Have you heard of the dog breeds that start with x? This article will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the two unique and historical breeds.
We will go over everything from their hypoallergenic features to their exercise requirements.
So, sit back and relax to learn more as a curious fan of hairless dogs.

The first on my list of Dog breeds that start with X is the Xoloitzcuintli.
This hypoallergenic breed is a great choice for allergy patients. If you are worried about expenses and how to care for them, do not worry.
They are a low-maintenance breed with hairless or short coats.
They are among the best dog breeds and are easy to train, making them excellent competitors in dog sports such as agility and obedience.
Dogs are known to be loyal to their masters, and this breed does not disappoint.
They are known for their loyalty and bond with their owners, and they are ideal companions.
No matter your situation as their owner, they adapt to various living situations easily and can survive in urban and rural environments.
However, we need to be mindful of some drawbacks. They are a high-energy breed that requires frequent exercise to prevent destructive behavior.
Good socializing is essential for them to avoid fear or aggression.
This is because they are known to be reserved or nervous around strangers or unfamiliar circumstances, sensitive, and struggle in households with loud or chaotic environments.
There is a need for health concerns as they are susceptible to certain skin conditions and sunburn.
They can develop allergies and eye problems. You must get them regular veterinary appointments to ensure their health.
These wonderful dog breeds that start with x “Xoloitzcuintli” are rare. It is usually difficult to find or adopt a reputable breeder.
Xiasi Dog

The second and last on my list of dog breeds that start with X is the Xiasi Quan dog.
They originated in Guajo Province, China. Because the breed is mostly raised in Xiasi Kylie City, its official name is Xiasii Quan, although Meow ethnic members also refer to it as By Long Quan.
Xiasi Quan and members of the Guajo group have been living together for a long time.
Everyone in Guajo respects the Xiasi Quan Dog since there is a superstition that the dog brings money into the household.
According to researchers, the Xiasi Quan dog was present as early as the 11th century, when people taught the species to hunt smaller animals for trade.
Aside from hunting, the breed was designed to protect the home.
The Shiasi Quan has unique characteristics that attract hunters as their hunting dog.
These include a sleek, strong physique, cushioned paws, and powerful legs designed to track fast and agile prey.
Shiasi dogs are commonly used as guard dogs in Guajo’s southern region.
The breed has a sharp sense of scent, exceptional speed, and endurance and is extremely loyal and affectionate to its owners. What more does a hunter want in a dog?
An adult usually weighs 11 to 25 kilograms and stands 17 to 20 inches tall.
They have short, tight white skin, a big face with pointed ears, small eyes, and a large mouth.
They also have a noticeable skin redness around their nose, lips, and ears.
Furthermore, the Chinese province of Guajo uses the xiasi dogs for recreation.
They do this by making the dog compete with wild boars.
Some people participate in the activity to train their hunting dogs, while others enjoy it.
The game developed in the 1960s when local farmers attempted to protect their land from wild boars.
The competition takes place every weekend in different localities and is scored based on the dog’s agility and the duration of its biting.
These two animals are made to fight until one of them is harmed.
For years, various international animal conservation organizations have fought against this practice, urging a stop to the war.
Xiasi dogs are adaptable and easy to train. In 2013, it finished third in a tournament among world-famous dog breeds.
The Chinese Kennel Club also recognizes the breed, which is allowed at most dog exhibitions.