15 Types of Grey Cat Breeds

Grey Cat Breeds
Photo by cocoparisienne
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Grey cats have a unique, distinctive look that distinguishes them from other breeds. Suppose you’re thinking about adding a grey cat to your family. 

In that case, it can be hard to find the right one because there are wide varieties of grey cat breeds.

Are you looking for an intelligent and playful pet who will add color to your life and bring joy to your home? Look at this list of 15 types of grey cat breeds you can choose from when making your selection!

1. American Shorthair

American Shorthair cats are among the most popular grey cat breeds in the United States. They are a medium to large-sized breed with a short, thick coat that can be grey, silver, or Blue. If looking for a laid-back companion for life, an American Shorthair is perfect for you.

2. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a large, muscular grey cat breeds with short fur in various colors and patterns. While the most popular color is grey, British Shorthairs can also be black, blue, or white.

They are known for being quiet, gentle cats who like to cuddle and play. These British Shorthair might be the perfect grey cat breeds for you if you’re looking for a laid-back feline friend!

3. Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is a small to medium-sized grey cat breeds known for their short, curly coat. They are affectionate and playful cats that enjoy being around people and other animals.

While they are not the cuddliest cats, they like to be petted and often follow their humans around the house.

Cornish Rexes are active cats that love to play and can be trained to do tricks. They are also very vocal cats and will meow or chirp when they want attention. 

Cornish Rexes have long slender bodies with large heads in proportion to their body size. These grey cat breeds come in four colors: red, cream, silver, and brown tabby.

4. Chartreux

A French breed, these Chartreux are large grey cat breeds with a short blue-grey coat. They are known for being quiet and gentle, making them ideal house pets. 

Chartreux are also relatively independent, so they don’t require as much attention as other breeds. A Chartreux may be the perfect cat for you if you’re looking for a calm and loving companion!

The modern-day Chartreux has been bred to include a reasonable degree of British Shorthair blood. The British Shorthair is an easygoing lap cat that loves children and will sit happily by your side for hours.

5. Devon Rex

Devon Rexes are one of the most popular types of grey cat breeds. They are known for their unique physical appearance and outgoing personality. Devon Rexes are also very active and playful, making them an excellent choice for families with children.

If you’re looking for grey cat breeds that are sure to stand out, a Devon Rex is the perfect choice for you! These cats were originally bred in England but can now be found worldwide. 

6. Korat

The Korat are grey cat breeds that are native to Thailand. They are known for their blue-green eyes and their triangular head shape. Korats are loving and affectionate cats that enjoy being around people. 

They are also one of the most vocal cat breeds, which means they love to chat with their humans! The Korat is the perfect breed for you if you’re looking for a chatty, loving feline friend. 

These grey cat breeds get along well with other animals and children. Korats can be shy or friendly depending on how much socialization they had as kittens.

7. Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau is beautiful grey cat breeds and one of the world’s oldest domesticated cat breeds. They are loyal, loving, and make great family pets. If you are looking for unique grey cat breeds with a long history, then the Egyptian Mau is a perfect choice! 

Their furry coats may be gray, but they have dark blue or green eyes. An average adult male weighs anywhere from six to nine pounds. An average female weighs between four and six pounds. A typical lifespan for this breed is 12-16 years.

8. Maine Coon

As one of the giant domesticated cat breeds, the Maine Coon can weigh up to 18 pounds. They are also one of North America’s oldest natural grey cat breeds. Maine Coon was recognized as a distinct breed in Maine in the 19th century. 

Today, they are known for their large size, gentle disposition, and Intelligence. Maine Coons make great companions and are particularly fond of children. When socialized early, they get along well with other pets and dogs.

Some may be wary of strangers but will generally not show any signs of aggression unless threatened or provoked. Maine Coons need lots of space to roam outside, so you must have enough room at home for them.

9. Nebelung

Nebelungs are beautiful, regal-looking grey cat breeds. They have long, silky fur that is usually grey with green eyes. They are a relatively new breed, having only been around since the 1980s.

Nebelungs are very intelligent and can be trained to do tricks. They are also very affectionate and make great companions. The Nebelung may be perfect if you want a beautiful, unique grey cat breed!

Nebelungs are between six and eight pounds when fully grown, so they are small enough to fit in most living spaces. Like other cats, Nebelungs need love and attention from their owners if they want them to grow up happy and healthy.

10. Oriental Shorthair

If you’re looking for a playful and active cat, the Oriental Shorthair is a great choice. This breed is known for being curious and outgoing, and they make great companions. They come in a variety of colors, but the most popular are the grey and silver varieties. 

Oriental Shorthairs are medium-sized grey cat breeds with lithe bodies and long legs. If you’re looking for a beautiful and unique cat, the Oriental Shorthair is a great option. In addition to their gorgeous coats, these cats have distinctive whiskers that curve upwards on either side of their nose.

 And while the first ten breeds on this list are all short-haired, this one comes in short and longhaired varieties. But be warned: Oriental Shorthairs need lots of grooming care to keep their coats clean and shiny.

11. Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds are beautiful, medium-sized cats with big, round eyes and an adorable folded ear that gives them an owl-like appearance. They are gentle and loving and make great companions for families with children and other pets. Scottish Folds come in various colors and patterns, but the most popular is grey.

12. Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is elegant; refined grey cat breeds with a beautiful blue-grey coat. They are brilliant and loving cats and make great companions.

Russian Blues are also known for being quiet and gentle, making them ideal pets for families with small children.

 The Russian Blue is the perfect breed if you’re looking for a regal yet loving cat! With their stunning dark grey coats and striking green eyes, they’ll steal your heart in an instant.

Russian Blues are more docile, so they’re perfect for families with young children or those who live in apartments.

13. Peterbald

Peterbalds are types of hairless grey cat breeds that originated in Russia. They are known for their elegant, long-limbed bodies and wide range of colors, including grey. While they may not have most cats’ traditional ‘fluffy’ coats, they make up for it in personality. 

Peterbalds are intelligent, curious, and affectionate cats that make great companions. A Peterbald may be perfect if you’re looking for a unique and loving cat! 

14. Persian

The Persian is one of the most popular cat breeds, and it’s easy to see why. With their luxurious coats and regal dispositions, these kitties make lovely companions. The Persian may be the perfect choice if you’re looking for beautiful grey cat breeds. 

Keep in mind, however, that these cats require quite a bit of grooming to keep their coats looking their best. It’s not uncommon for a Persian owner to spend an hour or more daily combing their pet’s fur.

Some people aren’t very fond of Persians because they can be aggressive and release an unpleasant odor. The upside? These cats are generally quiet, affectionate, patient, intelligent, and easily trained.

15. Norwegian Forest Cat

As the name suggests, the Norwegian Forest cat hails from Norway. It’s a large, strong breed with a thick coat of waterproof fur that helps it survive cold winters. Norwegian Forest cats are known for being independent and loving to climb.

This isn’t your breed if you’re looking for a cuddly lap cat. This cat might be perfect if you’re okay with a little distance between you and your feline friend. 

Their size also makes them great hunters. They often catch small animals like mice, rats, chipmunks, or squirrels as they roam around your home. They can weigh up to 15 pounds! 

Due to its high maintenance requirements, the Norwegian Forest Cat is one of the rarest breeds in America and Europe. This cat requires a lot of attention, making it difficult for many owners to keep up with the demands.


There are so many different grey cat breeds out there that it can be hard to choose the perfect one for you. But with this list of 15 grey cat breeds, you’re sure to find the ideal match.

 Whether you’re looking for a cuddly companion or a feisty feline friend, there’s a grey cat breed out there for everyone. So take your time, research, and find the perfect addition to your family today!

I hope this blog post helped you decide which type of grey cat breed will suit your lifestyle best!

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