Birds with white wings are an amazing sight! Whether they’re soaring across the sky, perching on tree branches, or resting on the ground, these magnificent creatures bring a sense of awe to any environment.
Birds with white wings come in many shapes and sizes and can be found worldwide.
In this blog post, we’ll examine some of the most beautiful and unique birds with white wings, where they can be found, and the interesting facts about them that make them so special.
So come with us and explore the stunning world of birds with white wings!
1. Arctic Tern
The Arctic Tern is an incredible bird with white wings that defies expectations.
Known for its impressive migration journey, this small bird travels astonishing distances yearly.
From its breeding grounds in the Arctic to its wintering grounds in the Antarctic, the Arctic Tern covers an average distance of 44,000 miles roundtrip!
It travels more than twice the distance of any other bird on Earth.
But this migratory feat is astounding because the Arctic Tern can live for over 30 years, meaning it can travel the equivalent of three trips to the moon in its lifetime!
During its journey, the Arctic Tern relies on wind patterns and follows the sunlight, utilizing the 24-hour daylight of the Arctic summer to its advantage.
With its elegant white wings spanning about three feet, the Arctic Tern is a true master of the skies.
It uses these wings to glide effortlessly and perform impressive aerial acrobatics.
In addition to its incredible migration abilities, the Arctic Tern is known for its distinctive black cap, bright orange beak, and graceful flight patterns.
Next time you catch a glimpse of a bird with white wings, think about the remarkable Arctic Tern and its extraordinary journey across the globe.
It serves as a reminder of birds’ incredible diversity and adaptability.
2. American White Pelican

Birds with white wings and bodies of water are found in the sky, and the American White Pelican is a prime example of this aquatic beauty.
These majestic birds are some of the largest in North America, with a wingspan that can reach up to nine feet!
Their white and graceful wings allow them to glide effortlessly over the water, making them a captivating sight.
The American White Pelican is not just known for its size but also for its unique feeding behavior.
Unlike other pelican species, it does not dive headfirst into the water to catch fish.
Instead, it works with other pelicans to corral fish into shallow water, where they scoop them up using their long, scoop-shaped bills.
It’s a cooperative effort showcasing these magnificent creatures’ intelligence and social nature.
American White Pelicans develop a beautiful, bright orange breeding plumage on their bills and throats during the breeding season.
This striking coloration adds an extra touch of elegance to their already stunning appearance.
These birds thrive in freshwater and saltwater habitats throughout the United States and are often seen in large flocks, especially during migration.
Birds with white wings come in many forms, and the American White Pelican is a prime example of their beauty and adaptability.
Whether you spot one gliding effortlessly over a lake or gracefully scooping up fish with its impressive bill, this majestic bird will surely leave a lasting impression.
3. Snowy Owl

The Snowy Owl is a mesmerizing bird with white wings that captivates the imagination.
Native to the Arctic regions of North America and Europe, these majestic creatures are perfectly adapted to their frigid environments.
With their pure white plumage and striking yellow eyes, Snowy Owls blend seamlessly into the snowy landscapes they call home.
These magnificent birds are known for their large size, with wingspans reaching up to six feet. Their impressive wings allow them to soar gracefully through the sky and hunt with precision.
Despite their size, Snowy Owls are remarkably agile and can silently swoop down on their prey, primarily consisting of small mammals like lemmings and voles.
Another fascinating aspect of the Snowy Owl’s behavior is its ability to survive and even thrive in extreme cold temperatures.
They have a thick layer of feathers and down that provides excellent insulation, keeping them warm even during the harshest winters.
In addition to their stunning appearance and incredible adaptability, Snowy Owls are known for their unique migration patterns.
Unlike most owl species, they are highly nomadic and can travel vast distances for food.
In certain years, Snowy Owls can be spotted as far south as the northern United States when food sources are scarce.
Birds with white wings come in many forms, but the Snowy Owl is undoubtedly one of the most captivating.
Whether it’s the way they effortlessly navigate snowy landscapes or their enigmatic presence in the tundra, these magnificent birds continue to fascinate and inspire awe in those lucky enough to witness them in their natural habitats.
4. Northern Gannet

The Northern Gannet is a remarkable bird with white wings known for its incredible diving abilities.
Found along the coastlines of the North Atlantic, these elegant birds spend most of their lives at sea.
With a wingspan of up to six feet, they soar gracefully above the waves, scanning for schools of fish.
Once they spot their prey, they fold their wings and plunge into the water from heights up to 130 feet!
This breathtaking display of diving prowess is truly a sight to behold.
Not only are Northern Gannets skilled divers, but they are also social creatures.
They nest in large colonies on remote cliffs and islands, sometimes numbering in thousands.
During the breeding season, these colonies become a bustling hub of activity, with Gannets engaging in elaborate courtship displays and building nests out of seaweed and other materials.
Northern Gannets are striking against the deep blue ocean with their bright white plumage and distinctive yellow heads.
These birds with white wings are not only a testament to the beauty of nature but also serve as a reminder of the incredible adaptations and behaviors that allow them to thrive in their oceanic habitats.
Whether you spot a Northern Gannet gracefully diving into the sea or witnessing their bustling colonies on a rocky island, these magnificent birds will leave you in awe of their remarkable abilities.
Birds with white wings come in many forms, and the Northern Gannet is a true testament to the wonders of the natural world.
5. Lesser Flamingo

The Lesser Flamingo is a magnificent bird with white wings native to Africa and Asia.
These graceful creatures are known for their stunning pink plumage and slender, curved necks.
With a wingspan of up to five feet, the Lesser Flamingo is a captivating sight.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the Lesser Flamingo is its feeding behavior.
These birds are filter feeders, meaning they use their unique beak structure to strain small organisms and algae from the water.
They wade into shallow lakes and ponds, dipping their heads upside down and filtering water through their beak, trapping tiny food particles.
During the breeding season, Lesser Flamingos gather in large colonies to mate and build nests.
They create small mud mounds that can be as tall as one foot, where they lay a single egg.
The parents take turns incubating the egg and protecting it from predators until it hatches.
These birds with white wings are stunning to look at and play an important role in their ecosystems.
By consuming algae and other small organisms, they help maintain the balance of their aquatic habitats.
The Lesser Flamingo is a true marvel of nature, with its vibrant plumage and unique feeding habits.
Whether you spot them gracefully flying through the sky or gathered in a vibrant pink flock, these birds will leave a lasting impression.
6. White-winged Tern

The White-winged Tern is another stunning bird with white wings that deserves our attention.
This beautiful species inhabits wetlands and freshwater habitats in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
What sets the White-winged Tern apart is its striking appearance. While its overall plumage is mostly black, its wings are a brilliant white, making a stunning contrast.
These birds are agile flyers and easily swoop and dive over water surfaces, catching insects and small fish with their sharp beaks.
During the breeding season, the White-winged Tern develops a beautiful white plumage on its head, neck, and underparts, adding even more elegance to its appearance.
One interesting behavior of the White-winged Tern is its ability to forage cooperatively.
They often gather in groups and swoop down on schools of fish, creating a feeding frenzy that benefits the entire flock.
Birds with white wings, like the White-winged Tern, are a testament to the wonders of nature and the incredible diversity found in avian species.
7. Lark Bunting

The Lark Bunting is a charismatic bird with white wings in the western United States.
While the male Lark Bunting may not be entirely white-winged, it is still worth mentioning in our exploration of birds with white wings.
These little birds have black bodies with a striking white patch on their wings, making them stand out in the prairies and grasslands where they live.
During the breeding season, the male Lark Bunting transforms into a handsome creature. Its jet-black body is adorned with white patches on the wings and its beautiful white head.
This plumage helps it attract a mate and defend its territory. The female, on the other hand, sports a more subdued look with brownish-gray plumage.
One interesting fact about the Lark Bunting is its unique song. It is known for its melodious trilling, which can be heard from a distance as the male perches on a shrub or tall grass, showcasing its vocal prowess to attract a mate.
Although the Lark Bunting may not be as large or flashy as some other birds with white wings, it still has charm and beauty.
Its unique coloring and enchanting song make it a delight to encounter in its natural habitat.
So keep your eyes and ears open the next time you find yourself in the western United States, and you may catch a glimpse of this delightful little bird with its distinctive white wings.
8. White-winged Black-Tit

The White-winged Black-Tit is a captivating bird with white wings residing in Africa.
This unique species stands out with its beautiful glossy black plumage and striking white wing patches.
These contrasting colors create a stunning visual display as they flit through the trees and shrubs of their natural habitat.
Despite its small size, the White-winged Black-Tit possesses abundant energy and a delightful song that can be heard throughout its range. They are highly active and social birds, often seen in small flocks as they forage for insects and seeds.
One interesting behavior of the White-winged Black Tit is its ability to perform acrobatic feats in mid-air.
These birds are known for their aerial displays, darting and twisting with agility as they navigate their surroundings.
The White-winged Black-Tit is a true gem among birds with white wings.
Its unique coloration, energetic nature, and acrobatic abilities make it a fascinating species to observe in the wild.
So, if you find yourself on the African continent, look for this charming little bird and prepare to be amazed by its beauty and grace.
9. Australian Magpie
The Australian Magpie is a fascinating bird with white wings that can be found throughout Australia.
While its name may be misleading, as it is not a member of the magpie family, this iconic bird is still beloved by many.
With its distinctive black and white plumage and beautiful white wing patches, the Australian Magpie is a striking sight in the Australian landscape.
Known for its melodic and complex song, the Australian Magpie has one of the most beautiful voices in the bird kingdom.
Its musical calls can be heard throughout the day, adding a symphony of sound to the natural environment.
These vocal abilities are mostly for defending their territory and communicating with other magpies in their social groups.
Australian Magpies are highly intelligent and can form strong bonds with humans.
In some cases, they have even been observed mimicking human speech! These birds are also skilled nest builders, constructing large, intricate nests high in trees.
While generally friendly and curious, Australian Magpies can become protective during breeding seasons and may swoop on perceived threats, such as humans or other animals.
It is important to respect their space during this time and take precautions.
The Australian Magpie is truly a unique and captivating bird with white wings.
Its striking appearance, beautiful song, and intelligent behavior make it a cherished species in Australia’s avian community.
10. Great Egret

Great Egrets are majestic birds with white wings in various parts of the world.
These elegant creatures are known for their tall, slender bodies, long necks, and bright yellow bills.
They have a wingspan of 55 to 65 inches, making them a spectacular sight when they take flight.
Great Egrets reside near wetland areas such as marshes, swamps, and coastal regions.
They are skilled hunters, preying on fish, amphibians, reptiles, and even small mammals.
These birds have excellent vision, allowing them to spot their prey from a distance and strike precisely.
During the breeding season, Great Egrets develop long, delicate plumes on their back, neck, and chest.
These beautiful feathers are often used to attract a mate during elaborate courtship displays.
Unfortunately, these feathers became highly coveted by the fashion industry in the late 19th century, leading to a significant decline in the Great Egret population.
Conservation efforts have since helped these birds recover, but are still vulnerable to habitat loss and pollution.
If you can spot a Great Egret in the wild, consider yourself lucky.
Their graceful presence and striking white wings make them a true spectacle.
11. Barn Owls
Barn Owls, or Tyto alba, are captivating birds with white wings. They thrive in various parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
These nocturnal creatures have distinctive heart-shaped faces and large dark eyes, giving them a mysterious and alluring appearance.
One of the most fascinating things about Barn Owls is their ability to hunt silently.
Unlike other birds, they have specialized feathers that allow them to fly silently through the night sky.
This stealthy hunting technique gives them an advantage in catching their prey, mainly consisting of small mammals like mice, voles, and shrews.
Barn Owls are cavity nesters, often making their homes in old barns, hollow trees, or even abandoned buildings.
They are monogamous birds, with pairs staying together for life.
These beautiful birds are known for their stunning white wings and haunting screech, which can be heard echoing through the night.
Barn Owls face numerous threats to their populations, including habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change.
Conservation efforts are underway to protect these enchanting creatures and ensure their survival for future generations.
If you’re lucky enough to glimpse a Barn Owl in flight, you’ll be captivated by its beauty and grace as it soars through the night sky with its mesmerizing white wings.
12. White-tailed Tropicbird
White-tailed Tropicbirds are exquisite creatures that showcase the beauty of birds with white wings.
Found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, these birds are a sight to behold with their long, white tail feathers and striking white wings.
Their elongated, elegant bodies give them a graceful appearance as they soar through the sky.
These birds are known for their spectacular aerial displays, which involve soaring high above the ocean and diving down to catch their prey, often small fish or squid.
Their white wings glisten in the sunlight, adding to the mesmerizing effect of their flights.
One of the most unique features of White-tailed Tropicbirds is their distinctive call, a high-pitched, piercing scream.
This call can echo through their breeding colonies, adding to the enchantment of their presence.
Unfortunately, these stunning birds face numerous threats, including habitat destruction, pollution, and the impacts of climate change.
Conservation efforts are underway to protect their nesting sites and ensure their survival for future generations.
If you ever have the opportunity to witness the beauty of White-tailed Tropicbirds in person, take a moment to marvel at their stunning white wings and graceful flight. They are a true testament to the wonders of nature.
13. Himalayan Snowcock

Himalayan Snowcocks are another fascinating species of birds with white wings.
These magnificent birds live in the rugged mountains of central Asia, including the Himalayas and the Pamir Mountains.
With their pristine white plumage and striking red eye patches, they are a sight to behold amidst the snow-capped peaks.
Himalayan Snowcocks have adapted to the harsh alpine environments they call home.
Their white wings help them blend seamlessly with their surroundings, providing camouflage and protection from predators. These birds are expert climbers and can scale rocky slopes with ease.
Although they primarily feed on plant material such as grasses, herbs, and seeds, Himalayan Snowcocks consume insects and small animals when food is scarce.
Their diet allows them to survive in the high-altitude regions with limited vegetation.
These beautiful birds are not just remarkable for their appearance.
Himalayan Snowcocks are also known for their unique vocalizations, including loud and distinct calls that echo through the mountains. Males often use these calls to establish their territory and attract mates.
While Himalayan Snowcocks are not considered endangered, they face habitat loss threats due to human activities and climate change.
Efforts are underway to monitor their populations and protect their mountain habitats.
Seeing a Himalayan Snowcock in its natural habitat is an awe-inspiring experience highlighting the beauty and resilience of birds with white wings.
14. Eurasian Spoonbill

Eurasian Spoonbills are a stunning bird species with white wings in various parts of the world.
These unique birds have distinctive spoon-shaped bills, which they use to sweep through the water for food. They live in wetland areas such as marshes, estuaries, and lagoons.
One of the most fascinating things about Eurasian Spoonbills is their feeding behavior.
They are highly skilled at hunting for small fish, crustaceans, and insects by wading in shallow water and using their bills to stir the mud and scoop up their prey. Watching a group of these elegant birds forage in unison is truly mesmerizing.
Eurasian Spoonbills are also known for their impressive breeding displays.
During the breeding season, these birds develop beautiful plumes on their back and chest, enhancing their striking appearance.
They gather in large colonies, often building their nests in trees or reedbeds, where they lay their eggs and raise their chicks.
While Eurasian Spoonbills are not currently considered endangered, they face threats such as habitat loss and degradation, pollution, and disturbance from human activities.
Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these remarkable birds and ensure their survival for generations to come.
Seeing Eurasian Spoonbills in their natural habitat is a truly awe-inspiring experience.
Their graceful presence, combined with their beautiful white wings, is a testament to the wonders of nature.
Next time you are near a wetland area, look for these magnificent birds and marvel at their elegance.
15. Black-billed Magpie

Black-billed Magpies are captivating birds with stunning white wings in various parts of North America.
These intelligent and resourceful birds have bold personalities and distinctive appearances.
Their black bodies, long tails, and striking white markings are a sight in urban and rural environments.
One of the most remarkable things about Black-billed Magpies is their ability to adapt to different habitats.
They can thrive in various landscapes, including forests, grasslands, and suburban areas.
These birds are highly adaptable and will even scavenge for food in human settlements in scenarios of food scarcity.
Black-billed Magpies are not only visually striking but also highly vocal. They have many calls, from their familiar “mag-pie” call to more complex and melodic songs.
Their vocalizations serve various purposes, including communication with their flock, warning of potential threats, and attracting mates.
While some people consider Black-billed Magpies pests due to their habit of raiding gardens and stealing shiny objects, these birds play an important role in their ecosystems.
They help control insect populations and act as scavengers, cleaning up carrion.
Their striking white wings and bold personalities make them a truly remarkable species to admire.
16. White-winged Scoter

White-winged Scoters are a remarkable species of birds with white wings found in North America and parts of Eurasia.
These striking birds have dark black bodies, contrasting white wing patches, and vibrant orange bills.
They are commonly in coastal areas, especially during winter when they migrate to warmer waters.
White-winged Scoters are expert divers and spend a significant amount of their time foraging underwater.
They mainly feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and small fish, which they catch by diving deep into the water.
Their ability to navigate rough seas and dive to great depths is truly impressive.
During the breeding season, male White-winged Scoters display an elaborate courtship ritual to attract females.
This includes flapping their wings, bobbing their heads, and emitting various calls.
Once a pair forms, they build a nest on the ground or in a cavity, usually near water. The female lays eggs, and both parents take turns incubating them.
Unfortunately, White-winged Scoters face various threats to their populations, including habitat loss, pollution, and disturbance from human activities.
Conservation efforts are important to protect these magnificent birds and ensure their survival.
Observing a White-winged Scotter in its natural habitat is a truly awe-inspiring experience.
Their striking white wings and unique behaviors make them a captivating species to admire and appreciate.
17. Anhinga

Anhingas, or “snakebirds,” are remarkable birds with white wings.
Found in various parts of the world, including North and South America, Africa, and Asia, these fascinating creatures are famous for their unique hunting techniques and sleek appearance.
Unlike many other birds, Anhingas have long, slender necks and bodies that allow them to swim underwater.
They are often seen with only their heads and necks above the water’s surface, earning them the nickname “snakebird.”
With their stunning white wings spread wide, they effortlessly glide through the water, searching for fish, crustaceans, and other small aquatic prey.
Anhingas are excellent divers and can remain submerged for extended periods.
Once they spot their prey, they use their sharp, pointed bills to spear their catch swiftly.
After capturing their meal, they resurface, flapping their white wings to dry them before taking flight.
These birds with white wings have adapted to various habitats, including freshwater marshes, lakes, and even coastal regions.
They are skilled fliers and can cover long distances during migration.
Male Anhingas develop a striking plumage during breeding season, with white wings and silver-gray bodies.
Their displays of courtship, which involve elaborate poses and bill-snapping, are truly a sight to behold.
Anhingas play a vital role in maintaining the balance of aquatic ecosystems.
They help control fish populations and contribute to the health of wetland habitats.
However, like many other bird species, Anhingas face threats from habitat loss, pollution, and human disturbances.
Observing an Anhinga in its natural habitat is a mesmerizing experience.
Their elegant presence and beautiful white wings are a testament to our world’s incredible diversity of birds.
Whether swimming, diving, or soaring through the sky, Anhingas never fails to capture our attention and ignite our curiosity about nature’s wonders.