King
  431. King Arthur
  432. Lancelot
  433. Malik
  434. Noble
  435. Oberyn
  436. Paladin
  437. Prince
  438. Princess
  439. Queen
  440. Queenie
  441. Queen Bee
  442. Ramesses
  443. Rex
  444. Shah
  445. Sheikh
  446. Spartan
  447. Sultan
  448. Yara
  449. Windsor
  450. Apple
  451. Bark
  452. Boulder
  453. Branch
  454. Brook
  455. Bud
  456. Cloud
  457. Creek
  458. Dewy
  459. Eagle
  460. Fish
  461. Fleur
  462. Flower
  463. Forest
  464. Hawk
  465. Leaf
  466. Peak
  467. River
  468. Robin
  469. Skye
  470. Star
  471. Stone
  472. Sunny
  473. Tree
  474. Wolf
  475. Wolfe
  476. Woody
  477. Aquaman
  478. Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)
  479. Batman
  480. Binary (The Matrix)
  481. Black Widow
  482. Chewbacca (Star Wars)
  483. Chewy (Star Wars)
  484. Christopher Robin (Winnie the Pooh)
  485. Cypher (The Matrix)
  486. Deadpool
  487. Doctor Doom
  488. Dobby (Harry Potter)
  489. Flash
  490. Frankenstein
  491. Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)
  492. Gollum (Lord of the Rings)
  493. Goose (Top Gun)
  494. Harry Potter
  495. Hellboy
  496. Hermione (Harry Potter)
  497. Iron Man
  498. Joker
  499. Lex Luthor
  500. Link (The Matrix)
  501. Loki
  502. Magneto
  503. Maverick (Top Gun)
  504. Minion
  505. Morpheus (The Matrix)
  506. Mufasa (The Lion King)
  507. Mystique
  508. Nala (The Lion King)
  509. Neo (The Matrix)
  510. Niobe (The Matrix)
  511. Oracle (The Matrix)
  512. Pippin (Lord of the Rings)
  513. Pooh (Winnie the Pooh)
  514. Quicksilver
  515. Rafiki (The Lion King)
  516. Sarabi (The Lion King)
  517. Scar (The Lion King)
  518. Simba (The Lion King)
  519. Skywalker (Star Wars)
  520. Spidey
  521. Superman
  522. Swamp Thing
  523. Switch (The Matrix)
  524. Tarzan
  525. Thing
  526. Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
  527. Trinity (The Matrix)
  528. Vader (Star Wars)
  529. Vector (The Matrix)
  530. Venom
  531. Weasley (Harry Potter)
  532. Yoda (Star Wars)
  533. Zazu (The Lion King)
  534. Peter
  535. Piper
  536. Roger
  537. Serge
  538. Stephanie
  539. Steve
  540. Killer
  541. Lucifer
  542. Magnum
  543. Minerva
  544. Monster
  545. Rager
  546. Rocky
  547. Soldier
  548. Spartacus
  549. Stormy
  550. Tank
  551. Titan
  552. Troy
  553. Vampire
  554. Anita
  555. Arabelle
  556. Beauty
  557. Bella
  558. Betty
  559. Bindi
  560. Brandy
  561. Bristol
  562. Cassie
  563. Dharia
  564. Dolly
  565. Electra
  566. Elle
  567. Giselle
  568. Helen
  569. Holly
  570. Hope
  571. Iris
  572. Kara
  573. Kira
  574. Layla
  575. Leia
  576. Margo
  577. Marley
  578. Pearl
  579. Sienna
  580. Wynona
  581. Xena
  582. Zoe
  583. Zena
  584. Bruce
  585. Clyde
  586. Colt
  587. Devon
  588. Gordon
  589. Jackson
  590. Jasper
  591. Jax
  592. Lenny
  593. Leo
  594. Logan
  595. Luca
  596. Oliver
  597. Pascal
  598. Peter
  599. Pier
  600. Ramsey
  601. Randy
  602. Ricky
  603. Sly
  604. Troy
  605. Walter
  606. Wayne
  607. Wilbur
  608. Woody
  609. Ziggy
  610. Amethyst
  611. Aqua / Aquamarine
  612. Azul
  613. Cherry
  614. Cyan
  615. Fuchsia
  616. Goldie
  617. Gray
  618. Indigo
  619. Inky
  620. Olive
  621. Onyx
  622. Peach
  623. Pink
  624. Rosie
  625. Scarlet
  626. Silver
  627. Verde
  628. Violet
  629. Tequila
  630. Randy
  631. Scales
  632. Slyde
  633. Toad
  634. Rex
  635. Juniper
  636. Leaf
  637. Lotus
  638. Precious
  639. Session
  640. Slytherin
  641. Toto
  642. Rhodes
  643. Siberia
  644. Spyro
  645. Trasher
  646. Ricky
  647. Silver
  648. Stranger
  649. Walter
  650. Slyde
  651. Wallaby
  652. Wilson
  653. Yeller
  654. Ziggy
  655. Wayne
  656. Woody
  657. Yolo
  658. Zoo
  659. Wicked
  660. Yoda
  661. Yoshi
  662. Zuke
  663. Wilbur
  664. Yoshi
  665. Zappa
  666. ZZ
Related:  7 Different Types of Snakes You Might See in Hawaii

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However, if there are names you feel should have been here, we’d appreciate you sharing those here too.

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