9 Popular White Duck Breeds in the World

White Duck breedsPin
Photo by Niklas Hamann

Most duck breeds tend to be white, especially if you’re looking at domesticated species.

However, some white duck breeds have made their name for more than their appearance.

They have remarkable personalities and characteristics that make them stand out.

Here are the most majestic white duck breeds in the world.

1. Call Duck

Call DuckPin
by Bartol666 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

The Call Duck is a miniature version of the Mallard. It was initially bred in Europe to be used as a decoy for hunting, but it has since become a popular pet.

The Call Duck is known for its friendly personality and ability to get along with other ducks and animals.

It is also known for being one of the quieter white duck breeds.

2. Mulard

by AnRo0002 is licensed under CC CC0 1.0

The Mulard is a white duck breed that crosses a Pekin and a Muscovy.

They are large white duck breeds, with males weighing 12 pounds and females weighing 10 pounds. 

Also, the Mulard is an excellent choice for meat production, as they have a high breast and leg meat yield.

They are also good layers, producing up to 200 eggs per year. Mallards are calm ducks, making them good pets.

3. Canard de Bourbourg

Canard de BourbourgPin
by Uikitireza is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

The Canard de Bourbourg is a beautiful white duck breed from France.

These white duck breeds are known for their large size and long necks.

They make great pets and are very friendly. If you are looking for a majestic white duck breed, the Canard de Bourbourg is an excellent choice.

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4. German Pekin

German PekinPin
by JoBa Photography is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The German Pekin is a beautiful white duck breed from Peking, China.

They were first imported to Germany in 1872 and have become one of the most popular duck breeds in the world. 

In addition, German Pekins are known for their docile and friendly nature, making them great pets.

They also have a reputation for being excellent egg-layers, producing up to 200 eggs annually!

The German Pekin is an excellent choice if you’re looking for stunning white duck breeds to add to your flock.

5. American Pekin

American Pekin - Different Types of Duck BreedsPin
by warriorwoman531 is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

American Pekin ducks are some of the most popular white duck breeds. They’re known for being calm and friendly, and they make great pets. 

Also, Pekins are good egg layers, so if you’re looking for a duck that can provide fresh eggs, this is a great breed to consider.

Other notable features of Pekins include their orange feet, beaks, and plump bodies.

6. Crested Duck

Crested DuckPin
by s1ng0 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Crested ducks are domestic ducks easily recognizable by their characteristic white plumage.

But did you know several different types of crested white duck breeds exist?

Here are the most majestic crested white duck breeds in the world. 

  1. The White Crested Blue Swedish is a beautiful breed of crested duck easily recognizable by its blue bill and white plumage. 
  2. The White Crested Black Polish is another stunning variety of crested ducks characterized by its black bill and white feathers
  3. The Harlequin Duck is a magnificent bird easily identified by its colorful plumage, including white, black, and gray patches.
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7. Aylesbury Duck

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by Bernard Spragg is licensed under CC CC0 1.0

The Aylesbury is a large, pure white duck developed in England. It is a prevalent breed and is used for both meat and eggs.

The Aylesbury is a calm duck with a docile personality. They are good layers of large, white eggs. The Aylesbury can live up to 10 years with proper care.

8. Bali Duck

Bali DuckPin
by Jakub Hałun is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Bali is a beautiful duck that is all white with an orange bill. They are originally from Indonesia and were brought to North America in the early 1900s.

Bali is a perfect egg layer that can lay up to 200 eggs annually. 

Also, they are white duck breeds, excellent foragers, and do well on free range. Bali is a calm duck and gets along well with other ducks and animals.

9. Ancona

Ancona DuckPin
by Joe Mabel is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

The Ancona is an Italian breed of domestic duck. It was developed in the nineteenth century in the city and province of Ancona on the Adriatic coast of central Italy from local landrace stock.

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