Freshwater Snails: Profile and Information

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Freshwater snails are very common gastropod mollusks that can be found in freshwater. These snails come in many different families.

They can easily be found worldwide in various habitats, ranging from small temporary pools to the world’s largest lakes and from the smallest seeps and springs to giant rivers.

Most of the planet’s freshwater gastropods come with a shell, with only a few exceptions.

Scientific classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Mollusca
  • Class: Gastropoda
  • Diversity: 65,000 to 80,000 species

While not every person is aware, a few groups of snails that reside in freshwater use gills to respire, whereas other groups need to find their way to the surface to breathe air.

Additionally, some of them are amphibious and breathe with both gills and a lung ( An example is Ampullariidae). Most water snails feed on algae, but a large population are detritivores, and others are filter feeders.

According to a review of the taxonomy carried out in 2008, over 4,000 species of freshwater gastropods are identified.

Less than 33–38 independent gastropod lineages have colonized freshwater environments. Quantifying the correct number of these lineages is impossible because they are not clarified within the Cerithioidea.

Between six to eight of the independent lineages of water snails occur in North America.

Physical features

Different varieties of freshwater snails — including ramshorn, apple, trumpet, and pond snails — are easily found in aquariums and fish tanks.

Each kind of water snail has a unique and specific shell shape. Freshwater snails can breed both in the wild and captivity and may produce several young snails at a time.

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Freshwater snails are mostly hermaphrodites. They usually carry eggs and sperm and can reproduce without contact with another snail.

However, some water snail breeds, like the apple snails, require both males and females for reproduction.

Snails do not need to wait too long to reach sexual maturity. Most of the time, they are only enough to reproduce at around one year of age. The freshwater snail usually lays her eggs about two weeks after fertilization.


The eggs look like water snails are like blobs of jelly and usually float on top of the water when they are in the wild or stick to the side of their aquarium when there is a space of at least 2 inches at the top of the tank.

The clutches or eggs hatch between two and five weeks after the snail lays them. Sometimes, the snail produces an infertile clutch that does not deliver babies.

Therefore, if the clutch has not hatched within five weeks, it may be infertile, and you should discard it.


A single water snail may lay hundreds of eggs simultaneously, so the number of young ones in a single birth depends on the number of healthy and fertilized eggs.

Often, around 20 to 50, baby water snails hatch successfully. Freshwater snail babies immediately go into survival mode after they are hatched. Water snails often feed on their eggs for the calcium they need to harden their shells.


There is almost nothing as easy as caring for baby snails. They do not need special foods since they can feed off algae in the water or tank, but they also love eating commercial foods containing shrimp.

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Cleaning your snail tank more often may be needed since the baby snails make a large amount of waste. You must also be dedicated to monitoring the fish tank’s pH and ammonia levels with weekly test strips.

The pH level of the fish tank should be seven or higher, and the ammonia level should be at zero for raising water snails. Having other fish in the snail tank is not advised, as they may feed on the baby snails.

However, moving the little guys to a smaller aquarium by gently scooping them, sucking them out using a turkey baster may increase the chances of survival when you have aggressive fish in your aquarium.

These are the best information on water snails we could put together. If you have more information or questions you’d like to share; please leave them in the comments section provided below.

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